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1、2022届河南省六市高三第一次联合调研检测(三模)英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Chinese New Year 2022 in London event programmeOnline celebrationsFollow CNY London on social media channels for online celebrations from 31 January to 6 February 2022. Usually, every year, hundreds of thousands of people pour into the West End to e

2、njoy a colourful parade, free stage performances, dragon or lion dancing and traditional Chinese food. But this year special online activities have replaced the canceled parade, live performances and events.Television broadcastWatch a special television broadcast on London Live and YouTube on 6 Febr

3、uary.Chinatown foodHead to Chinatown where youll be able to shop for presents, enjoy on the go treats and sit down for a traditional Chinese New Year meal in one of Chinatowns restaurants.Top tips for Chinese New YearFollow these tips for celebrating Chinese New Year in London:Wrap up warm: celebrat

4、ions take place in February when the weather can be cold.Learn Chinese New Year greetings: Say “Xin Nian Kuai Le” (Happy New Year in Mandarin) or “San Nin Faai Lok” (in Cantonese)Dress in red: Red is the key colour of Chinese New Year. You can dress up with a red scarf, jumper or shoes this will bri

5、ng good luck for the coming year.Enjoy special Chinese New Year food: order a whole chicken or try dumplings at top restaurants in ChinatownBuy something red: To bring luck to your year, Chinese tradition dictates that you should buy something red for yourself or your house.Ensure good luck: In Chin

6、ese culture, to “climb high and gaze far” on New Years Day or the following day brings good luck in business, career, study and fortune. Take a trip on the Emirates Air Line cable car, head up to The View from The Shard or see the sights from the London Eye.How to get to the Chinese New Year eventTh

7、ere is no organized Chinese New Year event in London in 2022 because of the epidemic, but the area around Chinatown may still become busy during the celebrations. Plan your route in advance using Transport for Londons Journey Planner.1Where can you usually see the Chinese New Year celebrations in Lo

8、ndon?AIn the London Eye.BIn the View from The Shard.CIn the West End.DOn the Emirates Air Line.2Which of the following disagrees with the tips given in the passage?ATo enjoy live music.BTo wear warm clothes.CTo buy some red decorations.DTo climb high and gaze far.3Why is this years parade canceled?A

9、Its not allowed by the government.BThe serious epidemic is still not over.CLondon is suffering freezing cold weather.DCNY London makes the online celebrations popular.Sunscreen protects our skin from sunburn. But did you know that it is harmful to coral living in the ocean?Some chemicals in sunscree

10、n, such as benzophenone, can kill coral. Every year, about 4,000 to 6,000 tons of sunscreen will flow into coral areas, according to the US National Park Service.About one and a half years ago, Zhang Baoxin, 17, who studies at Guangdong Experimental High School, read about this in an article. Then s

11、he had an idea to make an environmentally friendly sunscreen to protect the marine environment.To make this happen, Zhang read lots of literature and then put forward a new formula. She mixed natural plant oils with safe and commonly used sunscreen ingredients, such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxid

12、e powder. She tested about 10 kinds of plant oils, including jojoba oil and coconut oil, to figure out whether they can take in sunlight. She then used a microscope to find out if the oil could be mixed with the powder. After trying about 20 formulas, Zhang found a jojoba oil formula that is effecti

13、ve, cheap and easy to make.Zhang wrote a paper to explain her findings with her experimental process and data. The project made Zhang a nominee of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize, an award to celebrate teenagers who help solve major water challenges. She was the only nominee from the Chinese mainla

14、nd in 2020.After this successful experiment, Zhang made some samples and printed out flyers for her new formula. She gave them out to people at swimming pools and water parks. “With my formula, anyone can make sunscreen at home. You just need a blender to mix the oil and the powder,” she said.Zhang

15、wants to study environmental science in college. “I want to use my knowledge to make a better world,” she said.4What probably inspired Zhang to make a new kind of sunscreen?AHer desire to protect the species in the sea.BHer wish to study environmental science.CA book published by the US National Par

16、k Service.DA project at Guangdong Experimental High School.5What does the fourth paragraph mainly tell us?AFeatures of the new sunscreen Zhang made.BDifferences between different ingredients.CThe process of developing the new sunscreen.DDifficulties Zhang met inventing new sunscreen.6What happened a

17、fter Zhangs successful experiment?AShe was accepted into a famous university.BShe won the Stockholm Junior Water Prize.CShe popularized the way to make the sunscreen.DShe continued to improve her sunscreen.7Which of the following best describes Zhang Baoxin?ACurious and cheerful.BHelpful and sociabl

18、e.CDiligent and cautious.DCreative and responsible.Bees are a big part of the life cycle of plants, carrying pollen from one flower to another and allowing plants to produce their frequently yummy output. But with bee populations on the decline, what can take their place? How about soap bubbles(肥皂泡)

19、?It may sound fantastical. But Eijiro Miyako and his colleague at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology have used batterypowered bubble makers to pollinate(授粉)a pear orchard. The details of their magical approach to agriculture are in the journal Science.A few years back, Miyako and

20、 his team tried to copy the pollinating of honeybees by adopting a twoinch-long toy drone with brushes made of horsehair. But the tiny flyer was tough to control. And its hairy little brushes ended up damaging the delicate targets.After spending some time blowing bubbles with his son, Miyako started

21、 thinking more seriously about these soapy little wonders. He figured bubbles would be sticky enough to carry and deliver a pollen load but soft and flexible, so they shouldnt hurt a blossom when they land. The researchers chemically bettered their soapy solution to make bubbles that were mechanical

22、ly stable and actually enhanced the pollination process. Out in the orchard, they aimed their soap bubbles at row after row of pear trees. And they found the bubble system worked just as well as the more laborintensive pollination by hand: pear trees pollinated by bubble eventually yielded fruita sw

23、eet sign of success. Miyako has also upgraded the dronethis time using a larger modelequipped with a machine that lets out a huge number of bubbles in a short time. And it has a big advantage over the handheld model. Because its fully autonomously controllable by GPS with Google Map. So the drones c

24、an make a beeline to where farmers need them, you know, to be.8Why do people try other ways to help pollinate plants?ABecause raising bees needs much labor.BBecause the number of bees is decreasing.CBecause bees work inefficiently.DBecause bees produce less honey now.9What was the problem with the t

25、oy drone?AIt was hard to operate.BIt couldnt work from a distance.CIt produced few bubbles.DIt needed to be recharged often.10What can we learn about the upgraded drone?AIt is a handheld model.BIt is much more efficient.CIt hurts blossoms sometimes.DIt is too large to be controllable.11What is the b

26、est title of the passage?APear trees bear less fruit recentlyBThe population of bees is decreasingCDrones benefit modern agricultureDSoap bubbles help pollinate plantsIts called the Bank of Happiness, but it has nothing to do with money. Founded a year ago in Estonias capital Tallinn, its a forum in

27、 which more than 2,000 members from Estonia and other countries connect to offer or receive services free of charge.The site carries more than 500 ads in English, German and Estonian from people offering or seeking all kinds of things, including teaching and tips on cooking. The website is also tran

28、slated into French and Spanish.Founder Airi Kivi says the goal is to make people think and act with their hearts. “After the worldwide outbreak of the pandemic, I thought, Wow, our bank is perfect for the crisis and a lot of people are unemployed and they can use it to harvest what they need.”So how

29、 does it work? Its simple: You sign up using your real name and post what you are offering or what your need is, as long as it doesnt involve money or products.Masseuse Terge Reintem says she signed up when she was unemployed because she needed to improve her skills by learning from others. But she

30、stayed on even after finding a new job because she says it feels good to volunteer. “If I discover a new technique, I want my bank customers to first experience it,” Reintem says, adding they are often nicer than the paying ones.Member Veronika Davel says she infringed the rules with her first reque

31、st when she asked for a product: a computer. But she did it unknowingly. Later, she began offering services of her own on the banks website. “The main thing I really could offer was English,” Davel explains. “There was a young girl who needed to have better English for her job and I gave her a hand.

32、”The site has many more offers of help than requests for it. Thats as it should be, Kivi says, adding that the bigger reward comes from giving.12How can the Bank of Happiness benefit its members?AThey can help each other at no cost.BThey can place ads for their products.CThey can travel to many coun

33、tries for free.DThey can read much news about happiness.13What does the underlined word mean in paragraph 6?AObeyed.BBroke.CMade.DBent.14Why does Reintem keep serving the bank?ATo improve her skills.BTo win more customers.CTo enjoy the helpfulness.DTo learn new techniques.15How does the writer intro

34、duce the bank?ABy using specific data.BBy giving examples.CBy referring to common knowledge.DBy using comparison and contrast.二、七选五What causes depression? According to the Mayo Clinic, some of the “causes” may be due to troubled relationships. Others may be depressed as a result of threats of bullyi

35、ng or cyberbullying. _16_ Even worse, physical and mental abuse or natural and human caused disasters can impact ones mental state._17_ Other symptoms are difficulty concentrating, feeling overwhelming stress, missing school, desire to be alone, etc. If you match a lot of the feelings above, then yo

36、u may be depressed and should seek help._18_ Regular sleep, exercise, and healthy eating are some simple ways to lift the fog of depression. Try to say good things to yourself and others. _19_ You can write something encouraging or positive on post it notes and hang them up in a private place. You c

37、an also say things like, “Make someone smile & do the extra mile!” or “Have an attitude of gratitude!”Take a break from life with a bike ride, a walk in the park, a hike in nature. You can do whatever makes you happy: write a journal about your feelings, listen to uplifting music or play video games

38、. Finally, try not to wait until the last minute on projects. _20_Even though you might not want to talk about it, make yourself talk to a trusted friend, counselor or family member, etc. Youll be surprised to know that there are many other people out there who are depressed.AYoud better consult you

39、r doctor.BSome people may ignore their feelings.CWhat can you do to deal with depression?DBecause it will contribute to more stress.ETry to stay positive, and think of your blessings in life.FLong-term stress from school or work can also cause depression.GSome of the symptoms could be not eating, sl

40、eeping, or exercising enough.三、完形填空When Ariel Rojas rode her bike to Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, New York, last November, she planned to go hiking and bird watching. Bingo! A mile into her walk, she _21_ a gorgeous female mute swan near the waters edge. Rojas, 30, who had worked at the Wi

41、ld Bird Rescue Center in Manhattan, knew that mute swans can be _22_. But as she approached this one, it didnt move. She was certain that the bird needed _23_ attention. Rojas covered her jacket over the birds head to keep it calm, _24_ picked it up, and cradled it in her arms. And then a thought _2

42、5_ her: What do I do now?Her best _26_ was the rescue center, but that was across the East River and clear on the other side of town. How was she going to _27_ a 17 pound swan on her bike all that way? _28_, some confused strangers driving by _29_ her, her bike, and the swan a lift to a nearby subwa

43、y station.On the subway, no one seemed particularly _30_ by the feathered passenger. Rojas called the rescue center en route, and Tristan, an animal care manager, _31_ her up at the subway station and drove bird, bike, and rescuer to the facility. There, staff members _32_ that the swan might have l

44、ead poisoning, caused by _33_ weights used on fishing lines.The staff got the swan back up on her _34_. She even made a _35_ at the centeranother injured swan. Sadly, even with all that TLC (tender loving care), the swan got _36_ with bacteria. Two months after Rojas came to her rescue, she _37_.Its

45、 a(n) _38_ ending, but the real story is just how far some people are willing to go to _39_ a swan in the big city literally. In all, Rojas _40_ two hours by foot, car, and subway. Says Tristan, “Thats the perfect summary of who she is.”21ArecognizedBspottedCcaughtDadmired22AfriendlyBpopularCaggress


47、inated31ApickedBputCbroughtDpulled32AguessedBdeterminedCpredictedDimagined33AsacrificingBignoringCswallowingDinterrupting34AheadBfeetCwingDneck35AstrangerBdamageCmistakeDboyfriend36AcrashedBpollutedCinfectedDpoisoned37Aflew awayBtook offCgrew upDpassed away38AinterestingBdisappointingCthreateningDexciting39AsaveBcureChuntDfeed40AexploredBwalkedCdroveDtraveled四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Th


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