Unit2 Reading for writing (ppt课件) -2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、WILDLIFE PROTECTION reading for writing If you had the chance to save one of the two animals,which would it be and why?Lead inLook at the posters below.Which emotions do the photos communicate?l funnyl surprising l frighteningl sadposter on the leftposter on the rightActivity I think its a little fr

2、ightening!It doesnt look friendly and its teeth look sharp!I think its a lovely picture.The koalas are cute.They look soft and gentle.imagestitlescontentsimagetitlecontentssimpletheme-relatedeye-catchingeasy-understandinginteresting attractivecharacteristicpersonificationexclamatory sentence感叹句感叹句at

3、tractive unusualpowerfulWhen it comes to wildlife protection,all speciesthe good,the bad,and the uglyshould be treated equally.Pandas,dolphins,and other cute wildlife are important,but we must pay attention to less cute animals,too.The world needs all kindswithout variety,our planet cannot survive.S

4、o if you want the future to be beautiful,you have to give ugly a chance.Give Ugly a Chance!给难给难看的动物一个机会!看的动物一个机会!topic sentenceconclusionDont Make Paper with My Home!别用我的家来造纸!Billions of trees are being cut down every year to make paper for humans.Every tree(that is cut down)is a part of the habitat

5、 of animals such as these koalas.In this way a lot of animal homes are being destroyed!Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper?每年有数十亿棵树被砍伐,以供人类造纸。每一棵被砍倒的树都是这些树袋熊等动物栖息地的一部分。这样,很多动物的家都被摧毁了!让动物无家可归,人类能有更多的纸是对的吗?topic sentencerhetorical question反问英文海报通常含有通知性、宣传性,所以主题要明确,一

6、目了然。它还包含广告的特点,要求内容简明扼要,形式丰富。基本框架:1.1.标题标题 title首先根据海报的特点、格式写明标题。海报中往往把内容作为大标题。例如:Save the earth,Save the birds。2.2.正文部分正文部分 body不同的海报其正文部分的侧重点不同。对于介绍性的海报,首先要引出话题,其次列出原因,最后是总结。3.3.图片图片 image要选择引人注目的图片,与主题要相关,色彩明亮。英语海报Lets try to write a poster!Lets try to write a poster!Write a title that is simple,i

7、nteresting,powerful and easy-understanding,and then collect the information you need.Write the name of the species and why it is endangered.Use a powerful image to attract the readers attention to the facts and problems Tell the readers what you want to think and do.1243Write a title that is simple,

8、interesting,powerful and easy-understanding,and then collect the information you need.1Stop buying fur,start protecting tigers!Write the name of the species and why it is endangered.2When it comes to tigers,people regard it as“the King of forest”.But now they are in danger!Particularly,the South Chi

9、na Tiger was often hunted for its skin and fur.There is no South China Tiger in the wild.There are 30-80 living on the earth.Use a powerful image to attract the readers attention to the facts and problems 3Luckily,a plan is being carried out to increase the number of wild tigers.As for individuals,e

10、veryone can make contributions to protecting it!Please do not buy fur or other products!4Tell the readers what you want to think and do.Stop buying fur,start protecting tigers!When it comes to tigers,people regard it as“the King of forest”.But now they are in danger!Particularly,the South China Tige

11、r was often hunted for its skin and fur.There is no South China Tiger in the wild.There are 30-80 living on the earth.Luckily,a plan is being carried out to increase the number of wild tigers.As for individuals,everyone can make contributions to protecting it!please do not buy fur or other products!

12、话题句式1.It is a treasure of our country.它是我国的国宝。2.Believe it or not,at present only several thousand pandas exist in the world.信不信由你,目前世界上仅现存几千只熊猫。3.Its because of human activities that tigers are endangered.正是因为人类的活动,老虎处于濒危的状态。4.Many wild animals are in danger of dying out.很多野生动物面临着灭绝的危险。5.The govern

13、ment has taken effective measures to protect them.政府已采取有效的措施来保护它们。6.People should raise the awareness of the protection of wild animals.人们应该提高保护野生动物的意识。7.Its amazing that there are merely less than 1,000 finless porpoises living in China.非常令人吃惊,目前中国仅有不足1 000只江豚。请设计一个海报,号召人们加入到保护大熊猫的行动中来。1.大熊猫是中国乃至世界

14、的稀有动物;2.由于栖息地遭到破坏,竹子被砍伐,大熊猫觅食越来越困难,正濒临灭绝;3.政府已建立数个自然保护区来保护大熊猫;4.拯救熊猫的项目需要更多的关注和资金。写作实践谋篇明确体裁话题:海报确定时态人称:一般现在时,第三人称布局文章架构:图片 标题 主要内容列出要点:1.个人信息2.教育经历 完成句子(1)大熊猫是中国的稀有动物,也是世界的稀有动物之一。The giant panda is _ _ a rare animal in China _ _one of the rarest animals on the earth.升级:Not only is the giant panda a

15、 rare animal in China but also one of the rarest animals on the earth.not onlybutalso(2)由于越来越多的栖息地正遭到破坏,竹子被砍伐。As more and more _ _ _ _and most of the bamboo has _ _ _.(3)大熊猫觅食越来越困难,正濒临灭绝。It is becoming more and more difficult for giant pandas _ _ _for themselves.So they are becoming _.habitatsarebei

16、ng destroyedbeencutdowntofind foodextinctSave Cute PandasNot only is the giant panda a rare animal in China but also one of the rarest animals on the earth.As more and more habitats are being destroyed and most of the bamboo has been cut down,it is becoming more and more difficult for giant pandas to find food for themselves.So they are becoming extinct.To save giant pandas,our government has set up some nature reserves.But more funds and attention are needed to carry out this important rescue project.HomeworkPolish your letter and post it in our class.


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