1、1 Lesson Nine Lesson Nine Human Resource Management Human Resource Management 2Human Resource ManagementHuman Resource Management Introduction to HRM;the Difference Between PM and HRM;the Importance of HRM;the Purpose of Good HRM;the Performance of Good HRM;the Basic Aspects of HRM.3Human Resources
2、Management Wisdom(名人名言)“Treat people like assets and theyll create wealth.”-Marilyn Lustgarten4 Introduction to HRM Most employers and managers would say that people are the most valuable assets of their organization.The success of organizations depends on productive(富有成效的)and effective people.Peopl
3、e with the right knowledge,skills and abilities,and people who give their best are critical for an organization to be effective in fulfilling its mission and achieving its strategic and operational goals.5Management CultureCorporate cultureBrand cultureProfessional skills of the staff(员工的专业技能)Profes
4、sionalism of the staff(员工的敬业精神)6 the Difference Between PM and HRM Personnel management is more administrative in nature,dealing with payroll,complying with employment law,with less flexibility,and handling related tasks.Human resources,on the other hand,is responsible for managing a workforce as on
5、e of the primary resources that contributes to the success of an organization.A primary goal of human resources is to enable employees to work to a maximum level of efficiency.Fundamentally,personnel management treats employees as costs of the organization,and take mechanization management;while hum
6、an resources management treats employees as assets of it,and take human management.7 PricewaterhouseCoopers(普华永道)(普华永道)Master karoshi beauty The mother was bitterly disappointed on the attitude of the organization.“since March 31st when Pan jie asked for leave until her death,no body came to see her
7、,not a colleague,nor a leader.The mother had only received two calls,one is from a collegue who was appointed by the company,Instead of any condolence(安慰),he ask urgently:“Has Pan Jie send the last working paper to the office?”Another phone call is much cooler:“Has Pan Jie waken up,did she send the
8、working paper on earth”.8Why Is HRM Important?The Competition of Organizations Is the Competition of Human Resources.From high rates of turnover to unresolved conflicts among staff members,poorly managed staff can be very costly to an organization in terms of both productivity and actual dollars.Con
9、versely,we intuitively(直觉地、直观地)know that competent employees who are happy with their work and their workplace are more productive and can make greater contributions to organizations and people they serve,and are likely to stay with their organization longer.9Why Is HRM Important?It is critical for
10、organizations to understand that their success depends on their ability to attract and keep talented employees.And it must be realized that HRM is important to all managers in any organizations,since they all get involved in activities liking recruiting,interviewing,selecting and training.In 21st ce
11、ntury,the way people are managed is the most important determinant of organizational success.10 The Purpose of Good HRM is to:Create meaningful jobs that link to the organizations mission;Maintain the right mix of people with their knowledge,skills and abilities to accomplish the work of the organiz
12、ation;Provide a structure that helps employees be effective in their work;Provide fair and consistent(始终如一的)treatment to employees;Provide staff with persistent(不断的)feedback about their performance;Nurture an organizational culture that supports and motivates staff;Create a positive work environment
13、;Help retain effective staff members;Help staff and the organization manage to change.11The Performance of Good HRM.Good human resource management requires a thoughtful,planned approach.An organizations investment of time in developing and implementing a supportive HRM framework should result in:Sta
14、ff with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve organizational goals;Staff who understand what is expected of them and how their work contributes to the mission of the organization;Employees who are committed to the goals of the organization;A work environment which brings out the best in the emp
15、loyees;Employees who are continuously learning;Employees who understand and respect the diverse nature of the organization:its staff,clients and the communities it works in;A work environment that is safe and healthy.12What Are the Basic Aspects of HRM Human Resource Planning:Analyzing and identifyi
16、ng the need for and availability (有效性)of human resources;Recruitment and Placement:Attracting talented people into organization;Choosing the most qualified candidates from among the applicants;Training and Development:Orienting and training new employees;retraining experienced employees;Performance
17、Management and Appraisal:Motivating all employees and evaluating their performance;Compensation(薪酬)(薪酬)Strategies and Benefits:Rewarding and compensating everyone on the staff;Labor Relations.131.Human Resource Planning Human Resource Planning is a process of analyzing and identifying the need for a
18、nd availability of human resources;so that the organization can meet its objectives.If you fail to plan,you will plan to fail.14Organization Objectives And StrategiesScan External Environment For Changes Affecting LaborSupply Analyze Internal Inventory of HR CapabilitiesForecastingOrganizational Nee
19、dFor PeopleSurvey of PeopleAvailableHR Strategies and Plans 152.Recruitment and Placement招聘与配置招聘与配置 Before an organization can fill a job vacancy,it must find people who not only are qualified for the position but also want the job.Recruiting and placing is the process that an organization can deal
20、with shortages in its human resources needs.The fate of your business is actuallyin the hands of the youngest recruit.162.Recruitment and Placement招聘与配置招聘与配置 Practice:Key words:Job Hunting:Import and Export Company;apply for the position of;Major in I have years of experience in better myself send t
21、he resume by How soon could I know your decision(get your reply)?Be full qualified for(完全可以胜任)this position;17 Can you Sell yourself within two minutes?Go for it.I have been employed in a four-star hotel as an accountant.My major is I have had two years of part-time(full-time)experience in;How much
22、can a salesman expect per month?It depends on sales achievements.Provide the housing allowance(住房补贴).Do you often work overtime(加班)?18 Interview:A.Would you begin by telling something about your educational background?A.I see that your worked in a company as a sales representative first,and then you
23、 transferred to foreign company as a sales manager,what have you learned from the jobs you have had?B.I have learned a lot about business know-how.I also learned how to coordinate interpersonal teamwork is A.What kind of salary did you have in mind?B.If you make it RMB,I will be very happy.A.We have
24、 to give you a three-month probation(试用)试用)first.That is our usual practice.And in this period we can offer RMBor so,and you should know your final income depends on your sales capacity.193.Training and Development As organizations compete and change,training and development become even more critica
25、l than before.Employees must be trained and developed continually in order to maintain and update their capabilities.Training involves an expert working with learners to transfer to them certain areas of knowledge or skills to improve in their current jobs.Development is a broad,ongoing set of activ
26、ities to bring someone or an organization up to another threshold of performance.204.Performance Management and Appraisal Performance is essentially what an employee does or does not do.Employee performance common to most jobs includes the following elements:Quantity of outputQuality of outputTimeli
27、ness of outputPresence of workCooperativeness214.Performance Management and Appraisal All employers want employees who perform their jobs well.An effective performance management system consists of the processes as the following:IdentifyEncourageMeasureImproveReward employee performance225.Compensat
28、ion Strategies and Benefits(薪酬策略与福利)(薪酬策略与福利)Compensation requires balancing the interest and costs of employers with the expectations of employees.An effective compensation program in an organization addresses four objectives:1)Legal compliance with all appropriate laws and regulations;2)Cost effec
29、tiveness for the organization;3)Internal,external,and individual equity for employees;4)Performance enhancement for the organization.236.Labor Relations Labor relations is practice of managing unionized employment situations.Courses in labor relations typically cover labor history,labor law,union or
30、ganizing,bargaining,contract administration,and important contemporary topics.24 编者按:“希望天堂没有加班。”昨天,一则关于就职于普华永道25岁美女硕士“过劳死”的微博在网上被疯狂转发,普华永道对此事件迅速作出回应称潘洁并非“过劳死”。然而家属对普华永道公司的表现却并不满意,众网友在纷纷为这个年轻生命的逝去而叹息的同时。更产生了强烈疑惑:这是一个多好的工作?拿着多高的薪水?即便如此,但这些比得上一个健康的身体甚至一个活生生的生命吗?普华永道女白领病逝普华永道女白领病逝 家属称公司表现令人心寒家属称公司表现令人心寒
31、 最令潘洁母亲心寒的是潘洁单位的态度,“潘洁从3月31日请假到走,她单位的人从来没有来看望过她,没有一个同事、一个领导来过。我为了给潘洁请假,把病假单、我的联系方式与名字都给了她单位,但只接到了两通电话,第一个来电话的人自称是受公司委派,问:潘洁把最后工作的底稿发过去了吗?我说潘洁在昏迷阶段。第二个电话仍然是来问:潘洁醒了吗?她工作底稿发过去了吗?我只好说,潘洁是个负责任的姑娘,她会完成工作。”25潘妈妈:女儿生前常加班到半夜潘妈妈:女儿生前常加班到半夜 潘洁父母告诉记者,潘洁是家里的独生女儿,从小就非常优秀。2003年顺利考入交大,2006年去新加坡交流学习,其后又在日本和德国拿到了双硕士。
32、2010年10月,潘洁被普华永道公司录取,从事审计。父母原以为一家人的美好生活就此开始,不料随之而来的却是一场噩梦。“进入普华永道之后,她就一直在不停地加班。”潘妈妈回忆道,今年1月份开始,女儿接手一个锦江集团的年报项目,她就经常因加班而很晚回家。到2月份,加班的时间更长了,每天都要半夜才到家。进入3月,每天到家就是凌晨1、2点钟。“四大四大”员工全年无休员工全年无休 潘洁去世后,很多人都有一个最直接的疑问:“四大”员工的工作量为何如此之大?几个接受第一财经日报记者采访的四大就业人员,都提到了项目“收益率”的说法。“收益率”是许多经理们非常看重的一个指标,因为和其业绩表现都有直接挂钩。员工们在
33、跟进一个具体项目时,需要填一张时间统计表,记录自己完成该项目时所需要的时间。“简单地说,就是一个100万的项目,如果花了50个小时做完,那么肯定要比花100个小时做完收益率要高,经理们的业绩表现会因此更漂亮。所以虽然理论上加班时间可以填入时间统计表,用来获取加班费或者换取假期,但实际中很多加班时间都不会计入这张时间统计表。”在普华永道工作过数年的董北(化名)表示。26普华永道女硕士遭万人微博转发普华永道女硕士遭万人微博转发 细数过劳死细数过劳死2222人悲剧人悲剧 12日晚,微博上一则“普华永道美女硕士过劳死”的帖子引起网友关注,仅一晚上就有近万人转发。帖子中说:“普华永道会计师事务所审计部门
34、一名入职仅半年的员工由于过度劳累引发急性脑膜炎,不治身亡。”记者今天上午从普华永道的员工处证实此事,尽管是否为过劳死尚无定论,但白领的工作强度和健康状况着实令人担忧。选择能承受之重选择能承受之重 别让生活只剩下工作别让生活只剩下工作 一个25岁生命的伤逝,令人扼腕。而一个小小螺丝的故障,并未影响整架机器的高效运转。新天地企业大厦的普华永道办公楼里,灯火通明的加班、永不停息的业务、源源不断招聘进来的新生力量,都在展示这家企业的繁荣兴旺低调而神秘的四大会计师务所,他们到底是怎样的一类公司?搜索结果很出人意料:他们,曾经被评为最佳雇主。在2007年美国商业周刊的大学生最佳雇主年度榜上,普华永道名列榜
35、单,德勤、安永、毕马威“四大”都曾榜上有名。当然,硬币也有它的另一面:行色匆匆,玩命加班,咖啡、烟以及不睡觉是他们的标签。薪水很高、升职很快、但跳槽也不断,不是在出差就是在赶往出差的路上,平均每月都能收到10封同事的离职信,过劳死的个案时有耳闻在普华永道,最终大约只有5%的人留了下来,摸到了金字塔的塔尖。(新华财经)27 I.Fill in the blanks.1.The entity to whom you owe money is your _.2.People will _ _ _ you if you create both social and economic benefits
36、for them.3.When you find you are not the type of a boss,you can cover the _ either by improving yourself or hire somebody with necessary skill.4.The major advantage of running a small business is _.5.People can _ nonverbal signals to determine whether a sender is being truthful or deceitful.28 6.At
37、the beginning of your business,you must accept a certain portion of sales _ _.7.Management is defined as the application of _ _ _ and _functions.8.Plans are put into effect by _ process.9._ skill helps top managers see the whole enterprise as well as the relationships that between the various parts.
38、10.The key to management effectiveness is _.29 In other words,the manager coordinates the work of others to accomplish goals that might not be achievable by an individual.Thus management will be defined as the application of planning,organizing,directing and controlling functions in the most efficie
39、nt manner possible to accomplish meaningful organizational objectives.30 Planning consists of two basic activities:setting objectives,and deciding how to attain(达到)these objectives.By its very nature(本质特性),planning is concerned with(与有关)the future.31 Organizing is the function or process of dividing
40、 the work into small units and assigning(把指定给)the units to people.Plans are put into effect(实现)by the organizing process.32 Directing is the management function of supervising and guiding subordinates(下属).Much of this is done on a face to face basis with the employees as they perform their tasks.33
41、Controlling is the function or process in which management compares expected result(预期效果)with actual performance(实际表现)and then takes steps to correct significant deviations(偏差)that have occurred.34 II.True or False Statement.()1.When you go into business,the competitors will sometimes be your boss.(
42、)2.It is necessary for the middle managers to grasp technical skills.()3.The further up the hierarchy one goes the less important technical skills become and the more important conceptual skills become.()4.Employees are the only resource that can,with training,appreciate(增值)(增值)in value.All others d
43、epreciate(贬值)(贬值).()5.When you are away and some of your people did exceptional job,remember to thank them the next time you see them.35()6.One of the advantages of written communication is persuasiveness.()7.Feeling of superiority shows friendly attitude.()8.Over estimating in potential income will
44、 result in under capitalization.()9.Directing is the function or process in which management compares expected result with actual performance and then takes steps to correct significant deviations that have occurred.()10.Repetition in communication means you should stand in front of your audience an
45、d repeat yourself over and over again.36 In reaching your final estimate do not be over enthusiastic,why?1)A new business generally grows slowly at the start;2)If you overestimate sales,you are likely to invest too much in equipment and initial inventory;3)You will commit yourself to heavier operating expenses;4)You might have no sales or very low sales at the beginning;5)You must accept a certain proportion of sales on credit.