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1、Unit 4 Legends of ancient GreeceMatch the picture with the name according to the description of each character in the Legends of ancient Greece根据根据古希腊神话古希腊神话/传说中角色的描述,把图片传说中角色的描述,把图片与人物的名字与人物的名字匹配匹配起来起来古希腊的神话古希腊的神话/传说传说Warming up1.Odysseus udisju:s 奥德修斯奥德修斯奥德赛奥德赛中的主人公中的主人公2.Athenei:n 雅典娜雅典娜(智慧及战争女神智

2、慧及战争女神)3.Cyclopssaiklps 塞可洛司塞可洛司(独眼巨人独眼巨人)4.Circes:sis:si 女巫神锡西女巫神锡西(能用魔法把人变成动物)(能用魔法把人变成动物)5.Penelope pinelpi pinelpi 佩涅洛佩佩涅洛佩(奥德修斯忠贞之妻)(奥德修斯忠贞之妻)6.Telemachustilemkstilemks忒勒马科斯忒勒马科斯(Odysseus Penelope之子之子)Pre-reading1.Have you heard of Homer(荷马)?(荷马)?Can you name his masterpiece(代表作代表作)?2.Have you

3、seen the film Troy?Who is the hero that designed the Trojan Horse?3.Look at the title of the reading passage and think about these two questions:Who went to search for Odysseus?Why?1.Have you heard of Homer(荷马)?(荷马)?Can you name his masterpiece(代表作代表作)?Homer was a blind minstrel in Ancient Greece,wh

4、o composed the great epic of western literature:the Iliad and the Odyssey.荷马是古希腊时期的一位盲诗人,他创作了西荷马是古希腊时期的一位盲诗人,他创作了西方文学史上的伟大史诗:伊里亚特与方文学史上的伟大史诗:伊里亚特与奥德赛奥德赛The Iliad is mainly about a war between Ancient Greece and Troy,which lasted for 10 years.伊里亚特主要讲述了伊里亚特主要讲述了一场发生在古一场发生在古希腊希腊与与特洛伊特洛伊之间之间长达年的战争长达年的战争

5、 The Odyssey is mainly about the 10-year adventure of Odysseus on his way home after the Trojan War and reassert his place as rightful king of Ithaca.奥德赛主要讲述了奥德赛主要讲述了奥德修斯在特洛伊战争之后奥德修斯在特洛伊战争之后返家途中长达年的冒险返家途中长达年的冒险经历并重新确立伊萨卡岛经历并重新确立伊萨卡岛国王的身份国王的身份 2.Have you seen the film Troy?Who is the hero that design

6、ed the Trojan Horse?the Trojan Horse特洛伊木特洛伊木马马2.Have you seen the film Troy?Who is the hero that designed the Trojan Horse?It was Odysseus who designed the Trojan Horse,a huge wooden horse in which Greek soldiers were hidden,under the command of Odysseus.That night they emerged and opened the city g

7、ates to the Greek army.Troy was destroyed.奥德修斯设计了特洛伊木马,在这个巨大的木马里面奥德修斯设计了特洛伊木马,在这个巨大的木马里面埋伏了由奥德修斯率领的希腊士兵当晚,他们现身埋伏了由奥德修斯率领的希腊士兵当晚,他们现身给希腊军队打开城门特洛伊城被攻陷给希腊军队打开城门特洛伊城被攻陷Who went to search for Odysseus?Why?3.Look at the title of the reading passage and think about these two questions:Lets skim the whole p

8、assage together to find out the answers.(5 minutes)circle the words&expressions that you dont understand.circle the names of the 6 characters.pay special attention to the Introduction and the black heading before each dialogue.While youre reading,pleaseSkimming 1.How many parts are there in the read

9、ing passage?What are they?(Tips:read the introduction and the black heading before each dialogueIntroductionScene 1Scene 2Scene 3Scene 45 parts提示:阅读引言部分及每个对话前的黑体字标题提示:阅读引言部分及每个对话前的黑体字标题2.Find out the name of the 6 main characters in the reading passage.King of Ithaca:_Queen of Ithaca:_Prince of Itha

10、ca:_Goddess of war&wisdom:_One-eyed giant:_The witch-goddess:_Odysseus奥德修斯奥德修斯Penelope 佩涅洛佩佩涅洛佩 Telemachus 忒勒马科斯忒勒马科斯Athene雅典娜雅典娜Cyclops 塞可洛司塞可洛司Circe 女巫神锡西女巫神锡西Scanning1.Match the words&expressions with the correct meaning.(Guess the meaning from the context)从上下文中猜测意思从上下文中猜测意思in vain:_wander:_permi

11、ssion:_ have unconditional faith _Satisfied with:_7.允许允许1.坚信坚信8.对满意对满意2.徒劳;枉然徒劳;枉然4.漂泊漂泊,流浪流浪scar:_approach:_dead to the world:_aimlessly:_greedily:_9.伤疤伤疤3.酣睡,熟睡酣睡,熟睡 5.靠近靠近,接近接近10.漫无目的地漫无目的地6.贪婪地贪婪地2.Choose the correct answer to sum up the main idea of each scene.Scene 1:Telemachus got welcome new

12、s from Athene that Scene 2:Telemachus got permission from his mother Scene 3:Telemachus learnt that his fatherScene 4:Telemachus learnt that his fatherB.Odysseus is still alive.D.to seek news of Odysseus.A.escaped out of the cave by blinding Cyclops.C.helped his men survive the magic of Circe.A.esca

13、ped out of the cave by blinding Cyclops.B.Odysseus is still alive.C.helped his men survive the magic of Circe.D.to seek news of Odysseus.Careful reading(分角色朗读)(分角色朗读)1.According to Episode 2,which word best describes Penelope?A.devoted B.attractive C.brave D.selfless2.According to Episode 3,what is

14、the shocking news Telemachus got?A.Odysseus men were caught by Cyclops.B.Odysseus men were killed by Cyclops.C.Odysseus men blinded CyclopsD.Odysseus and his men escaped out of the cave.3.According to Episode 4,which of the following statements is Not true?A.Odysseus men behaved rudely.B.Nobody but

15、Odysseus escaped Circes magic.C.Odysseus men couldnt live in polite society.D.Odysseus men showed no respect for Circe.4.How is the passage organized?A.cause and effectB.giving examplesC.in order of importanceD.in order of time&space5.What is most likely to happen in Episode 5?A.Telemachus will give

16、 up and return home disappointed.B.Telemachus will stay on the island waiting for his father.C.Telemachus will ask Circe to go with him to search for his father.D.Telemachus will leave Circe and go on his journey to seek news of Odysseus.ConsolidationFill in the blanks to sum up the main idea of the

17、 reading passage.On the way home from Troy,Odysseus was forced to _ before he could come home,so Telemachus got _ from his mother to _ news of his father Odysseus.During his journey,Telemachus learnt something _ about his father from Cyclops and Circe.wanderpermissionseekunexpected/unbelievableExten

18、sionFind out the truth about these two questions from Odyssey奥德赛奥德赛.1.Why did Odysseus blind Cyclops instead of killing him?A.Because Cyclops was much more powerful than Odysseus.B.Because nobody but Cyclops could move the huge rock that cover the cave.2.What caused Odysseus to blind Cyclops?A.Becau

19、se Cyclops ate two of Odysseus men.B.Because Cyclops hurt two of Odysseus men.Discussion As we know from Odyssey奥德赛奥德赛,it takes Odysseus 10 years to return home after the Trojan War.During this period of time,Queen Penelope keeps refusing her suitors 求求婚者婚者,firmly believing that King Odysseus is not

20、 dead.Prince Telemachus continues seeking news of Odysseus,never losing faith in his father.King Odysseus keeps fighting his way back home,never giving up before difficulties.Loyalty忠贞忠贞 Wit才思敏捷才思敏捷Intelligence聪明才智聪明才智Honesty诚实诚实Bravery勇敢勇敢 Sincerity 真诚真诚 Courage勇气勇气 Wisdom智慧智慧 Patience耐心耐心 Enduranc

21、e坚忍坚忍Prowess高超的技艺高超的技艺1.What great qualities do they have?(Choose some words to describe them)Queen Penelope:Prince Telemachus:King Odysseus:1.What great qualities do they have?(Choose some words to describe them)Queen Penelope:_Prince Telemachus:_King Odysseus:_Loyalty忠贞忠贞 Wit才思敏捷才思敏捷Intelligence聪明

22、才智聪明才智Honesty诚实诚实Bravery勇敢勇敢 Sincerity 真诚真诚 Courage勇气勇气 Wisdom智慧智慧 Patience耐心耐心 Endurance坚忍坚忍Prowess高超的技艺高超的技艺2.Why does Mother keep waiting for her husband,Son keep searching for his father and Father keep fighting his way back home?Because they are in one family,and they love each other deeply and faithfully.They have faith in each other,and they wont give up easily until the last possible moment.他们是一家人他们是一家人,他们真诚的深爱着对方他们真诚的深爱着对方.他们对彼他们对彼此充满信心此充满信心,不到最后一刻决不轻言放弃不到最后一刻决不轻言放弃.


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