山东省齐鲁名校2022-2023学年高三下学期3月 英语试题.docx

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1、山东省齐鲁名校2022-2023学年高三下学期3月大联考英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解The Ryman Prize is an international award aimed at encouraging the best and brightest thinkers in the world to focus on ways to improve the health of older people.The worlds ageing population means that in some parts of the globeincluding much of

2、 the Western worldthe population aged 75 is expected to almost triple(增至三倍)in the next 30 years. Older people face not only the severe threat of COVID-19, but also the burden of chronic diseases including Alzheimers and diabetes. At the same time the health of older people is one of the most underfu

3、nded and poorly resourced areas of research.Were offering a $250,000 annual prize for the worlds best discovery, development, advance or achievement that enhances quality of life for older people.The Ryman Prize is awarded each year by the Prime Minister of New Zealand. It was first awarded in 2015

4、to Gabi Holows, co-founder of the Hollows Foundation, for her tireless work to restore sight for millions of older people in the developing world.Since then world-leading researchers Professor Henry Brodaty, Professor Peter St George-Hyslop,Professor Takanori Shibata,Dr MichaelFehlings and Professor

5、 Mia Kivipelto have all won the prize for their outstanding work.In 2021 Professor Kenneth Rock wood,a Canadian geriatrician, academic and anti-ageism campaigner whose research into frailty(虚弱)has had a huge impact, was awarded the prize by Jacinda Ardern,Prime Minister of New Zealand.If you have a

6、great idea or have achieved something remarkable, we would love to hear from you. Entries for the 2022 Ryman Prize will close at 5pm on Friday,Dec.30,2022(New Zealand time). Go to for more information.1What is the aim of the Ryman Prize?ATo encourage people to donate more to help the elderly.BTo sti

7、mulate fresh efforts to tackle the problems of old age.CTo call on people across the world to take part in a competition.DTo introduce the achievements in improving older peoples life.2What does the author mainly intend to tell us in paragraph 2?AThe definition of aging population.BThe common diseas

8、es older people may suffer.CThe rapidly growing number of older people.DThe background of setting the prize.3How many Ryman Prizes have been awarded?A5.B6.C7.D4.Todays gift was to my friend Oscar in Portland who is unhorsed. I got him a $50 Kroger card so that he can buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

9、 Oscar and I have been talking a lot about gut (肠道) health and how important nutrition is.Oscar told me that its really hard to get good food. Most of what is given out is past the sell-by dates. He is always grateful for the food, but he has an autoimmune (自身免疫的) disease so these kinds of foods are

10、 really making it worse. Now that spring is here, hopefully, he can get fresher produce.I told him about the book Im reading by Will Bulsiewicz, MD called Fiber Fueled. Im learning so much. Today is day 70 since I started learning to make meals just from plants. The more I learn about plant-fueled e

11、ating, the better I feel about this decision. And this book is specifically about taking advantage of the bodys capacity to cure itself. So my friend ordered the audio from the library and it will come in soon. He wants to learn about this too since he has serious autoimmune issues. Thats why he los

12、t his job and then his apartment.Oscar is a young man I can help. I want him to heal, and find a job and a home again. I know he can do it. And I wont stop helping him until that happens. I told him that. Once my social security checks come in, I plan to make sure he gets Kroger cards every time I g

13、et paid so that he has plenty of healthy produce.Oscars page on Twitter is MyHomelessMeals. More than anything, he shows gratitude for every single person who helps him on a daily basis. He always shares what we send if he can, too. He recently joined Service Space because he said their Mission Stat

14、ement is aligned with his values. Hes quite an exceptional young man.4Why did the foods Oscar received make his disease worse?AThey are rich in fat.BThey are a little raw.CThey are hard to digest.DThey are not so fresh.5Whats the main idea of the third paragraph?AThe author introduced a proper book

15、to Oscar.BOscars disease made him lose everything.COscar wanted to cure his disease quickly.DThe author gave Oscar a book as a gift.6How will the author help Oscar cure his illness?ABy helping Oscar get a well-paid job.BBy making sure Oscar can get healthy food.CBy recommending some restaurants to O

16、scar.DBy introducing Oscar to some famous doctors.7What does the underlined part “is aligned with” in the last paragraph probably mean?ATransforms.BMatches.CAllows.DControls.Jessica Damiano moved into a new home in the spring of 2005. At the time, she was delighted to see a flowering plant growing i

17、n the garden.She did not know the name of the beautiful plant. But that did not matter to her. She loved it!Two years later,Damiano graduated from Cornell Universitys master gardener program. She worked as a gardening writer for a local newspaper. That is when she found out the truth. She discovered

18、 that her favorite plant was called purple loose strife and that it was considered “invasive (入侵的) ” in her home state of New York. However, she told herself that the plant was not spreading on the property and that it was not out of control.Then she learned more. Some plants known to be invasive ar

19、e what Damiano calls “wolves in sheeps clothing”. This means they may seem harmless and well-contained in the garden but become harmful in other places.Birds eat the seeds of invasive plants and spread them to other places. Those seeds grow into new plants that outgrow native plants. This is because

20、 invasive plants often are not eaten by local wildlife, which would otherwise keep them under control. If not controlled, invasive plants grow larger and push out native plants that provide food and shelter for birds,insects,and small animals. This harms the local environment.Many state environmenta

21、l agencies ban the sale and use of plants found to be harmful to human or ecological health. But some invasive plants are not officially considered invasive. Others may be listed as invasive in one area but not another. And some invasive plants continue to be sold in stores.So, what is a gardener to

22、 do? Damiano says to avoid any plants sold as “vigorous”, “ fast-spreading”, “quick-climbing” or a “rapid self-sower”. She warns that these are all sellers code words (暗号) for invasive plants. Next, learn about your local area: Which plants are invasive? And which plants are native? Ask government a

23、gencies, universities and colleges, and environmental groups. You can also do your own research at libraries or online.In the end, Damiano replaced that plant with the native and equally beautiful blazing star plant. This plant has been growing happily without problems in her garden for the past 15

24、years.8How did Damiano react when she first learned purple loose strife was“invasive”?AShe felt regretful for loving it.BShe reported it to the government.CShe didnt take the fact seriously.DShe got rid of the plant immediately.9Why can invasive plants grow better than native plants?AThey need less

25、water.BThey have fewer natural enemies.CThey adapt to the environment quicker.DThey have longer roots and bigger leaves.10What does the author mainly intend to express in paragraph 5?APolicies about invasive plants vary in different areas.BSome invasive plants are not harmful.CInvasive plants are ra

26、rely seen in stores.DThe governments attitude to invasive plants is improper.11Which is a method the gardener can use to avoid planting invasive plants?AGive up any plants that sell well in the local area.BChoose plants that can provide food for wild animals.CRefuse to say the code words of sellers

27、for invasive plants.DRefer to books for information on which plants are invasive.Traci and Dave Gagnon met in the cloud, so it was only natural that their wedding would be held there as well. The pairor rather, their digital avatars(替身)married on Labor Day weekend in a ceremony hosted by Virbela, a

28、firm that creates virtual environments for work, learning, and events.Ms. Gagnons avatar was accompanied by her close friends avatar. Mr. Gagnons avatar stood there watching as his friends avatar walked up to the platform and gave a toast. At the reception,7-year-old twin avatars(the ring bearer and

29、 flower girl)danced.At present, its anyones guess how the immersive virtual world known as the metaverse(元宇宙), which few of us understand, will change the traditional wedding. However, the prospects of having an event outside of realitys restrictions are interesting enough for us to think.Technology

30、 has been used in ceremonies more than ever before as a result of COVID-19. There have been Zoom marriages, and some in-person ceremonies now include a broadcast component for those who are unable to attend. Last year, a couple whose wedding was postponed due to COVID-19 held a ceremony within the p

31、opular video game Animal Crossing.Its worth noting,though,that,like a video game wedding,any weddings that take place only in the metaverse are now illegal.Experts predict that the metaverse will take these virtual celebrations to new heights, providing couples with nearly limitless choices. “There

32、are no boundaries,” said Sandy Hammer, co-founder of Allseated, a company that develops digital wedding planning tools. Consider guest lists in the tens of thousands. Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are used in gift registries. Perhaps even weddings in space as a destination.“Theyre going to take thei

33、r pals on a space rocket,” Ms. Hammer added, imagining wedding parties digitally travelling around the world. “A bride can send her guests into the metaverse by saying, I want my morning session in Italy, and my evening session in Paris.”12Whats the authors purpose in describing the ceremony?ATo mak

34、e readers better understand the wedding in the cloud.BTo show how exciting the wedding in the cloud was.CTo express his concern over the future of traditional weddings.DTo praise Traci and Dave Gagnons daring spirit.13How does the author mainly develop paragraph 4?ABy providing reasons.BBy following

35、 the time order.CBy making comparisons.DBy giving examples.14What is Sandy Hammers attitude towards the metaverse?AUncaring.BOpposed.CFavorable.DDoubtful.15Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AForms of Modern MarriagesBThe Prospects of the MetaverseCGetting Married in the Metav

36、erseDHolding Events Regardless of RealityBeing an athletic person isnt just determined by your gene pool. Its a decision that you make every day to be a healthy, active person. While becoming an athletic individual may seem like an impossible task, its easily achievable with the proper steps.1.Find

37、a sport that interests you. Take steps to become an athletic person by finding a fun sport to play._16_If you enjoy especially competitive games with a lot of running, consider soccer or rugby. If you enjoy strength-specific activities, try power lifting or wrestling. More aggressive people might be

38、 interested in hockey or boxing, while less aggressive people might have more fun swimming.2.Join a local team. Sign up for a school or community team after you feel more comfortable in a certain sport.Playing on a community level helps you to pursue your athletic goals on a smaller level while also

39、 getting a better understanding of the sport. _17_3.Buy some clothes that give you more breathing room while you exercise._18_Also, make sure you have comfortable shoes on whenever you exercise.4.Develop an exercise schedule. Exercise for 30 minutes at least 5 days per week._19_ Being an athletic pe

40、rson wont come overnight, and will require a lot of time, effort, and commitment. Mark your exercise plan on a calendar. Set a specific schedule for your workouts during the week. Not only will a schedule help you stay motivated, but it will be easier to ensure you exercise all of your major muscle

41、groups. When you make out your schedule,include the type of exercise you want to do each day,such as aerobics, lifting, or leg presses.5._20_Take the time to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables each day. Include a variety of fresh foods in each meal to keep your body in tip-top shape for future athl

42、etic activities. Eat enough protein-rich foods. Protein can help keep your muscles,bones, and circulation in top condition. Purchase some multivitamins if youre having difficulty consuming enough of the right nutrients per day. Choose multi-grains instead of processed breads.AMaintain a healthy diet

43、.BDrink plenty of water throughout the day.CRunning shorts are great options to consider.DFocus on an area of your body youd like to improve.EDecide when you want to exercise each day, and how long.FDepending on your own personal interests and strengths, this decision could vary.GIf you get especial

44、ly interested in a certain sport, consider looking into professional training options.二、完形填空A young employee secretly misappropriated (私吞) several hundred dollars of his business firms money. When this action was_21_, the young man was due to_22_to the office of the senior partner of the firm. As he

45、 walked up the stairs toward the senior partners office, the young employee was_23_.He knew without doubt he would_24_his position in the firm. He also feared the_25_of legal action taken against him. _26_his whole world had collapsed.Upon his_27_, the young man was_28_about the whole affair in the

46、office. He was asked if the allegations(指控)were true and he answered with a statement that expressed_29_. Then the senior partner_30_asked this question: “If I keep you in your present position, can I_31_ you in future?”The young worker brightened up and said, “Yes, sir, you surely can. Ive learned

47、my_32_ . ”The leader responded, “Im not going to press_33_,and you can continue in your present responsibility.” The leader concluded the_34_with his younger employee by saying, “I think you ought to know, however, that you are the second man in this firm who made this kind of mistake and was shown leniency (宽大). I was the first. What you have done,I did. The_35_you are receiving, I received.”21AforgottenBoverlookedCdiscoveredDforgiven22AturnBreportCapplyDattend23AdepressedBangryCpuzzledDconfident24AmaintainBrejectCstrengthenDlose25AnecessityBdifficultyCsimilarityDpossibility26AGra


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