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1、选词填空02目录CONTENTS动词011.Im sorry,Miss Chen.I forgot to_ my homework to school this morning.Thats OK.Dont forget it next time.A.doB.keep C.bringD.take动词辨析2.Why are the famous stars having a concert?To_ money for the charity in poor areas.A.spend B.cost C.raiseD.take动词辨析3.Would you like to try this silk

2、 shirt on?Id love to!It_ lovely and_ smooth.A.sounds;seesB.hears;smellsC.looks;feelsD.sounds;turns 系动词4.Must I come before 6:30 tomorrow?No,you_.There will be plenty of time.A.mustntB.cantC.couldntD.neednt情态动词基本用法5.Is that Mr.Zhou?It_ be him.He has gone to Beijing.A.mayB.canC.cantD.mustnt情态动词推测用法动词动

3、词系动词实义动词助动词情态动词动词01系动词be动词与I 连用单数复数一般现在时一般过去时Candy is a foodie.The flowers were dead.amisare/waswereNotonlySambutalsohisparents _ comingtoChinasoon.Ais Bare Cwere 表持续&表表象表持续stay,continue,remain,keep,stand,lieThe house stood empty for years.The weather continued hot after the rain.系动词+形容词表表象(似乎,好像)se

4、em,appearCandy seems very happy today.表感觉looksmelltastesoundfeelCandy looks beautiful today.The cakes taste delicious.The flowers smell great.Candys voice sounds sweet.The sofa feels soft.表转变表转变(变)become,get,turn,grow,go,fall,proveChildren fall asleep easily.The leaves are turning brown.-Tony,wouldy

5、oulikesomemoredumplings?-No,thanks.They _ great,butImfull.Afeel Blook Ctaste Dsound Thiskindoffruitlooks _ andsells _Agood,well Bgood,good Cwell,good Dwell,well 系动词表状态be,look,smell,taste,sound,feel,keep,stay表转变/结果become,get,turn,grow大招:不确定是什么动词,用be动词替换,无违和感即为系动词动词01助动词助动词一般现在时一般过去时现在完成时过去完成时考点:句型变化S

6、he is a cute girl.Is she a cute girl?She likes cartoon.Does she like cartoon?大招:有be提be,有情提情,无be无情请求助do/doesdidhave/hashad-_ LucyandLilyhaveaniceroom?-Yes,_ADoes;shedoes BDoes;shehas CDo;theyhave DDo;theydo 动词01实义动词实意动词及物动词不及物动词及物动词+宾语不及物动词+介词+宾语We love her.Look at her.常见不及物动词come,lie,rise,agree,go,f

7、ly,work,listen,look,die,belong,fall,exist,arrive,sit,sail,hurry,fail,succeed,wait,happen 既可及物又可不及物know,growIntheforest,youwill _ thebirdssingifyou _ carefully.Ahear,listen Blisten,hear Chear,listento Dlistento,hear 易混动词辨析易混动词辨析1.穿try on 试穿wear 穿着,强调状态dress sb.up 打扮某人dress sb.给某人穿衣服be in+颜色/衣服Can I t

8、ry on this coat?She wears a pink coat today.She dresses her son every morning.She dresses herself up for a party.She is in a pink coat.Mothersliketo _ theirbabiesinblueorpinktomakethemlookcuter.Awear Bdress Cputon Dbein 易混动词辨析2.到达Candy will get to Hawaii in a few hours.Candy will arrive in Hawaii in

9、 a few hours.Candy will reach Hawaii in a few hours.若地点为副词,则不加介词Candy will arrive home in a few days.get toarrive in/atreachto后加地点in+大地点;at+小地点不加介词Tom_ Beijing last night.A.arrived B.reached C.got D.reached inleave sth.+地点YF left her keys on the desk.forget sth.YF forgot her keys.3.落下一 Oh,my God!I_

10、my notebook in my bedroom.一 It doesnt matter.Ill lend you mine.A.forgotB.lost C.left D.missedbeat 打败(某人/某队)Candy beat Kifer in the singing competition.win(the game/competition)Candy won the singing competition.4.打败-ImsureIcan _Millieintheexams.-Itsgreattobeconfident.Idon tbelieveyouwilllosetoher.Abe

11、at Bfail Cwin 5.说speaktalksaytellCandy can speak English.Candy told me a secret.常跟语言talk to/with sb.talk about sth.+说话内容tell sb.sth.tell sth.to sb.tell stories The teacher_ us light_ faster than sound.A.said;travels much B.tell to;travels moreC.told;travels much D.told;traveled much6.借lend sth.to sb

12、.borrow sth.from sb.Candy lent some money to HB.HB borrowed some money from Candy.钱是谁的?把某物借给某人从某人借来某物 How did Kate get so much money?Her best friend_ it _ her.A.borrowed;from B.borrows;for C.lent;from D.lent;to7.拿takebringcarryfetchCandy takes the book home.Candy brings the book from her home.Candy

13、often carries the book with her.Candy went home and fetched the book.从(这)拿走从(别处)拿来随身带着去取过来用 bring、take、carry 或 fetch 填空1.Please remember to_ your homework to school tomorrow.2.This is a dangerous area,so dont _ too much cash.bringcarry8.收到receiveacceptCandy received a bunch of flowers but she didnt

14、accept.表示客观收到表示主观接受ThismorningI_ agiftfrommysister,butIdidnt _them.Areceived;accept Baccepted;accept Creceived;receive Daccepted;receive I spend 3 yuan on the coke.I pay 30 yuan for this book.The shoes cost me 800 yuan.It takes me 200 yuan to buy the equipment 9.四朵金“花”主语花费句型It takeIt takes sb.时间/钱 t

15、o do 人spendsb.spend 时间/钱(in)doingsb.spend 时间/钱 on sth.人paysb.pay 钱 for sth.物coststh.cost sb.钱I _ these cards for 50 yuan.A.paidB.bought C.spent D.cost10.看lookseewatchnoticeobserve强调看这个动作看见,强调看到的结果看比赛,电视注意到观察用 see、look(at)、watch 或 read 填空1.I can _ an apple on the table.2.Please_ the blackboard carefu

16、lly.3.Dont_ books in the sun.seelook atread11.升起riseraisevi.升起,上升vt.提起,举起,饲养,募集Theman _ fromhisseatand _ adifficultquestion.Araises;torise Braised;rose Crises;toraise Drose;raised 12.希望hopewishexpecthope to do/hope thatwish sb.to doexpect sb.to doTeachersandparents _ ustogrowuphealthily.Ahope Bsee C

17、expect 13.找findfoundCandy is going to found a new house.Candy found a beautiful house yesterday.建造发现找到,发现(find-found-found)建立(found-founded-founded)动词01情态动词May I join Candys English class until the end of the world?Can I get full marks in English exams?Must I study hard every day?可爱的你们CanMustMay情态动词

18、基本用法表推测can&couldmay&mightmust&have toneed&shouldmustcantmay/mightcancouldmaymightmusthave toshouldneedHe can fly.cancould1.表能力:“能”“会”He couldnt fly 100 years ago.1.表过去的能力(can的过去式)Can he fly?Yes,he _.cancan问can答Could he fly 100 years ago?No,he _.couldntcould问could答cancould1.表能力:“能”“会”1.表过去的能力(can的过去式

19、)can问can答could问could答Can you give me some money?Could you give me some money?No,I _.cant Yes,I _.can2.表请求:“能”“可以”2.表委婉请求(语气更加委婉)can问can答could问can答7maymightMay I eat your LT?Yes,you _.No,you _.can/mustnt表请求、许可:“可以”cant肯定回答用can否定回答用cant/mustnt语气更加委婉have tomust“必须”I must keep healthy.In order to live,I

20、 have to ask for help.表示主观看法,没有人称和时态变化“不得不”表示客观需要,有人称和时态变化musthave to“必须”表示主观看法,没有人称和时态变化“不得不”表示客观需要,有人称和时态变化MustMust I help her?I help her?Yes,you _.Yes,you _./No,you _/No,you _.mustmustneednneednt tdont have todont have to肯定回答用must否定回答用neednt/dont have toYou mustnt smoke here.mustnt“禁止”伤生命,违规则/No,

21、you _/No,you _.课中互动2.Must I do cleaning now?No,you _.A.must B.mustnt C.neednt D.cantneed should You neednt return money.“需要”You should try again.“应该”used to dobe used to dobe used to doing过去常常做被用来做习惯于做Candy used to be a blogger,but now she isnt.Wood is used to make paper.Hes used to working hard.基本用

22、法-AfterIgottoEdinburgh,I _ talkingwithpeopleinEnglishsoon.-Prettygood.English _communicate.Aisusedto;isusedto Bwasusedto;usedto Cwasusedto;isusedto Disusedto;usedto Mygrandfather_ aloneinthecountryside,butnowhe _ withusinthecity.Ausedtoliving;isusedtolive Busedtolive;isusedtoliving Cusedtolive;usedt

23、olive Dwasusedtoliving;usedtolive cancouldmaymightmusthave toshouldneed情态动词表推测“一定”“不可能”“可能”may/might常与not sure 连用Candy looks pale today.She must be ill.She looks very old,so she cant be Candy.Whats wrong with him?He _ hurt himself,but Im not sure.maymust cant知新/might情态动词表推测“一定”“不可能”“可能”may/might常与no

24、t sure 连用must cant知新cantmustmay/might0%99.99%可能性课中互动4.I saw your mother in the library just now.It _ be her.She went to Beijing yesterday.A.cant B.mustnt C.neednt D.must课中互动5.How old is Susan?She _ be 14 years old,but Im not sure.A.should B.can C.may D.must一 What will the weather be like tomorrow?一

25、It_ be rainy,cloudy or sunny.Who knows?A.mustB.mightC.shallD.should情态动词基本用法表推测can&couldmay&mightmust&have toneed&shouldmustcantmay/might总结shouldought to1.表劝告和建议(应该)2.表推测,可能性较大(应该)3.表惊讶、愤怒、失望等/Teenagers _ learntocommunicatewiththeirparents.Itisnouseshoutingbackorkeepingsilent.Amight Bshould Cmay Dwou

26、ld This pair of shoes_ belong to Jack.He likes this kind very much.一 It_ be his.Its too large for him.A.can;cantB.may;neednt C.must;mustntD.must;cant用适当的情态动词填空1.一 Must I do my homework at once?No,you _.2.一May I take this book out?No,you_.3.John_ come to see us tonight,but he isnt very sure yet.needn

27、t/dont have tocantmay用适当的情态动词填空4.It doesnt look like rain,so you_ bring your umbrella with you.5.You _ be late for school again next time.dont have tomustnt1.You must finish your homework by 8 pm.(改为否定句)2.We have to leave right now.(改为疑问句)3.This must be Tonys handbag.(改为否定句)4.It should be Tony who s

28、tole my handbag.(改为否定句)You neednt/dont have to finish your homework by 8 pm.This cant be Tonys handbag.Do we have to leave right now?It cant be Tony who stole my handbag.题型02选词填空选词填空:1.关注上下文(关键字与场景)2.先易后难,做一个划一个(名动最高频)3.类似选项选最优(关注词性与句子结构)As you may know,coral(珊瑚)is not a plant,but an animal.However,

29、coral reefs(珊瑚礁)around the world are in_1_.Here is a piece of bad news.Thailand will close one of its beaches to protect its coral_2_business activities for tourists.The beach is so famous that_3_of tourists put it on their wish lists.More than 5,000 visitors visit it a day.They arrive by boat.This

30、does_4_harm to the coral reefs.Most of the coral has died.The beach will be closed between June and September to let the coral come _5_to life.Experts(专家)say that 80%of Thailands coral reefs have been_6_.Too many tourists_7_a lot of pollution to these beaches.An expert said the biggest problems were

31、 hotels by the beaches,boats,and plastic waste in the sea.He believed the_8_choice was to close the beaches forever.He said,I hope the_9_can take steps to protect the coral reefs.At the same time,I also hope all of us should_10_our best to protect the environment around us.”1.As you may know,coral(珊

32、瑚)is not a plant,but an animal.However,coral reefs(珊瑚礁)around the world are in_1_.Here is a piece of bad news.A.try B.back C.killed D.government E.bestF.much G.danger H.millions I.from J.causedangerThailand will close one of its beaches to protect its coral_2_business activities for tourists.The bea

33、ch is so famous that_3_of tourists put it on their wish lists.A.try B.back C.killed D.government E.bestF.much G.danger H.millions I.from J.causefrommillionsA.try B.back C.killed D.government E.bestF.much G.danger H.millions I.from J.causeMore than 5,000 visitors visit it a day.They arrive by boat.Th

34、is does_4_harm to the coral reefs.Most of the coral has died.The beach will be closed between June and September to let the coral come _5_to life.muchbackA.try B.back C.killed D.government E.bestF.much G.danger H.millions I.from J.cause2.Experts(专家)say that 80%of Thailands coral reefs have been_6_.T

35、oo many tourists_7_a lot of pollution to these beaches.killedcauseAn expert said the biggest problems were hotels by the beaches,boats,and plastic waste in the sea.He believed the_8_choice was to close the beaches forever.A.try B.back C.killed D.government E.bestF.much G.danger H.millions I.from J.causebestHe said,I hope the_9_can take steps to protect the coral reefs.At the same time,I also hope all of us should_10_our best to protect the environment around us.”A.try B.back C.killed D.government E.bestF.much G.danger H.millions I.from J.causetrygovernment


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