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1、一、并列连词一、并列连词连词:连词:and,but,while(然而然而),or,so,for(因为因为)连词词组:连词词组:both.and.,neither.nor.,not only.but also.,either.or.并列并列转折转折选择选择因果因果并列并列并列并列并列并列选择选择并列(并列(andand变否定句)变否定句)改错:改错:1.They sat down and talk about something.2.I saw two men sitting behind and ate there.andand:eatingeatingtalkedtalked 翻译:翻译:我

2、喜欢英语我喜欢英语和和数学。数学。(1)(1)变否定句变否定句 I like English _ math.I like English _ math.I I dont dont like English _ math.like English _ math.andand or orandandoror Do you like English or math?Do you like English or math?回答?回答?1.Its not easy to learn English well,_ we wont give up easily.Its not easy to learn E

3、nglish well,_,we wont give up easily.butbuthoweverhowever()2.I like English _ my sister likes Chinese.A.however B.while C.when D.orB B 然而然而(1)Either you or I _(be)going to the party.(2)Neither Lily nor her sister _(have)seen the movie.(3)Not only you but also he _(speak)French.(4)Both Tom and Tina _

4、(be)from Germany.()5.Id like to visit Yunnan because the weather there is _ too hot _ too cold.A.both,and B.either,or C.not only,but also D.neither,noramamhashasspeakspeaks sareareD D1.She said _ she went shopping yesterday.2.The little boy asked me _ there are seven days in a week?3.-Can you tell m

5、e _ the bank is?-Of course.Its across from the park.thatif/whetherwhere(一)引导(一)引导宾语从句宾语从句(二)引导(二)引导状语从句状语从句1.引导引导时间时间状语从句状语从句的连词的连词 before 在在.之前之前 after 在在.之后之后 when,while,as 当当.时时 until,till 直到直到.as soon as 一一.就就.since 自从自从.以来以来主将从现主将从现主过从过主过从过主句主句(现完现完),从句,从句(一般过去时一般过去时)()1.Ill go to the countrysi

6、de _ the summer holiday starts.A.since B.while C.until D.as soon as2.Nick has learned a lot about Chinese culture _ he came to China.3.Tom直到完成了作业才睡觉。直到完成了作业才睡觉。Tom _ go to bed _ he finished his homework.D sincedidnt until(变同义句变同义句)not.until.=not.before.=.after.Im not sure when when she _(arrive)tomo

7、rrow.WhenWhen she _(arrive),I will call you.2.引导引导条件条件状语从句状语从句的连词的连词 if 如果如果 unless 如果不,除非如果不,除非 as long as 只要只要 once 一旦一旦(1).只要你坚持认真学习,你一定会取得进步的。只要你坚持认真学习,你一定会取得进步的。You are sure to make progress _ you stick to studying hard.as long as(2).一旦你到重庆来,你就会爱上火锅。一旦你到重庆来,你就会爱上火锅。_ you come to Chongqing,you _

8、 hot pot.Oncewill fall in love with(3).You will forget it _ you use it.(同义句同义句)unless=You will forget it _.if you dont use it条件状语从句条件状语从句与与“祈使句祈使句+and/or+陈述句陈述句”的转换的转换=Use it,_ you will forget it.or否则否则=Use it,_ you wont forget it.and这样这样,那么那么 I dont know if if he _(come)here tomorrow afternoon.If I

9、f he _(come)here,I will tell you.3.引导引导原因原因状语从句状语从句的连词的连词because,as(因为因为),since(既然既然)(1).He got good grades because he worked hard.(同义句同义句)He got good grades because of _.his hard work(提问提问)WhyWhy did he get good grades?(2).判断并改错判断并改错 Because he was ill,so he didnt come.becausebecause和和soso不能同时使用不能同

10、时使用4.引导引导目的目的状语从句状语从句的连词的连词 in order that.为了为了.so that.以便以便.,为了,为了.她总是起得早以便能按时到达。她总是起得早以便能按时到达。She always gets up early _.so that/in order that(同义句同义句)与与 in order to do sth.或或 动词不定式表目的动词不定式表目的进行同义替换进行同义替换she can arrive on time 5.引导引导结果结果状语从句状语从句的连词的连词 so.that.如此如此.以至于以至于.such.that.如此如此.以至于以至于.such+a

11、/ana/an+adj.+cn.单单 such+adj.+cn.复复/un.so.that.如此如此.以至于以至于.such.that.如此如此.以至于以至于.so+adj./adv.so+adj.+a/ana/an+cn.单单根据具体情况,根据具体情况,可与可与too.to.、(not).enough to do.进行同进行同义句替换义句替换 too too to to so so that thatsuchsuch that that so so that that easy enough easy enough6.引导引导让步让步状语从句状语从句的连词的连词 although/thoug

12、h even though/even if no matter+特殊疑问词特殊疑问词 what/how/where.无论无论.,不管,不管.虽然虽然,尽管尽管,即使即使 不能和不能和同时使用同时使用可转化为可转化为-ever()1._ its hard for me to learn English well,_ I will try my best to make it.A.Although,but B.Because,so C./,but D./,because2.No matter _ difficult it is to make my dream come true,I will fight on.(填空填空)C ChowHowever difficult it is to make my dream.(同义句同义句)7.引导引导比较比较状语从句状语从句的连词的连词 than,as(1)Lily is thinner _ the other students in her class.(2)Mike doesnt run _ fast _ his brother.(3)Thats not the same _ you told me.than as as as


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