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1、冠词冠词 ArticleArticleDo you like a hat?名词是秃子,常要带帽子!冠词本身也没有意义,只能和名词连用。谁最离不开帽子?名词n.PART ONE 1.a/an 表示一个不定冠词a或an,究竟用谁要分清,辅音音素前 用 a,元音音素前 用 an。islandonionEuropeanboy houruniversityumbrella anaislandcountrygirlboy hourcameraumbrella ice creamMatch以元音音素开头的名词单数an a_an e_an i _ an o _an u _元音字母有哪些?元音字母有哪些?a e

2、 i o u以元音音素开头的名词单数an applean elephantan insect an officean umbrella元音字母有哪些?元音字母有哪些?a e i o u以辅音音素开头的名词单数辅音开头发元音an houran honoran honest girl这些单词的h都不发音以元音音素开头的名词单数元音开头发辅音a European country;a university;a uniform;虽然以U或E开头,但发音是辅音/j/,因此还是要用冠词aPractice1.The turtle has _ shell on its back.A.legs B.eyes C.

3、anD.a2.Is Cindy _ English girl?A./B.a C.an D.the 3.There is _“h”,_“o”,_“u”and _“r”in the word“hour”.A.an;an;a;an B.a;an;a;a C.a;an;an;a D.an;an;an;an 1.The turtle has _ shell on its back.A.legs B.eyes C.anD.a2.Is Cindy _ English girl?A./B.a C.an D.the 3.There is _“h”,_“o”,_“u”and _“r”in the word“hou

4、r”.A.an;an;a;an B.a;an;a;a C.a;an;an;a D.an;an;an;an Practice不定冠词的用法 不定冠词两变体,用a或an都表“一”;可数名词首次提,何人何物不具体;某类人、物任一个,有时还要表“每一”_boy and _girl are students._boys name is Tom._girls name is Lucy.A/a The/the 不定冠词不定冠词 定冠词定冠词总结总结不定冠词的用法 不定冠词两变体,用a或an都表“一”;可数名词首次提,何人何物不具体;某类人、物任一个,有时还要表“每一”_boy and _girl are s

5、tudents._boys name is Tom._girls name is Lucy.A/a The/the 不定冠词不定冠词 定冠词定冠词总结总结PART TWO 定冠词the的用法1.上文提及,下文提。1.上文提及,下文提。1.上文提及,下文提。1.海洋,河流,湖泊the Changjiang Riverthe Thamesthe Pacific Oceanthe Indian Oceanthe Atlantic Oceanthe West Lake2.独一无二专有词。1.海洋,河流,湖泊the Changjiang Riverthe Thamesthe Pacific Oceant

6、he Indian Oceanthe Atlantic Oceanthe West Lake2.独一无二专有词。1.海洋,河流,湖泊the Changjiang River长江长江 the Thames泰晤士河泰晤士河the Pacific Ocean太平洋太平洋the Indian Ocean印度洋印度洋the Atlantic Ocean大西洋大西洋 the West Lake西湖西湖2.独一无二专有词。以下表示天体等的独一无二以下表示天体等的独一无二的事物的名词与的事物的名词与the连用连用the sky,the Sun,the moon,the world,the earth,the

7、wind,the rain,the star,the seathe sun the moon2.独一无二专有词。3.序数加上最高级,还有only、very和和same May is the fifth month.5 月是第五个月份。Sunday is the first day in a week.周日是一周的第一天。3.序数加上最高级,还有only、very和和same Mary is the youngest teacher in our school.玛丽是我们学校最年轻的教师。Russia is the biggest country in the world.俄罗斯是世界上面积最大

8、的国家。3.序数加上最高级,还有only、very和和same I have the same idea.我有同样的看法。I am the only girl in my family.我是家里唯一的女孩。由普通名词构成的国 家、单位、机关团体或地点专有名词前 也要用thethe Great Wallthe United States4.普通名词构成的专有名词5.一类、乐器和姓氏 the old the young 老年人 年轻人 the poor the rich 穷人 富人 the+形容词 表示某一类人5.一类、乐器和姓氏 play the Piano play the violin pl

9、ay the guitar 乐器前用the5.一类、乐器和姓氏 the Greens the Trumpsthe+姓氏s 表示一家人6.习惯用语莫忘记in the middle of在的中间 in the morning早上in the afternoon下午in the evening晚上名词所有格the B of the A1.I have(a,the)pencil.(A,The)pencil is red.2.(A,The)sun is shining brightly in(a,the)sky3.Is Mary(a,the)youngest girl in our class?4.Ca

10、n you play(a,an,the)violin?5.(An,The)outside of(a,an,the)house was painted red.“the”两种读音两种读音The/book is mine.这本书是我的。PART THREEWe had a special lesson last Friday.Our English teacher,Mr.Green,took us to the Ocean Park.We visited the park in the afternoon.Mr.Green asked us to take a good look at the a

11、nimals there especially the big pandas.Luckily,we saw a big panda playing a ball on the ground when we went there.We took a lot of pictures because it was an exciting experience to see it in real life.讲义讲义P30找出不定冠词?个和定冠词?个We had a special lesson last Friday.Our English teacher,Mr.Green,took us to th

12、e Ocean Park.We visited the park in the afternoon.Mr.Green asked us to take a good look at the animals there especially the big pandas.Luckily,we saw a big panda playing a ball on the ground when we went there.We took a lot of pictures because it was an exciting experience to see it in real life.讲义讲

13、义P30We had a special lesson last Friday.Our English teacher,Mr.Green,took us to the Ocean Park.We visited the park in the afternoon.Mr.Green asked us to take a good look at the animals there especially the big pandas.Luckily,we saw a big panda playing a ball on the ground when we went there.We took

14、a lot of pictures because it was an exciting experience to see it in real life.P30Pay attention!零冠词的情况Story time!在一个很好的在一个很好的季节季节 星期星期不记得了不记得了 吃晚饭后 男生们打球 女生们下棋 各学科的语言天才在玩游戏my book;Mary,milk,Enlglandplay footballThey are boxes.from Monday to Fridaywithout pen or pencilby bus,President Xi下列情况不用冠,名词之前代

15、词限;专有名词不可数,球类学科与三餐;复数名词表泛指,节日月份星期前;名词并用省冠词;称呼习语及头衔。Practice()Miss Susan ()Australia ()Mum and Dad ()Great Wallplay()drum by()plane my()sister have()supper PART FOURLily goes to school every day.Her father goes to the school to work.He goes to the college at 8:30 every morning.He is a teacher.His son

16、 goes to college at about 7:30.He is a student.college schoolthe college the school(在学校工作或办事的人在学校工作或办事的人)(学生去上学学生去上学)sea hospitalthe sea the hospital去海上旅游作为医生或探望病人去海上工作生病的病人Mr.Johnson goes to hospital once a week.His wife goes to church every Sunday.I go to the hospital to see Mr.Johnson.My uncle go

17、es to sea every year.He is a seaman.他们分别是什么人?定冠定冠 不定冠不定冠 意思差千万意思差千万有些名词前用冠词或不用冠词,其意义有所不同有些名词前用冠词或不用冠词,其意义有所不同。如:如:1)at table在吃饭;在吃饭;at the table在桌子旁在桌子旁2)in class在上课;在上课;in the class在班级中在班级中3)go to school去上学去上学;go to the school到那所学校去到那所学校去4)go to bed上床睡觉上床睡觉;go to the bed到床那边去到床那边去5)in front of在在的前面

18、的前面;in the front of在在的前部的前部.Exercise:Exercise:1.This is _ I have visited Beijing.A)the second timeB)second time C)second times D)the second times2.We consider horses _ useful animal.A)the B)an C)/D)a3.The babysitter serving the family was paid by _.A)the hour B)hours C)an hour D)a hour4.Language is

19、a mirror of _.A)the society B)society C)societies D)a societyPracticeExercise:Exercise:1.This is _ I have visited Beijing.A)the second timeB)second time C)second times D)the second times2.We consider horses _ useful animal.A)the B)an C)/D)a3.The babysitter serving the family was paid by _.A)the hour

20、 B)hours C)an hour D)a hour4.Language is a mirror of _.A)the society B)society C)societies D)a societyPractice5.Every one of us has _ machine5.Every one of us has _ machine;_ machine is _ brain._ machine is _ brain.A A)a thethe B a thethe B)aaa aaa C C)aathe D aathe D)theaa theaa6.We have already ta

21、lked for _.6.We have already talked for _.A A)a hour B a hour B)the hour C the hour C)hours D hours D)hour hour7.Mary wants to become _.7.Mary wants to become _.A A)the doctor B the doctor B)one doctor one doctor C C)doctor D doctor D)a doctor a doctorPractice5.Every one of us has _ machine5.Every o

22、ne of us has _ machine;_ machine is _ brain._ machine is _ brain.A A)a thethe B a thethe B)aaa aaa C C)aathe D aathe D)theaa theaa6.We have already talked for _.6.We have already talked for _.A A)a hour B a hour B)the hour C the hour C)hours D hours D)hour hour7.Mary wants to become _.7.Mary wants t

23、o become _.A A)the doctor B the doctor B)one doctor one doctor C C)doctor D doctor D)a doctor a doctorPractice8.8.“Where is he?Where is he?”“HeHes sitting _ of s sitting _ of the classroom and doing his homework.the classroom and doing his homework.”A A)in front B in front B)in a front in a front C

24、C)in the front D in the front D)on front on front9.The two cars are of _ similar size.9.The two cars are of _ similar size.A A)a B a B)two C two C)the D the D)/10.Please bring me _ red tea.10.Please bring me _ red tea.A A)a B a B)a cup C a cup C)the D the D)cup of a cup of aPractice8.8.“Where is he?

25、Where is he?”“HeHes sitting _ of s sitting _ of the classroom and doing his homework.the classroom and doing his homework.”A A)in front B in front B)in a front in a front C C)in the front D in the front D)on front on front9.The two cars are of _ similar size.9.The two cars are of _ similar size.A A)

26、a B a B)two C two C)the D the D)/10.Please bring me _ red tea.10.Please bring me _ red tea.A A)a B a B)a cup C a cup C)the D the D)cup of a cup of aPractice1._ Class 2 Grade 52.have _ lunch 3.in _ morning 4._ Mr Li 5._ uniform 6._ umbrella 7._ hour8._ engineer 9._ forth 10._ England11.play _ chess 12._ few 13._ little14.by _ bike 15.at _home16._ moonPractice/the/aanananthe/aa/theDABDCDCCDBCC


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