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1、2022届陕西省商洛市第一次高考模拟检测英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Its enjoyable to travel like a local around Sydney on this city cycling tour with different options. Various tour lengths allow you to choose a bike tour that suits your schedule and budget.OverviewCovering more than 30 of the top Sydney sights Use of bi

2、cycle and all safety equipment includeLed by a cycling guide so travelers can focus on scenery instead of directionsRefuel with included lunch and a drink on the Sydney Harbour Bridge RideDetailsMeet your group and guide at The Rocks at the appointed time for your tour. Choose from several tour opti

3、ons, including the Sydney Classic Tour, the Sydney Highlights Tour, the Sydney Harbour Bridge Ride and the Manly Beach and Sunset Cruise Tour. Highlights include Royal Botanic Gardens, Hyde Park, Darling Harbour, Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House. Your tour ends at its original departure point.I

4、mportant InformationSecure storage is available for backpack, purse, or other items which need to be stored until you return from your tour.Baby seats for children up to 25 kg can be provided free of charge. Tour operates in wet weather, and raincoats will be provided.No wheelchair is accessible. An

5、imals arent allowed. Travelers have to keep a normal physical fitness level.1What can the tourists enjoy during the cycling tour?AAll Sydney sights.BFree lunchCWheelchair service.DWatching many animals.2Where is the departure point of the tour?AThe Rocks.BHyde Park.CHarbour Bridge.DSydney Opera Hous

6、e.3Which is a must for the tourists?ALiving in Sydney.BBringing raincoats.CBeing in good health.DRiding their own bikes.At the graduate programs annual workshop (研讨会), presentation after presentation highlighted students successes. But Michelle, Emily, and two other PhD students were taking a differ

7、ent approach, sharing their most painful failures. The audience of PhD students sat in silence, apparently shocked. However, they werent ashamed, but proud to share their full selves and build a foundation for authentic relationships.Setbacks (挫折) are an unavoidable part of graduate school, but ofte

8、n we try to hide them. By sharing our whole selves, including our failures, we go on to build a deep, meaningful relationship.Michelle and Emily wanted others to experience that openness and support, too. So they made a change to the workshop by presenting their stories onstage, and invited the audi

9、ence members to turn to one another and share their own significant failures. An awkward silence followed, but it only lasted a few seconds. Soon the students jumped into enthusiastic conversation.From that point forward, every presentation at the workshop included some mention of the failures that

10、led to the results. The students shared that their most significant data slides took more than a year to get right. It reminded the audience that behind every impressive result is a person who is just trying his or her best.Since the workshop, Michelle and Emily have noticed a continuous change in t

11、heir classmates. Besides feeling closer to their classmates, the students are asking one another for help not only on technical challenges, but also about how to handle the personal challenges.Its hard to relate to someone when all we know about them is their accomplishments. We should talk about fa

12、ilure and normalize it. To lead by example, Emily said that she hadnt won an NSF fellowship. It was a disappointment, but she was proud to share it.4Why did the four PhD students share their failures at the workshop?ATo shock their classmates.BTo show their differences.CTo highlight the atmosphere.D

13、To build authentic relations.5How did the audience react to the stories of Michelle and Emily?AThey felt calm.BThey appreciated them.CThey were ashamed.DThey ignored them.6What happens to the students after the workshop?ATheir grades have improved a lot.BTheir confidence has been rebuilt.CTheir inte

14、raction becomes in-depth.DTheir data slides are specialized.7What may be the best title for the text?AAchieve successes through failuresBBuild relationships by sharing failuresCLets deal with failures appropriatelyDTalk about your stories in the workshopThe global movement to get rid of plastic has

15、led to concern about single-use plastic tea bags, with many people now considering them wasteful and potentially dangerous. New research by a team at McGill University found that a tea bag soaked (浸泡) in 95 water released 11.6 billion units of microplastics and 3.1 billion smaller nanoplastic partic

16、les (微粒). The researchers are suggesting that dipping into boiling water makes the tea bags release higher numbers of plastic particles or poisonous substances.This quantity of microplastics is larger than the amount consumed by a person in an entire year, so the question remains whether the consump

17、tion of microplastics is harmful to the human body. Worryingly, when exposed to these levels of microplastics, water fleas (水蚤) were noted to show body and behavior abnormalities. For a nation that consumes up to 60.2 billion cups of tea a year, this has caused concern. While there is no evidence th

18、at these micro-plastics affect human health, the UN has said more research is needed to fully understand the effect microplastics have on the body.It is not only plastic tea bags that contain chemicals. 96 per cent of paper tea bags sold in the UK contain polypropylenea chemical used to close the op

19、enings. This chemical can makeup 25 per cent of the bag.Some brands such as the Co-op and PG Tips had already adopted 100 per cent compostable (可堆肥的) ten bags due to public pressure. While Lidl is exploring the alternative for biological tea bags. Yorkshire Tea is aiming to switch to plant-based mat

20、erials by the end of the year. The most eco-friendly tea, however, remains loose leaf in a pot or cup.8What does the new research show?ATea bags are becoming unpopular.BTea bags contain different plastics.CTea bags in hot water release bad materials.DTea bags should be dipped in cold water.9Which ca

21、n best describe the microplastics effect on human health?ADirect.BLong-lasting.CInsignificant.DUncertain.10What can be inferred from the last paragraph?ATea makers are aware of tea bags harm.BThe public are particular about tea brands.CPeople are concerned about the environment.DThe production of te

22、a becomes eco-friendly.11Where is the text probably taken from?AA textbook.BA technology report.CA biography.DA health magazine.A new species of pygmy seahorse (豆丁海马) has been discovered off the coast of South Africa in Sodwana Bay, attracting scientists with its tiny sizeonly 2.7 centimeters.An int

23、ernational research team studied the tiny pygmy seahorse in 2019, after it was spotted by chance by diving instructor Savannah Nalu Olivier who was exploring algae (海藻) on the seafloor of the bay. But it wasnt easy to see it at all, according to a press release from the University of Leeds in Austra

24、lia. Thats because these sea creatures are camouflaged by their stony golden-brown look.This is the first time that a pygmy seahorse has ever been discovered in the Indian Ocean. In fact, the closest known pygmy seahorse species live 8,000 kilometers away in a region of the Pacific Ocean called Cora

25、l Triangle. Until now, all but one of the seven pygmy seahorse species have been found in the triangle, making this discovery particularly puzzling.The study was led by Graham Short from the California Academy of Sciences. It discovers a number of detailed features that differentiate this species fr

26、om other seahorses. While larger seahorses have gills (鳃) on each side of their head, the Sodwana Bay pygmy seahorse has only one gill slit on its back. “That would be like having a nose on the back of your neck,” Short said in an interview. The tiny seahorse also has a set of sharp spines (刺毛) on i

27、ts back while other pygmy seahorses have flattipped spines. The researchers havent figured out what they are used for yet.The tiny pygmy seahorse reminds us that when we open our eyes, the natural world becomes an endless mystery. Unknown species and even entire ecosystems are awaiting to be discove

28、red in places we never thought possible.12Which of the following can replace the underlined word “camouflaged” in paragraph 2?AdestroyedBcheatedCidentifiedDhidden13Where were most pygmy seahorse species found?AIn Coral Triangle.BIn Australia.CIn Sodwana Bay.DIn California.14What makes the new specie

29、s of pygmy seahorse different from other seahorses?ATheir color.BTheir food.CTheir gills and spines.DTheir necks and eyes.15What does the author want to express in the last paragraph?AThe world is full of uncertainties.BWe should keep exploring the world.CDiscovering unknown species is difficult.DTh

30、e tiny pygmy seahorse opens our eyes.二、七选五True beauty is not found in looks. _16_ Changing the way you think about beauty will give you life-long confidence.Place your beauty in your identity but not your identity in your beauty. If you hold onto youthful beauty as a narrow definition of yourself, y

31、ou wont enjoy your looks as you age. _17_ Mirrors tell us only a part of what we show to the outer world. Go past your reflection and see the real self!The fountain of youth doesnt exist. Despite many anti-aging products, there is no magic solution to stopping the effects of aging. You should stop d

32、evaluing (贬低) yourself just because you are getting older. Aim for a healthy life and keep yourself strong and fit. Eat healthy diet and be committed to a daily exercise routine. Lots of efforts are needed. _18_Beauty relates to physical and psychological aspects. _19_ However, Serena Williams never

33、 hides her unusual muscular physique. Instead, her showing her muscles enhances her appeal. Many fans think she is beautiful. This proves that looking beautiful and attractive goes beyond our looks. _20_ Beauty matters to all women, but to those who age beautifully, it matters neither too much nor t

34、oo little. Do enjoy our lives to the fullest, True beauty is about accepting yourself. It is also about feeling good about yourself.AEveryone does it.BIt comes from the inside.CGo beyond your mirror image.DYou will feel better over a long term.EIts human nature to believe beauty is everything.FPeopl

35、e generally think beauty is only a skin-deep issue.GBe less scared of aging and you will look more beautiful.三、完形填空When we were growing up, our mother, a single parent of seven kids, always took on two jobs, so it fell to Nina, the oldest, to take care of us. Because of Nina, pop music was an _21_ p

36、art of our home, and growing up with the music of the 1960s was an added _22_. One of her favorite _23_ during the 1960s was 96 Tears. I _24_ her turning up the radio and singing along when it was _25_. I was 9 and she was 15.I think music was _26_ to her because it kept her grounded and reminded he

37、r that she was still a _27_, even though she had so much responsibility. I remember the music always became the _28_. We would wake up _29_ the morning show as we got ready for school, and then into the night. The _30_ was always on.Nina wasnt much older than me, but she shouldered great _31_ while

38、my mother worked. I didnt _32_ much of it then, but years later, and especially now she is gone, I realize how much she must have _33_ because of caring for us. I dont ever remember her complaining, but _34_ remember the music and the sisterly friendship.Recalling my childhood, I think things could

39、have been _35_ for a house full of kids ranging in age from 3 to 15 years, but somehow, I remember it as a relative happy time, thanks to Ninas _36_ ability. Now, that song reminds me of my _37_ sister, as well as the sacrifices she made for me, and the _38_ childhood I experienced because of her. _

40、39_ that song makes my eyes water, but still a _40_ touches the corners of my mouth.21AextraBexternalCexpensiveDessential22AaccessBbenefitCconditionDcost23AsongsBgiftsCbandsDfilms24AmindBsuggestCrememberDavoid25ApromotedBbroadcastCintroducedDexperimented26AuniversalBimportantCboringDnew27AteenagerBn

41、urseCfriendDquestion28AwayBendCfutureDbackground29Alistening toBwaiting forCcoming forDworrying about30AstoryBworkCradioDdiscussion31AcasesBeffectCattitudesDresponsibility32AneedBdesignCthinkDcreate33AmissedBcountedCsharedDcollected34AthusBalsoCinsteadDseldom35AsimpleBpoorCfamiliarDwonderful36Acommo

42、nBnaturalCoutstandingDinteresting37AthinBhumorousCambitiousDsweet38AtroubledBpainfulClonelyDhappy39AHearingBLearningCChangingDProducing40AhandBsmileCwaveDwind四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。With a world reputation of beautiful silk producing nation, Chinese clothing enjoys a time-honor

43、ed culture. China was the first country in the world _41_ (develop) silk weaving (编织). According to archaeologists, Chinese people _42_ (start) weaving since Neolithic ages. 3,000 years ago, silk weaving was already significantly developed.In ancient China, peoples rank and social status could easil

44、y be figured out from their daily dressing, especially for the ordinary people and the upper class. Among the upper class, only the Emperor _43_ (assign) the colour yellow. As for the ministers, generals and their _44_ (wife), their uniforms were also restrictively regulated.Chinese clothing has man

45、y types and suits according to _45_ (variety) occasions. We have traditional Zhongshan suit, Cheongsam (旗袍) and many other suits _46_ (create) by ethnic minorities (少数民族). Each type of the clothes has a unique way of making and sewing.Cheongsam is popular because it has simple lines and looks elegan

46、t, _47_ it fits Chinese females figures well. It is suitable _48_ both young and elderly group. And it can either belong or short. Cheongsam is recognized around the world, _49_ has inspired many foreign adaptations. It is _50_ (popular) worn in China as the wedding dress, traditionally in red.五、短文改

47、错51假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Today, many students had their own hobbies. Some of them like singing, while others are crazy about take photos. I think its meaningfully for students t


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