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1、1PDP员工个人发展计划2Agenda日程 Review feedback from our people 回顾来自员工的反馈建议 PDP Process PDP流程 Managers Responsibilities 上司的责任 Employees Responsibilities 员工的责任 Development Planning Guidelines and Examples 发展计划的指引及实例 What the next?下一步?3From an employee point of view,what are the biggest challenges in preparing

2、their PDP?员工在准备其PDP时面临的最大挑战My knowledge and ability to complete the PDP form完成PDP表格所需的知识和能力Find right development activities for my improvement寻找针对改进的恰当发展行动My Managers genuine interest in peoples development上司对员工发展的切实关注Lack of opportunity to grow in my property酒店内的发展机会欠缺4From a manager point of view

3、,what are the biggest challenges in helping our people to prepare their PDP?上司在帮助员工准备PDP时面临的最大挑战 Cost of time,money,and resources in peoples development 时间、金钱和员工发展所需的各类资源 Managers knowledge and ability to help our people in the process 上司帮助员工PDP所需的知识和能力 Manager lack of commitment 上司对PDP缺乏认可和投入 5Why

4、our people dont feel we are focusing on their development?员工为何感受不到我们对其发展的重视?No PDP Meeting没有PDP会谈Lack of follow up for individuals PDP对员工PDP缺乏落实Turnover of middle managers breaks the process因中层经理流动而导致的进程终止PDP not link with peoples promotion in the hotelPDP和员工升职之间缺乏关联People thought promotion and sala

5、ry increase is more important than personal development相对个人发展,员工认为升职和加薪更重要People thought PDP is“attending training”,but a lot of time,it is not the most effective way员工将PDP等同于“参加培训”,其实很多时候培训并非最有效途径6What do you like to see most in this training?在此次的培训中,我们希望看到.?Talk about more on-the-job activities 更多

6、讨论在岗工作活动 Ways or approaches to learn to improve their shortages/weakness.改进员工弱项的学习方法和途径 Have more real cases and examples on how PDP link to performance 运用更多真实案例来阐述PDP与绩效之间的联系 How to review the progress of employees PDP effectively&conveniently?如何方便有效地评估员工PDP进程 Emphasis on tracking and following up

7、追踪进展,重视落实7What else the Corporate Office can do to help your hotel improve in this area?/公司还有哪些事项可帮助酒店提升PDP表现?Structured promotion/transfer policy committed by owners 标准化的升职/调岗政策且获业主认可 A platform for hotels to share best practice in development planning.建立酒店间可分享有关发展计划最佳做法的沟通平台 A development resource

8、s booklet for our people to refer to when preparing their development plan such as“Successful Manager Handbook”published by PDI 提供在准备发展计划时用作参考的小册子,如PDI出版的“成功经理手册”To have more integrated approach and communication on talent management process 有关精英管理流程更为全面完整的方案和沟通资讯 More focused and structured in HIPO

9、 development 在高潜力员工发展方面更具针对性和系统性8Process流程Steps/步骤步骤Who/何人负责何人负责When/何时完成何时完成HR organize and conduct training to managers and employeesHR组织开展针对经理和员工的培训HR人力资源部February/2月Employee prepare own PDP base on performance feedback员工根据绩效反馈结果,准备其PDPEmployee员工March/3月Manager prepare for the PDP meeting经理准备进行PD

10、P会谈Manager经理March/3月Conduct PDP meeting and agree on plan主持PDP会谈并达成一致Manager&Employee经理和员工March/3 月Implement the Plan实施计划Employee with support by manager员工实施,经理支持Onwards/3月之后Everyone has development need and should have a development plan各人皆有其发展需求,应有相应发展计划各人皆有其发展需求,应有相应发展计划Employee owns his/her deve

11、lopment.Manager provides support.员工对其自身发展负责,经理则需提供支持员工对其自身发展负责,经理则需提供支持9Employees Responsibilities员工责任 Take ownership and accountability for your development&growth 对自身发展承担责任和义务 Think about your career aspiration 考虑自身职业理想 Know your strength and gaps 了解自身优势和差距 Seek feedbacks from manager,peers,and su

12、bordinate 主动获取上司、同僚和下属的反馈 Prepare your PDP 准备自己的PDP Discuss your PDP with your Manager 和上司讨论自己的PDP Implement your PDP 实施自己的PDP Ask for support and seek feedback continuously 持续寻求支持并听取反馈10Managers Responsibilities上司的责任 Deliver our commitment room to grow 遵守承诺 发展的空间 Know peoples career aspiration 了解员工

13、的职业理想 Know peoples strength and gaps 了解员工的优势和差距 Spend time to discuss employees PDP 花时间与员工讨论其PDP Provide suggestions on development method and activities during PDP meeting 在PDP会谈中提供关于发展方式及活动的建议 Provide necessary support for your people to implement their development plan 在员工实施发展计划时向其提供必要的支持 Provide

14、 continuous feedback 持续提供反馈11Planning for success为成功计划12My Career Aspirations我的职业理想 What I want to do in the future?我未来想从事什么职位?Time frame?时间表?Mobility?是否愿意迁移?Realistic?切合实际?If I stay in current role,how I want to see myself being more effective 如果依然从事现职位,任何使自己更加有效?13My Career Aspirations Example我的职业

15、理想 实例 To stay in current role in next 12 months 在接下来的12个月中依然任现职 Open a full service hotel in 1st or 2nd tier city within next 2 years 之后两年内,在1或2线城市筹开一家全功能酒店 To become an F&B head in CP or IC hotels in 3 years 3年内成为CP或IC酒店的餐饮总监 To become a GM in HIEX in 12 months 12个月内成为假日快捷酒店的总经理 To strengthen my le

16、adership in current role in next 12 months 之后12个月里在现职任内提升自身领导力 To acquire exposure in Rooms in next 12 months 在之后12个月里涉猎房务部14 Reflect on performance review,others feedback,and your career aspiration 反思绩效评估结果和他人反馈,体现个人职业理想 Identify 2 to 4 areas to focus(strength and development needs,current role and

17、 future role)致力于2至4个关键领域(优势、发展需求、现职、未来职位)Targets link to Leadership/Functional Competencies 目标专注于领导/专业能力 Focus on your behavior,not on business results 关注自身行为而非经营结果Step 1:My Target第一步:我的目标What I am going to focus my development on?发展应关注哪些方面15Defining Development Target制订发展目标Behaviour行为行为Skill技能技能Kno

18、wledge知识知识Winning Ways制胜之道Leadership Competencies领导能力Functional Competencies专业能力Technical skills业务技能16ClusterDefinitionCompetenciesTeam Focused“Working together effectively to meet business goals faster”Fostering Collaboration Leading and Developing People&SelfAction-Oriented“Driving to achieve ambi

19、tious targets in an efficient way”Drive for Results Turning Vision into ActionPassionate“Caring passionately about our guests and business partners,and changing to meet their needs”Guest/Customer&Market Focus Championing ChangeSavvy“Knowing what it takes to beat our competitors,both now and in the f

20、uture”Thinks Ahead Understanding our BusinessLeadership Competencies 领导能力17Leadership Competencies领导能力 Team Focused:Leading and Developing People“Working together effectively to meet business goals faster”LevelSummaryHow we behaveHotel EmployeeCorporate Band 8Develops self,and gives clear directions

21、 as neededTells people what they need to do where appropriate,in a helpful way that doesnt dent their confidenceTrusts people:Expects people to follow appropriate instructions without needing a lot of supervision;role models how to do it Gives constructive,helpful feedback on what people are doing a

22、nd how to improve;doesnt turn a blind eye to colleague performance that isnt good enough and applies the same standard to selfLooks for opportunities to develop own skills and welcomes guidance and feedback on how to do this Hotel SupervisorCorporate Band 7Explains&shows what to do and whyCommunicat

23、es goals and objectives and makes links with organizational goalsAssigns tasks,setting clear,specific performance expectations,objectives,standards,and accountability Shows people whats the right and wrong way to do things,showing what good performance looks likeReinforces this by regularly recogniz

24、ing and praising people for a job well done,and helping them improve when a job is not well done Hotel GMs 1/2Hotel Exec teams and department headsCorporate Bands 5/6Encourages input from the teamAsks for and considers the input of others in decisions that affect themConsiders others capabilities an

25、d potential when assigning activities and projects Holds self and others accountable for achieving results:establishes specific and efficient follow-up mechanisms to track progressProvides specific and constructive feedback when results are not up to expectations,without denting peoples confidenceRe

26、inforces performance by regularly recognizing and praising individuals and the team for a job well doneHelps others develop their skills,using the learning principle of tell me,I forget,show me,I remember,involve me,I understand Hotel GMs 3/4/5Corporate Bands 4Leads,develops and actively involves th

27、e teamAsks for and considers the input of others in decisions that affect themProvides specific and constructive feedback when results are not up to expectations,without denting peoples confidenceUnderstands and leverages the major strengths and weaknesses of team members,including selfMonitors ongo

28、ing performance and progress and keeps everyone focused on what is critical to team successAppropriately and regularly recognizes and rewards individuals and the team 18My Target -Examples我的目标 实例Target目标目标Success成功成功Action行动行动Tracking 追踪进程追踪进程Work on my ability to empower my team members致力于提高自己授权下属的

29、能力Build collaborative business relationships with Reservation and Housekeeping与预定部和客房部建立协作共赢的工作关系Leverage my meeting skills to communicate more effectively in one-on-one situations提升一对一面谈技巧,提高沟通效率Knowing revenue generation principles and methods了解有关营收的原则和方法Increase personal job accuracy and attentio

30、n to details加强对工作细节的关注,提高准确度Strengthen my leadership and build a highly motivated team提升个人领导力,建立高成效团队Acquire market/competition related information.Plan and implement projects to enhance customer satisfaction学习市场/竞争方面的知识。计划并实施旨在提升宾客满意度的项目19Step 2:My Success第二步:我的成功What will I be able to do,see,hear,

31、say,after the development of my job skills,knowledge,behaviour or experience?And what will others be saying?工作技能、知识、行为或经历的发展会如何体现在个人“言行举止”上?Focus on“you”,not business measurement关注“你”自身的改变,而非经营业绩的提升Be specific特定明确What will be different?期望改变的方面20My Success -Examples我的成功 实例Target/目标目标Success/成功成功Work

32、on my ability to empower my team members致力于提高自己授权下属的能力I will spend more time to guide and coach my team members than do everything on my own.My team members will feel satisfied by being able to contribute花更多时间来引领/辅导我的员工,而非万事亲力亲为。我的员工会满意其能作出贡献Build collaborative business relationships with Reservatio

33、n and Housekeeping与预定部和客房部建立协作共赢的工作关系I will understand the process and challenges in these departments and work better with each other.了解这些部门的工作流程和主要困难,从而与其更好合作Leverage my meeting skills to communicate more effectively in one-on-one situations提升一对一面谈技巧,提高沟通效率People will be more willing to come to me

34、 for advise and suggestion他人乐于征求我的建议和想法Knowing revenue generation principles and methods了解有关营收的原则和方法I will be able to implement revenue generation strategies to ensure revenue targets are achieved.具备落实营收战略从而确保达到营收目标的能力Increase personal job accuracy and attention to details加强对工作细节的关注,提高准确度My manager

35、will spend less time“checking”my work.I will be trusted and given more opportunities to do and learn new things.上司减少检查我工作的时间。别人信任我,给我更多学习新事物的机会Strengthen my leadership and build a highly motivated team提升个人领导力,建立高成效团队People will ask to join my team.Better productivity.I will be seen as a successful l

36、eader.别人希望加入我的团队,工作效率提高,被人视我为成功领导Acquire market/competition related information.Plan and implement projects to enhance customer satisfaction学习市场/竞争方面的知识。计划并实施旨在提升宾客满意度的项目I will manage some successful projects and increase customer satisfaction成功管理项目,提升顾客满意度21Step 3:My Action第三步:我的行动 What I will do?W

37、ho else needs to be involved?When the learning will happen?What support or resources are needed?我要做什么?谁需要参与?何时学有成效?需要何支持或资源?About 70%of actions are based on on-the-job learning 70左右的行动应专注于在工作中学习 The actions can be practiced on a regular/daily basis 行动能在日常工作中经常实践List specific actions that will taken

38、to ensure you achieve each of your targets.列出将实施的特定行动,从而确保达到各项目标22Strategies For Growing Skills技能提升的策略Strategies people typically use for development常用发展策略80%Training/培训10%Books&Research书籍和研究10%On The Job/工作活动Strategies peopleSHOULD use fordevelopment该用发展策略10%Training/培训20%Books&Research书籍和研究70%On T

39、he Job/工作活动23Learning and Development Solutions学习和发展方式Many low cost solutions are available within the Development Plan Toolkit,some of them are:Processes and Methods/流程和方法流程和方法Education Learning through Resources/通过各项资源,从教育中学习Experience Learning through Doing/通过实践操作,从经历中学习Exposure Learning through

40、Others/通过他人经历,从涉猎中学习Activities such as:活动实例活动实例Activities such as:活动实例活动实例Activities such as:活动实例活动实例Instructor-led courses讲师现场培训On-the-job tasks&projects在岗工作任务和项目Feedback&Coaching反馈和辅导Web-based Learning Programs网络学习课程Job Changes&Rotations工作变换和轮换Mentors&Role Models导师和榜样Independent Learning/Selected

41、Readings独立学习/选择性阅读Special Assignments特定工作分配Visibility opportunities from key individuals,leaders and teams观察关键个人、领导和团队,总结成功经验Industry/Career Conferences&Seminars行业/职业会议和论坛Practice&Reflection实践并反思Certifications Program(s)各项认证课程Giving Presentations宣讲24My Action -Examples我的行动 实例Target/目标My Action/我的行动W

42、ork on my ability to empower my team members致力于提高自己授权下属的能力Obtain empowerment and delegation knowledge and skills through e-learning course in myLearning by end of March3月底之前在mylearning网站上完成授权的知识和技能的e-larning课程Practice skills I learned at least twice a week and make note on what went well and what to

43、 do better next time每周至少实践两次学得技能,记录下有效作法和需改进方面Using checklist to seek feedback from my people once a month每月一次听取员工反馈(使用检查清单)Seek feedback from my manager during mid-year review and performance review 在年中/终评估终获取上司的反馈Build collaborative business relationships with Reservation and Housekeeping与预定部和客房部建

44、立协作共赢的工作关系Start a cross training plan in Reservation and Housekeeping from April 15.从4月15日起启动预定部和客房部的交叉培训计划Have informal lunches with EH and RSVN Mgr.once a month每月一次和行政管家和预定部经理共进非正式午餐Discuss with my team and implement a plan to work better together with other departments.Implement the plan by end o

45、f April.和团队共同讨论与其他部门协作共赢的计划,并在四月底之前实施该计划25My Action -Examples我的行动 实例Target/目标My Action/我的行动Leverage my meeting skills to communicate more effectively in one-on-one situations提升一对一面谈技巧,提高沟通效率 In every one-on-one meeting,I will not interrupt people and balance the time in listening and talking.一对一会谈中不

46、打断别人,妥善分配听和说的时间 In every one-on-one meeting,I will ask questions to hear peoples idea and suggestions.一对一会谈中主动询问,倾听他人的观点和建议Knowing revenue generation principles and methods了解有关营收的原则和方法 Participate in the weekly Revenue Review.参加每周营收会议 Attend Revenue Academy in August 8月份参加营收培训 Volunteer to work in a

47、t least one Revenue generation projects in the hotel.主动参与至少一次酒店营收方面的项目 Get coached from my manager 从上司处得到辅导 Analyze revenue maximization opportunities monthly and prepare actions to improve the result 每月分析营收最大化机会,并准备行动方案以改善结果26My Action -Examples我的行动 实例Target/目标My Action/我的行动Strengthen my leadership

48、 and build a highly motivated team提升个人领导力,建立高成效团队 Every time I spend time with my supervisors,I will ask them to describe 3 things that they have done to build teamwork with their direct reports 每次与我的主管见面,我会要求他们描述其与下属建立团队精神的3个案例 Every time I have a full staff meeting I will celebrate publicly 2 thin

49、gs the team did well and also explain one area that we will focus on as a team for the next month and review how well we went with last months 每次召开员工会议时,我要公开庆祝团队两个做得非常棒的事例,解释次月大家需要关注的方面,还要回顾上月的进展状况Acquire market/competition related information.Plan and implement projects to enhance customer satisfac

50、tion学习市场/竞争方面的知识。计划并实施旨在提升宾客满意度的项目 Read the book“Driving Change”&“Trends”by March 31.3月底之前阅读“Driving Chang”和“Trends”。Explore best practices in ideas library by May 31 5月31日前在Idea Library里探寻到最佳事例 Implement 2 projects in the year.年内实施两个项目27 Methods for tracking including seeking feedback,conduct revie


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