Unit 1 Science and scientist Reading and Thinking知识点 1 (ppt课件)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 1 Science and Scientist Period 2:Language Points课前候背1.decrease to.减少到decrease by.减少了decrease from.to.从减少到 on the decrease 正在减少2.transform.into.把变成被动be transformed from.into.由变成transformation n.转化3.frustrated adj.懊恼的;沮丧的;失意的be frustrated with/at 对.感到沮丧frustration n.沮丧4.subscribe to 同意;赞同;捐助;订阅(杂

2、志或报纸)subscription n.捐助,订阅,签名5.all at once 突然,骤然 once in a while偶尔once upon a time 从前6.contradictory/kntrdktri/adj.相互矛盾的;对立的;不一致的维度一:品句填词1.We are faced with two apparently contradictory(相互矛盾的)statements.2.To solve problems arising in the aging society,our company brings out the household(家庭)robot.3.D

3、espite the intervention(干预)of the international community,the two countries were unable to settle their differences.4.It is a pity that he lost all the statistics(统计数字)because of the sudden breakdown of his computer.5.The man gave me a knife with a wooden handle(把手).6.There has been a steady decreas

4、e of temperature with the winter approaching.7.Police have issued a photograph of the suspect who is considered involving in a murder.1.Every moment of every day,energy is being transformed _ one form _ another.2.He _ a controversial figure,which affected his reputation a great deal.trans-前缀?他变成了一个有

5、争议的人物,这对他的名声影响很大。3.The traffic accidents in the city decreased _ 40%last year.4.The number of new students in this school decreased from 2,100_ 1,600 this year.5.Because of human activities,the number of some rare animals _ 由于人类活动,一些稀有动物的数量正在减少。6._突然she lost her temper发脾气.7.The advice I received was

6、 often _(contradiction).frominto预习检测was transformed intobyto is on the decrease/is decreasingAll at oncecontradictory8.写出下列句中subscribe to的含义He subscribes to the view that children can benefit from being independent._This is the school your father subscribed to generously in the past._Using the money

7、 I earned in the holiday,I have subscribed to several magazines recently._ 同意同意,赞同赞同 同义表达?同义表达?捐助捐助订阅订阅AttentionAttention:recite the meaning of each language recite the meaning of each language point and the point and the phrasesphrases in the box in the box1.suspect2.blame 3.so.that.如此如此以至于以至于4.hav

8、e宾语过去分词宾语过去分词(短语短语)212Key Points212Key Points1.suspect vt.&vi.怀疑怀疑,不信任不信任 n.犯罪嫌疑人犯罪嫌疑人,可疑对象可疑对象【教材p.2】Snow suspected that the water pump was to blame.斯诺怀疑水泵就是罪魁祸首。观察例句总结用法1.He admires the architectural wonders,while on his way he gets a taste of police methods when suspected of drug dealing.【2020山东卷

9、阅读理解】他很欣赏这个建筑奇观,然而在路上,他因涉嫌贩毒,尝到了警察的手段。2.He pulls out a special device,points it at the suspect,and switches it on.【2020天津卷阅读理解】他拿出一个特殊的装置,对准嫌疑人打开开关。注意!v.读作/sspekt/,n.&adj.读作/sspekt/sus(由下到上)+pect(看)从下到上打量 怀疑【典例【典例1】0.2minWhat made you suspect her _ having taken the money?I suspect him _(be)a pickpoc

10、ket扒手._.(把句改为复合句)ofto beI suspect that he is a pickpocket 训练训练1.She suspected him of (tell)lies and never trusted him again.3.The police suspected John _(be)the robber.4._(suspect)the traveler of carrying drugs,the Customs official stopped him and went through检查 his suitcase.tellingto be/wasSuspecti

11、ng2.blame vt.(blamed,blamed,blaming)责备;谴责责备;谴责n.U过失;责备过失;责备【佳句】She realized she shouldnt just simply blame and punish her son for lying.她意识到她不应该仅仅因为儿子撒谎而责怪和惩罚他。观察例句总结用法1.Its the seaside birds that deserve at least part of the blame for.【2021全国甲卷知识运用】正是海边的鸟类至少应该受到部分指责.2.Im not going to sit around and

12、 take the blame for a mistake he made.我不会闲坐着,为他犯的错误承担责任3.My life is ruined and I suppose I only have myself to blame.我的一生都毁了,我想这只能怪我自己2.blame vt.(blamed,blamed,blaming)责备;谴责n.U过失;责备Key points:1.因某事责备:_2.将某事归咎于:_ _ 3.为某事负责:_be to blame(for.)on sb=take/bear the blame for=be responsible for blame sb fo

13、r sth.(主主)be blamed for(被被)blame sth on sb 4.一句多译:他把考试失败归咎于老师。_ _.(blame.on)_ _.(blame n.)He blamed the failure of his exam on the teacherHe put/laid the blame for the failure of his exam on the teacher put/lay the blame on 【典例【典例2】o.3minMany children were blamed _making mistakes in the exam.Lots of

14、 people find it hard to get up in the morning,and put the blame_ the alarm clock.Dont always blame your own failure on others.Sometimes you yourself _foronblame your own failure【Exercises 1】1.5minMany children are afraid of _(blame)for failing the exam.Dont always blame your own failure _ others.Som

15、etimes you yourself are _(blame).1.Some social app companies _(blame)because they didnt adequately充足地 check their users registration注册.2._(blame)for not getting involved in the activity,the girl felt upset.3.In my opinion,it is you rather than he that _(blame)for the terrible accident.being blamed o

16、nto blamewere to blameBlamedare to blame1.At that time I loved basketball _ much that I played all day long.2.Dalian is _ an attractive place that lots of tourists visit the city every year.3.It is _ lovely weather that we all want to go out for a walk.4.So excited_I that I couldnt wait to try my ha

17、nd at riding the bicycle.so such adj./adv.that.,adj.a(n)n.单单that.many/few/much/little n.复复/n不可数不可数+that adj.n.复复/n.不可数不可数that.a(n)(adj.)n.单单that.这个结构归纳眼熟吗?3.so.that.如此如此以至于以至于sosuchsuchwaswhat a/an+adj+n.单数单数+主谓主谓eg:What a good gril she is!what adj.+n.复数复数/n.不可数不可数+主谓主谓eg:What delicous food it is!Wh

18、at fantastic parks they are!How+adj.+a/an+n.单数单数+主谓主谓eg:How good a gril she is!How(+adj/adv.)+主谓主谓eg:How hard the teachers work.eg:How time flies.Howwhatsuchso2.熬夜是一个如此糟糕的坏习惯,我们应该改掉熬夜是一个如此糟糕的坏习惯,我们应该改掉(such)。1.这个活动如此重要,以至于我们要空出时间去参加这个活动如此重要,以至于我们要空出时间去参加(so)。1.The activity is so important that we sh

19、ould spare our time to participate in.2.Staying up too late is such a bad habit that we should quit it.3.杭州市一个多么吸引人的城市啊!杭州市一个多么吸引人的城市啊!(what/how)What an attractive city Hangzhou is!How attractive a cityHangzhou is!我们做得那么好以至于被邀请与全校同学分享观点和经验。We did so well that we were invited to shareour idea and exp

20、erience with all the students of our school._we were invited to share our idea and experience with all the students of our school.So well did we do that 【典例【典例3】0.3minThe article_ I can hardly understand it.这篇文章太难了,我几乎读不懂。This is _we all enjoy reading it.这是一本非常有趣的书,我们都喜欢读它。用倒装句改写句_.用so.that.改写句_.is

21、so difficult that such an interesting book thatSo difficult is the article that I can hardly understand it.This is so interesting a book that we all enjoy reading it.4.have宾语过去分词宾语过去分词(短语短语)”结构结构【教材p.2】Accordingly,he had the handle of the pump removed so that it could not be used.于是,他让人拆掉了水泵的把手,这样水泵

22、就用不成了。用法归纳用法归纳(1)_意为意为“允许某人做某事允许某人做某事”时,常用时,常用于否定句中,与情态动词于否定句中,与情态动词can/could连用;连用;“让某人一直做让某人一直做某事某事”时,强调动作的持续性时,强调动作的持续性(2)_.让某人做某事让某人做某事(3)_叫别人做某事;遭遇某种不幸的事叫别人做某事;遭遇某种不幸的事情;使某事完成情;使某事完成(4)_有事情要做有事情要做(不定式作定语不定式作定语)注意事项注意事项该句型解题的关键在于搞明白该句型解题的关键在于搞明白have 的含义的含义。(1)have是是使役动词使役动词就要考虑就要考虑have sb.doing;h

23、ave sb.do;have sth.d done(2)have是是及物动词及物动词“有有”含义时,就要考虑含义时,就要考虑have sth.to dohave sb.doing sth.have sb.do sthhave sth.donehave sth.to doeg.He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies.I have my son clean his room.Poor Jim has just had an accident.As a reporter,he has many people t

24、o talk with every day.【典例【典例4】0.4minI usually have my clothes _(wash)on Sundays.She had her wallet _(steal)on her way home yesterday.Unfortunately,his right leg was injured during the training._.washedstolenUnfortunately,he had his right leg injured during the training.1.(2017天津卷)I was watching the

25、clock all through the meeting,as I had a train _(catch)2.(2016北京卷)I wont have you_(make)the same mistake again and again.3.It is not a good idea to have the machine_(run)all the time.4.After having had his hair _(cut).Professor Smith went straight to the laboratory to proceed with his experiments.5.

26、I intended to take up a part-time job,through which I can have my horizons _(broaden)to catchmakingrunning cut broadened 维度二:词形转换1.The lake,once severely(severe)polluted,has turned into a beautiful theme park.2.Feeling frustrated(frustrate),he abandoned himself to sad music.3.They help the body defe

27、nd itself against some kinds of infections(infect).4.The health security systems of many countries are undergoing considerable transformation(transform).5.I dont want to make an accusation until I have some proof(prove).维度三:固定搭配和句式1.He was so frightened that(如此害怕以至于)he stood there still.2.Bernard ex

28、citedly subscribed to my idea(同意我的观点)of making popcorn to earn some money.3.Thanks to Jacks kindness and generosity(多亏了Jack的善良和慷慨),Bernard could make some money by selling popcorn to support his family.4.It seems that(看上去)they are lost in the forest.5.Emperor Qin Shihuang succeeded in having all the walls joined together(将所有的城墙连接起来).Thus,the Great Wall came into being.6.The past 30 years have seen the great changes(见证了巨大的变化)that have taken place in my hometown.


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