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1、译林版(三起)四年级下册 选择题 单词拼写 专题复习训练-(含解析)一、单选题1Lets _ the party.()AgoBgo toCgoes2Here _ your jacket. ()AareBhasCis3_ cake is this? ()AWhatsBWhoseCWhos4Here _ a glass of _ for you. ()Ais; juicesBis; juiceCare; juice5In summer I want _ ice creams. ()Ato eatBeatingCeats6Is it hot _ summer in Nanjing? ()Yes, i

2、t is.AatBonCin7Are they flowers? ()_.AYes, they areBYes, it isCNo, it isnt8_ your skirt? ()No, _.AIs this; it isBThis is; it isntCIs this; it isnt9There_ any books on the desk. ()AisntBarentCare10Wheres _ English book? ()AyourBanCaDyou11I cant see _ flowers. ()AsomeBaCany12The hot dog in the box for

3、 the fox.( )AisBareCon13What _ do you like? () I like PE and Science. AtimeBlessonsCsubjects14Can I have _ juice? ()Sorry, we dont have _ juice.Asome; anyBan; anCsome; some15How are you? ()_ My nose hurts.AIm fine.BNot so good.CIm nine.16Whats the matter with _? ()Hes got a fever.AheBhisChim17Im _.

4、I cant go to school. ()AgoodBillCfine18-Can I have a pie? () -_ .AThanks.BSure. Here you are.CNo, I cant.19Look at those toys. ()_AIts nice!BTheyre nice!20My mother _ this computer. ()AlikesBlikeCdoesnt likes二、根据字母/中文提示完成单词21补全单词,并在括号内写出相应的中文。1.ha_y()2. t_ed()3.h_ngr_()4._ll()22根据中文意思填空。1.Its time f

5、or _.(早餐)2.I cant go to_(学校)today.3.I have a _.(头疼)4. This is Miss Li _.(讲话)5.Its _(星期二)today.根据句意及首字母提示,写出正确的单词。23Peter is an E_ boy. He cant speak(说)C_.24John can sing(唱)well. He likes M_.25What d_ is it today?Its W_.26根据汉语提示写单词。1. Science is _ (有趣的).2. We _ (有)Music and Maths.3. I dont like _ (那样

6、).4. What _ (课程) do you have?5. We all _ (喜欢) music.27句意及首字母提示,写出正确的单词。1. I can see many nice f_ and trees in the p_.2. Can you draw them?Sure, its e_.3. I cant swim.Dont be sad. Look, theres a b_ on the l_.4. I cant do it. Its d_.5. There is a h_ in the park.28根据汉语提示写单词。1. English is _ (有趣的).2. We

7、_ (有)Chinese and maths.3. Lets go to the _ (操场).4. Its _ (时间)for PE.5. We all _ (喜欢) music.29单词拼写。1.连衣裙_2.裤子_3.外套_4.衬衫_5.毛衣_6.牛仔裤_7.短裤_根据首字母提示,补全下面的句子。30Bob is in the zoo. He likes animals. He is very h_.31Im t_.Here is a chair for you.32Its cold. Heres a s_ for you.Thank you.33Mary is t_. Can she h

8、ave some water?34I am i_ today. I cant go to school.35根据汉语提示或首字母提示写单词。1. I have a_(游泳) lesson today.2. We want to draw some_ (短裤).3. Whats the matter with t_?4. Its a f_ day.5. My f_ hands are so big.36口渴的 _37疲劳的 _38快乐的 _39饥饿的 _40生病的 _41亲爱的 _42连词成句。(1)how ,your ,about ,sister (?)_(2)she ,your ,Engli

9、sh ,is ,teacher(?)_(3)some ,then ,have ,milk(.)_(4) orange,is,bottle,there,in,juice,no,the(.)_(5) there ,the,are,on,some,table,plates (.)_单词拼写43连衣裙_44裤子_45外套_46衬衫_47毛衣_48牛仔裤_49短裤_50根据汉语提示写单词。1. I have two lessons _ (在下午).2. She _ (吃晚餐)at 6:00p.m.3. Lets go to the library _(在星期六).4. I _(起床)at 6:005.

10、We all _ (喜欢) music.51根据汉语提示写单词。1. I like winter _ (最).2.He _ (喜欢) winter.3. Lets go _(滑冰).4. I _(堆雪人)in winter.5. We all _ (放风筝) in the park.52根据句意和首字母补全单词。1. Peter is an E boy. He cant speak(说)Chinese2. John can sing(唱)well. He likes M .3. What t is it today? Its Wednesday4. How many l_do we have

11、on Friday?5. Its Tuesday. We have a s_class.6. I have a PE class in the a_53单词拼写(1)星期日 _(2)星期一 _(3)星期二 _(4)星期三_(5)星期四 _(6)星期五 _(7)星期六_54根据汉语提示写单词。1. I have two lessons _ (在上午).2. He _ (吃晚餐)at 6:00p.m.3. Lets go to the library _(在星期六).4. I _(吃早餐)at 6:005. We all _ (喜欢) music.55根据首字母提示,写出相对应的单词。 1. It

12、s very c_. Heres your j_.2. These are some b_ on the river. Lets go b_.3. Its a c_ autumn. Lets go c_ on Sunday.4. W_ football is this? Its m_ football. 5. Lets go to the p_. Good i_.56根据句意和首字母补全单词。1. We have one C_class on Friday.2. I like m_very much,I often listen to it.3. It is time for P_,lets

13、go to the playground.4. I dont have lessons on S_.5. We have an English class on M_.6. There is a l_in the park.57根据汉语提示写单词。1.I like summer_(最), because I can eat ice-creams.2.He_ (喜欢) winter.3.Lets go_ (滑冰)on the lake.4.I _()in winter.5.We all_(放风筝) in the park.58根据汉语提示写单词。1. In _ (夏天),Itshot.2. Wi

14、nter is_ (寒冷的).3. We usually pick apples in _ (秋天).4. I _(游泳)in summer5. Which_ (季节) do you like best?59根据上下文首字母提示, 完成句子。Its S_ today. We dont have any lessons. My friends and I will go to a party at f_ in the a_. Look! Helens dress is so beautiful and Mikes shirt is t_ big. I guess it is his father

15、s. Su Hai and Su Yang have two big caps. They are all very happy.60根据汉语提示写单词。1. _ (谁的)trousers are these?2. These_ (手套)are mine.3. Your dress is _ (漂亮的).4. I _(喜欢)my dress.5. _ (你的) gloves are big.61根据汉语提示写单词。1. Its _(星期三) today. 2. They dont have _(任何)lessons3. Lets go to the library _(在星期六).4. Wha

16、t day is it _(今天)?5. When do you get up _(每一天)?62根据中文填空。1.Are you _?(生病的)2.I feel _(寒冷的).3.Have a _.(蛋糕)4.Hes_(开心的)now.5.Dontbe_.(伤心的)63首字母提示填空。1. This is our new t_. Look, we have seven subjects.2. We have A _, C _ and S _ in the afternoon.3. Its time for P _ .Lets go to the p_.4. What s_ do you li

17、ke?I like English and PE. 5. W_ to my home. This is my mother.64单词拼写 (1)公园_(2)画画_(3)花朵_(4)小船_(5)河流_(6)小山丘_(7)湖泊_(8)再一次_65补全单词,并在括号内写出相应的中文。1.m_e()2. t_e()3. f_sh()4. En_l_sh()5. li_t n()66根据汉语提示写单词。1. Lets go and play _ (乒乓球).2. She_ (有)a swimming lesson.3. Lets go to the library _(在星期六).4. What day

18、 is it _(今天)?5. We all _ (喜欢) music.67What can you s_ when its a cloudy day?试卷第7页,共8页参考答案:1B【详解】句意为:“让我们去参加晚会吧。”这里考查了let sb do sth意思为“让某人干某事”,go to the party意思“去晚会”,故选B。2C【详解】句意为“你的夹克在这儿。”考查了Here is/are用法,is跟单数或不可数名词,are后跟可数名词复数,your jacket是单数名词,故系词用is。故选C。3B【详解】句意:这是_蛋糕?A选项是什么,B选项谁的,C选项是谁,根据句意可知B选项

19、符合,故选B。【点睛】4B【详解】根据a glass of 是单数,所以选择is ,果汁是不可数名词,没有复数形式,所以选择juice.5A【详解】句意:夏天我想吃冰淇淋。考查want后跟动词不定式,A不定式,B动名词或动词的现在分词,C动词的第三人称单数,故选A。6C【详解】句意:南京的夏天很热吗?是的,它是。at用在具体时间点前,on用在具体某一天前,in用在年、月季节等前面,故选C。【点睛】7A【解析】略8C【详解】句意:这是你的短裙吗?不,不是。此题考查一般疑问句,be提前,回答是否定回答,用No, it isnt. 故选C。【点睛】9B【解析】略10A【详解】句意:你的英语书在哪?A


21、。with是介词,后跟宾格形式做宾语,故选C。17B【详解】句意:我生病了。我不能去上学。本题考查形容词辨析。A好的,B生病的,C好的。根据后一句cant go to school不能去上学,可知B选项符合题意,故选B。18B【详解】略19B【详解】句意:看那些玩具。those toys那些玩具,是复数,答语主语用they代替,故选B。20A【详解】略211. pp 开心的2. ir劳累的3. uy饥饿的4.i 生病的【详解】略22 1. breakfast 2. school 3. headache 4. speaking 5. Tuesday【详解】1. 早餐译为breakfast。2.

22、学校译为school。3. 头痛译为headache。4. 讲话译为speaking。5. 星期二译为Tuesday。23 English Chinese24Music25 day Wednesday【解析】略261、fun2、have3、PE4、subjects5、like【详解】1、句意: 科学是如此有趣。有趣的是单词fun, 故答案为 fun.2、句意: 我们有音乐,数学和语文。有是have, 句子主语是第一人称, 用have的原形即可。故答案为 have.3、句意: 我不喜欢体育课。体育课是单词PE.故答案为 PE.4、句意: 你有哪些课程? 哪些课程是疑问词What subjects

23、。故答案为 subjects.5、句意: 他不喜欢音乐。喜欢是like, 这里用在助动词后面用原形即可。故答案为 like.【点评】1、这是考查词汇的题目。要掌握所学过单词。2、这是考查动词适当形式的题目。要注意动词的适当形式。3、这是考查词汇的题目。要掌握学过的表示学科的单词。4、这是考查词汇的题目。要掌握学过单词的拼写。5、这是考查词汇的题目。要注意单词的适当形式。27 1. flowers park 2. easy 3. boat lake 4. difficult 5. hill【详解】1. 句意:在公园我能看见许多好看的花和树。根据句意、首字母得知,该空需要填写flower“花”和p

24、ark“公园”,many后跟复数名词,故答案为flowers ,park。2. 句意:你会画它们吗?当然,那很容易。根据sure肯定回答及首字母e,可知需要easy“容易的”,故答案为easy。 3. 句意:我不会游泳。不要难过。瞧,湖上有一艘小船。根据句意及及首字母,可知需要boat“小船”和lake“湖”,故答案为boat,lake。4. 句意:我不会做它。它很难。根据句意“不会做”及首字母d,可知需要形容词difficult “难的”,故答案为difficult。5. 句意:公园里有一座小山。根据句意及首字母h,可知需要hill“小山”,故答案为hill。【点睛】1. 考查单词拼写,注意

25、名词复数形式。2. 考查单词easy拼写,注意整体理解句意。3. 考查单词拼写,注意整体理解句意。4. 考查单词difficult拼写,注意整体理解句意。5. 考查单词hill拼写,注意整体理解句意。28 1. fun 2. have 3. playground 4. time 5. like【详解】1.该题考查本课单词的掌握,“有趣的”是形容词fun,故答案为fun。2.该词用来表达“有”,故答案为副词have。3.操场是单词“playground”,故答案为副词playground。4.该题考查本课单词的掌握,“时间”是单词time,故答案为time。5.喜欢是单词“like”,故答案为l

26、ike。29 1.dress 2.trousers 3.coat 4.shirt 5.sweater 6.jeans 7.shorts【详解】略【点睛】考查单词拼写,注意单词词义及拼写。30happy31tired32sweater33thirsty34ill【解析】略351. swimming2. shorts3. them4. fine5. fathers【详解】略36thirsty37tired38happy39hungry40ill / sick41dear【解析】36口渴的thirsty,形容词,故答案为thirsty。37疲劳的tired,形容词,故答案为tired。38快乐的ha

27、ppy,形容词,故答案为happy。39饥饿的hungry,形容词,故答案为hungry。40生病的ill / sick,形容词,故答案为ill / sick。41亲爱的dear,形容词,故答案为dear。【点睛】42(1)How about your sister?(2)Is she your English teacher?(3)Have some milk then.(4)There is no orange juice in the bottle.(5)There are some plates on the table.【详解】43dress44trousers45coat46shi

28、rt47sweater48jeans49shorts【解析】略50 1. in the afternoon 2. has dinner 3. on Saturday 4. get up 5. like【详解】略51 1.best 2. likes 3. skating 4. make a snowman 5. fly a kite【详解】1.该题考查本课单词的掌握,“最”是best,故答案为best。2.该词用来表达“喜欢”,故答案为短语likes。3.滑冰是短语“ go skating”,故答案为skating。4.该题考查本课短语的掌握,“堆雪人”是短语make a snowman,故答案

29、为make a snowman5.放风筝是短语“fly a kite”,故答案为fly a kite。521. English2. music3. today4.lessons5. science6.afternoon 【详解】1.句意:皮特是一个英国人,他不会说汉语2. 约翰唱歌唱的很好,他喜欢音乐3. 今天周几?4. 周五我们有几节课?5. 今天周二,我们有一节科学课6.在下午,我有一节体育课53 (1)Sunday (2)Monday (3)Tuesday (4)Wednesday (5)Thursday (6)Friday (7)Saturday【详解】略【点睛】考查单词拼写,注意专有

30、名词首字母大写。54 1. in the morning 2. has dinner 3. on Saturday 4. have breakfast 5. like【详解】1.该题考查本课短语的掌握,“在上午”是in the morning,故答案为in the morning。2.该词用来表达“吃晚餐”,故答案为短语has dinner。3.在星期六是短语“on Saturday”,故答案为on Saturday。4.该题考查本课短语的掌握,“吃早餐”是短语have breakfast,故答案为have breakfast。5.喜欢是单词“like”,故答案为like。55 1. cold

31、; jacket 2. boats; boating 3. cool; climbing 4. Whose; my 5. picnic; idea【详解】1. 句意:天气很冷。这是你的夹克衫。根据所给单词的首字母,可知需要表达天气的形容词cold“寒冷的”和衣服类名称jacket“夹克衫”,故答案为cold,jacket。2. 句意:河上有一些小船。我们去划船吧。根据所给单词的首字母提示可知,需要boat“小船”,some后跟复数名词,因此是boats,go boating“去划船”是固定短语,故答案为boats,boating。3. 句意:秋天天气凉爽。星期天我们去爬山吧。根据autumn及

32、所给单词的首字母,可知需要表达秋天天气的形容词cool“凉爽的”,go climbing去爬山,是固定短语,故答案为cool,climbing。4. 句意:这是谁的足球?它是我的足球。问句中football需要whose“谁的”修饰,询问“谁的足球”,答语中的football需要形容词性物主代词修饰,根据首字母提示可知,需要my“我的”,故答案为Whose,my。5. 句意:我们去野餐吧。好主意。go to the picnic“去野餐”是固定短语,Good idea!“好主意”常用于赞同别人的建议,故答案为picnic,idea。【点睛】1. 考查单词拼写,注意整体理解句子。2. 考查单词拼

33、写,注意固定短语及平时单词的记忆。3. 考查单词拼写,注意整体理解句子及固定短语。4. 考查单词拼写,注意句子首单词首字母大写。5. 考查单词拼写,注意固定短语及常用语。561. Chinese2. music3. PE4. Sunday5. Monday6.lake 【详解】1.句意:在周五,我们有一节语文课。2. 我喜欢音乐,我经常听音乐。3. 该是上体育课的时候了,让我们去操场吧。4. 在周日,我没有课。5. 在周一我有一节英语课。6.在公园里有一个湖。571、best2、likes3、skating4、make a snowman5、fly a kite【详解】1、句意:我最喜欢夏天,

34、因为我能吃冰激凌。根据汉语提示,最best,故答案为best.2、句意:他喜欢冬天。根据汉语提示,喜欢like,本句是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语也用三单形式,like-likes,故答案为likes.3、句意:让我们去湖上滑冰。根据汉语提示,滑冰skate,go skating去滑冰,固定词组,故答案为skating.4、句意:我在冬天堆雪人。根据汉语提示,堆雪人make a snowman,本句是一般现在时,谓语用动词原形,故答案为make a snowman.5、句意:我们都在公园放风筝。根据汉语提示,放风筝fly a kite,本句用一般现在时,主语是复数,谓语用动词原形,故答

35、案为fly a kite.【考点】1、单词拼写2、单词拼写3、祈使句和感叹句,单词拼写4、汉译英5、汉译英【点评】1、本题考查了单词best,注意平时牢记单词拼写和读音。2、本题考查了likes单词,注意平时牢记单词和用法。3、本题考查了skating单词,注意平时牢记祈使句构成和固定词组。4、本题考查了汉译英,注意平时牢记单词和词组。5、本题考查了固定词组,注意平时牢记这些词组。581、summer2、cold3、autumn4、swim5、season【详解】1、句意:在.天是热的。根据汉语提示,夏天summer,故答案为summer.2、句意:冬天是.。根据汉语提示,寒冷的cold,故答

36、案为cold.3、句意:我们通常在.摘苹果。根据汉语提示,秋天autumn,故答案为autumn.4、句意:我.在夏天。根据汉语提示,游泳swim,故答案为swim.5、句意:你最喜欢哪个.。根据汉语提示,季节season,故答案为season.【考点】1、单词拼写2、单词拼写3、单词拼写4、单词拼写5、单词拼写【点评】1、本题考查了单词summer,注意平时牢记单词。2、本题考查了单词cold,注意平时牢记单词拼写。3、本题考查了autumn单词,注意平时牢记单词用法。4、本题考查了swim单词,注意平时牢记单词和汉语意思。5、本题考查了season单词,注意平时牢记单词和读音。59 Sat

37、urday/Sunday, five, afternoon, too【详解】略601、Whose2、gloves3、beautiful4、like5、Your【详解】1、句意:这些是.裤子?根据汉语提示,谁的Whose,故答案为Whose.2、句意:这些.是我的。根据汉语提示,手套glove,复数是gloves,these这些后面接名词复数,故答案为gloves.3、句意:你的连衣裙是.。根据汉语提示,漂亮的beautiful,故答案为beautiful.4、句意:我喜欢我的连衣裙。根据汉语提示,喜欢like,本句是一般现在时,主语是第一人称,谓语用动词原形,故答案为like.5、句意:你的手

38、套是大的。根据汉语提示,你的your,故答案为Your.【考点】1、单词拼写2、单词拼写3、单词拼写4、单词拼写5、单词拼写【点评】1、本题考查了whose引导,询问某物是谁的特殊疑问句。2、本题考查了glove单词,注意平时牢记单词拼写和用法。3、本题考查了beautiful单词,注意平时牢记单词用法。4、本题考查了like单词,注意平时牢记单词拼写。5、本题考查了单词your,注意平时牢记单词。61 1. Wednesday 2.any 3. on Saturday 4. today 5. every day【详解】略62 1.ill 2.cold 3.cake 4.happy 5. sad【详解】略63 1. timetable 2. Art Chinese Scien


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