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1、湖北省荆门市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-02完形填空一、完形填空(2020湖北荆门统考中考真题)Last Sunday, Mark invited me to help serve dinner at Tent City. A number of _1_ had been set up for the homeless in the area.My husband was not available to _2_ our two sons, so I took 9-year-old Tony and 5-year-old Toby with me. Many of t

2、he people we _3_ had missing teeth or wore dirty clothes. My sons had a lot of questions as what they saw challenged their _4_ ideas about how people lived in the world.Why dont they buy food _5_ us? Why dont they have homes?We talked about the _6_ why people ended up in that type of situation. And

3、I mentioned the importance of creating a safety net for them, Sometimes the safety net is other people who can share some of their time and resources(资源), I _7_.I was _8_ that my boys would make too much noise. But to my _9_, the people we served were quite thankful that I had brought them. Many sai

4、d how fun it was to have _10_ children around.After dinner, I saw Tony sit together with several elderly men. He was _11_ them talk about sports. To be honest, I had _12_ realized that he was such a good listener. _13_ some people returned to their tents, I heard Tony say to them, Thanks so much for

5、 having dinner with us. I could see that his simple words had _14_ them greatly. I hugged him a little tighter(更紧的)because what he said had touched me too. It was a great reminder that treating people with _15_ can lift all of us up.1AhousesBshopsCtentsDschools2Alook upBlook afterClook intoDlook for

6、3AraisedBservedCsavedDadmired4AgoodBdifferentCstrangeDcommon5AlikeBfromCforDwith6AexcusesBwishesCinterestsDreasons7AexplainedBagreedCrealizedDsuggested8AangryBworriedCmadDcrazy9AsadnessBregretCsurpriseDexcitement10ApoliteBactiveCintelligentDhard-working11Aagreeing withBrunning afterCdepending onDlis

7、tening to12AneverBalwaysCeverDusually13AIfBAlthoughCAsDBecause14AtouchedBdisappointedChurtDshocked15ApowerBsmileCrespectDencouragement(2021湖北荆门统考中考真题)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One Friday night, a poor art student Joseph was playing the violin at New York subway station. In front o

8、f him was a _16_ with a few dollars. He needed some more money for his tuition(学费). Joseph was playing his last piece of music when a middle-aged man who looked excited _17_ and put a 50-dollar banknote(钞票) into the hat. Joseph nodded to the man _18_.The next _19_, Joseph came to the same place as u

9、sual. _20_ from the night before, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground. The paper said, “Last night, a gentleman put something unexpected into my hat _21_. Please come to get it.”Interested, many passers-by stopped, wondering what the unexpected thing could be. Just then, a m

10、an _22_ through the crowd to Joseph and shouted excitedly, “Thank God youre here. I knew you are a(n) _23_ man.”“Did you lose something, sir?” asked Joseph.The man nodded, “Yes, a lottery ticket.”Joseph took out a ticket, “Is this one _24_?”The gentleman _25_ the ticket and then hugged Joseph tightl

11、y, saying “Thank you, thank you, young man.”It turned out that the middle-aged man _26_ the ticket the other day and was excited to find that he was the lucky _27_ of $100,000. Overjoyed, hetook out a _28_ banknoteand put it in Josephs hat on his way home. _29_, the lottery ticket was also thrown in

12、. When Joseph found it was awinning lottery ticket, he decided to return it to the owner. To thank Joseph, the owner _30_ him $500 as a gift.Josephs honesty paid off.16AbasketBhatCboxDbag17AstoppedBleftCcalledDrefused18AsadlyBbusilyCthankfullyDdisappointedly19AmorningBafternoonCmidnightDnight20ADiff

13、erentBSeparateCFarDTired21Aby mistakeBon purposeCin publicDwith difficulty22AclimbedBpulledCrushedDcircled23ApoorBhonestCwiseDclever24AhisBoursChersDyours25ApushedBdroppedCcheckedDshowed26AfoundBreceivedCprintedDbought27AloserBwinnerCsupporterDfinder28A10-dollarB20-dollarC50-dollarD100-dollar29AHowe

14、verBSoCBesidesDAgain30AborrowedBofferedCrequiredDlent(2022湖北荆门统考中考真题)My mother had a great influence on my life. When I was a child, she always told me, “Sharing _31_ is a simple act. You dont have to do much to make others happy.” I didnt fully understand it until my friend Helen told me about her

15、amazing trip to a small town called Gary. Then, I _32_ to go there, too.However, my parents didnt _33_ at first when knowing my plan. They said I didnt know much about the place. They worried about my _34_ there. After I explained my plan to them in detail(详细地), they _35_ said yes.After arriving in

16、Gary, I _36_ the town was so different from where I lived. There were few stores or restaurants in the town, so you would be _37_ enough to find a place to buy food or drinks. Houses were built on small hills and _38_ of them had broken doors or windows. My job was to help the local people to _39_ t

17、heir houses. The workdays were long and hot, _40_ it was really good to see the houses taking on a new look day by day.The kids there were also different. They seemed to enjoy every moment in life though they were poor. The small things could make them _41_. I couldnt find words to describe their jo

18、y when they received an ice cream, a ball or _42_ a hug(拥抱). The community was like a big family. Everyone knew each other and was ready to _43_ help.What a wonderful _44_ I had in Gary! I truly learned the _45_ of what my mother said. You dont need to do much to make a difference to others lives.31

19、AloveBsuccessCinterestDpain32Ahad a lookBmade a decisionCplayed a partDmade a mess33AmindBcompareCagreeDrepeat34AdifficultyBsafetyCtrafficDinfluence35AfinallyBbadlyCsuddenlyDrecently36AdoubtedBcheckedCdiscoveredDimagined37AdangerousBcrazyCbraveDlucky38AmuchBmanyCfewDnone39AsellBchooseCshareDrepair40AunlessBthoughCbutDsince41AupsetBpoliteCexcitedDbored42AevenBalsoCeverDstill43AacceptBavoidCrefuseDoffer44AexperimentBcompetitionCexperienceDconversation45AabilityBmeaningCreasonDskill4


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