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1、目录目录04 04 提升练习提升练习03 03 基础练习基础练习05 05 课堂回顾课堂回顾02 02 知识要点知识要点01 01 时文阅读时文阅读时文阅读时文阅读01答 案限时分钟D B C B中考中考加油加油Warming uarming upThe prime suspect新冠状病毒的爆发真是蝙蝠的错?As the novel coronavirus(冠状病毒)spreads throughout China and the rest of the world,an important question has yet to be answered:where did the viru

2、s come from?The latest study indicated that pangolins(穿山甲)may be an intermediate(中间的)host of virus,according to Xinhua.However,bats are suspected(怀疑)to be the original cause.表明;显示最初的中考中考加油加油Reading passageReading passage “We dont know the source yet,but theres pretty strong evidence that this is a b

3、at origin coronavirus,”said Peter Dazsak,president of EcoHealth Alliance,an environmental nonprofit(非营利机构),according to The New York Times.“When you look at the genetic sequence(基因序列)of the virus,and you match it up with every known coronavirus,the closest ones are from bats,”Dazsak also told CNN.来源

4、证据中考中考加油加油Reading passageReading passage So why are bats the source of so many deadly kinds of viruses and why dont they suffer from any symptoms(症状)?Bats are mammals(哺乳动物)that have a long lifespan(寿命)and live with millions of other bats in caves,where they can potentially(可能地)spread the virus far a

5、nd wide.As the only flying mammal,their body temperature is high,similar to a fever.Its this fact that may contribute to bats unique immune system(免疫系统)in protecting them from the ill effects of viruses.洞穴中考中考加油加油Reading passageReading passage1.长难句分析(哺乳动物)have a long lifespan(寿命)and live with millio

6、ns of other bats in,they can potentially(可能地)spread the virus far and wide.本句的主干为Bats are mammals;that引导定语从句,修饰先行词mammals;where引导定语从句,修饰先行词caves,相当于in which.释义:蝙蝠是一种寿命很长的哺乳动物。数百万蝙蝠群居在洞穴里,这种环境让它们能广泛传播病毒。中考中考加油加油Reading passageReading passage So why are bats the source of so many deadly kinds of virus

7、es and why dont they suffer from any symptoms(症状)?Bats are mammals(哺乳动物)that have a long lifespan(寿命)and live with millions of other bats in caves,where they can potentially(可能地)spread the virus far and wide.As the only flying mammal,their body temperature is high,similar to a fever.Its this fact th

8、at may contribute to bats unique immune system(免疫系统)in protecting them from the ill effects of viruses.温度有助于独特的影响中考中考加油加油Reading passageReading passage Its curious to note that the virus outbreak was traced to the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan,a place where no bats were sold.How could this be?“It s

9、eems likely that another animal host is acting as an intermediate host between bats and humans,”said Wu Guizhen,of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,according to Live Science.好奇的中考中考加油加油Reading passageReading passage But are bats truly to blame for the virus or should we be blami

10、ng ourselves?Its the fault of humans for decreasing the distance between us and virus-carrying bats.Bats are an important animal in our ecosystem(生态系统)when it comes to pollinating(授粉)many fruits such as mangoes,bananas and avocados.We need to allow them to continue pollination and keep them away fro

11、m our markets and mouths.惩罚错误()1.What can we learn about the origin of COVID-19?A.Bats have been discovered to be its original cause.B.Pangolins are now considered the most likely source.C.Its identified by comparing sources of various viruses.D.The virus was found to be genetically similar to those

12、 seen in bats.“We dont know the source yet,but theres pretty strong evidence that this is a bat origin coronavirus,”said Peter Dazsak,president of EcoHealth Alliance,an environmental nonprofit(非营利机构),according to The New York Times.“When you look at the genetic sequence(基因序列)of the virus,and you mat

13、ch it up with every known coronavirus,the closest ones are from bats,”Dazsak also told CNN.解析:D()2.Why dont bats suffer from the coronavirus?A.Their low body temperature protects them.B.Bats have a unique immune system.C.Bats are the only flying mammal to live in groups.D.Living in caves helps bats

14、fight against viruses.So why are bats the source of so many deadly kinds of viruses and why dont they suffer from any symptoms(症状)?Bats are mammals(哺乳动物)that have a long lifespan(寿命)and live with millions of other bats in caves,where they can potentially(可能地)spread the virus far and wide.As the only

15、 flying mammal,their body temperature is high,similar to a fever.Its this fact that may contribute to bats unique immune system(免疫系统)in protecting them from the ill effects of viruses.解析:B()3.What can be inferred from Paragraph 5?A.The Wuhan Huanan seafood market was blamed for selling bats.B.The co

16、ronavirus was directly transmitted from bats to humans.C.The intermediate host spreading the virus remains unknown.D.Bats are not responsible for the outbreak of the coronavirus.C Its curious to note that the virus outbreak was traced to the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan,a place where no bats were

17、sold.How could this be?“It seems likely that another animal host is acting as an intermediate host between bats and humans,”said Wu Guizhen,of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,according to Live Science.解析:可能的()4.What is the main point the author makes in the last paragraph?A.Vir

18、us-carrying bats should be killed.B.Humans should stay away from bats.C.Bats benefit but also harm our ecosystem.D.Bats could spread viruses during pollination.B解析:But are bats truly to blame for the virus or should we be blaming ourselves?Its the fault of humans for decreasing the distance between

19、us and virus-carrying bats.Bats are an important animal in our ecosystem(生态系统)when it comes to pollinating(授粉)many fruits such as mangoes,bananas and avocados.We need to allow them to continue pollination and keep them away from our markets and mouths.1.indicate _2.original _3.source_4.evidence_5.ca

20、ve_6.temperature_表明;显示最初的来源证据洞穴温度7.contribute to_8.unique_9.effects_10.curious _11.blame_12.fault_有助于独特的影响好奇的惩罚错误知识要点知识要点02考点一2.both.and.5.neither.nor.4.not only.but also.将两个主语联合起来并列句while 引导并列句的时候也有“然而”的意思,表前后两者的对比,汤姆很擅长理科,然而他的兄弟绝对是不可救药。Toms very good at science,while his brother is completely hope

21、less.并列句表选择关系的时候,除了or 还有:either.or.要么汤姆要么吉姆适合这份工作。Either Tom or Jim is suitable for the job.并列句He isnt here today,_ he is ill.His leg was hurt,_ he couldnt play in the game.并列句sofor并列句常考句型,可以跟条件状语从句互换 Dont do something,or you will.Do something,and you will.Wear your mask,and you will keep off the vi

22、rus.Dont take off your mask,or you will be infected by the virus.并列句转换为条件句见下下张PPT考点二 考点:引导词:状语从句if 如果 unless 除非=if.not=If you your mask,you off the virus.主将从现并列句转换为条件句:Wear your mask,and you will keep off the virus.状语从句1.since 用于完成时态2.when+短暂性/持续性动作 while+持续性动作,两个动作都为持续性,用 while来连接_ the bell rang,we

23、 were playing in the playground.They were reading poems,_ we were playing in the playground.Whenwhile状语从句一.就.在.之前;在.之后直到.为止状语从句I am more handsome than you.becausesinceasI am as handsome as you.状语从句名词词组 adj/advI am _ fat that I cant run fast.I am _ a fat girl that I cant run fast.suchso状语从句in order t

24、hatso thatI go on a diet every day in order that/so that I can lose weight.基础练习基础练习03Call the dog inIn the study,the son was doing homework and the dad was working on the computer._(sudden),the dad remembered that his wife asked him _(bring)back the clothes in backyard if it started raining.He asked

25、 his son:“Is it raining outside?”The son said,“I dont know._(call)the dog in,and see if he is wet.”1.Its so nice weather that all of us want to go to the park.2.If you study hard,and youll make great progress.3.Though Edison failed many times,but he never gave up.4.Shenzhen is more beautiful as Dali

26、an.5.She was sweeping the floor while someone knocked at the door.一.指出错误并改正so such或去掉and去掉though或butmore as或as thanwhile when去掉if youCall the dog inIn the study,the son was doing homework and the dad was working on the computer._(sudden),the dad remembered that his wife asked him _(bring)back the cl

27、othes in backyard if it started raining.He asked his son:“Is it raining outside?”The son said,“I dont know._(call)the dog in,and see if he is wet.”1.Both Mary _ I _ going to the cinema tomorrow.2.Dont run in the classroom,_ you may hurt yourself.=You may hurt yourself _ you dont run in the classroom

28、.3.Practise more,_ youll do better in playing chess.=_ you practise more,youll do better in playing chess.4.It was raining heavily,_ we decided to stay at home and watch TV.5.Neither Jim _ Jack _ right.That is,they both give the wrong answers.andorunlessandIf二.用适当的单词填空aresonorisCall the dog inIn the

29、 study,the son was doing homework and the dad was working on the computer._(sudden),the dad remembered that his wife asked him _(bring)back the clothes in backyard if it started raining.He asked his son:“Is it raining outside?”The son said,“I dont know._(call)the dog in,and see if he is wet.”1.When

30、will you return the book to me?Ill give it to you _ I finish it.(as soon as/while)2.Eric arrived on time,_ it was the rush hour.(although/since)3.I wont go to tomorrows party _ I am invited.(unless/if)4.Excuse me,is it my turn now?Not yet.Please wait on the chair _ your name is called.(until/althoug

31、h)5.The teacher asked me to read aloud _ all the students could hear me.(so that/because)6.Well go for a picnic _ it doesnt rain this Sunday.(if/unless)as soon asunlessuntilso that三.选择合适的单词或短语填空althoughifCall the dog inIn the study,the son was doing homework and the dad was working on the computer._

32、(sudden),the dad remembered that his wife asked him _(bring)back the clothes in backyard if it started raining.He asked his son:“Is it raining outside?”The son said,“I dont know._(call)the dog in,and see if he is wet.”1.Not only Curry but also Harden has joined the basketball club._ Curry _ Harden _

33、 joined the club.2.She was poor,but she was happy._ she was poor,she was happy.3.I am good at Chinese and English.I am good at Chinese _ _ _ English.4.He will fail the exam unless he works hard.He will fail the exam _ he _ work hard.5.We get up early in order that we can catch the early bus.We get u

34、p early _ _ _ catch the early bus.BothAlthoughas四.同义转换andhavewellasifdoesntinordertoCall the dog inIn the study,the son was doing homework and the dad was working on the computer._(sudden),the dad remembered that his wife asked him _(bring)back the clothes in backyard if it started raining.He asked

35、his son:“Is it raining outside?”The son said,“I dont know._(call)the dog in,and see if he is wet.”6.The result was not as good as I had expected.The result was not _ _ _ I had expected.7.Sansa is so clever that she learns French very quickly.Sansa is _ _ clever girl _ she learns French very quickly.

36、8.Wherever you are,you must obey the rules._ _ _ you are,you must obey the rules.9.You will be late for school if you dont hurry.You will be late for school _ you hurry.10.She came in while Curry was taking a shower in the bathroom._ she came in,Curry was taking a shower in the bathroom.so good assu

37、ch athatNo matter where unlessWhen8.疑问词+ever=no matter+疑问词 无论.whatever=no matter what 无论什么10.while考点总结(1)conj.然而;当.时 (2)n.一会时间 after a whileCall the dog inIn the study,the son was doing homework and the dad was working on the computer._(sudden),the dad remembered that his wife asked him _(bring)back

38、 the clothes in backyard if it started raining.He asked his son:“Is it raining outside?”The son said,“I dont know._(call)the dog in,and see if he is wet.”五.用恰当的连词填空1.Miss Smiths was angry _ we were late for the school again.2._ he was tired,he continued working in his office.3.He is _ a lovely boy _

39、 we all like him.4.Jack runs _ fast _ none of us can catch up with him.5.Susan has learned a lot about British culture _ she came to Britain.6.He visited a lot of places _ he was travelling.becauseAlthoughsuchsothatthatsincewhen/while Call the dog inIn the study,the son was doing homework and the da

40、d was working on the computer._(sudden),the dad remembered that his wife asked him _(bring)back the clothes in backyard if it started raining.He asked his son:“Is it raining outside?”The son said,“I dont know._(call)the dog in,and see if he is wet.”7.I opened the windows in order _ fresh air might c

41、ome in.8.The air pollution is terrible.It will be worse _ we take actions to protect the environment.9.She is _bad-tempered _ her mother.10.Why do you like to stay in Guiyang?Because the weather here is _ too hot _ too cold.11.Linda didnt go home _ she finished her work.12.I was listening to music _

42、 my mother came in my room.thatunlessasasneither nor untilwhenCall the dog inIn the study,the son was doing homework and the dad was working on the computer._(sudden),the dad remembered that his wife asked him _(bring)back the clothes in backyard if it started raining.He asked his son:“Is it raining

43、 outside?”The son said,“I dont know._(call)the dog in,and see if he is wet.”13.We need to know more about Indian customs _ we go there.14.I will tell her about it _ I see her.15.I have got two watches,but _ of them works well.16.Tom is short _ his brother is tall.17.You may come _ on Monday _ on Tue

44、sday.I am free these days.18.He put on his coat _ then went out.beforewhen/if/as soon asbut/whileneithereitheror and提升练习提升练习04 Lucy decided to go shopping(1)_ she finished doing the housework.Its one month(2)_ she went shopping last time.(3)_ she went shopping,she made a shopping list(4)_ she could

45、save time.She wanted to buy a new dress,a new pair of shoes and a pair of sunglasses.(5)_ she was walking around the shop,she found many beautiful dresses.afterBeforesinceso thatWhen/While一一.语法填空语法填空 A A篇篇The dress were(6)_ beautiful(7)_ she could not decide which to choose.Finally,she bought a pink

46、 dress.Then she began looking for shoes.The salesgirl said:“(8)_ you buy one pair of shoes now,you will get another pair for free.”Lucy bought the shoes happily.she didnt buy sunglasses(9)_ she didnt find the pair she liked.She still felt happy(10)_ she didnt get all the things she needed.sothatIfbe

47、causealthough/though GUANGDONGS top lawmaking body passed a law(1)_(ban)the trade and consumption(消费)of wild animals yesterday in(2)_ emergency response measure to the viral outbreak.to banan一一.语法填空语法填空 B B篇篇 The law,(3)_ took effect yesterday,was part of a(4)_(decide)announced by the Guangdong Prov

48、incial Peoples Congress to curb(制止)the spread of the novel coronavirus pneumonia(NCP),the provinces top legislature(立法机构)(5)_(say).Wet markets,restaurants,supermarkets and e-commerce platforms are barred(禁止)from(6)_(trade)wildlife in any form.whichdecisionsaidtrading People(7)_(require)to stop eatin

49、g wild animals.Any(8)_(legal)behavior such as sales,purchase and transport of wild animals will be punished in accordance(一致;符合)with the new law.The law will remain effective(9)_ it is terminated(使终结)by the legislature.Shenzhens lawmaking body is also considering a law on banning wildlife trade and

50、consumption,according to a(10)_(meet)of the body on Monday.are requiredillegaluntilmeeting1.law_2.ban_3.take effect_4.purchase_5.transport_6.effective_法律禁止生效购买运输有效的1.conditions _2.schedules _3.diapers _4.lack _5.shortage_6.supply_7.battle_条件日程安排尿不湿缺乏短缺供应战斗课堂回顾课堂回顾05抢答环节抢答环节答题答题?大大冒险冒险?操作指引:学生抢答,选择一个


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