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1、江苏省苏州市2021年中考英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Football fans are often called the “12th man” because of their influence _ a team.AtoBfromConDat2According to the new traffic rules, people _ wear a helmet when riding an e-bike.AmightBmayCcanDmust3I know how busy you are and naturally I wouldnt take _ too muc

2、h of your time.AoffBupConDdown4Peter has _ memory and often forgets the names of people around him.AlongBgoodCrichDpoor5The gravity on Mars is only about there eighths of _ on the Earth.AthatBthoseConeDones6The documentary A Plastic Ocean is so impressive that I _ it several times so far.AwatchedBwa

3、tchChave watchedDwill watch7During our holidays, we should avoid _ up at night and oversleeping in the morning.AstayBto stayCstayedDstaying8Now teenagers _ to do voluntary work for their local commodities.Aare encouragedBwere encouragedChave encouragedDare encouraging9Amy, I wonder _ in the street w

4、hen I come to pick you up. Well, theres a big tree by the front gate and its covered in lovely white flowers at the moment.Ahow will I find your houseBhow I will find your houseCwhen I will find your houseDwhen will I find your house10 Hi, Jack! Im just going to the practice for the concert. Are you

5、 coming to play your violin?_, Carl. I have to finish my report today.AYoud better notBIt doesnt matterCIm afraid notDDont worry二、完形填空When she was very young Severn Cullis-Suzuki learned that the United Nations Assembly(大会)was going to meet in Brazil, Severn _11_ that she wanted not only to go there

6、 but also to say something. She started to raise money for the _12_ and when she was 12, she had enough for the 11, 000-kilometre journey. Severn was sure that she had _13_ to say, and when she made her five-minute speech _14_ the UN Assembly, she tried very hard to make a difference. She talked abo

7、ut _15_ problems like pollution and the hunting of animals. She also talked about the _16_ of children in many parts of the world, especially poor children who dont have enough to eat. She compared them with children in richer countries who have more than they need and throw things _17_. Severns que

8、stions were a challenge to the worlds leadersquestions about why the grown-ups who _18_ the world dont take more care of it and of the people who live in it.Many people who heard her speech were crying at the end, and everyone _19_ with thunderous applause(掌声)when she finished. Severn showed that yo

9、ung people can make a difference _20_ theyre brave enough to believe in themselves. Who knows? Perhaps you could be another Severn.11ArefusedBdecidedCregrettedDdoubted12AgameBcourseCpartyDtrip13AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything14AfromBwithCtoDby15AenvironmentalBphysicalCeducationalDmedical16Alo

10、cationBvacationCsituationDcommunication17AonBupCoverDaway18ArunBholdCmissDstop19Abroke upBgrew upCstood upDgave up20AunlessBifCwhetherDthough三、阅读单选On the bottom of most plastic packaging(包装), theres a small triangle (三角)with a letter or a number written inside. These little symbols are not easy to b

11、e noticed, but are really important. They tell you what kind of plastic it is and whether it can be recycled or not. Can it be recycled?Types of Plastic PetThis is the plastic that you often see on supermarket shelves! Its used to make plastic water bottles and biscuit boxes. HDPEHDPE is a stronger

12、type of plastic. It is what milk bottles are made of. LDPE LDPE is a very soft plastic which is not easily broken. It is what shopping bags are made of.PS (POLYSTYRENEThis plastic is often seen in our daily life. Youll probably have seen it as those cheap white cups you get hot drinks in, or as take

13、away food packaging.21Which is a stronger type of plastic?APETBHDPECLDPEDPS22Which of the following uses PET plastic?AMilk bottles.BHot drink white cups.CDrinking water bottles.DTakeaway food packaging.23What is the purpose of this article?ATo introduce types of plastic.BTo display reusable items.CT

14、o explain recycling methods.DTo recommend shopping bags.Chinese is mainly divided into 13 dialects(方言)and these dialects can be further divided into many kinds of local dialects. Putonghua (or Mandarin) the predominant dialect, is spoken by over 70% of the population and is one of the 6 official lan

15、guages of the United Nations. Within these large dialect groups, there are small groups, many of which are difficult to understand. In Fujian, for example, people living 10 kilometres away from one another can be speaking different Min dialects. Putonghua. It is the mother dialect of Chinese living

16、in northern China and Sichuan Province. It is called Guoyu in some parts of China, like Hong Kong, Macao(澳门)and Taiwan. It is known in English as Mandarin Chinese, or Standard Chinese. Wu. Spoken in Shanghai, most of Zhejiang and the southern parts of Jiangsu and Anhui. Wu is made up of hundreds of

17、different of spoken forms. Hakka/Kejia. Hakka is widely spoken in Fujian, Taiwan, and some countries in Southeast Asia.Min. It is spoken in Fujian, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia. Min group is the most diverse(多样的), with many different spoken forms used in neighbouring countries. Yue. It is spoken in Gu

18、angdong, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, all over Southeast Asia and by many Chinese living abroad.24What does the underlined word “predominant” mean?AMore beautiful.BMore special.CMore interesting.DMore common.25What do you know about Putonghua after reading this passage?AIt is used by a small group of p

19、eople in China.BIt is spoken only by people in Mainland China.CIt is included in the official languages of the United Nations.DIt is the mother dialect of people living in southern China.26Based on he passage, which of the following is true?AMost people in Anhui speak Kejia.BWu is the local dialect

20、of Shanghai.CYue has the most different spoken forms.DMost people in Hong Kong speak Min.Resting my head on Helens shoulder, I put my arms round her waist(腰). She drew me to her, and we rested in silence.We had not sat long before another person came in. Some heavy clouds, swept from the sky by a ri

21、sing wind, had left he moon bright; and her light, coming in through a window near, shone full both on us and on the coming person, Miss Temple. “I came on purpose to find you. Jane Eyre,” said she. “I want you in my room, and as Helen Burs is with you, she may come too.”We followed Miss Temple to h

22、er apartment. It had a good fire, and looked cheerful. Miss Temple told Helen Burns to be seated in a low arm-chair on one side of the fire place, and herself asking another, she called me to her side. “Is it all over?” she asked. looking down at my face. “Have you cried your sadness away?”“I am afr

23、aid I never shall do that.”“Why?”“Because I have been wrongly accused(指责), and you and everybody else, will now think me a bad girl.”“We shall think you what you prove yourself to be, my child. Continue to act as a good girl, and you will satisfy us.”“Shall I, Miss Temple?”“You will.” said Miss Temp

24、le, “You have been accused of lying when you were little. Tell us the truth, but add nothing and exaggerate(夸大)nothing.”I made up my mind that I would be most modest and most correct. Having thought for a few minutes about where to start, I told her all the story of my sad childhood.27Which of the f

25、ollowing words best describes Miss Temple in the passage?ADishonest.BImpatient.CCaring.DHumorous.28What does the underlined paragraph imply(暗示)?AMiss Temple was going to punish Jane.BHelen would rather leave Jane alone.CNothing could make Jane happy again.DJanes luck might change for the better.29Ac

26、cording to the passage, which of the following is true about Jane?AShe chose to trust Miss Temple.BShe didnt mind being accused.CShe made up her childhood story.DShe once behaved as a bad girl.Everybody has a brain, but not many people know how the brain works. Some people believe that the brain is

27、like the hard disk of a computer. We use it to store filespictures, language (words, texts, sounds) and so on. Others compare the brain to a huge cupboard with lots of shelves and boxes in it. We put information into these boxes and hope to find it again later.The brain is not A computer disk, And i

28、t isnt a cupboard. Look at the picture here. It looks a bit like weeds(杂草)in a garden, doesnt it? The picture actually shows a childs neocortexa part of the brain that controls sight and hearing. You can guess what happensmore “weeds” grow as the child gets older. Scientists call these neuronal(神经元的

29、)networks. The networks grow around our neurons. -What makes them grow? Learning! “Learning is brain change,” says Professor James Zull from Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA“Without learning, nothing changes in the brain. For every new word you learn in your English lesson, every prob

30、lem you solve in maths, every new song you learn to sing, a neuronal network grows in your brain and the brain changes.”The more neuronal networks we grow, the better we can think and the better we remember. You may wonder if there is anything you can do to make the networks in your brain grow bette

31、r. Professor Zull says yes, there is. He says that brain change is strongest when a) you are interested in and like what you are learning, b) you are in control of what you learn and c) you get challenging tasks that make you think hard. Understanding a challenging task makes you feel good and devel

32、ops your brain.30Whats the main idea of the first paragraph?AThe braina fantastic computer.BWhat people believe about the brain.CHow to make your brain stronger.DOur braina growing system.31What can we learn from the passage 2?ALearning makes our neuronal networks grow.BSeeing a challenging task dev

33、elops our brain.CWe remember better when things are easy.DTheres nothing we can do to make us smarter.32Whats the best title for the passage?AInterest is the best teacherBMeeting lifes challengesCNever too late to learnDLearning is brain change四、阅读还原7选5It was a very hot day. As I was sitting on the

34、bench, waiting for class to begin, I saw Timothy waving a brown paper bag at Jenna. Happily, the two of them walked away to somewhere._33_ They stopped at a quieter area behind the library. “Strange,” I thought. “They must be up to something!” I watched them from behind a large tree and saw Jenna pa

35、ss some money to Timothy. Timothy then passed the paper bag to Jenna. Both of them were smiling and seemed very happy. _34_ Timothy must be selling answers to the holiday worksheets to Jenna! It made sense to me as Timothy was an excellent student and Jenna always needed help in her homework. I coul

36、d not stop myself and jumped out from behind the tree. I cried, “_35_”Timothy and Jenna were surprised. “What is happening?” Jenna asked. After I told them what I had thought, they laughed. I turned out that in the bag was a special comic book bought by Timothys brother. _36_ Once I heard the explan

37、ation, I turned red. I wished the ground would swallow(吞下) me then to save me from the shame. I said sorry for my mistake and quickly ran away. _37_AI will never trust them again.BA thought suddenly came into my mind.COut of curiosity, I followed Timothy and Jenna.DTimothy was only collecting money

38、from Jenna for the comic book.EI will never jump to conclusions again.FI saw what the two of you had done.GLuckily, they invited me to join them.五、根据汉语提示填空38Tomorrow is Fathers Day. Lets get prepared _(今晚)to give Dad a big surprise.39Suzhou Museum _(位于)to the north of the Lion Forest Garden.40In Chi

39、na, _(小学的)education is given to pupils between ages of 6 and 12.41We need to increase our _(知识)of the history of the Communist Party of China.42Dont get on the bus before _(清点)the total number of your team members.六、根据首字母填空43Kate wanted to turn the room into a study, w_ her husband preferred a kitch

40、en.44A_the four great classical Chinese novels, my favourite is Journey to the West.45A walk in the fresh air can l_ your mood after a stressful days work.46When watching the raising of the national flag, we should stand s_ with our backs.47In 1961, Yuan Longping found a natural hybrid rice plant th

41、at had many a_ over others.七、语法填空Does my goldfish know who I am?I think this is a great question. I do spend my days _48_ (study) how fish go about their lives. First of all, fish are much smarter than people think. People often talk of goldfish having three-second memories, but in fact they can lea

42、rn all kinds of things, and remember them _49_ quite a long time. This shouldnt surprise us too much. Just like other animals, they can find enough to eat, and _50_ (know) when it is sale to be out in the open. Being able to learn and remember things helps _51_ (they) do this. Many kinds of fish can

43、 tell one from another, according to their group, their relatives, _52_ even their own eggs. But fish live in _53_ very different world from us. For many kinds of fish, although seeing is important, _54_ (sense) such as smell and touch are even more important. So, does your fish know who you are? I

44、believe your fish will _55_ (sure) know when it is feeding time. My own fish become very _56_ (excite) when my hand appears near their tank, even before I drop the food in. Im not sure that your fish will be able to remember what your face _57_ (look) like, but I wouldnt be too surprised if it could

45、 remember you in other ways, perhaps by the sound of your footsteps as you walk towards the tank.八、阅读回答问题A two-week-old baby hippo sat alone on the bank of the Zambezi River in Zambia, a country in Africa. His mother was dead. The morning sun rose and with every passing minute he lost more strength.

46、 Without his mother, the baby probably wouldnt make it through the night. Luckily, Ian Stevenson and his friends saw the baby hippo. They took him back, fed him milk and eggs. The young animal was saved and soon doubled his weight. He seemed happy and healthy. Later, the hippo, now called Douglas, was moved to an ideal home at Chipembele, a wildlife center owned by Ann and Steve Tolan. They built a sleeping place for Douglas by a pool where he liked to swim. They fed him every three hours. Douglas enjoyed playing with the Tolans pet dogs and swimming in the pool.


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