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1、2022届天津市滨海新区普通高考模拟试卷英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Do you know anything about Hua Tuo?_. He is the first in China to use anesthesia (麻醉) during surgery.ANot at allBNever mindCYou betDWith pleasure2Young people are more willing to study the skills of paper cutting these days, _ local authorities have put

2、 great efforts in promoting the handicraft.AifBthoughCasDunless3Beijing Winter Olympic mascot Bing Dwen Dwen _ the hearts of millions worldwide since the Olympics kicked off on February 4, 2022.Ahas wonBwill winCwas winningDhad won4The Shenzhou-13 return capsule, carrying three astronauts, made an _

3、 and safe landing in the scheduled area on April 16, 2022.AactiveBaccurateCextremeDextra5The Battle at Lake Changjin is a domestic film made _ those brave soldiers who sacrificed in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.Ain favor ofBin case ofCin memory ofDin place of6 It wont take long to

4、 clear up the classroom if we all volunteer to help. Thats right. _.AMany hands make light workBSomething is better than nothingCThe more, the merrierDThe early bird catches the worm7Nowadays, many chefs take _ from old recipe collection and recreate dishes to suit young appetite.ApurposeBpotentialC

5、virtueDinspiration8The use of genetic engineering should be restricted to just those cases _ the health of the mother or her baby is threatened.Ain which BhowCof whomDwhy9_ to resemble a lotus flower, Singapores Art Science Museum appears to float above the water that surrounds it.ABeing shapedBTo s

6、hapeCShapedDShaping10I was _ assigned to help with the delivering of food in the earthquake relief, but I arrived late and had to wait for other tasks.AfundamentallyBoriginallyCslightlyDincreasingly11Looking around your city, you may _ girls wearing hanfu in subways or people wearing T-shirts with C

7、hinese characters on the streets.AsponsorBsuspectCspreadDspot12As fossil fuels are unsustainable, alternative energy, such as sunlight, wind and water, _ currently.Awas employedBis being employedCwere employedDare being employed13Graduates today get more creative in their career pursuits, and can qu

8、ickly respond to and change with _ the market demands.AwhenBwhichCwhatDthat14Who did the teacher have _ a speech for the graduation ceremony just now?I have no idea, either.AaddressedBaddressCaddressingDto address15The computer keeps reminding me “Error, cant save the file”.Well, you _ the software

9、yesterday as the technician recommended. This old version doesnt work well.Ashould have updatedBmust have updatedCcouldnt have updatedDneednt have updated二、完形填空When school started on that warm August day, I _16_ myself into all the sports I did, including volleyball. I decided to become _17_ and sto

10、pped eating completely. Soon I began losing weight, _18_ thrilled me, and I even grew to love the _19_ that came with my poor diet, for it meant that I was winning.As the season progressed, things had become _20_ between my head volleyball coach, Coach Smith, and me. Feeling something was wrong with

11、 my _21_, she talked with me and tried to persuade me to eat _22_ a healthy way. We then argued constantly. Later, my hunger started to affect my _23_. I was so tired that practice and games were becoming a struggle. One afternoon, with _24_ in her eyes, Coach Smith asked me what I had eaten. I told

12、 her _25_ yet, and I wasnt going to. She looked at me, hurt in her eyes, knowing her efforts are _26_, and walked away.A couple of weeks later I _27_ a formal dinner for our volleyball team. I stood there as my coach managed to say something nice about me. I realized suddenly that I had _28_ my seni

13、or year by being disrespectful, and probably hers as well. So that evening I wrote her a letter _29_ and thanking her.Then one Saturday, as I was reading in the library, I felt someone _30_ take my arm and say softly, “Lynn Jones, how are you doing?” I looked up and saw the familiar face. “Thanks fo

14、r the letter,” she said. “It _31_ a lot.”When I think of a coach, I think of someone _32_ me, someone who gives instructionnot a friend. But Coach Smith is different, and, like any other good friend, she _33_ my problem persistently even when I hated her for it at that time. _34_ I didnt deserve her

15、 kindness, she gave it anyway. I will forever be grateful for her help and now for her _35_.16AremovedBthrewCflewDstruck17AslimBstrongChealthyDsuitable18AwhyBwhatCwhichDwhen19ApatienceBpresenceCweaknessDselflessness20AlimitedBsmoothCeasyDtense21AhonorBstateCcreditDacademy22AonBinCtoDat23AappearanceB

16、opportunityCdependenceDperformance24AcautionBreliefCsatisfactionDconcern25AnothingBeverythingCsomethingDanything26Ain needBin returnCin vainDin particular27AattendedBmissedCrecommendedDmentioned28AruinedBimprovedCexperiencedDcontrolled29ArespondingBdenyingCcomplainingDapologizing30ApainfullyBgentlyC

17、rapidlyDrandomly31AreadBclaimedCmeantDannounced32AaboveBbelowCoutsideDacross33Acame acrossBdealt withCtore apartDheld out34AUnlessBBecauseCAsDThough35AfriendshipBchallengeCcompetitionDcooperation三、阅读理解A new year brings a new calendar of exhibitions and there are so many fantastic shows to get stuck

18、into. Make seeing more art your new years resolution and start filling your diary with these unmissable exhibitions. Calligraphic AwardsLanting Xu, written by calligrapher Wang Xizhi in the mid-4th century, is considered one of the greatest pieces of Chinese calligraphy. It thereafter inspired the C

19、hina Calligraphers Association to launch the China Calligraphy Lanting Awards, the countrys top awards for the creation of calligraphy. An exhibition now at the National Art Museum of China shows such handwritten pieces by 19 artists who have received Lantings lifetime achievement awards. The exhibi

20、tion runs until April 27.9:00 am-5:00 pm, closed on Mondays. Refocusing on the MediumWorks by 17 trailblazers (先锋) in experimental video art from China, Japan and South Korea are being shown at Refocusing on the Medium: The Rise of East Asia Video Art, a survey exhibition at the Minsheng Art Museum.

21、 It is an unprecedented art exploration how video is reshaping artistic creation since the 1960s. It takes viewers to the past and the frontiers of video art. The exhibition ends on May 8.10:00 am-5:00 pm, closed on Wednesdays. Rebuilding IdealsYin Zhaoyang is a leading artist of his generation. He

22、has developed a highly personalized approach to landscape painting, exploring the relations between individuals and society, history and the present. Rebuilding Ideals, an exhibition at the Tang Contemporary Art Museum, reviews Yins creation and methods of thinking over more than 20 years. The exhib

23、ition runs until May 5.10:00 am-5:00 pm, closed on Fridays.Reverse ReconstructionContemporary artist Yang Mushi is showing installations (设备) made between 2019 and 2022 at his fourth solo exhibition, Reverse Reconstruction, at Galerie Urs Meile. It shows Yangs continuous exploration of the presentat

24、ions of materials, such as stainless steel, wood and plastics. His works examine the meanings of handwork and mass production that have reshaped peoples way of life. The exhibition runs until May 15.11:00 am-6:30 pm, closed on Mondays.36What is the authors writing purpose of the passage?ATo stress t

25、he importance of keeping an art diary.BTo recommend several must-see art exhibitions.CTo discuss why people should go to exhibitions.DTo encourage readers to make new years resolution.37If you want to see Calligraphic Awards, you should try to avoid _.A10:30 am on SundayB11:00 am on WednesdayC2:30 p

26、m on MondayD4:00 pm on Friday38Which of the following is True about Refocusing on the Medium?AThe exhibition will be in progress until May 8.BThe exhibition is available throughout the week.CThe exhibition merely features works by Chinese artists.DThe exhibition has reshaped artistic creation since

27、1960s.39Where should you go if you are interested in production history?AGalerie Urs Meile.BMinsheng Art Museum.CNational Art Museum of China.DTang Contemporary Art Museum.40In which section of the newspaper can you most possibly read the passage?ABusiness.BSports.CCulture.DNature.For Mao Zhongwu, w

28、ho was paralyzed (瘫痪) from the waist down in an accidental fall 16 years ago, sports have opened up a new world. The 37-year-old cross-country “sit-skier” collected one gold and two silver medals at the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games in mens middle-distance, mens sprint (短距离) and mens long distance

29、, respectively. “It was sports that made me come out of the lowest point in my life and changed me physically, mentally and spiritually,” Mao said.Born and raised in Dalian, Liaoning province, Mao has been fond of sports since childhood. The accident changed everything. Paralysis ended his functiona

30、l independence. He had to live under his mothers care. For a long time, he felt ashamed and was unwilling to go out. In 2017, persuaded by his mother, he started to learn table tennis. Ten days later, he took part in a citywide competition and performed well. Fan Yi, a coach from the sports departme

31、nt of Dalians service center for the disabled, picked Mao and brought him to the wheelchair racing team. Fan recalled that in the beginning Mao didnt dare to talk with other people. But he gradually became cheerful and confident in training. Three years ago, Mao shifted to train for cross-country sk

32、iing. “As an older athlete, he recovers slowly. He persevered through willpower,” Fan said.Mao said that when he decided to be a professional athlete, he told himself there was no turning back. “I have experienced the bitterness of life, and I know this is a rare opportunity that I must seize,” he s

33、aid. Everyones body has its limits. When he was suffering through the period of tiredness caused by overtraining, he thought he was too old to compete in the Olympics. “But I never gave up. With the support of my team, I stepped toward my goals one by one,” he said. “Although Im not young now, I wil

34、l keep training and eye on more gold medals as long as I can.”41What can be inferred about Mao Zhongwu from the passage?AHe was paralyzed at the age of 16.BHe won the gold medal in mens sprint.CHe was grateful for the accident.DHe found new life in sports after the accident.42Why did Mao Zhongwu res

35、ist going out according to Paragraph 2?ABecause he felt embarrassed by his disability.BBecause he preferred doing sports indoors.CBecause he couldnt go out without any assistance.DBecause he suffered from depression and anxiety.43According to Fan Yi, the biggest challenge for Mao Zhongwu was _.Ahis

36、ageBhis poor mental stateCthe lack of confidenceDthe bitterness of his life44Which of the following can best describe Mao Zhongwu?AAdventurous and creative.BPassionate and sympathetic.CDetermined and persistent.DIntelligent and communicative.45What does the author mainly want to tell us in the passa

37、ge?AAll good things come to an end.BEvery man is the master of his fate.COne shouldnt miss forest for the trees.DOne mans junk is another mans treasure.People who grow up outside of cities are better at finding their way around than urbanites, a large study on navigation suggests. The results, descr

38、ibed online on March 30 in Nature, hint that learning to handle environmental complexity as a child strengthens mental muscles for spatial skills. Nearly 400,000 people from 38 countries around the world played a video game called Sea Hero Quest, designed by scientists and game developers as a fun w

39、ay to collect data about peoples brains. Players piloted a boat in search of various targets.On average, people who said they had grown up outside of cities, where they would have probably encountered lots of complicated paths, were better at finding the targets than people who were raised in cities

40、.Whats more, the difference between city residents and outsiders was most obvious in countries where cities tend to have simple layouts (布局), such as Chicago with its streets laid out at 90-degree angles. The simpler the cities, the bigger the advantage for people from more rural areas, cognitive sc

41、ientist Antoine Coutrot of CNRS and his colleagues report.Still, from these video game data, scientists cant definitively say that the childhood environment is behind the differences in navigation. But its possible. “As a kid, if you are exposed to a complex environment, you learn to find your way,

42、and you develop the right cognitive processes to do so,” Coutrot says.Other factors have been linked to navigational performance, including age, gender, education and even a superior sense of smell. Figuring out these details will give doctors a more precise baseline (基准) of a persons navigational a

43、bilities. That, in turn, might help reveal when these skills weaken, as they do in early Alzheimers disease, for instance.46What does the underlined word “urbanites” in Paragraph 1 refer to?AThose who live close to urban areas.BThose who are from rural areas.CThose who are raised in cities.DThose wh

44、o long for urban life.47How did the researchers carry out the study?ABy playing a game called Sea Hero Quest.BBy gathering data from the video game.CBy recording electrical activities in brains.DBy comparing various targets of the game.48What can we learn from Paragraph 3 and 4?ACity outsiders perfo

45、rmed no better than city residents in the study.BCities simple layouts gave city residents an advantage in the game.CThere was no significant difference between city residents and outsiders.DThe players performance had something to do with their earlier experience.49Which of the following may Coutro

46、t agree with?AChildhood surroundings might affect peoples navigational abilities.BGender and education are key to developing navigational abilities.CA superior sense of smell bears no relation to navigational abilities.DThe study of navigational abilities can help cure Alzheimers disease.50Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?AHow environment impacts early childhood developmentBWhy is early childhood education important for our futureCWhen is the best time to obtain your navigational ski


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