1、1.To get some knowledge about poems and enjoy some Chinese and English poems2.To learn different forms of poetryDo you remember any little poems or songs you learned when you were a child?What is a poem?A poem is a composition with rhythmicbalance expressing ideas or experiencesor feelings.A poem is
2、 a literary work that is not in verse but deals with emotional or descriptive themes in a rhythmic form.A poem is a piece of writing in whichthe words are arranged in separate lines,often ending in rhyme,and are chosen for their sound and for the images and ideas they suggest.A Grain of Sand William
3、 BlakeTo see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour.Have you read the two poems below?一粒沙一粒沙 威廉威廉布莱克布莱克 一沙一世界,一沙一世界,一花一天堂,一花一天堂,掌中无极限,掌中无极限,永恒刹那间。永恒刹那间。Dreams By L.HughesHold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a b
4、roken-winged bird That can never fly Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen only with snow梦想梦想 兰斯顿兰斯顿休斯休斯紧紧抓住梦想,紧紧抓住梦想,千万别让它消亡,千万别让它消亡,否则生活就像鸟儿断了翅膀,否则生活就像鸟儿断了翅膀,再也不能飞翔。再也不能飞翔。紧紧抓住梦想,紧紧抓住梦想,千万别让它消亡,千万别让它消亡,否则生活就像严冬的荒野,否则生活就像严冬的荒野,遍地布满冰霜。遍地布满冰霜。人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 P
5、oems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)How many poets do you know?Can you remember any poems you have read in school,either in Chinese or in English?人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Re
6、ading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Quiz in Chinese traditional poemsCan you recite the Chinese traditional poems according to their English translation?Lets have a competition.人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems
7、 Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)If you would ask me how my sorrow has increased,Just see the over-brimming river flowing east!虞美人虞美人 李煜李煜 问君能有几多愁,问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。恰似一江春水向东流。人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 P
8、oems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)How long will the bright moon appear?Wine-cup in hand,I ask the sky.I do not know what time of year,It would be tonight in the palace on high.水调歌头水调歌头 苏轼苏轼 明月几时有?把酒问青天。明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙
9、,今夕是何年。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)I look for her in vain.When all at once I turn my head,I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.青玉案青玉案元夕元夕 辛
10、弃疾辛弃疾 众里寻他千百度,众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,蓦然回首,那人却在,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。灯火阑珊处。人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)I seek but seek in vain,I search and search again;I feel so sad,so drear,so lonely,w
11、ithout cheer.声声慢声声慢 李清照李清照 寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。凄凄惨惨戚戚。人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Can you name some famous Chinese poets and then recite their poems?床前明月光,床前明月光,
12、疑是地上霜。疑是地上霜。举头望明月,举头望明月,低头思故乡。低头思故乡。五言绝句五言绝句静夜思静夜思 李白李白人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)死去元知万事空,死去元知万事空,但悲不见九州同。但悲不见九州同。王师北定中原日,王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁!家祭无忘告乃翁!七言绝句七言绝句示儿示儿 陆游陆游人教
13、版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)春眠不觉晓,春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,夜来风雨声,花落知多少。花落知多少。五言绝句五言绝句春晓春晓 孟浩然孟浩然人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张
14、PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)昔闻洞庭水,昔闻洞庭水,今上岳阳楼。今上岳阳楼。吴楚东南坼,吴楚东南坼,乾坤日夜浮。乾坤日夜浮。亲朋无一字,亲朋无一字,老病有孤舟。老病有孤舟。戎马关山北,戎马关山北,凭轩涕泗流。凭轩涕泗流。五言律诗五言律诗 登岳阳楼登岳阳楼 杜甫杜甫人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版
15、高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Byron (拜伦拜伦)AmericaEmerson (爱默生爱默生)EnglandShelly (雪莱雪莱)England Tagore
16、 (泰戈尔泰戈尔)GermanyGoethe (歌德歌德)India Can you match the poets and their living countries?人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems
17、 Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)There are many reasons why people write poems.In small groups make a list of these reasons.Why do people write poems?People write poems to tell a story to express feelings to make others lau
18、gh人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)to tell the life or friendship to delight the kidsto tell storiesto describe the seasons or scenesfor entertainment as the lyric of a so
19、ng 人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems R
20、eading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Skim the passage and finish the tasks.1.What is the main idea of the reading passage?Some simple forms of English poems.人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张
21、张PPT)PPT)Five kinds of poemsNursery rhymesCinquain List poemsHaiku Tang poems2.How many kinds of poems does the passage mention?What are they?人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)
22、PPT)3.Tick the correct box(es)for each question.ABCDEFGHWhich poem?人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Which poem?ABCDEFGHhas rhyming words at the end of lines?repeats words
23、or phrases?人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Read the parts of the text describing different forms of poetry and fill in the blanks in the chart,getting to know the differe
24、nt patterns of each kind of poem.人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)recite rhythm feelinglengthphrasesfive picture 17 人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Re
25、ading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)1.What is the poem about?Poem A is a nursery thyme that illustrates a fathers love for his baby.Nursery rhymes人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教
26、版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Whats the main idea of poem B?Poem B is an amusing nonsense poem which describes images of some ridiculous things.List poems人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语
27、选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Read Poems A and B and find out the rhyming words for the following words:A:word _;sing _;brass _;broke _;away _B:fire _;high _;lead _;race _;cat _;too _truemockingbirdringlooking-glassbilly-goattodaysquireskydeadlacehat人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英
28、语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Read poem C.Whats the main idea of poem C?Poem C is about losing a football match and the writer lists a lot of excuses for their failure.Why didnt the p
29、layers in poem C win?Write down three excuses that the author gives.Does the author really believe his or her excuses?How do you know?人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)They
30、 didnt win because they didnt have enough time;they didnt have thousands of fans screaming;they stayed up too late the night before;they ran out of energy.The author doesnt believe his or her excuses,because at the end of the poem the speaker admits that they just didnot play well enough to win.人教版高
31、二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)A list poem is one of the easiest kinds ofpoems to write because it can have as many lines as the writer likes.But that doesnt mean you should
32、 write down anything.Heres a list of elements that make a list poem instead of just a list:1)The writer is telling you something pointing something out saying,“Look at this”or“Think about this”.How to write a list poem人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人
33、教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)2)Theres a beginning and an end to it,like in a story.3)Each item in the list is written the same way.Heres an example of a list poem about a noisy brother.人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件
34、(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)My Noisy Brother He slurps when he eats cereal in the morning.He gargles milk.He burps after eating.He cracks his knuckles.He whistles.He snaps his fingers.He squawks when hes mad.He snores at night.人教版
35、高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Whats the main idea of poem D?Poem D is a description of a lovely brother.Cinquain 人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Readi
36、ng课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Whats the main idea of poem E?Poem E is a description of hot and boring summer.人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Read
37、ing6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Poem D:his/her brotherPoem D:The author likes his subject.Although the speaker describes a couple of negative aspects of his/her brother,the reader can feel the affection that the speaker feels for his/her brother.What are poems D and E about?Do the autho
38、rs like the subjects?Give your reasons.人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Poem E:summer Poem E:The author doesnt like his subject.The reader gets the feeling that the speake
39、r cannot wait until the summer is over.The words drooping,dreading,week in,week out and endless convey this feeling.人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)The cinquain is made u
40、p of five lines and has the following structure:Line 1:a noun that names the subject of the poem Line 2:two adjectives that describe the subjectLine 3:three verbs ending with ing that describe the subjects actionsCinquain 人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)P
41、PT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Line 4:four words that give the writers opinions or feelings about the subjectLine 5:a word that gives another name for the subject人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高
42、二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Whats the main idea of poem F?Poem F describes how a butterfly rests on a tree.Haiku 人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Read
43、ing课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Whats the main idea of poem G?Poem G describes that the weather is warmer and the village is full of happy children.人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PP
44、T)Haiku is a form of Japanese lyric verse that encapsulates a single impression of a natural object or scene,within a particular season,in 17 syllables arranged in three unrhymed lines of five,seven,and five syllables.Haiku 人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT
45、)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Read Poems F and G again and divide the 17 syllables.A fallen blossomIs coming back to the branch.Look,a butterfly!Snow having melted,The whole village is brimfulOf happy children.人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Re
46、ading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)A fall-en blos-som is com-ing back to the branch.Look,a but-ter-fly!Snow hav-ing melt-ed,the whole vil-lage is brim-ful of hap-py chil-dren.人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems
47、Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)Where she awaits her husband On and on the river flows.Never looking back,Transformed into stone.Day by day upon the mountain top,wind and rain revolve.Should the travell
48、er return,this stone would utter speech.人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)望夫石望夫石望夫处,江悠悠望夫处,江悠悠,化为石,不回头。化为石,不回头。山头日日风复雨,山头日日风复雨,行人归来石应语。行人归来石应语。人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poe
49、ms Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)What is the story that the poem H tells?Tell the story in your own words.A womans husband has gone away.The woman waits for him by the river where she last saw him.She
50、 waits and waits,never moving from that spot and never speaking,while the river continues to flow and the wind and rain come and go.人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)人教版高二英语选修人教版高二英语选修6Unit 2 Poems Reading6Unit 2 Poems Reading课件课件(共共6969张张PPT)PPT)What f