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1、2022届辽宁省普通高中高三模拟试卷(一)英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解The Surprising Benefits of Taking a Cold ShowerYoull procrastinate (拖延) less.Putting things off is a habit everyone would love to lose. No one wants to take a cold shower, but the more routinely you bite the bullet and get it over with, the more youre t

2、raining your body not to get hung up on those moments of hesitation. As time goes on, this habit will extend to other areas of life.Youll be more resistant to stress and depression.Brief changes in body temperature like a cold shower have been theorized to help brain function and activate beta-endor

3、phin (B-内啡肽) and noradrenaline (去甲肾上腺素) in the brain. Beta-endorphins are “feel-good” molecules that give a sense of well-being. Noradrenaline is an adrenal hormone (肾上腺激素) that helps depressed people feel more “up” naturally. Cold water bathing, meanwhile, also reduces the cortisol hormone (皮质醇激素),

4、 which usually kicks into action when stress and anxiety take over.Youll get sick far less.Cold showers lead to higher numbers of white blood cells circulating throughout your body, which is never a bad thing. Those helpful little cells work hard to protect you from disease and illness.Your skin and

5、 hair will glow.Cold water tightens your skin that gives a natural glow to the skin. When it comes to your hair, cold showers close and fortify your hair cuticles while adding more strength to them. Moreover, cold water also doesnt harm the natural barrier of your skin and hair.1Which of the followi

6、ng can make you less anxious?ANoradrenaline.BAlpha-endorphin.CWhite blood cells.DThe cortisol hormone.2How are your skin and hair after cold showers?ATight.BStrong.CNatural.DShiny.3Where is the text most likely from?AA diary.BA magazine.CA novel.DA guidebook.“Leaves on the line” is a troublesome ter

7、m for rail operators.When leaves fall on to a railway line, they form an extremely low-friction black paste. When compressed by a slowly moving train, the paste becomes sticky and prevents the wheel from touching the rail, leading to lengthy delays and extreme safety concerns.Discovering why leaves

8、pose such a problem has taken years of research.Sycamore (梧桐树) leaves are known to create this slippery black substance. It reduces friction between wheel and rail to around 0.01 per cent the same as between ice and a skate.To find out what chemical in the leaves was responsible for the paste, the r

9、esearchers used a process of elimination (排除过程). Different chemicals were removed but the paste still formed. However, when tannins (单宁酸) were removed, the paste did not form.In plants, these large molecules are used to soak up disease and stop it spreading, as well as making the plants taste bitter

10、 in order to discourage animals from eating them. But when the leaves fall on to a railway line, these tannins react with charged iron particles from the steel rails to form an extremely low-friction black paste.“With this chemical reaction found and linked to low friction phenomena, interventions (

11、干预措施) can be designed,” researchers conclude. They say this discovery could help design policies to cut down problem trees. For example, instead of removing all trees near railway lines, it may be better to just cut down the species that contain tannins.However, another solution may lie in stopping

12、the tannins from the leaves interacting with the ions (离子) in the steel at all. “Interventions can be designed to target the specific reactions or chemicals,” the researchers say. At present they are still working on it.4Whats the problem with leaves on the line?AThey do harm to the environment.BIt

13、s hard for rail operators to clean up them.CWhen pressed their chemical slows down the train.DThey increase the friction between the train and railway.5What does the underlined phrase “soak up” probably mean in Paragraph 6?Acause.Babsorb.Creduce.Dincrease.6Whats the proper solution according to rese

14、archers?ARemove tannins from leaves.BGet rid of all trees near railway lines.CChange the position of railway lines to avoid leaves.DPrevent the chemical reactions between tannins and ions.7What can you infer from this text?AThe troublesome leaves will cause danger to passengers.BThe discovery of the

15、 chemical reaction helps design policies.CTannins are responsible for the paste formed by compression.DCurrently, researchers succeed in stopping the chemical reaction.The worlds first 3D-printed steel footbridge, measuring 12 meters in length, has been installed in Amsterdam. The bridge, created by

16、 a Dutch company called MX3D, has been installed over the Oudezijds Achterburgwal canal.More than four years in the making, the S-shaped bridge will act as a “living laboratory” in the Dutch capital as it handles pedestrian traffic.Researchers at Imperial College London are assessing the “performanc

17、e” of the bridge, which is packed with sensors, as its being walked on.Data collected from the sensors will enable experts to monitor how it changes over its lifespan, such as if the steel yields (变形;弯曲) due to football, and measure how the public interacts with the bridge, such as how many people a

18、re using it.“A 3D-printed metal structure large and strong enough to handle pedestrian traffic has never been constructed before,” said Leroy Gardner of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. “We have tested and stimulated the structure and its components throughout the printing proc

19、ess and upon its completion, and its fantastic to see it finally open to the public.”Sensor data will also be put into a “digital twin” of the bridgea computerized version that imitates the real-life physical version. Performance of the physical bridge will be tested against the twin, which will hel

20、p answer questions about the adequacy (妥善性) of 3D- printed steel and inform future construction projects. According to MX3D, the bridge is more than just a functional object for the public, but an art, installation and a celebration of technology.“3D printing presents tremendous opportunities to the

21、 construction industry, enabling far greater freedom in terms of material properties and shapes,” said Gardener. “This freedom also brings a range of challenges and will require structural engineers to think in new ways.”8What makes the bridge special?AThe S-shape.BThe metal structure.CThe 3D-printi

22、ng.DThe living laboratory.9What can you learn from this text?ASensors can detect problems.BThe bridge is 12 meters wide.CCars must run slowly on the bridge.DThe bridge is the worlds first steel footbridge.10Which of the following cannot describes the bridge?APractical.BComplex.CArtistic.DTechnical.1

23、1What is the main idea of this text?ATo recommend 3D printing.BTo analyze sensor data.CTo praise technology innovation.DTo introduce a footbridge.Mr. Jafri is a 44-year-old artist from England. Last year, the coronavirus spread and many countries went into lockdown (封锁、在家隔离). Rather than feeling stu

24、ck, Jafri decided to take on a huge project that could “make a really big difference”.He decided to create the world s largest painting. He asked children to send him pictures showing how they were feeling during the pandemic (大流行病). He got artwork from kids in 140 different countries.The painting i

25、s huge over 1600 square meters. It took Jafri seven months to create the painting. He worked long hours often up to 20 hours a day. He hurt his back by bending over so much while he painted. It took over 1000 paintbrushes and 6300 liters of paint to create the painting.Jafri hoped that his painting,

26、 called “The Journey of Humanity”, would help bring the world together during a difficult time. He included the childrens drawings in the artwork.When he finished last September, he had set a Guinness World Record for the worlds largest painting.The painting was split up into 70 large pieces. Jafri

27、hoped that by selling the pieces, he could raise 30 million dollars.But when the auction ended on March 22, Jafri did much better than that. And he didnt have to split up the pieces. The whole artwork was sold for 62 million dollars.Andre Abdoune, a French businessman, bought all 70 pieces. “The pai

28、nting was very powerful when I saw it,” Mr. Abdoune said. “And for me, it would have been a mistake to separate the pieces.”12Whats the purpose of paragraph 1?ATo introduce the topic.BTo persuade the readers.CTo attract readers interest.DTo provide background information.13Why did Jafri decide to cr

29、eate this painting?ATo raise money for children.BTo set a Guinness World Record.CTo kill time under a tight lockdown.DTo get everybody together during the pandemic.14Which of the following best describes Andre Abdoune?AMean.BKind.CGenerous.DSelfish.15Whats the best title of this text?AThe Painting o

30、f Mr. Jafri.BA Great Artist.CThe Journey of Humanity.DA Guinness World Record.二、七选五5-Step Process to Improve Your Critical ThinkingEvery day, a sea of decisions stretches before us. It s impossible to make a perfect choice. Critical thinking is one particularly effective technique to improve our cha

31、nces. _16_ But heres one five-step process that may help you.Formulate your question.In other words, know what youre looking for. For example, if youre deciding whether to try out the newest diet craze, you approach the situation with a clear view of what you re actually trying to accomplish by diet

32、ing._17_Theres lots of it out there, so having a clear idea of your question will help you determine whats relevant. Information gathering helps you weigh different options, moving you closer to a decision that meets your goal.Apply the information._18_ “What concepts are at work?” “What assumptions

33、 exist?” “Is my interpretation of the information logically sound?”Consider the implications.Imagine its election time, and youve selected a political candidate based on their promise to make it cheaper for drivers to fill up on gas. At first glance, that seems great. _19_ If gasoline use is less re

34、stricted by cost, this could also cause a huge surge in air pollution.Explore other points of view.Ask yourself why so many people are drawn to the policies of the opposing political candidate. This will help you make more informed decisions.Critical thinking can give us the tools to sift through a

35、sea of information and find what were looking for. _20_AGather your information.BAsk yourself when facing a decision.CThere are many ways to improve our chances.DThis isnt always as straightforward as it sounds.EBut what about the long-term environmental effects?FThere are many different ways of app

36、roaching critical thinking.GIf enough of us use it, it has the power to make the world a more reasonable place.三、完形填空15 years ago, Erin Merryn met a ginger kitten who needed a home when she was a student in a small college town. He_21_ into her arms and refused to let her go.“I was _22_ immediately

37、and decided that I would take a _23_ and try hiding a kitten in my college dorm where animals are obviously not allowed,” Erin recalled.A week later she was caught and given 48 hours to_24_ the cat. “I planned secretly for a month to _25_ my parents to let me keep him. Mom finally _26_. Dad never sa

38、id yes but I won and got my _27_” said Erin.Six years ago, Erin had Abby, her beautiful daughter. She didnt know _28_ Bailey would think about the new addition.But it was love at first sight, and as Abby grew, he became her _29_ brother, watching over her every step of the way.A video clip showing A

39、bby reading to Bailey went viral on the Internet in 2018. Numerous people _30_ Erin on social media platforms._31_, while Erin and her family spent every day with the cuddly cat, the world did not get to know Bailey for very long. On December 8, 2018, the 14-year-old cat passed away from kidney _32_

40、.A full month after Baileys passing, Erin still got cards and gifts from caring individuals. Erin _33_ her family has received more than 500 cards from around the world.It is this love that Erin hopes Baileys _34_ hold on to. She wants her furry “first-born” to be remembered as a symbol of _35_ that

41、 inspires others to treat the world with love.21AbrokeBleaptCfellDcaught22AattackedBaddictedCattachedDappreciated23AriskBlookCchangeDdecision24AkillBsellCpermitDremove25AforceBpermitCadviseDconvince26Agave upBgave inCgave outDgave away27AwayBhopeCwordDadvice28AhowBthatCwhatDwhether29AprotectiveBdest


43、story of coffee often begins with a shepherd _36_ (name) Kaldi in 9th century Ethiopia. While out in the fields, Kaldi saw his goats eating the berries from a small bush, then running and leaping about. Out of _37_ (curious), he tried the berries and felt the invigorating effects for _38_ (he). He t

44、ook some of the fruits with him and shared them with the _39_ (member) of a monastery nearby. And by the 1400s, coffee was being traded throughout the Arabian Peninsula.Coffee reached Europe in the late 16th century through trade. Coffee was introduced into Italy first. Coffee really became popular

45、in Europe in the 17th century, and the coffee houses opened across Europe. _40_ first coffeehouse in England opened in Oxford in 1651 and by the late 17th century there were many coffeehouses in English towns _41_ merchants and professional men met to drink cups of coffee, read newspapers and chat.I

46、n the Americas, coffee was introduced during colonization, first as an imported good, then as a cultivated crop throughout Central America. The cultivation of coffee in Americas, like other cash crops, resulted _42_ the displacement of native peoples and_43_ (develop) of large scale plantations usin

47、g native people as a labor source. In the 19th century, Brazil became the worlds _44_ (large) coffee producer, a title it _45_ (maintain) ever since. Coffee remains a major good produced in Central and South America to this day.五、其他应用文46第24届北京张家口冬奥会在2022年2月4日20日在中国的北京市和张家口市联合举行。由于疫情原因,国外的观众不能到中国来观看。假如你是李华,请你写一封信向你的笔友Tom介绍一下本次冬奥会。要点如下:1.会徽“冬梦”,吉祥物“冰墩墩”。2.设7个大项,102个小项。北京承办所有冰上项目,延庆和张家口承办所有的雪上项目。3.这是中国历史上第一次举办冬季奥运会。词数80左右。参考词汇:疫情epidemic;会徽emblem;


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