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1、2022届河南省许昌市、济源市、平顶山市高三第三次质量检测英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Lakes that are called seasPeople are always full of imagination to the deep and mysterious sea. However, the waters known as the sea are not always the endless seas we remember, but may also be beautiful or magnificent lakes. Aral SeaThe Aral Se

2、a is an inland lake that lies to the north of Uzbekistan and to the south of Kazakhstan. Aral occupied a vast area of about 68, 000 square km for a long period of time, but its area has been constantly reducing over the past two centuries and today its believed to be less than 10% of its original si

3、ze.Dead SeaThe Dead Sea is located between Israel and Jordan in the Jordan Rift Valley. It is actually a salt lake and one of the worlds most salty water bodies. The elevation (海拔) of the Dead Seas shores is the lowest and it also enjoys the little of being the worlds deepest hypersaline lake. The h

4、igh salinity (含盐量), of the Dead Sea means it does not support life, hence the name. Sea of GalileeThe Sea of Galilee is a freshwater lake with “sea” in its name. It is the second-lowest lake in the world after the Dead Sea with the surface elevation ranging from 705 feet to 686 feet below sea level.

5、 The Jordan River is the primary source of water for the Sea of Galilee. Underground springs also feed water to the lake. Erhai LakeErhai in Yunnan Province, China, at 1, 972 meters above sea level, covering an area of 250 square kilometers, is one of the seven biggest freshwater lakes in China. It

6、means “sea shaped like an ear” in Chinese. Erhai is reputed as “Pear of Plateau”.1Which of the following is becoming smaller and smaller?AAral Sea.BDead Sea.CSea of Galilee.DErhai Lake2Whats special about “Dead sea”?AIt is the deepest lake.BIt is the most salty lake.CIt has the lowest shores.DIt lie

7、s in a dangerous valley.3What is exactly the same to Sea of Galilee and Erhai Lake?ASize.BShape.CSalt content.DElevation.As a professor of architecture aiming at helping his students understand 3D geometry (几何), Ern Rubik created a puzzle that would capture (激发) the imagination of generations to com

8、e the Rubiks cube. The Rubiks cube, became one of the most popular toys in history, with more than 350 million sold to date. In the first three years that the cube was licensed to an American company, it sold 100 million copies around the world. Rubik never imagined it would have that kind of appeal

9、. “People tended not to buy difficult puzzles,” he explains. But the Rubiks cube, “made it really fashionable to have a puzzle”. Today, Rubik continues to work as a professor and is a board member of the Rubiks company. He is also a staunch (忠实的) advocate for STEM (science, technology, engineering,

10、and mathematics) and arts education and encourages his own company and others to take the lead. “I prefer to call it STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics)”, because I think art is an important part of education. The key is starting early, from elementary school, and continui

11、ng on and on,” he said.“This small blue planet and its entire interdependent population depends on future generations learning these subjects.I and my company have tried to help. Weve introduced the You CAN Do the Rubiks Cube course to hundreds of schools across the United States and are expanding i

12、t elsewhere to help students to learn in an engaging, interactive, practical way.”4Why did Rubik invented the Rubiks cube?ATo attract consumers.BTo assist his teaching.CTo make a new puzzle.DTo change views on puzzles.5What can we learn about Rubiks cube?AIt is art education actually.BIt is indeed a

13、n easy puzzle.CIt was the most popular toy.DIt was a big hit to the world.6What does the text mainly introduce Rubik as?AAn artist.BA puzzle player.CAn educationist.DA company boss.7What do the last two paragraphs mainly talk about?ARubik popularized STEAM actively.BRubik tried to sell more toy prod

14、ucts.CRubik worked hard on arts education.DRubik promoted Rubiks cube course.Back-to-back typhoons that attacked reefs (礁) and turned corals upside down hit in 2014 and 2015 in Australia sea, which ruined the coral ecosystem. Feeling “absolutely shocked,” Stephen Simpson, a biologist at the Universi

15、ty of Bristol, decided to channel his sorrow into action. In 2017, he piled up coral remains to build dozens of new small reefs. He placed speakers nearby to play recordings made when the reefs were healthy. “As I wish, twice as many young fish settled on the reefs near these speakers”, he says. In

16、a new paper, Brittany Williams, a graduate student at the University of Adelaide, reviewed projects that used sound to help restore marine (海洋的) ecosystems. “We wanted to prove that sound has great potential”, she says. That potential arises from the fact that a healthy ocean is noisy: fish whistle,

17、 dolphins scream, and spiny lobsters play their feeler like violins. Like the noise of a big city, the familiar sound of a healthy habitat attracts young creatures that are seeking a permanent home.The experiments showed that sound is one of the signals baby fish use to find and settle on a coral re

18、ef after spending their first weeks swimming in the open ocean. “We realized that the fish might be hearing their way home,” says Williams. In experiments begun during her postgraduate degree, Williams put oysters (牡蛎) into jars and played some of them a recording from a wasteland where an oyster re

19、ef used to be. Other oysters were played nothing, while a third group heard the sound of a restored reef. The oysters that heard the restored reef were about twice as likely as the others to settle and attach themselves at the bottom of the jar.8What would Simpson want to achieve when taking action

20、on the reefs?APlaying recordings for fishes.BMaking the sea peaceful again.CCreating larger and newer reefs.DRebuilding the reef community.9What is a healthy marine ecosystem like in Williamss opinion?ASea animals hear their way home.BReefs are strong and large enough.CThe ocean is noisy with variou

21、s sounds.DSea animals have their permanent habitat10What may be vital for ensuring the future of the ocean according to the research?ASound.BReefs.CClimate.DHumans.11Whats the authors purpose in writing the passage?ATo urge people to protect sea life right away.BTo show the magic use of sea animals

22、sound.CTo introduce a way to restore marine ecosystem.DTo remove the worries of ecosystem getting worse.Today, about 10% of the worlds population are left-handed. Archeological evidence shows that its been that way for as long as 500, 000 years, with about 10% of human remains showing the associated

23、 differences in arm length and bone density (密度), and some ancient tools and artifacts showing evidence of left-hand use. A recent mathematical model suggests that the actual rate of handedness reflects a balance between competitive and cooperative pressures on human evolution. The benefits of being

24、 left-handed are clearest in activities involving an opponent, like combat (格斗) or competitive sports. For example, about 50% of top hitters in baseball have been lefthanded. Why? Because lefties are a minority to begin with, both right-handed and left-handed competitors will spend most of their tim

25、e encountering and practicing against righties. So when the two face each other, the left-hander will more probably win this right-handed opponent. The imbalance in the population results in an advantage for left-handed fighters or athletes, but according to the principles of evolution, groups that

26、have a relative advantage disappears. If people were only fighting and competing throughout human evolution, natural selection would lead to more lefties being the ones that survived until there were so many of them that they were no longer rare. So in a purely competitive world, 50% of the populati

27、on would be left-handed. But human evolution has been shaped by cooperation, as well as competition. In golf, where performance doesnt depend on the opponent, only 4% of top players are left-handed. And many of the important instruments (器械) that have shaped society were designed for the right-hande

28、d majority Because lefties are worse at using these tools, and suffer from higher accident rates, they would be less successful in a purely cooperative world, eventually disappearing from the population.12What influences the actual rate of handedness according to the text?AThe total population in th

29、e area.BThe instruments in humans life.CHumans arm length and bone density.DCompetitive and cooperative pressures.13Why do lefties benefit more in competitive sports?ABecause they practise harder.BBecause they are better prepared.CBecause their opponents are righties.DBecause half of the athletes ar

30、e lefties.14What can we infer about lefties from the text?ALeft-hand use is natural.BLefties win more in sports.CHandedness changes easily.DLefties dont like cooperation.15What is the best title for the text?AAre the Left-handed More Popular?BHow the Left-handed Benefit More?CWill Lefties Disappear

31、in the Future?DWhy Are Some People Left-handed?二、七选五Is It Safe to Eat Snow?Theres nothing quite like a fresh blanket of pure, white snow. Great for sledding, snowballs, fort-building and maybe even dessert? Before you take a big bite of the white stuff, lets talk about what could be in the flakes (雪

32、片)._16_. When it gets cold, moisture (水分) in the air freezes into tiny, beautiful crystals that drift down from the sky. _17_. For example, if snow has been removed from a sidewalk or a street, it might contain rock salt with certain chemicals, which help ice melt at low temperature. Unfortunately,

33、those chemicals can also make you sick if you eat them, so you definitely dont want to eat any snow thats been shoveled (铲掉).You should never take small bites on any snow near bird feeders or animal tracks. _18_, squirrels, birds, neighborhood dogs for example, it may carry something not safe to you

34、. Brown snow is off limits for the same reason you wouldnt want to taste a mud pie. And if that snow looks yellow, well, lets just say its unlikely to be lemon-flavored. OK, so what about freshly fallen snow? _19_. But actually, because snow can take in pollutants on the way down, the first hour or

35、two of a snowfall acts like a brush for the air. Scientists have found that new snow can contain strange stuff including pesticides, ashes and even dirt. All of these things are found at extremely low levels. That means its technically safe to eat. But its also good to know that if you just wait a f

36、ew hours and then have a meal on the snow that piles up midway through a storm, youll have the best chance of eating nothing more than pure, frozen, sky water. _20_!ASnow is mostly waterBLets take a close lookCTry not to have any taste of the snowDBut snow can also contain other substancesEBecause s

37、now can act like a pathway for animalsFOne bite and youll be hoping spring never comesGThat should be the safest, yummiest frozen water to eat三、完形填空The scars that Pat Rribble carried through life were formed nearly 50 years ago, inflicted (欺负) by fellow students in Woodland, who _21_him because he w

38、as different.Pat never _22_or had children after graduating. He never had a _23_, only a series of jobs. Now 65, Pat appears _24_with his long gray hair and beard, whom you might cross the street to _25_. But, to talk with him reveals (展现出) a _26_side. He speaks quietly, measuring his words to _27_h

39、is weakness, for which others once seized upon to _28_him. In 2021, when Carey Jim, Pats classmate, learned Pat _29_to attend his high school classs party _30_ hed been hurt in school, he _31_. “Pat had it rougher than the rest of us.” Days later, Carey found Pats _32_and called. Pat answered. “We t

40、alked about the _33_things, and the good things too,” Pat said. “Careys love and _34_caught me unexpectedly.” After that, Carey asked all his _35_to call Pat. And so they did. They made a _36_that they wouldnt lose track of Pat, and they have _37_it for over ten years. Every week, one or more of the

41、m call Pat to see how hes doing. The recovery of the _38_from the past has allowed Pat to look to the _39_. “Ill be at the next party,” he says. “These guys” He pauses, stifling (强忍) _40_. “Lets just say that everyone needs people like these guys in their lives.”21AamusedBtargetedCinspiredDcriticise

42、d22AresistedBregrettedCmarriedDappeared23AcareerBfamilyCfriendDcomplaint24AtoughBcoolCoptimisticDconfident25AhugBavoidCgreetDfollow26AselfishBmatureCbraveDgentle27AcoverBignoreCexpressDchange28AfightBhelpChurtDprotect29ApromisedBexpectedCdecidedDrefused30AafterBbecauseCthoughDeven if31Afelt greatBbe

43、came annoyedCfell silentDlooked disappointed32AaddressBhouseCphotoDnumber33AunimportantBunbelievableCunforgettableDunpleasant34ApunishmentBexplanationCkindnessDquestions35AteachersBfamiliesCclassmatesDcolleagues36AplanBpromiseCrequireDcomment37AkeptBdiscussedCrememberedDpromoted38AlossBweaknessCilln

44、essDwounds39ApastBfutureCsituationDtruth40AtearsBjoyCpainDanger四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号中单词的正确形式。Two vegetarian meals each day. A monthly budget of 200 yuan. Working just one or two months a year. In April, an Internet _41_(use) posted this brief description of his simple, stress-free li

45、fe. He described his philosophy _42_tangping. “I can be like Diogenes, who slept in his wine cask (桶) in the sun,” he wrote. The post spread _43_(crazy). On social media, people showed their approval of tangping by sharing pictures of themselves (and, often, their cats) _44_(lie) in bed. More than 6

46、0 of over 240, 000 respondents to a poll (民意测评) on Weibo, said tangping was their idea of the good life. Tangping _45_(describe) a longing to escape the pressure of modern life in China, where young people_46_(expect) to work long hours, buy property, get married and have children. Many people in th

47、eir 20s and 30s grumble (抱怨) that hard work no longer rewards them with a _47_(good) quality of life. They have adopted an academic term, neijuan or “involution”, to describe how extra input no longer produces more output._48_academic from Tsinghua University thought of tangping to be “ extremely irresponsible”. “The only way _49_(ensure) a happy life is working hard,” said a commentary in one newspaper, “this attitu


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