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1、Module 4 Great Scientists (一)分类记单词 核心单词 记全记牢 1._ vt. 出版 2_ n. 突破 3_ vt. 支持 4_ vt. 改变;转换 5_ vt. 取代;以代替 6_n. 受害者 publish breakthrough support convert replace victim 7_ vi. 逃跑;逃避 8_ adj. 直的 9_ vi. (烟雾)消散 10_ n. 数量 11_ n. 质量 12_ vt. 诊断 escape straight clear quantity quality diagnose 用准用活 单词拼写/单句语法填空 1Wi

2、th medical _ (突破), people are living a healthier and longer life. 22019 全国卷You also need to judge the _ (质量) and depth of your motivation 3John got seriously injured in the match yesterday, and therefore he _ (replace)by another player. 4 They managed _ (escape) from the burning building by breaking

3、 down the door. 5Most of the flood _ (victim) had to leave all their things behind. 6He _ (publish) his first novel when he was eighteen years old. breakthrough quality was replaced to escape victims published 拓展单词, 1._ n生产者_ vt.生产_ n生产 2_ adj.主要的_ vt.领导_ n领导者 3_ vt.教育_ n教育_ n教育者 4_ n农业_ adj.农业的 5_

4、adj.原来的;最初的_ n起源_ v起源 producer produce production leading lead leader educate education educator agriculture agricultural original origin originate 6_ vt.出口_ vt.进口 7_ n爆炸;爆炸声_ vi.爆炸 8_ vi.毕业;n.毕业生_ n毕业 9_ adj.个人的;私人的_ adv.就自己而言 10_ adj.简短的;简洁的_ adv.简短地,简洁 地 11_ adj.身体的_ adv.身体上;体格上, export import ex

5、plosion explode graduate graduation personal personally brief briefly physical physically 用所给词的适当形式填空 1As is known to us, the star has been picked out to play the _ (lead) role in the film. 22018 江苏卷Technology is vital for _ (agriculture) development. 3This word _ from a Latin word and the _ meaning

6、 was quite different from what it is today. (origin) 4After _, he is one of the _ who have _ this year and are looking for a job. (graduate) leading agricultural originated original graduation graduates graduated 5After the president made an official announcement, she expressed her _ opinion._ speak

7、ing, I agreed with what she said. (person) 6Though she explained the topic _, we still learned a lot from her _ words. (brief) 7The government is attaching more importance to _ the younger generation. In a sense, it is the duty of every _ to do what they can for the cause of _ of China. (educate) pe

8、rsonal Personally briefly brief educating educator education 阅读单词, 1.biochemistry n _ 2biology n. _ 3botany n. _ 4genetics n. _ 5zoology n. _ 6staple adj. _ 7nickname n. _ 8breeding n. _ 9species n. _ 10. yield n _ 生物化学 生物学 植物学 遗传学 动物学 主要的;重要的 绰号 培育 (动物或植物的)种 产量 11hybrid n. _ 12best- seller n. _ 13b

9、rilliant adj. _ 14relativity n. _ 15rocket n. _ 16millennium n. _ 17gunpowder n. _ 18arrow n. _ 杂交种 畅销书(或唱片等) 聪颖的;才华横溢的 相对论 火箭 千年 火药 (弓)箭 联想维空间 1.“数量”名词全接触 quantity 数量 amount 数量 number 数量 mass 大量 plenty 大量 2.“支持”高频词汇荟萃 support vt. 支持 approve vt. 批准;赞同 favour vt.&n. 赞成 be in favour of 支持 be for 支持 ba

10、ck up 支持 3.- s结尾的单复数同形名词 species n (动物或植物的)种 series n. 系列 means n. 方法 crossroads n. 十字路口 remains n. 剩余物 works n. 工厂 (二)联想背短语 记全记牢 1. _ 培养;养育 2_ (做)某事的关键 3_ 对进行实验 4_ 引进 5_ 实施;履行 6_ 由于的结果 7_ 因而出名/闻名 8_ 被诊断患有疾病 9_ 谋生 10_ 掌权 bring up the key to (doing) sth experiment with. bring in carry out as a result

11、 of. be known for. be diagnosed with. earn ones living come to power 用准用活 选用左栏短语填空 1. _ the big fire, thousands of people lost their homes. 2Some uneducated and unskilled people _ by doing manual labor. 3New technology has been _ since China was open to the outside world. 4Scientific farming is _ th

12、e further development of agriculture. 5The artists had little faith in the political leader who _ after the war. 6After his wife _ breast cancer, he spent all of his time looking after her. As a result of earn their living brought in the key to came to power was diagnosed with 联想维空间 1.由the key to想到的

13、 the approach to 的方法 the access to 的通道 the answer to 的答案 the notes to 的注释 the entrance to 的入口 2.carry相关短语多棱镜 carry out 实施;履行;完成(任务) carry on 继续;开展;维持 carry through 贯彻到底;成功完成 carry away 拿走;带走;运走 carry back 带回;使回想起 (三)精彩写句式 背原句 明句式 学仿写 1.In Stephen Hawkings case it was discovered that he was a brillia

14、nt scientist. 就史蒂芬 霍金的 情况来说,人们 发现他是一个卓 越的科学家。 It is/was过 去分词that 从句。 1.据报道,在这次事故 中没有乘客受伤。 _ no passengers were injured in the accident. It was reported that 2.The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction. 这些管子被绑在 一根长木棍上, 这根木棍能使火 箭直线前进。 keep宾语 宾语

15、补足语。 2.很抱歉让你等了三个 小时。 I am sorry for having _ for three hours. kept you waiting 3.Or was he carried miles into space, becoming the worlds first astronaut? 或者他被带到了 太空中数英里的 地方,成为世界 上第一个宇航 员? 现在分词短语 作结果状语。 3.今年夏天南方雨下得很 大,导致几个省份严重洪 灾。 It rained heavily in the south this summer, _ _. causing serious flood

16、ing in several provinces |重点单词突破 1support n&vt.支持;拥护 佳句背诵:2016 北京卷单项填空Your support is important to our work.Whatever you can do helps. 你的支持对我们的工作很重要。你能做的任何事都会有所帮助。 (1)support a family 赡养家庭 support sb.in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事方面支持某人 support oneself 自力更生 (2)in support of sb./sth. 支持或支援某人/某事 (3)supporter

17、n. 支持者 巧学巧练1 基础练习单句语法填空 The old man went into the room, _ (support) by his wife. 2019 北京卷We are finally waking up to the severity of the problem by _ (support) and developing a group of tools, apps and approaches. Financially _ (support) by the government, the research eventually turned out to be a

18、great success. 能力提升单句写作 只有少数人支持他的计划,这使他很失望。 Only a few people spoke _, which made him very disappointed. supported supporting supported in support of his plan 2quantity n量;数量;数目,数额 佳句背诵:As far as Im concerned, it is quality rather than quantity that really counts. 就我个人而言,重要的是质量而不是数量。 (1)a (large) qu

19、antity of 大量的 quantities of 不可数名词 可数名词复数 许多的;大量的 in quantity 大量的 (2)quality n. 质量 巧学巧练2 基础练习单句语法填空 As a result of destroying the forests, a large quantity of desert _ (cover) the land in the past few years. In the first place, vehicles send large quantities of poisonous gases which _ (be) a major so

20、urce of air pollution. 能力提升单句写作 在考前,我花了大量的时间做准备。否则,我不会成功地通过 考试。 Before the exam, I _ it. Otherwise, I wouldnt have succeeded in passing the exam. has covered are spent a large quantity of time in preparing for 名师指津:a quantity of/large quantities of后既可接不可数名词, 也可接可数名词的复数形式;但当它作主语或其修饰的名词作主语 时,谓语动词一般根据q

21、uantity的单复数形式而定。 3escape vi.&vt.逃脱;逃走;避开;n.逃跑;逃走 佳句背诵:Last year I had a narrow escape, so I dont want to risk my life a second time. 去年我死里逃生,因此我不想再去冒生命危险了。 (1)escape (doing) sth. 逃避(做)某事 escape from 从逃脱;逃避 escape ones attention/notice 逃过某人的注意 (2)a narrow escape 九死一生 巧学巧练3 基础练习单句语法填空 It is said that

22、he narrowly escaped _ (kill) in the traffic accident the other day. Compared with the _ (escape) driver, I am proud of what I did. He was careful enough so nothing _ (escape) his attention. being killed escaped escaped 能力提升句式升级 普通表达:The woman managed to escape from the fire with her baby.She was ext

23、remely terrified and exhausted. 高级表达:The woman managed to escape from the fire with her baby, _. (形容词作状语) 熟词生义:Bob looked back only to find an old classmate whose name escaped(vi.被遗忘) him for the moment. extremely terrified and exhausted 4clear vt.使清澈,使清楚,扫清;vi.变清澈;(天)变晴;(烟雾) 消散;adj.清澈的;晴;清晰的 一词多义 写

24、出下列句中clear的含义 It was a fine day once the fog had cleared. _ The sky cleared after the storm. _ The professor cleared his throat before giving a speech. _ We tried our best to clear his mind of doubt. _ 2019 浙江卷The answer to this question is not clear. _ 消散 (天)放晴 清(嗓子) 消除 明确的 (1)clear away 扫除,收拾 clea

25、r up 整理,收拾,消除(误会、疑 虑等);(天)放晴 (2)make.clear 清楚表明,讲清楚 It is clear that. 显然 巧学巧练4 基础练习单句语法填空 Its raining now, but I think it will clear _ soon. Cities like Beijing suffer from terrible smog, and rain can help clear _ air pollution. Susan made _ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself

26、. 能力提升单句写作 显然,手机在青年中很普遍并且改变了他们的生活方式。 _ mobile phones have become popular among teenagers and changed their way of life. up away it It is clear that 短语句式提能互动 1bring in请做;提出;引进;赚钱;收获 佳句背诵:The government plans to bring in new laws forcing parents to take more responsibility for the education of their c

27、hildren. 政府计划推行新法,强制父母对子女的教育承担更多责任。 bring about 引起;导致 bring back 归还;使记起;使恢复 bring down 使落下;降低;减少 bring up 教育;养育;提出;呕吐 巧学巧练1用bring短语填空 It goes without saying that science has _ many changes in our lives. He left her to _ three young children on her own. The new foreign teacher _ many new ideas on tea

28、ching. brought about bring up brought in 2come to/into power开始执政,当权,上台 佳句背诵:He left Germany when Hitler came to power and went to work in the US. 希特勒上台时,他离开了德国,去美国工作了。 (1)beyond ones power 超出某人的能力 do all/everything in ones power do ones best 尽力而为;竭尽全力 (2)powerful adj. 强大的 powerless adj. 无力的;没有能力的 巧学

29、巧练2 基础练习单句语法填空 Honestly speaking, its beyond my _ (powerful) to help you solve such a difficult problem. 能力提升词汇升级 低频词汇:We will do our best to help you, but you must get prepared to meet all kinds of difficulties. (best) 高频词汇:We will _ to assist you, but you must get prepared to meet all kinds of dif

30、ficulties. (power) 高频词汇:We will _ to assist you, but you must get prepared to meet all kinds of difficulties. (spare) power do everything in our power spare no effort 3句型公式:keep宾语宾语补足语 The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction.这些管子被绑在一根长木棍上,这

31、根木 棍能使火箭沿直线前进。 句中的keep the rocket moving为“keep宾语宾补”结构。 (1)keep宾语形容词/副词/介词短语 (2)keep宾语现在分词(分词与宾语构成主动关系) (3)keep宾语过去分词(分词与宾语构成被动关系) 巧学巧练3 基础练习单句语法填空 The other students in the class keep their eyes _ (close) How can you keep him _ (work) without a break even for a minute? Please keep us _ (inform) of a

32、ny change of address as soon as possible. 能力提升高考小作文 2019 全国卷当设定目标时,你应该把这些点记在心里。 You must _ while setting your goals. closed working informed keep these points in mind 基础达标题组 .单句语法填空 12018 全国卷In his introduction, he made _ clear that our credits would be hard- earned. 22018 全国卷Take yourself out of yo

33、ur comfort zone for a week, discover new personal _ (quality) and learn new skills. 32017 全国卷When all those had been done, the road surface _ (replace) 42017 全国卷Freddy did several jobs after his _ (graduate) from high school. 5Many trees had been blown down by the high winds, _ (block) roads. it qua

34、lities was replaced graduation blocking 6Many _ (educate) think that students in China are burdened with heavy homework. 7Large quantities of information, as well as some timely help _ (offer) since the organization was built. 8The key to _ (solve) the problem is to meet the demand _ (make) by the c

35、ustomers. 9Mike often attempts to escape _ (fine) whenever he breaks traffic regulations. 10It has helped me become stronger, both mentally and _ (physical) educators have been offered solving made being fined physically .单句改错 1Memorizing a large number of words is the key to improve your English. _

36、 2A scientist must produce evidence in the support of a theory. _ 3Some uneducated and unskilled people earn their life by doing manual work. _ 4His first book published last year and it turned out to be a best- seller. _ 5Large quantities of money has been spent in bringing up his children so far.

37、_ improveimproving 去掉 the lifeliving published 前加 was hashave 能力强化题组 .课文语法填空 根据课文内容,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确 形式。 The Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a 1._ (lead) figure in the rice- growing world. He was born and brought 2._ in China. As a boy he 3. _ (educate) in many schools.He studied agricu

38、lture in college. After 4._ (graduate) from Southwest Agriculture College, he 5. _ (devote) himself to agriculture education and research ever since.He thought that the key to 6._ (feed) people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly. leading up was educated graduating has devoted feedi

39、ng After many years hard work, he produced 7._ new plant by crossing different species of rice plant, 8._ could give a 9._ (high) yield than either of the original plants. This breakthrough in rice breeding has made great 10. _ (contribute) to the world. a which higher contribution .话题写作 用课文词汇写高分作文

40、clear, replace,quality,quantity, brilliant, figure, graduate, publish, as a result of 1补全要点句(选用上面方框中的单词或短语) 对于每个人来说,很显然什么也取代不了母亲的爱和照顾。 It is _ to everyone that nothing can _ mothers love and care. 他的母亲,有许多优秀的品质,并且在他的教育上花费了大量 的金钱。 His mother has many fine _ and spent a large _ of money on his educati

41、on. clear replace qualities quantity 从北京大学毕业后不久他就成为他所在领域里才华横溢的人 物。 He became a _ in his field soon after he _ from Peking University. 上周他的第一本书出版了。 His first book was _ last week. 因为他母亲的支持他才获得成功的。 He achieves success _ of his mothers support. brilliant figure graduated published as a result 2升级平淡句 (1

42、)用定语从句改写句 (2)用非谓语动词作状语改写句 (3)用强调句型改写句 His mother, who has many fine qualities, spent a large quantity of money on his education. Having graduated from Peking University, he became a brilliant figure in his field soon. It is as a result of his mothers support that he achieves success. 3衔接成语篇(注意使用适当的过

43、渡衔接词汇:in brief) It is clear to everyone that nothing can replace mothers love and care.His mother, who has many fine qualities, spent a large quantity of money on his education.Having graduated from Peking University, he became a brilliant figure in his field soon.His first book was published last week. In brief, it is as a result of his mothers support that he achieves success.


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