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1、小升初英语语法突破1、名词同学们,让我们一起来观察下面的单词:banana water cup bird man mother father life idea Beijing China Smith Monday No. 2 Middle School the Great Wall 我们发现,以上单词都是表示人或事物名称的词,我们把它们称为名词,用符号n.来表示。名词到底学什么?一是名词的分类;二是名词的数;三是名词的所有格。第一节 名词的分类接下来,我们来学习一下名词的分类。 专有名词:China, the Great Wall,Helen (世上独一无二):专有名词和由普通名词构成的专名

2、名名词类格数 单数 a book 可数名词 词 复数two books 普通名词 1)水质的: water, milk, juice不可数名词 2)油质的:oil ,butter, soap, 3)粉末状的: chalk, bread第二节 名词的数我们知道,按照数的划分,名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词两大类。接着让我们进入以下的精彩学习吧!一可数名词先来看一下可数名词单数变复数的变化:1. 规则变化 (口诀:s es 加 双变 ) 直接+s 例如: books, chairs,students,oranges 以字母-s, -x, -ch, -sh, o 结尾的名词,在词尾加-es 例如:

3、boxes, peaches, watches, dishes 以o结尾的名词变为复数词尾加es的口诀: 黑人 (Negroes) 英雄 (heroes) 在火山(volcanoes)上吃芒果(mangos/es)土豆 (potatoes) 西红柿 (tomatoes) 提示:radios,photos以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词, 先变y为i, 再加-es例如: familyfamilies, babybabies (以“元音字母+y” 结尾的名词, 直接加-s 例:boys , toys, monkeys)以字母-f, -fe结尾的名词, 变f/fe为ves口诀:妻子(wife)拿刀(kn

4、ife)去宰狼(wolf), 小偷(thief)吓得丢面包(loaf) 躲在架(shelf)后保己(self)命(life), 半(half)片树叶(leaf)遮目光对应复数为: wives, knives, wolves,thieves, loaves,shelves,selves,lives, halves, leaves注:词尾可以直接加s的词有:roofs, chiefs, safes, cliffs, gulfs, golfs; 词尾可以加s也可加es的有:scarf, handkerchief2. 名词变复数的发音规则 名词后加s,es发音为:/s/, /z/, /iz/口诀:清清

5、浊浊元浊,/t/ ,/d/后发/ts/ , /dz/,遇到/s, z , t, d3, , 3/ 发/iz/例如: shops/ps/ ducks/ks/例如: pens /z/ ;boys /z/例如: cats /ts/ hats/ts/ passports /ts/ tourists /ts/例如: birds /dz/ friends /dz/ cards /dz/例如: buses /siz/ sizes /ziz/ peaches /tiz/ oranges /d3iz/ 3. 不规则变化(1)口诀: 有些名词特殊记,foot, tooth和goose, oo变ee; 多个孩子多个

6、人,男人女人a变e; 鹿羊鱼耍脾气,保持原身体。 小老鼠真淘气,掉进冰里丢身体。(ox公牛oxen)注:fish的用法(3 fish, kinds of fishes, eat some fish)(2)口诀:“两个名词”在一起,前不变,后变,除了男人和女人,主体名词加s,以上规则须牢记。apple treeapple trees, keyboard operatorkeyboard operators, girl friendgirl fiends,boy studentboy students,但man doctor men doctors, woman doctorwomen docto

7、rs;stepmother, mother-in-law(3) 表“国人”的名词:口诀:中日不变, 英法变,其余s加后面。a. ChineseChinese, JapaneseJapanese, b. EnglishmanEnglishmen, FrenchmanFrenchmen,c. AmericanAmericans, GermanGermans (以-can, -an结尾的国人+s)4. 集体名词family, class等 强调“整体”谓语(单数) 强调“成员”谓语(复数)例如:My family is happy. My families are watching TV. Im i

8、n Class Four and I have four classes every morning.5. 群体名词:people, police两词本身就是“复数”,谓语动词用“复数”(be动词应用are)例如:There are many people in the room. The police are running after the thieves.2、不可数名词1. 常见的不可数名词有三类:1)水质的: water, milk, juice 2)油质的:oil, butter, soap 3)粉末状的: chalk, bread2. 雷打不动十大不可数名词:work, prog

9、ress, news; health, information, advice; music, fun; weather, luck为方便记忆,特送口诀:工作进步好消息,健康信息多建议,爱听音乐有乐趣,天气真好是运气。3. 量的表达:不可数名词不能与数词连用,仅能与little / a little / much / a bit等不可数限定词连用。不可数名词要表达量,必须借助数量词短语。公式:a/ an/ 数词+ 量词+ of+ 不可数名词 例如: news 一条新闻: a piece of news; bread 一块/ 条面包:a loaf of bread coffee 一杯咖啡: a

10、cup of coffee ; soap 一块肥皂:a bar of soap 注意他们的复数形式:只变数量词。a cup of coffeetwo cups of coffee常用的数量词的表达结构:(必会)a glass of (一玻璃杯), a cup of (一茶杯), a bottle of (一瓶), a piece of (一片、和条等), a loaf of (一块), a pound of (一磅), a pair of (一双,副,条), a bag of (一袋), 等。4. 单个不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:Air is very important f

11、or us.拓展部分:同学们,该我们找规律了。(一) many students, a few books (有一些书), few books (没几本书), a numberof students (许多学生), ( the number of students的数量,后面谓语动词用单数,比如be动词用is)lot of apples(许多苹果)some eggs修饰可数名词复数的词:many, a few, few, a number of, the number of,lot of (二) much money a little money(有一些钱) little money(几乎没钱

12、) a lot of money (许多钱) some money 修饰不可数名词的词:much,a little,little,a lot of,some (三)既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词为:a lot of, some3、名词的所有格一、 定义:名词所有格即表示这个名词归谁所有的问题。名词的这种所有格吧!共分为三种类型:s所有格,of所有格 ,双重所有格,(一)s所有格:名词+s或+s(多表示有生命的东西;1. 单数名词的所有格+s: 例如: Toms book, Childrens Day2. 复数以s结尾只+ 例如: Teachers Day 3. 表示两个人的所有格:如果两人

13、“共用”一个物体, 则只在后一个人的后面+s例如: Lucy和Lily的房间: Lucy and Lilys room (两人共用); 如果两人“各用各的”, 则都需要分别+s. 例如: Lucys and Lilys rooms (一人一间)做题技巧:关键看“ ”后的名词:如果是“单数”说明两人共有,只在后者+s。如果是“复数”,说明各是各的,两个词都要+s。4. 表示某人的“家, 店铺”等所有格用s后的名词常省略。 (新一L69)例如: at the butchers (shop) go to my mothers (house)口诀:想用职业来表地点, 人的前面+the , 后面+s。

14、at the bakers,注意: 如果是人名, 则不用前加the, 只在其后加s。例如: at Marys.5. 特殊用法:(1)After the exam well have a two months holiday= a two-month holiday(2)Every morning Mr. Smith takes a 20 minutes walk to his office.= a 20-minute walk(3)There is a five stars hotel.=a five-star hotel口诀:数-单名作定语,修饰其后的名词。表时间,距离常用s所有格。二、of

15、所有格(多表示无生命的东西) 例如:a photo of my family , a map of China/ the world特殊:用“to”表示所有格:the key to the door, the answer to the question , the entrance to the park三、双重所有格1. I meet(遇到) _every morning. A. a friend of mine. B. a friend of my. C. a friend of me.注意:双重所有格:of + ns 例如: a friend of my fathers/Marys m

16、othersof +名词性物主代词 例如: a friend of mine (his、 hers、 theirs)4、一般现在时一、定义:表示目前的状态或经常性的动作。Jerry is a big guy. He eats three bowls of meat every day.二、结构 1.“主系表”结构:e g: You are a studentYou are not a student.Are you a student ? Yes, you are. No, you arent.肯:主 + be(am, is, are) + 表。否:主+be(am, is, are)+not+

17、表。疑:Be+主+表? 肯定回答: Yes, 主+be. 否定回答: No, 主+be not. (可缩写) am not is not=isnt are not=arent2.“主+谓+宾”结构肯:主(三单)+谓+s +宾否:主(三单)+dont/doesnt +v.原+宾。疑:Do/Does +主 +v.原形+宾? 肯定回答: Yes, 主+do/ does. 否定回答: No, 主+ dont/doesnt.例如:He likes English. (变否) He doesnt like English.(变疑) Does he like English? Yes, he does./

18、No, he doesnt. 3. 特殊疑问句 结构:特词+助v.+主+谓v原+其它?He does his homework every day. (变否、变疑、并对划线部分提问)特疑:What does he do every day? 解析:否定句中的doesnt 为助动词,第二个do 为实义动词。He brushes his teeth three times a day.对three times 提问:(即对次数提问)How many times does he brush his teeth a day?对three times a day 提问:(对频率提问)How often

19、does he brush his teeth?三、动词变化1.三单概念 (1) 当主语为第三人称单数,he/she/it (2) 一个物a cat等 (3) 一个人 Tom, my friend等2.动词的单三形式变化 变化口诀:s,es,y变i,have变has。 一般情况 词尾+s: works, looks, wants 以-ch, -sh, -s, -x, -o结尾 词尾+es: teaches, washes, dresses, fixes, goes 以辅音字母+y结尾 变y为i,再加 es :flies, cries, tries四、标志性时间状语判断一个句子是什么时态的依据就

20、是要学会“依照时间,来定时态”。即“依时定态”。例如:He runs (run) every day. “一般现在时”的时间状语:1. every系列: every day / every week / every month / every yearI go to school on foot every day.2.“频率副词”系列: always, usually, often, sometimes等(渐弱)频率副词在句子中的“位置口诀”: “be” 之后,“行”之前,“情”、“助”与“行”之间。但:sometimes 常用于句首或句尾。 (1) Tom is often late fo

21、r school. Mary is always beautiful. (be之后) (2) I often go to school at 6:00. Girls usually like sweets. (“行”之前) (3) He can always answer these questions. (情与行之间) (4) I dont often go to school at 3:00. (助与行之间)(5) Sometimes he goes to school by bus.3. on Sundays (每逢星期几)系列: On Saturdays / On Friday / O

22、n Monday I go to see my grandmother on Sundays.4. once a week (系列):twice a month, three times a day.等 I write to my mother twice a month.五、用法1.经常性、习惯性动作或状态。2.习语、谚语。 A friend in need is friend indeed.3.“客观真理不动摇”:始终要用一般现在时。The teacher told us that the earth goes around the sun.解析:当主句的谓语动词是过去时态,则所有的从句都

23、要带上过去的帽子,但“客观真理不动摇。”不管你的老师说不说,地球都绕着太阳转,这是一个客观真理。 例如:The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.4.if条件句、时间状语从句中一般现在时表将来。(主将从现)If he comes back, I will tell you.When he comes back, I will tell you.As soon as he comes back, I will tell you.5、冠 词一 定义:冠词是用在名词前面,说明名词所表示的人或事物的词。名词是秃子,需要戴帽子,帽子就是冠词。二分类:不

24、定冠词a/an, 定冠词the, 零冠词第一节 a(n)的用法用法口诀:一个,一类,某一,另一,不见原因(元音)不施恩(n)。解析:(1)表示数量,有“一个”的意思,eg:There are 7 days in a week.(2)表示一类人或者是物,eg:A bird can fly.(3)泛指一类名词中的某一个,eg:Tom is an actor. (4)用于“序数词”前表“另一” 例如:He have been to Beijing twice. I want to go to Beijing a third time.提示:a third time : 又一次,再一次 the thi

25、rd time:第三次(5)元音因素前要用不定冠词an: an apple an interesting book(6)用于某些固定搭配中:a lot of, a few, a little, a number of, after a while(稍后), give sb a hand(帮助某人), in a hurry, half an hour, want a go = have a try, catch (have )a cold (感冒), have a bath/shower, have a drink, have a fever(发烧),have a rest, in a /one

26、 word (总之), have a word with sb (和某人谈话), give a lesson (教课)三 特殊用法1 在26 个字母中,当以下12个字母单独出现时,其前要用an .它们是: / e/: f, l, m, n, s, x (共6个) /ei/: a ,h (共2个) / i:/: e /a:/: r /u/: o /ai/: i a, e, i, o, f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x / 共12个。为了记忆,把它们编成一个口诀: Mr. Li has one fox.例如:There is an “s ” in the word “six”.2. 特

27、殊单词首字母的发音:“h”: 注意以下以h开头的单词用an, 因为h在此处不发音。eg: an hour an honor (荣誉) an honest boy (一位诚实的男孩) “u”: 分两种情况:(单词以u开头)当字母u发/ju:/时,前面用a. 例如:a university; a useful book; a uniform(制服),a unit (单元)当字母u发/时,前面用 an. 例如:an uncle; an umbrella; an ugly duckling (丑小鸭) 解析:虽是元音字母开头,但要考虑的是元音音素。应根据情况而定。one前应用 a. There is

28、_a_ one-leg table. 解析:因为发/w /音。用a.6、 “定冠词” the一、发音:1. 在辅音音素前读:/:eg: the book. 2. 在元音音素前发生音变,读:/ i:/(重读) 或/ i/(弱读) 例如:in the afternoon/evening, the old man, the other one 二、八大用法:口决: “特指双方熟悉,上文已经提及;世上独一无二, 序数词最高级;某些专有名词, 习语以及乐器;形容词前表一类,姓氏复数表一家。”解析: 1. 特指双方熟悉:(说话双方均知道的那个人或物)例如:Where is the math teacher

29、? He is over there. 2. 上文已经提及: I have a pen. The pen is red. 也符合:第一次提到泛指用a/an, 再次提到特指用the 3. 表 “世上独一无二”:The sun is rising. the world, the moon, the earth; 4. 在序数词,形容词最高级前: I am the first to get to school. He is the tallest boy in our school.5. 某些专有名词: 由普通名词构成的专有名词:词组:the Yellow River (黄河), the Summe

30、r Palace (颐和园), the United States(美国), the Peoples Republic of China (中华人民共和国), the Childrens Palace(少年宫)6. 习语以及乐器: 部分习惯用语中n. 前常加the :all the time (一直), at the age of(在岁时) , all the same (仍然),at the moment (此刻), do the shopping/washing/买衣服洗衣服,by the way(顺便说), in the morning, in the open air(在户外), in

31、 the east/west/south/north乐器前必加the: 口决: “打球下棋者衣冠不整,演奏乐器者衣冠整齐” 例如:play football,play chess 但: play the piano play the violin 补充:西洋乐器前加 the,但是中国本地的不用。例如:play _Erhu Key: /7 . the +(部分)adj.表:“一类人”: 例如:the poor/rich/old/young/sick/blind/new/dead8. the +姓s表: “夫妇俩,一家人” 例如:The Smiths(=The Smith family) are

32、having lunch.(Smith一家)7、零冠词用法口决:下列情况应免冠,代词限定名词前; 专有名词不可数,学科球类三餐前; 复数名词表泛指,两节星期月份前; (节日、季节)颜色语种和国名,称呼习语及头衔。解析: (1)“代词”限定“名词”前:当名词前面有“代词”修饰时,不用冠词。例如:He is our Math teacher。 (our把a 顶掉)(2)“专有名词”“不可数”: 专有名词:单个国名,人名,地名。例如:China, India, England等前不加任何冠词。但the United States, the Great Wall是“由普通名词构成的专有名词”前必加th

33、e。不可数名词前一般不加冠词,但表特指时加定冠词the。(3)“学科”“球类”“三餐”前;学科前不用the: 例如:Do you like _ Maths? Key: /球类前不加the: play + 球 不用the; (而:play the +乐器) 三餐前不用the: have lunch 但当三餐前有修饰语时,常用a/an :例如:have a big good (nice, light ) lunch(4)“复数名词”表泛指:(必定是可数名词)例如:Horses are useful animals. = A (The) horse is a useful animal. 注意:当泛

34、指“人类”时,常用Man 来表示。例如:Man cant live without(没有) water or air. 没有水和空气人类就不能生存。 ( 而不用the man 或a man. )(5)“两节(节日、季节)”“星期”“月份”前; 以day组成的节日前不用the:例如:Childrens Day;Mothers Day; MidAutumn Day不以Day 结尾的节日前加the : 例如:the Spring Festival,the Mid-Autumn Festival ;the New Year等 季节前一般不加the: 例如:in spring /summer/ autu

35、mn(fall) /winter但是 in the spring of 1992(当有修饰语或特指时可以加the )On Sunday. In May.(6)“颜色”“语种”和“国名”: 例如:The book is red. English is a useful language. China is a big country. (7)“称呼”“习语”及“头衔”. 称呼:Mr. Wang is waiting for you. Here it is, Mom!习惯用语:by + 工具: by bike/ bus/air/plane/train/ship 等。词组:be at school

36、, be at work, be in hospital (住院), by mistake (错误地),at night, here and there(到处), day and night, on time, at home, on duty, go home, go to bed, be in trouble头衔前不加冠词:例如:Doctor (头衔) , I have a headache . 8、动 词一、什么是动词? 表示动作或状态的词叫做动词。二、动词的种类按照动词的词义和动词在句子中所起的作用来划分,动词可分为五大类:1. Be动词 be动词很特殊,既可以作系动词又可以作助动词,

37、而且用途广泛。用法口诀:我用am,你用are,is跟着他她它,复数形式都用are。2. 实义动词 实义动词也叫行为动词,能独立作谓语。如:The lion opened its huge mouth and roared(咆哮).实义动词又可分为及物动词和不及物动词两类。1) 及物动词,后面可以直接接宾语。如:Judy found a Christmas gift in the stocking.2) 不及物动词,不需要宾语。如:The car stopped.不及物动词后如跟宾语,须加上介词。如:listen to me3)有些动词既可以作及物动词又可以作不及物动词。如:play: play

38、 a game; play with yoyo.4)有些动词既可以作及物动词又可以作不及物动词,但意义不一样。如: ask: ask for help; ask him to go out3. 系动词 系动词也叫连系动词,不能单独作谓语,必须和名词,形容词等一起使用,作句子的谓语。常用的系动词有:1) be动词(是最基本的系动词) 如:I am from Hollywood.2) 五官动词:look, sound, smell,taste, feel 如:The boy looks very happy.3) 变化动词:get,become, turn等。如:The leaves turn g

39、reen in fall.4)状态动词:keep,stay等。如:Please keep quiet in the library.4. 助动词 助动词有be;do, does, did; will(would) ,shall(should); have, has, had等。它们和实义动词一起构成各种时态、语态,以及构成否定和疑问结构等。如:The child is crying.5. 情态动词 表示说话人的语气或情态。情态动词词义不完全,不能单独作谓语,只能与动词原形一起构成谓语。情态动词有shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might

40、, must, dare, need, ought to等。9、动词的基本形式动词的五种基本形式这五种形式的动词和助动词一起构成了动词的各种时态和语态。1. 动词原形2. 第三人称单数现在式3. 过去式4. 现在分词5. 过去分词1. 动词原形动词原形就是在词典词目中所使用的动词形式。如:be do work live come like 2. 第三人称单数现在式的构成1)变化口诀:s,es,y变i,have变has。变化规则动词原形第三人称单数现在式 一般情况 词尾+s work, look, wantworks, looks, wants 以-ch, -sh, -s, -x, -o结尾 词

41、尾+es teach, wash, dress, fix, goteaches, washes, dresses, fixes, goes 以辅音字母+y结尾 变y为i,再加 esfly, cry, tryflies, cries, tries2)动词单三形式的发音规则发音口诀:清清,浊浊,元浊,/t, d/后发 /ts/ 和/dz/,遇到/s, z; t, d ; , ;/发 /iz/。 当动词尾音为清辅音时,加s或es后发/s/: looks, helps, jumps 当动词尾音为浊辅音或元音时,加s或es后发/z/:opens, airs 当动词尾音为/t, d/ 时,加s后发/ts/

42、 和/dz/:cuts, needs 当动词尾音为/s, z; t, d ; , /时,发/iz/: teaches, washes3. 过去式和过去分词的构成1)变化口诀:直,去,双,变。变化规则动词原形过去式和过去分词 一般情况,词尾+edwalk, work,helpwalked,worked, helped 以不发音字母e结尾,去e 加eddecide,hope, likedecided, hoped, liked 辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i,再加-edcarry, hurry, flycarried, hurried, flied 以“辅+元+辅”结尾,且重读时,双写末辅+edsto

43、p, nod, planstopped,nodded,planned【注】上面介绍的都是过去式和过去分词的规则变化,也就是“动词原形+ed”。实际上,还有许多动词的过去式和过去分词的变化是不规则的。如:1. A-A-A型:动词原形、过去式、过去分词形式都相同:cut-cut, cut(切割)2. A-B-B型:过去式与过去分词形式相同:bring-brought, brought (带来)3. A-B-C型:动词原形、过去式、过去分词都不相同:go-went, gone (去)4.A-B型:情态动词没有过去分词:maymight(可能)这些不规则变化需要逐个记忆。更多的变化可以参考不规则动词表

44、。2)规则动词过去式,过去分词的发音发音口诀:清清,浊浊,元浊,/t, d/后发 /id/。 当尾音为清辅音时,加ed后发/t/ looked, jumped, walked, washed, worked, asked, typed, watched, talked, thanked; helped; 当尾音为浊辅音或元音时,加ed后发/d/ cleaned, opened, sharpened, turned on, listened ,aired; 与单词尾音/t/一起构成/tid/:dusted, painted, waited, wanted, greeted; 与单词尾音/d/一起构成/did/: decided,needed4. 现在分词的构成变化口诀:直,去,双,变。变化规则动词原形现在分词 一般情况,词尾+inggo, ask, playgoing, asking, playing 以不发音字母e结尾,去e,再加-ingwrite, come, takewriting, coming, taking以“辅+


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