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1、APQP Process 前期产品质量策划过程前期产品质量策划过程Engine Business Global Purchasing发动机业务全球采购Definitions 定义APQP-Advanced Product Quality PlanningAPQP-前期产品质量策划前期产品质量策划 VPI-Value Package IntroductionVPI-价值包引进价值包引进 Cummins new product introduction process 康明斯新产品引进过程 Cross functional approach 跨功能方式VPI SQI Lead Quality En

2、gineer responsible for information flow between EBGP SQI and program teamsVPI SQI Lead-负责发动机事业部全球采购的供应商质量工程师和项小组之间信息交流的质量工程师。Source Release-Process used for quality approval prior to PPAP货源发放-在生产件批准程序(PPAP)之前用于质量批准的过程。Definitions定义PCC Production Capability CertificationPCC-生产产能认证Cummins run at rate

3、process康明斯认证生产速率过程DQR Drawing Quality Review DQR-图纸质量审评Cummins process to cross functionally review drawings for any discrepancies如有差异,康明斯跨功能对图纸进行评审的过程。MQV Manufacturing Quality VerificationMQV-制造质量证明 Cummins process to drive elimination of defects按照康明斯流程推动消除缺陷。CES Cummins Engineering StandardsCES-康

4、明斯工程标准CES#10012 governs source approval testingCES#10012 管理货源批准测试APQP vs.PPAPAPQP:A project management tool前期产品质量策划:一种项目管理工具 Methodical process used to introduce new products&processes用于引进新产品和新过程的条理清晰的过程 Cross functional 跨功能 Used from concept to launch使用在从概念到发放的过程中PPAP:The proof a supplier is capabl

5、e of making quality parts at production rates生产件批准程序:供应商有能力按生产效率生产出优质零件的证明 Pulls together key APQP information 收集关键APQP信息 Documents the production process 用文件记录生产过程How they fit at Cummins它们是如何适合康明斯的 VPI(Value Package Introduction)VPI(价值包引进)Overall system used by Cummins康明斯使用的整体系统 APQP前期产品质量策划Process

6、 to communicate&manage Cummins VPI requirements to suppliers in a standard language用“标准”语言与供应商沟通和管理康明斯价值包引进要求的过程Not Cummins specific非仅限于康明斯 PPAP生产件批准程序Process to verify that requirements were completed satisfactorily.证明已经圆满完成要求的过程Benefits of APQP前期产品质量策划的裨益Communicates requirements to suppliers与供应商对

7、需求进行沟通Identifies changes early in the process在过程初期识别变化Provides quality product提供优质产品 on time and at lowest cost按时且成本最低Enables cross-functional inputs and outputs实现跨功能的输入和输出Addresses potential problems early尽早处理潜在问题Design设计Manufacturing制造Reduces miscommunication减少错误传达Ensures successful program launch

8、es确保项目成功启动PPAP Expectations for Avalon对Avalon项目生产件批准程序的期望 PPAPs completed six months prior to production必须在量产前六个月完成PPAP SOP 7/1/08-PPAP 1/1/08 PPAPs require full production rate capability PCC must be documentedPPAP要求完全生产率产能必须用文件记录PCC Initial annual capacity of 72K第一年产能要求72K PPAPs completed in Chine

9、se&English用中英文完成PPAP9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做;要学生学的知识,教职员躬亲共学;要学生守的规则,教职员躬亲共守。22.12.322.12.3Saturday,December 03,202210、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。12:47:1712:47:1712:4712/3/2022 12:47:17 PM11、一个好的教师,是一个懂得心理学和教育学的人。22.12.312:47:1712:47Dec-223-Dec-2212、要记住,你不仅是教课的教师,也是学生的教育者,生活的导师和道德的引路人。12:47:1712:47:1712:47Saturday,

10、December 03,202213、He who seize the right moment,is the right man.谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。22.12.322.12.312:47:1712:47:17December 3,202214、谁要是自己还没有发展培养和教育好,他就不能发展培养和教育别人。2022年12月3日星期六下午12时47分17秒12:47:1722.12.315、一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。2022年12月下午12时47分22.12.312:47December 3,202216、提出一个问题往往比解决一个更重要。因为解决问题也

11、许仅是一个数学上或实验上的技能而已,而提出新的问题,却需要有创造性的想像力,而且标志着科学的真正进步。2022年12月3日星期六12时47分17秒12:47:173 December 202217、儿童是中心,教育的措施便围绕他们而组织起来。下午12时47分17秒下午12时47分12:47:1722.12.32、Our destiny offers not only the cup of despair,but the chalice of opportunity.(Richard Nixon,American President)命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。二二一年六月十七日2

12、021年6月17日星期四3、Patience is bitter,but its fruit is sweet.Patience is bitter,but its fruit is sweet.(Jean Jacques Rousseau,French thinker)忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。10:516.17.202110:516.17.202110:5110:51:196.17.202110:516.17.20214、All that you do,do with your might;things done by halves are never done right.All

13、 that you do,do with your might;things done by halves are never done right.-R.H.Stoddard,American poet做一切事都应尽力而为,半途而废永远不行6.17.20216.17.202110:5110:5110:51:1910:51:195、You have to believe in yourself.Thats the secret of success.You have to believe in yourself.Thats the secret of success.-Charles Chap

14、lin人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。-Thursday,June 17,2021June 21Thursday,June 17,20216/17/2021Avalon VPI APQPAvalon项目VPI的产品前期质量策划 Suppliers are expected to utilize APQP期望供应商使用前期产品质量策划 Should be part of normal work flow应为正常工作流程的一部分 Cummins/BFCEC SQIE involvement is required要求康明斯/北京福田康明斯发动机有限公司供应商质量改进工程师的参与 Frequency

15、 and type of audit will depend on risk审核的频率和类型根据风险程度而定 Contact your SQIE if you have any questions如有疑问,联系您的供应商质量改进工程师APQP-Key Strategies 前期产品质量策划-关键策略 Get involved early 尽早参与 Dont wait for the PPAP request不要等发出PPAP的要求后再开始 Communicate issues to SQIEs与供应商质量改进工程师就出现的问题进行沟通 Can provide help 可以提供帮助 Progr

16、ams want no surprises 项目中不希望发生意外事件 Communicate often 经常沟通 Engineering 工程 Purchasing 采购 Between China/EU/UK/US 中国与欧洲/英国/美国之间的沟通APQP-Key Strategies前期产品质量策划-关键策略 Request drawing quality reviews and design review participation要求参与到图纸质量评审和设计评审当中来 Drive design for manufacturability and assembly提高设计的可制造性和可

17、装配性 Document all requirements 用文件记录所有的要求 Open issues log critical 记录所有未决事宜 Follow up on everything 跟进所有事宜 Document evidence 文件证明 Evidence books 证明资料手册 Utilize APQP checklists and manuals使用APQP检查清单和手册Source Release货源发放Source Release Overview货源发放概览 Supplier certifies parts are to print供应商确保零件满足图纸要求 Do

18、cuments exceptions and deviations用文件记录例外情况和偏差 All non-conformances must be approved by design engineer所有不合格情况必须经过设计工程师批准Source Release approves quantity of parts,or preliminary process货源发放批准的是一定数量的零件或初步工艺SQIE retains data 供应商质量改进工程师保留数据A copy of the signed Record of Conformance is kept with APQP evi

19、dence book将一份签好字的合格记录和APQP证明文件信息保存在一起Source Release Package Content货源发放整套文件的内容Full layout on three pieces三件的全尺寸报告 Must include everything on the drawing必须包括图纸上的所有内容 Check that supplier has correct drawing and standards检查供应商是否使用正确的图纸和标准100%inspection or acceptable Cpk-Ppk demonstrated for majors and

20、criticals 100%检验或有可接收的Cpk值-主要和关键尺寸/特性的Ppk Quality engineering judgment call to accept anything less than 100%inspection.对于没有100%进行检验的项目需要质量工程师的评判方可接收。Signed Record of Conformance签字认可的符合性报告Source Release Expectations for Beta 1货源发放对Beta 1的期望Send documentation to SQIE for approval.提供文件给供应商质量改进工程师进行批准。

21、Which SQIE depends on country of origin.根据原产国来确定是哪个供应商质量改进工程师。SQIE reviews and signs ROC供应商质量改进工程师进行审核以及签署符合性报告。Any discrepancies must be approved by engineering.如有任何偏差需要得到工程师的批准。Send copy of Signed ROC and documentation with the parts(to UK or to DFM Logistics).提交零件同时付一份签字的符合性文件(给英国或东风物流公司)Parts re

22、ceived without signed ROC will be held for inspection at Darlington.收到零件时如果没有签署的符合性报告,则零件需要由Darlington进行检验。Record of Conformance 符合性报告APQP28 elements前期产品质量策划过程前期产品质量策划过程28要素要素1.Purchase Agreement采购协议 Delays in tooling starts could impact key process or gauging components开模延迟会影响关键过程或零部件的测试 Get involv

23、ed and mitigate risk积极参与与降低风险 Often agreements for key processes can be reached in advance of the full agreement关键过程的协议通常可以在完整协议之前达成 Ensure the quoted capacity is documented确保用文件记录所报出的产能 Will be used as the target in the PCC process将在PCC过程中作为目标使用 Copy in evidence book保存备份在证明资料中1.Purchase Agreement采购

24、协议Complete withCummins POor letter of intent/agreement.收到康明斯订单或意向书/协议则完成此过程。Is there a purchasingagreement in place?Is one needed for this supplier?Reference PUR-02-04-14采购协议到位了吗?需要给供应商一份吗?参见PUR-02-04-14Letter of intent will be issued to Avalon suppliers.The LOI will include volumes and PPAP needdat

25、es.The LOI will satisfy this element.对于对于Avalon项目,会出意向书给供应商。意向书中会包含产品项目,会出意向书给供应商。意向书中会包含产品的量及需要完成的量及需要完成PPAP的日期。收到意向书即为拥有此要素。的日期。收到意向书即为拥有此要素。2.Manufacturing Process Layout制造过程全记录 Used to document what was used when当出现以下情况时通常要对制造过程进行记录 Many parts are implemented in phases很多零件分阶段执行 Some parts will m

26、ove to China after Beta一些Beta阶段过后要转到中国的零件 Information that could be used in working quality issues这些信息可以用于处理质量问题 Containment,process start dates,etc.遏制、过程启动日期等2.Manufacturing Process Layout制造过程全记录Product:Oil Cooler Supplier:Super CoolerRevision:01Date:01Jan00PhaseD3P4P5ProductionProduction LocationC

27、hicagoParisParisParisTooling:Base PlateLaser Cut Soft tooled stampingProduction DieProduction DieTurbolatorPrototype ToolingProduction toolingProduction ToolingProduction ToolingCooler PlatesPrototype ToolingProduction toolingProduction ToolingProduction ToolingAssembly FixturesHand BuiltPrototype f

28、ixtureProduction FixtureProduction FixtureKey Components:Base PlateSupplier=Chicago FabricationSupplier=Lyon StampingSupplier=Lyon StampingSupplier=Lyon StampingMaterial=SAE 4140Material=SAE 1070Material=SAE 1070Material=SAE 1070TurbolatorMfg=Super Cooler ChicagoMfg=Supplier Cooler ParisMfg=Supplier

29、 Cooler ParisMfg=Supplier Cooler ParisMaterial=SUS 403 Material=SUS 404Material=SUS 404Material=SUS 404 Cooler Plates etc.Mfg=Super Cooler ParisMfg=Supplier Cooler ParisMfg=Supplier Cooler ParisMfg=Supplier Cooler ParisMaterial=SAE 1010Material=SAE 1040 Material=SAE 1040 Material=SAE 1040 Assembly:L

30、eak test50 Psi in water tankPrototype Pressure Decay RigPrototype Pressure Decay EquipmentPrototype Pressure Decay EquipmentBrazing EquipmentWrigley heat treatSuper Cooler Paris Super Cooler Paris Super Cooler Paris Comments:APQP Manufacturing Process Layout Tooling and process changes documented ov

31、er time.按照时间进度对模具和过程的变更进行文件记录按照时间进度对模具和过程的变更进行文件记录Can be divided into any type of appropriate sections,Prototype Early Production-Production,Alpha Beta,etc.可以按照任何适当的类别进行分类,快速成型样品可以按照任何适当的类别进行分类,快速成型样品-先期生产先期生产-量产量产-Alpha-Beta阶段等阶段等Key components only.Should follow high level process flow.仅关键零件。应当按照高

32、水平的工艺流程。3.Design Responsibility 设计职责Design responsibility must be:设计职责是必须要:Clearly defined 定义清晰 Agreed within the team在团队中达成一致 Documented through ownership of tech profile,DVP&R,ID type codes(IMS),etc.设计职责必须通过技术文件的所有者、DVP&R,ID 类型编码等进行记录Design related activities,if any required by the supplier,should

33、 be communicated and agreed through the RFQ process.如果供应商对产品的设计有任何要求,应当在报价过程中针对这些与设计相关的项目进行交流并达成一致意见。The preferred method to document design responsibility is component ID codes such as 15-1(something permanent and systemic).首选的记录设计职责的方法是采用零部件ID编码,如:15-1(持久且具有系统性的信息)。3.Design Responsibility设计职责Typic

34、al ID Codes典型的ID代码4.DVP&R 设计验证计划及报告Design Validation Planning and Report 设计验证计划及报告Used when the supplier has design control or is performing design related activities当供应商控制设计或执行与设计相关的活动时使用Developed and agreed within the team在团队内开发并协商一致Feasibility agreed to with the supplier(best if prior to final qu

35、ote)就可行性问题与供应商协商一致(最好能在确定最终报价之前完成)Design inputs(tech profile)must be clearly defined,documented,and understood必须清楚定义、记录和理解设计输入(技术文件)4.DVP&R 设计验证计划及报告 Special consideration must be made for the risks associated with a supplier that does not have any experience with the new and/or unique products,proc

36、esses,and engineering tasks that are being developed.对正在开发的新的和/或独特产品、过程和工程任务没有经验的供应商,必须特别考虑其相关风险性。A Cummins expert review of all new and unique product/processes and related engineering tasks must be completed to ensure adequacy康明斯的专家必须完成所有新产品/过程、独特产品/过程和相关工程任务的评审,以确保有足够的能力。4.DVP&R设计验证计划及报告Tech Prof

37、ile Ref NoRequired ProcedureTask DescriptionDesign LimitsResponsibilityLocationProgram Need Compl DateQty TestActual ResultsESW Number3.1.2.8CES 14322 PerformanceEvaluate Cooler Performance on Flow BenchCES 98242 Coolant Side Pressure DropJohn DoeSup10/1/021TBD950593.1.2.9CES 14322 Shaker TestPerfor

38、m Vibration Bench TestCES 14322 Title:Shaker TestJohn DoeSup10/1/023TBD950593.1.2.13ProE or EquivalentDesign the EGR Cooler such that the EGR Cooler will DeaerateCoolant Inlet or Vent Shall be at the Top of the EGR Cooler per Installation Requirements in CES 98176,Section Title:General EGR Cooler In

39、formationJane DoeCTC10/1/02TBD950593.1.2.19CES 14322,Section Title:Burst TestPerform Coolant Side Burst Bench TestHold 215 psi for 60 sec.No leaks.John DoeSup10/1/024TBD950593.1.2.20CES 14322 Burst TestPerform Gas Side Burst Bench TestHold 200 psi for 60 seconds(May be revised after validating draft

40、 rig test specs for this test.John DoeSup10/1/024TBD950593.1.2.21CES 14322 Section Title:Freeze TestPerform Freeze TestTest per CES 14322.No leaksJohn DoeSup10/1/024TBD950593.1.2.22CES 98242 Section Title:EGR Cooler Flow Rate RequDetermine the Required Coolant Flow Rate Over the Anticipated Operatin

41、g RangeCES 98242 Section Title:EGR Cooler Flow Rate RequirementJohn DoeSup10/1/021TBD950593.1.2.29CES 98242 EGR Cooler Perf.Correction FactorEvaluate Fouling Susceptibility by Quantifying the Performance Correction Factor(PCF)Fouling Low Enough So As Not to Violate Exit Temperature Design Targets Pe

42、r Technical ProfileJane DoeCTC10/1/021TBD95059Reference toTech Profile参见技术文件Requirements clearAnd very specific要求清晰且详细Responsibilities clearly defined.CTC versus supplier and engineers name.清楚定义职责则,CTC与供应商和工程师的姓名DVP&R Example 设计验证计划及报告的示例设计验证计划及报告的示例5.Design FMEA设计潜在失效模式与后果分析设计潜在失效模式与后果分析 Suppliers

43、should request to review if Cummins responsibility 如果是康明斯负责设计,供应商应提出要求来回顾设计的FMEA。Suppliers should complete if suppliers responsibility如果是供应商负责设计,供应商应完成设计的FMEA。6.Design Review 设计评审 Suppliers should participate if Cummins responsibility如果是康明斯负责评审,供应商应参与 Suppliers must participate if suppliers responsi

44、bility如果是供应商负责评审,供应商必须参与 Design review notes should be kept in Evidence Book设计评审的记录应保存在证明文件记录中7.Prototype Control Plans样品控制计划 Difficult to complete at prototype suppliers在样品供应商处难以完成 Should be automatic at production suppliers在产品供应商处应自动化 Good opportunity to experiment with requirements and processes试

45、验要求与过程的好机会 Source release is required for all prototype parts used in VPI builds用于VPI装机上的所有样品零件都要求货源发放8.Drawings and Specifications图纸和规范 Drawing control is very difficult图纸控制非常困难 Ensure preliminary drawings are identified确保初步的图纸有进行标识 SQIE and Supplier DQR participation is critical供应商质量改进工程师供应商图纸质量回顾

46、的参与很重要 DQRs also serve as technical reviewsDQRs还承担技术评审的工作 DQRs also serve as feasibility reviewsDQRs还承担可行性评审的工作 Make sure suppliers have all appropriate CES确保所有的供应商都有适当的CES8.Drawings and Specifications图纸和规范 Supplier graphics are becoming more prevalent.供应商图表越来越普遍 The goal of the Supplier Graphics pr

47、ocess is to:供应商图表过程的目的是:Eliminate the confusion caused when Cummins and the supplier are using their own internally created specifications for the same item.当康明斯与供应商针对同一个项目使用各自内部创建的规范时,消除所引起的混淆。Reduce duplication of work already performed by the supplier and utilize the suppliers expertise in specif

48、ying their own products对于供应商已经做的工作可以减少重复,并且利用供应商的专业技能来规范他们的产品。9.Facilities,Equipment and Tools设施、设备和工具 Time phase plan critical时间阶段计划 Include quality/PPAP steps包括质量/PPAP步骤 List all equipment列出所有的设备 Can use Gantt chart 可以使用干特图 Sound the alarm at any delay对任何延迟进行提醒9.Facilities,Equipment and Tools设施、设备

49、和工具Include gaugesand tooling in same plan在同一个计划中要包含量具和其他工具Includes timing forgauge studies andtrial runs包含量具研究和试生产的时间Plan should includecomplete project timing 计划中应该当包含完整的项目时间进度Sound the Alarm at any delay!如果有任何延迟要发出警告!Typically documented via a Gantt chart典型的方法是用甘特图进行记录 Other similar methods accept

50、able其他类似的方法也是可接受的10.Gauging and Test Equipment量具和检测设备 Best to include in equipment plan最好包含在设备计划中 Same strategy applies同样的策略这里也适用11.Preliminary Compatibility Matrix初步兼容性矩阵 Similar to feasibility agreement与可行性协议相似 translates into Cummins language翻译成康明斯语言 standard form available(QSP1.04 appendix 8.7)康


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