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1、2022届福建省南平市高三毕业班第三次质量检测英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Social Justice Book ClubThe purpose of our club is to build community by reading a variety of literary types such as poetry, fiction and nonfiction that reflect social justice. Our mission is to highlight literature and authors that promote overall so

2、cial justice. The book selected for our next meeting, 11:00 a. m.12:00 p. m. on May 17, is Asian Dreams by Helen Zia. Zoom links will be emailed to registered participants prior to time. PenumbraOnlines Book ClubWe are excited to announce that PenumbraOnline will be hosting a summer book club. We wi

3、ll be reading a book that spotlights PcnumbraOnlines summer theme of self-love. Join us as we spend the summer reading and rediscovering the love we have for ourselves. We will be discussing our first book, Fat Chance, Charlie Vega, by Crystal Maldonado via Zoom on August 10th at 6 p.m. Grab a snack

4、 or a drink, and join us as we explore this fun summer read!UndocuBook ClubThe purpose of our UndocuBook Club is to expand our communitys personal literature experience by reading and discussing works that reflect themes such as personal and professional growth. The mission is to bring accessibility

5、 to literature to our community and promote acceptance. The specific book will be Born a Crime by Trevor Noah on our next meeting date, Thursday, September 16th. If the time conflicts with your schedule, you can still be part of our club by sharing your thoughts via Zoom chat. 1What is required to a

6、ttend the meeting on May 17?ASelecting a book.BSigning up first.CSharing thoughts.DSending an email.2Whats the book Fat Chance, Charlie Vega probably about?ASelf-love.BSocial justice.CPersonal growth.DLiterature experience.3What do the three book clubs have in common?AThey offer summer activities.BT

7、heir meetings are held online.CTheir members are all students.DThey focus on the same theme.Terence Crowster started the HotSpot Library, after appealing for donations on Facebook, in Scottsville, South Africa in 2017. Based out of two aging metal shipping containers, it may not look like your conve

8、ntional library. On winter days, rain leaks through holes in the roof and drips down onto the tables and bookshelves. But for the residents of Scottsville, a neighborhood torn apart by drug abuse and gang violence, it offers a safe space to escape the severe realities of daily life and to explore di

9、fferent worlds in the pages of thousands of donated second-hand books. What eventually inspired Crowster to launch his project, he says, was visiting schools and witnessing firsthand South Africas problem with literacy. While according to UNESCO, nearly 90% of South Africans can read and write, this

10、 statistic masks a worrying trendthe percentage of children who can “read for meaning”, instead of simply being able to recognize words, is extremely low. A recent study found that just 22% of Grade 4 students could effectively read for meaning. At the Hot-Spot Library, Crowster has carried out a sy

11、stem of book reviews to ensure that his young members are indeed reading for meaning. A borrower who returns a volume must fill out a review form, which the librarians store in folders. “I like that Peter saves the people,”wrote one reviewer after returning a copy of Peter Pan. “I dont like Captain

12、Hook because he is rude with people.”Such are the morals that Crowster hopes his young readers will internalize. With only a membership of 30 in its first year, today the library has over 700 members. “It takes me to a place in my mind where I can just relax and live in the book,”says Abigail Cloete

13、, who joined in a month ago, “Right now Im in Hawaii,”she jokes, pulling a small red copy of Heartbeat in Hawaii out of her bag.4Whats the Hot-Spot Library like?AWell-furnished.BPoorly-equipped.CSpecially-decorated.DTraditionally-designed.5What motivated Crowster to start the project?ASevere violenc

14、e in the schools.BUNESCOs inspiring statistics.CDonations from local communities.DThe childrens problem with literacy.6Why are book reviews required in the library?ATo help librarians arrange the folders.BTo collect the borrowers information.CTo lead the readers to read for meaning.DTo let people kn

15、ow what a book review is.7What can be inferred about Abigail Cloete?AShe finds relief in reading.BShe is very sociable.CShe enjoys travelling abroad.DShe is quite adventurous.Most hospitals dont have a canal to collect rainwater. Thats one of the unusual features that earned a major architecture hon

16、or the 2021 RIBA International Prize for Friendship Hospital, an 80-bed rural community hospital in Bangladesh.The hospital uses an innovative canal system to collect extra rainwater and store it so that it can be used later. The prizes jury felt that the hospitals canal worked well to respond to th

17、e local environments frequent rains. Judges noted the hospital was built using local low-cost building materials! “It is a demonstration of how beautiful architecture can be achieved through good design when working with a relatively modest budget.” Decq wrote. The Royal Institute of British Archite

18、cts awards the prize every two years to a building that “exemplifies design excellence and architectural ambition and delivers meaningful social impact.”Designed by Bangladeshi architect Kashef and completed in 2018, the hospital is run by the nonprofit group Friendship, which works with communities

19、 in rural Bangladesh to respond to issues such as lack of access to vital services and climate change. Friendship Hospital was located in the southern region of Bangladesh. Its relationship with rainwater was a key element in the prize. Its major design feature is a canal that goes along the length

20、of the hospital, separating the outpatient building from the building for inpatient services. The canal collects rainwater from the site, which is then stored in a tank so that it can be used by the hospital. Architect Chowdhury hopes the award will inspire people to commit to architecture that care

21、s for humans and nature.8What contributed most to Friendship Hospitals winning the Prize?AAn extraordinary size.BA modest budget.CA creative canal system.DAn attractive appearance9What does the underlined word “exemplifies” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?AMake a profit on.BGive an instruction to.CServ

22、e as an example of.DFollow the illustration of.10What can be learned about Friendship Hospital?AIt is located in the northern region.BIt is a splendid architecture in history.CIts canal works well to respond to emergency.DIts economically and environmentally friendly.11Which of the following can be

23、a suitable title for the text?AA Low-cost Canal System Was UsedBA Nonprofit Group Created A WonderCA Great Architect Made An InnovationDA Countryside Hospital Was Awarded PrizePupils are small holes located in the centre of the eye. They change size to control the amount of light that enters the eye

24、 based on how much is available in the environment. The response of our pupils to light is a basic sensory response, but pupils have been found to change size based on factors other than light. Researchers hypothesized (假想) that pupils may also change size based on the number of objects that a perso

25、n sees in their environment. “When we look around, we naturally perceive the form, size, movement and color of a scene. Equally naturally, we notice the number of items before us,” said study co-author David Burr, “This ability, shared with most other animals, is an evolutionary (进化的) fundamental. I

26、t immediately reveals important quantities, such as how many apples there are on the tree, or how many enemies are attacking.”To figure out if this ability lies within the pupils, the researchers presented 16 adult participants with images of dots on a monitor in an otherwise quiet, dark room. As th

27、e participants stared at the screen, without being asked to count the dots, a machine measured their pupil sizes. The researchers found that the size of the participants pupils changed depending on how many dots they perceived. The participants pupils expanded, when they perceived a greater number o

28、f dots and constricted when they perceived fewer. The findings suggest that the pupil is equipped with some mechanism that can sense quantity. “This result shows that numerical information is intrinsically (本质上) related to perception,”said Elisa Castaldi, a researcher at the University of Pisa. “Thi

29、s could have, important practical implications.” For example, similar methods could be employed to detect dyscalculia, a learning disability that makes people have trouble doing maths, in very young children.12Why does David Burr mention “apples” and “enemies” in Paragraph 2?ATo clarify a concept.BT

30、o introduce a rule.CTo make a comparison.DTo present a theory.13What were the 16 participants asked to do?AStare at the monitor.BPresent images of the dots.CMeasure their pupil size.DCount the number of the dots.14What is the function of the pupils according to the text?ATo reflect light.BTo sense q

31、uantity.CTo change eye sizes.DTo enhance colors.15What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?AThe mechanism of pupils to sense quantity.BThe relation between numbers and perception.CThe potential use in pupilsperception of numbers.DThe detection of childrens learning disability in math.二、七选五Choo

32、sing a perfect topic for your essay is a very important step in writing and you might be lost and terrified not knowing what to start from. _16_ You can get inspiration for choosing a topic for your essay even while watching TV or looking through updates of your friends on Facebook and Twitter. You

33、can also use a quotation from your favorite book or a life motto of your favorite leader. The key here is to be creative. _17_ That should be something you are interested in. This subject must be appropriate to the purpose of your essay.One of the best ways to get some good ideas is brainstorming. J

34、ust write down first subjects that come to your mind on a piece of paper. _18_ Then evaluate each subject by giving it certain points. Hence, the one which is the most appealing to you wins. After that part is done, its necessary to check your topic one more time. _19_ For example, if you have named

35、 a topic “Egypt”, it can work only if you are writing an overview paper, but if you are about to write a specific analysis, you need to make sure you have chosen something narrow enough, like “Art of ancient Egypt” or “Politics in Egypt”. Using these simple tips, you can quickly find one perfect ess

36、ay idea and get the creative process started. The better your topic is, the easier it will be to write your essay. _20_ARead as much as possible.BFind a subject that suits you.CKeep asking: Is it interesting or boring?DTry to make that idea list as long as possible.EAsk yourself: is it specific enou

37、gh or is it too general?FIt is halfway done when you have an idea what to write about.GHowever, great essay ideas can be found everywhere so dont panic.三、完形填空“BARBARA,” my husband, Bill, announced, “your birthday present is in the freezer.” _21_ , I went to the freezerand broke out _22_ . Inside was

38、 a well-wrapped ice cream container. My _23_ of ice cream is well-known in our home. Then, _24_ the wrappings, I laughed even harder. Instead of ice cream, the container _25_ four large, hand-crafted wooden numbers. Bill had heard me say months earlier that Id always wanted easy-to-read house number

39、s. I was _26_ . The fun of his double _27_ was what I loved. The gift _28_ me of a conversation Id overheard at a department store. A woman was _29_ a gift from her husband. “Wouldnt you think that after 20 years George would know I never wear gold?” she jokedbut I noted a bit of _30_ .I couldnt hel

40、p _31_ the two styles of gift giving. George had _32_ spent several hundred dollars on jewelry his wife didnt _33_ . Bill had spent perhaps $20, but, thinking carefully, he had chosen a gift that was just _34_ for me. This is what gift-giving is all about. The excellence of a gift lies in its approp

41、riateness rather than its _35_ . Choosing a gift neednt be a chore(琐事); it can be fun for both the receiver and the giver.21AConfusedBShockedCAnnoyedDDepressed22AdancingBcryingCsingingDlaughing23AchoiceBconcernCloveDsense24Astaring atBpulling offCthrowing awayDputting back25AheldBcostCshapedDcounted


43、uniqueDright35AfunctionBqualityCvalueDappearance四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Grandma lives in Hangzhou and enjoys her retirement with her husband. When this 74-year-old woman started sharing _36_ (photo)of her daily life, she wouldnt have imagined becoming _37_ safe heaven for many

44、Chinese young people. At the beginning there were barely 100 followers, but the three meals a day _38_ (lay)out on a pink tablecloth quickly appealed to roughly 440,000 users. Now she _39_ (refer)to as Grandma, a warm person theyre willing _40_ (talk)with. In November, Grandmas account became a hot

45、topic on Chinas popular social media network Weibo, _41_ the hashtag(主题标签)“Two seniors three meals a day”. Many social media users posted, “This is my ideal retired life.”In the little virtual space, strangers seeking comfort from Grandmas dining table find an _42_ (emotion)connection with each othe

46、r, too. By scrolling(滚动)down the messages below any of Grandmas notes, you can experience a range of human feelings, _43_ whats more, how people give each other courage to move on. “Talking with these kids is _44_ (true)my great pleasure. I hope my posts can serve as tree holes _45_ they can talk about their everyday life as well as their pains, sorrows and happiness,” Grandma said.五、其他应用文46假定你是李华,你校于5月4日举办了英语戏剧表演比赛。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1. 比赛目的;2. 表演内容;3. 活动反响。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。An English Drama Competition_


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