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1、CONTENTSPART ONE不定冠词PART TWO定冠词PART THREE零冠词 冠词冠词练习题有无冠词区别概念:用于名词前,表示类指或特指。起修饰限定名词的作用,是名词的一种概念:用于名词前,表示类指或特指。起修饰限定名词的作用,是名词的一种标志,不能脱离名词而单独存在。标志,不能脱离名词而单独存在。PART FIVEPART FOUR 用法用法 例句例句1.泛指一类人或者事物,以区别于其他种类A plane is a machine that can fly.2.在叙述时用于第一次提到的某人或者某物之前,表示一个This is a book.3.泛指某人或者某物,说不清是谁A bo

2、y is waiting for you.4.表示“每一”相当于every,one 单位We study eight hours a day.5.用于序数词表“又一,再一”(常考难点)The man had two houses in the city,and he bought third one.区别:定冠词(the)+序数词 表示“第几”的意思This is the second time I have come here.6.用在某些物质名词或者抽象名词前,表示“一阵,一份,一类,一场”There will be a strong wind in South China.7.用于固定词

3、组中A couple of,a bit,once upon a time,in a hurry,have a walk,many a time一、不定冠词一、不定冠词 a/an用法用法 表泛指表泛指a用在以辅音发音开头的词前,an用在元音发音开头的词前,比如A E I O“R S F H L X”也要使用不定冠词an,其中特别注意以h开头和u开头的名词,需要用an的单词为hour,honor,honest(an honest and honor hour一个诚实又光荣的时刻),h不发音,不需要用an的是usual,Europe,use,unit,university(一所有用的欧洲大学单位),

4、首个发音/ju/Q:one前面加a还是an?uncle呢?1.a用在以辅音发音开头的词前,a boy,a book2.an用在元音音素开头的词前,牢记单个字母“Mr.Li has one fox”其中特别注意以h开头和u,e开头的名词1)需要用an的单词为hour,honor,honest,h不发音(一个诚实又光荣的时刻)2)不需要用an的是usual,Europe,use,unit,university,首个发音/ju/(一所有用的欧洲大学单位)Q:one前面加a还是an?uncle呢?用法用法 例句例句1.表示一类人或物The horse is a useful animal.2.用于谈话

5、双方都清楚的名词前Take sth.To eat on the bus.3.表示特指的或上文已提到过的人或事物 There is a book on the desk.I think the pen is yours.4.表示世界上独一无二的事物The earth moves around the sun.5.用于形容词的最高级或序数词前,以及对两个人或事物进行比较时起特指作用的比较级前He is the taller of the two children.(两者之中比最)He is the tallest in our class.He is the first one to come t

6、o school.6.用于姓氏的复数前,表示“一家人”或“夫妇”The Greens are at breakfast table.7.与某些形容词连用,表示一类人或事物(类指)The young should help the old.8/单数可数名词前(类指)A tiger is scary animals=Tigers are scary animals.9.用于江河,海洋,山脉,群岛,沙漠等专有名词前,或用于普通名词构成的专有名词前The Great Wall,the United States,the UK10.用于西洋乐器名称的名词前Guangdong is play the vi

7、olin,play the guitar,play the drums11.在逢十的复数数词之前,指世纪的某个年代in the 1980s12.由 festival 组成的中国特有的节日前The Mid-Autumn Festival is on Aug.15th.13.用在某些固定词组中12.in the morning,by the way,in the end,at the age of,all the time,on the right.二、定冠词二、定冠词 the 用法用法 特指为主特指为主1.专有名词、物质名词,抽象专有名词、物质名词,抽象名词,人名地名等名词前名词,人名地名等名词

8、前Nanjing Road,Hainan Island2.名词前有限定词I want this book,not that one.(指示、物主、不定、所有格)3.季节,月份,星期,公共节假日in March,on Sunday,on National Day,in spring4.表示职位,身份,头衔的名词前Lincoln was made President of America.5.一日三餐,学科,语言,球类,棋类名词前have breakfast,play soccer,play chess,geography,chemistry6.与by连用表示交通工具的名词前by train by

9、 air(若有in/on,take需加物主代词或冠词,in his car,take a bus)三、零冠词的情况三、零冠词的情况7.用于习惯用语中go to school,at home,at once,by mistake,in trouble,on foot8.不可数名词/复数名词表一类人/物时I like rice/oranges.特指双方熟悉,上文已经提起。世上独一无二,方位名词乐器。某些专有名词,还有复数姓氏。序数词最高级,习惯用语牢记。知识小拓展(1)如果季节,月份或日期名词被一个限定词修饰时,前面可加定冠词。He came to Beijing in the winter of

10、 1999.(2)有定冠词与无定冠词的区别(无the指功能,有the指地点)go to school 去上学 go to the school 到学校去(不一定是学生)go to bed 去睡觉 go to the bed 走到床边(不一定睡觉)in hospital 因病住院 in the hospital 在医院里(不一定是病人)in front of 在外部的前面 in the front of 在里面的前面(3)the number of 和a number of 的区别a number of:“许多”,当所加名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式the number of:“.的数目”,当

11、所加名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式(a 复the 单)1.number of the students in our class is 55.2.He hasnumber of friends.So he doesnt feel lonely.四、有无冠词的区别四、有无冠词的区别in class at table 抽象含义抽象含义 in the class at the table 客观事实客观事实in bed 生病生病 at school 上学上学 in the bed 躺躺 at the school 在学校在学校in hospital 住院住院 by sea乘船乘船 in the ho

12、spital 在医院在医院 by the sea 在海边在海边on earth究竟究竟 What on earth are you doing?on the earth 在地球上在地球上in front of in the front ofa用在以辅音发音开头的词前,an用在元音发音开头的词前,比如A E I O“R S F H L X”也要使用不定冠词an,其中特别注意以h开头和u开头的名词,需要用an的单词为hour,honor,honest(an honest and honor hour一个诚实又光荣的时刻),h不发音,不需要用an的是usual,Europe,use,unit,uni

13、versity(一所有用的欧洲大学单位),首个发音/ju/Q:one前面加a还是an?uncle呢?1.-What do you think of Lucy?-She is honest girl.A.an B.a C.the D./2.As Tom loves Xiamen a lot,he bought one-way ticket to Xiamen and decided to stay there for a year.A.an B.a C./D.the 3.Do you know a spaceship that flies at about nineteen kilometers

14、second?A.the B.a C./D.an 4.-You have dropped“s”in the word“necessary”.-Oh,letter“s”is doubled.A.a;a B.a;the C.an;the D.the;the ABBCa用在以辅音发音开头的词前,an用在元音发音开头的词前,比如A E I O“R S F H L X”也要使用不定冠词an,其中特别注意以h开头和u开头的名词,需要用an的单词为hour,honor,honest(an honest and honor hour一个诚实又光荣的时刻),h不发音,不需要用an的是usual,Europe,u

15、se,unit,university(一所有用的欧洲大学单位),首个发音/ju/Q:one前面加a还是an?uncle呢?1.Mom,I like green T-shirt.Could you buy it for me?A.a B.an C.the D./2.-How is film you saw last night?-You meanone,Lost in Thailand?Thats wonderful!A.a;the B.the;the C.the;不填 D.不填;the3.-Tom,Ill invite you to havelunch after playing violin

16、.-Thank you.A.a;the B.the;the C./;/D./;theCBDa用在以辅音发音开头的词前,an用在元音发音开头的词前,比如A E I O“R S F H L X”也要使用不定冠词an,其中特别注意以h开头和u开头的名词,需要用an的单词为hour,honor,honest(an honest and honor hour一个诚实又光荣的时刻),h不发音,不需要用an的是usual,Europe,use,unit,university(一所有用的欧洲大学单位),首个发音/ju/Q:one前面加a还是an?uncle呢?1.Li Na started playing t

17、ennis at the age of six.She is one of best women tennis players in the world.A.the;the B.a;/C./;the D.the;/2.It is a good habit to go tobed early and get up early.A.a B.an C.the D.不填3.Miss Zhang will go to America for important meeting next month.A.an;an B./;an C./;a D.an;theCDB典题精炼1.Greens are prep

18、aring for the coming Thanksgiving Day.A./B.A C.An D.The2.-What do you want to be in the future,Lucy?-I want to be pilot.It is exciting job.A.a;a B.a;an C.a;the D.the;an3.Eric is not going to Nanjing byplane.Instead,he is taking train.A./;a B.a;/C.a;the D.the;a4.-Do you like movie Big Hero 6?-Yes,it

19、is interesting film.I like it very much.A.a;an B.the;an C.a;the D.the;a5.Brazil,country in South America,will hold 31th Olympic Games in August,2016.A.a;a B.a;the C.the;a D.the;the6.I went to supermaket to buy birthday gift for my aunt yesterday.A.an;a B.a;a C.the;/D./;theDBABBB勇攀高峰1.Please hand ino

20、ne-thousand-word composition tomorrow.A.the B.a C.an D./2.Tom likes playing basketball very much,but he doesnt like basketball I bought him yesterday.A./;the B.the;the C.the;a D.the;/3.There is European teacher in our school.He comes from Italy.A.a;/B.an;a C.an;an D.a;the4.Smiths are preparing for t

21、he coming Thanksgiving Day and they will have Thanksgiving party.A.The;/B./;a C.The;a D.The;the5.Yesterday 8-year-old boy fell into the rive.boy was saved by a policeman.A.an;A B.an;The C.a;the D.a;AnBAACB 勇攀高峰6.John is honest boy.He doesnt want to make up excuse for being late.A.a;a B.an;an C.a;an

22、D.an;a7.A little boy wrote“U”and“n”on the wall.A.a;an B.an;a C.an;an D.a;a8.Daming is honest boy,and he likes eating noodles by hand.A.a;an B.the;a C.an;the D.an;/9.-Have you heard that were going to take a PE exam next Monday?-Yes,but I dont quite remember time to take it.A.theB.an C./D.a10.Huizhou

23、 is ancient city with long history.A.a;a B.an;a C.the;an D./;theBADAB 勇攀高峰16.Thanksgiving is American festival.It is celebrated onfourth Thursday in November.A.a;an B.the;a C.an;the D.the;/17.-Why does he play hard?-Because he wants to be NBA player in future.A.a;a B.a;the C.an;a D.an;the18.In the U

24、nited States,Fathers Day falls on third Sunday in June.A.the;/B.the;a C./;the D.a;the19.Alice is European girl.girl ia good at both singing and dancing.A.an;TheB.a;The C.an;A D.a;/20.Beijing is caital of China and it is city with many places of interest.A.a;a B.a;the C.the;a D.the;theCDABCTHANK YOU!


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