Unit3 Fascinating parks Reading and Thinking语言点(ppt课件) -2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、Reading and ThinkingI wake up to the sound of the wind buffeting the cloth of my tent.风噼里啪啦地拍打风噼里啪啦地拍打着我的帐篷,我着我的帐篷,我在在这声响这声响中醒来中醒来。P98/11.buffet vt.连续连续猛击猛击;(尤指风、雨或海浪尤指风、雨或海浪)猛烈猛烈袭击袭击 n.自助餐自助餐 Their plane _ storms last night.昨晚他们的飞机遭到了暴风雨的袭击。昨晚他们的飞机遭到了暴风雨的袭击。a buffet restaurant 自助餐厅自助餐厅was buffeted

2、byEven though the sun is brightly shining,telling whether it is morning or night is impossible.学案学案P29/6 尽管尽管外面艳阳高照,我也分不清是早上还是夜晚外面艳阳高照,我也分不清是早上还是夜晚。Checking my watch,I see that it is 7:30 a.m.I leave my tent and walk over to the mountain edge.我我看了下手表,现在是上午看了下手表,现在是上午7点点30分。我迈出帐篷,走向山分。我迈出帐篷,走向山边边。I l

3、eave my tent and walk over to the mountain edge.我离开帐篷,我离开帐篷,走向走向山山边边。2.edge (1)n.边;边;边缘边缘at the edge of 在在的边上的边上on the edge of 某事某事(尤指坏事尤指坏事)快要发生快要发生;濒临濒临=close toWe sat _.我们在水边坐下。我们在水边坐下。He was _something when the phone rang.他他正准备说点什么正准备说点什么时,电话铃响了。时,电话铃响了。They are on the edge of the danger.他们正处于危险

4、的边缘。他们正处于危险的边缘。(2)vt.&vi.(使使).徐徐徐移徐移动动I edged nervously past the dog.我紧张不安地从狗旁边慢慢走过去。我紧张不安地从狗旁边慢慢走过去。at the edge of the water on the edge of saying Spreading out before me,branches of the Rapa River flow through the valley below.展现展现在我眼前的是拉帕河的支流在下边的山谷中逶迤而过在我眼前的是拉帕河的支流在下边的山谷中逶迤而过。spread out(常用于形容城市、景

5、色等常用于形容城市、景色等)展现,展开展现,展开spread(out)a carpet on the floor 在在地板地板上上铺(开)铺(开)地毯地毯She spread(out)her arms and hugged him.她她张开张开双臂拥抱他。双臂拥抱他。Sareks mountains used to be covered by vast sheets of ice.萨勒克的山脉过去萨勒克的山脉过去被大片冰层覆盖被大片冰层覆盖。3.vast adj.辽阔的辽阔的;巨大的巨大的;庞大庞大的的 vastness n.The vast majority of pupils attend

6、 state-funded schools.绝大部分绝大部分学生就读于学生就读于州(公)立州(公)立学校。学校。Im in the remote far north of Sweden in Sarek National Park,a place with no roads or towns.我身处瑞典北端偏远的我身处瑞典北端偏远的萨勒克国家公园萨勒克国家公园,一个既没有公路也没,一个既没有公路也没有城镇有城镇的的地方地方。Soon after(=soon afterwards),reindeer began to arrive.不久之后不久之后,驯鹿开始出现。,驯鹿开始出现。Followin

7、g the reindeer were the Sami people,who made this territory their home.跟着驯鹿之后来的是萨米人跟着驯鹿之后来的是萨米人,他们在这片土地上安家落户,他们在这片土地上安家落户。倒装句倒装句(inversion)P98/3 现在现在/过去分词过去分词/形容词形容词+be+主语主语(1)Marching at the head of the column was our teacher.走走在队伍前头的是我们的老师在队伍前头的是我们的老师。(2)Gone forever are the dark days of the old s

8、ociety.(3)Present at the party were many world-famous singers.完全倒装的情况完全倒装的情况以以here,there,out,in,up,down,off,away(方位方位),now,then(时间时间)等等副词开头的句子副词开头的句子中;谓语动词是中;谓语动词是be,come,go,leave,run等表等表示动作趋向或状态的动词时。示动作趋向或状态的动词时。Away went the boy.Here comes the bus.The door opened,and in came Mr.Smith,with a book i

9、n his hand.1)铃响了。铃响了。Then _.2)一个老男人坐在角落里。一个老男人坐在角落里。In the corner _.goes the bellsat an old man and all new development is banned within park boundaries.公园边界内公园边界内禁止禁止一切开发活动。一切开发活动。4.ban-banned-banning 学案学案P28/1 vt.明令禁止;取缔明令禁止;取缔 ban sb.from(doing)sth.Students _cell phones in schools.学校禁止学生使用手机。学校禁止

10、学生使用手机。n.禁令禁令 实施实施/发布发布禁令禁令 place/issue a ban on sth.解除禁令解除禁令withdraw/lift a ban against sth.The city _ on smoking in all public buildings.全市所有公共建筑内全市所有公共建筑内已实施已实施禁烟令。禁烟令。are banned from using has placed a banAt the far side of the valley,an ancient Sami cottage is visible.在山谷的另一边,在山谷的另一边,可以看到可以看到一间

11、古老的萨米人的小屋。一间古老的萨米人的小屋。学案学案P28/25.visible adj.看得见的,可见的看得见的,可见的 invisible adj.看不见的看不见的 visual adj.视觉的视觉的 (1)The _ of the mountains was clearly _.群山的群山的轮廓轮廓清晰清晰可见可见。(2)_trees,the house was _.这所房子这所房子树木环绕树木环绕,从路上是,从路上是看不见看不见的。的。(3)The building gives visitors a tremendous _.这栋建筑给游客们极强的这栋建筑给游客们极强的视觉冲击视觉冲击

12、。visibleinvisible from the road visual impactoutlineSurrounded byMan at Peace with Nature人与自然和谐相处人与自然和谐相处 be at peace with.与与和平共处和平共处Since reindeer were always on the move,the Sami would pick up their tents and accompany them.由于由于驯鹿不断驯鹿不断迁移迁移,萨米人会收起帐篷,萨米人会收起帐篷,跟随而去跟随而去。6.(be)on the move 在行进在行进;在奔波在奔

13、波;在迁移在迁移;在走动在走动Mom is on the move morning till night.(翻译)(翻译)妈妈从早到晚妈妈从早到晚忙个不停忙个不停。7.accompany vt.学案学案P29/3 accompany sb.keep pany 陪伴某人陪伴某人 be accompanied by/with 伴随;伴随;和和同时发生同时发生 accompany sb.on+乐器,用乐器,用为某人伴奏为某人伴奏 in company with.与与.一起;与一起;与.同时同时(1)The suggestion _enthusiastic applause.人们对提议人们对提议报以热

14、烈的掌声报以热烈的掌声。(2)The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school unless _(accompany)by an adult.学校规定,除非有家长陪同,孩子不能离开学校。学校规定,除非有家长陪同,孩子不能离开学校。(3)They visited the museum _foreign tourists.他们和外国游客一起参观了博物馆。他们和外国游客一起参观了博物馆。(4)Sarah sang and Bill _her _ the guitar.莎拉唱歌,比尔弹吉他为她伴奏。莎拉唱歌,

15、比尔弹吉他为她伴奏。accompaniedin company withwas accompanied by/with(they are)accompaniedonaccompany1.用用with复合结构改写复合结构改写Nobody accompanied her during the festival.The old lady felt lonely._ during the festival,the old lady felt lonely.2.我姐姐答应陪我去非洲。我姐姐答应陪我去非洲。My sister agreed to _ to Africa.With nobody accomp

16、anying heraccompany me(on a trip)But every spring,a small number of Sami still follow their reindeer into the valleys of Sarek,living in tents or old cottages and enjoying their traditions.但是每年春天,少数萨米人仍会跟随驯鹿进人萨勒克的山谷,居但是每年春天,少数萨米人仍会跟随驯鹿进人萨勒克的山谷,居住在帐篷或旧屋里,享受他们的传统。住在帐篷或旧屋里,享受他们的传统。伴随状语伴随状语Ive adopted s

17、ome of their habits.For example,this morning my breakfast is flat bread warmed over a fire,dried reindeer meat,and some sweet and sour berries that I found growing near my tent.我我养成了养成了萨米人的萨米人的一些生活习惯一些生活习惯。例如,今天早晨,我的早餐是。例如,今天早晨,我的早餐是火堆上烤热的大饼、驯鹿肉干以及在帐篷周围长的一些酸甜火堆上烤热的大饼、驯鹿肉干以及在帐篷周围长的一些酸甜莓莓果。果。8.adopt v

18、.学案学案P29/4 adoption n.adopt an approach/a policy/a measure 采用采用某种方法某种方法/政策政策 have sb adopted 将某人给人将某人给人收养收养(1)She was forced_.她被迫她被迫将将自己的婴儿自己的婴儿交给他人收养。交给他人收养。(2)So far,we _(采取许多措施采取许多措施)to treat his disease.(3)Danny is their _(adopt)son,but they treat him as their own son.have adopted a number of me

19、asures adopted to have her baby adoptedadopt/adapt正确形式填空正确形式填空1)The _ of the new technology improved the production.新技术的采用提高了产量。新技术的采用提高了产量。2)The radio play had _ from a novel.这部广播剧改编自一部小说。这部广播剧改编自一部小说。adoption been adaptedAfter breakfast,I pack my bag and set out again.早餐之后,我收拾行囊再次早餐之后,我收拾行囊再次出发出发。

20、9.set out 学案学案P28/5 set out to do sth=set about doing sth 着手做某事着手做某事 He _(do)his homework after supper every day.=He _his homework after supper every day.set out=set off 动身,出发动身,出发When we set out/set off on our life journey after graduation from university,we are confident about our future.(翻译)(翻译)当

21、我们当我们开始开始大学毕业后的人生旅程大学毕业后的人生旅程时时,我们对未来我们对未来充满充满自信自信。sets out to dosets about doingIf today is anything like yesterday,it will be full of sweat and hard work as I hike over this difficult land to my destination on the other side of the valley.如果如果今天和昨天今天和昨天差不多差不多,那将会,那将会充满汗水和艰辛充满汗水和艰辛,因为我要,因为我要徒徒步跨越步跨

22、越这片地形艰险的土地,到达山谷另一端的目的地。这片地形艰险的土地,到达山谷另一端的目的地。10.anything like.和和相像相像 P98/4He doesnt look _ his brother.他他和他哥哥长得一点也不和他哥哥长得一点也不像像。anything likeBeing in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive.置身置身这般美丽的荒原,我这般美丽的荒原,我感到感到活着是如此活着是如此幸福幸福。11.bless vt.祝福祝福1)blessed adj.令人令人愉快的;可喜的;快

23、乐愉快的;可喜的;快乐的的2)be blessed with sth/sb 赋有赋有(能力等能力等);享有;享有(幸福等幸福等)Our country is blessed with natural resource.(翻译翻译)我们国家自然资源丰富。我们国家自然资源丰富。3)blessing n.c 幸事,幸运,福气幸事,幸运,福气Losing that job was a blessing in disguise really.失去那份工作真是失去那份工作真是因祸得福因祸得福。(看似坏事实际最终使人得福之事)(看似坏事实际最终使人得福之事)Here I am,alone under thi

24、s broad sky,breathing the fresh air,and enjoying this great adventure.What could be better?苍穹之下苍穹之下,我独自一人,呼吸着新鲜的空气,享受着这场伟大的,我独自一人,呼吸着新鲜的空气,享受着这场伟大的冒险。还有什么比这更好的呢冒险。还有什么比这更好的呢?The Sami lived off reindeer,moved with them(P27/5)12.live off.依靠依靠生活生活;以以吃吃为生为生(=live on)live on.以吃以吃.为生为生;继续存在继续存在1)She still

25、 _ her parents.她她还在还在依靠父母生活依靠父母生活。2)She used to _ bacon and tomato sandwiches.她她过去过去只吃只吃咸肉和番茄三明治。咸肉和番茄三明治。3)Li Bais poems will always live on.(翻译)(翻译)李白的诗歌将李白的诗歌将永远流传永远流传。lives off live off/on It is hoped that Sarek National Park will always remain as it is,natural and beautiful.希望希望Sarek国家公园国家公园永远永远保持原样保持原样,自然而美丽。,自然而美丽。(P27/5)It is hoped that 人们希望人们希望It is said that 据说据说It is thought that 人们认为人们认为It is believed that 人们人们相信相信It is reported that 据据报道报道It is known(to all)that 众所周知众所周知 as it is 照照现状;照现状;照目前情况目前情况 Leave everything exactly/just as it is.the way it is 让让每样东西都每样东西都保持现状保持现状不动。不动。


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