2023新人教版八年级下册《英语》Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum单元基础知识复习ppt课件(共29张PPT).pptx

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2023新人教版八年级下册《英语》Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum单元基础知识复习ppt课件(共29张PPT).pptx_第1页
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2023新人教版八年级下册《英语》Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum单元基础知识复习ppt课件(共29张PPT).pptx_第5页
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1、英语新目标 八年级下单元基础知识复习课件单元基础知识复习课件根据汉语提示,写出相应的单词根据汉语提示,写出相应的单词1照相机;摄影机;摄像机照相机;摄影机;摄像机_2难以置信的;不真实的难以置信的;不真实的_3进步;进展进步;进展_4迅速的;快速的迅速的;快速的_5特别的;不寻常的特别的;不寻常的_6鼓励鼓励 v._7社会的社会的_cameraunbelievableprogressrapid重点重点单词单词unusualencouragesocial8和平的;安宁的和平的;安宁的_9完美的;完全的完美的;完全的_10它自己它自己_11收集;采集收集;采集_12德国的;德语的;德国人的德国的;


3、anJapanesewheneverspringmostlyridetoiletfox 去过去过 乘地铁乘地铁 去滑冰去滑冰 听说听说 事实上事实上 全世界全世界 一直一直 结束做某事结束做某事 一个讲英语的国家一个讲英语的国家 提高你的英语提高你的英语 have been to take the subway/by subway go skating hear of in fact around/all over the world all the time end up doing an English-speaking country improve your English重点词组重点

4、词组 上课上课 考虑做某事考虑做某事 而不是而不是 度假度假 做某事有问题做某事有问题 四分之三四分之三 唤醒,醒来唤醒,醒来 在白天在白天 在夜晚在夜晚 离近离近 离远离远 选择做某事选择做某事 take lessons think about doing rather than take a holiday have problems doing three quarters wake up during the daytime at night be close to be far from choose to do Have you ever been to a science mus

5、eum?Yes,Ive been to a science museum./No,Ive never been to a science museum.Have you ever visited the space museum?Yes,I have.I went there last year./No,I havent.单元语法单元语法Ive been to the art museum many times.Me,too.And Ive also visited the nature museum.Ive never been to a water park.Me neither.现在完成

6、时:现在完成时:表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去开始对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去开始一直延续到现在的动作或保存的状态。一直延续到现在的动作或保存的状态。结构:结构:主语主语+have/has+过去分词过去分词以以already,yet,just,ever,never,recently,so far等为等为标志标志 He has already got her help.他已得到她的帮助。他已得到她的帮助。He has just seen the film.他刚刚看过这场电影。他刚刚看过这场电影。He hasnt come ba

7、ck yet.他还没有回来。他还没有回来。This is the best film I have ever seen.这是我曾经看过的最好的一部电影。这是我曾经看过的最好的一部电影。He has never been to Beijing.他从没有到过北京。他从没有到过北京。辨析辨析 have been to/have gone to 现在完成时态中现在完成时态中:have been to 和和 have gone to 都是指已经去了某个都是指已经去了某个地方,但是地方,但是 have been to 强调的是曾经去了某个地强调的是曾经去了某个地方并回来了;方并回来了;have gone

8、to强调的是去了某个地方强调的是去了某个地方还没有回来。还没有回来。Have you ever been to Anqing?你去过安庆吗你去过安庆吗?Yes,several times.是的,去过几次。是的,去过几次。Where is Mr Wang?王先生在那里?王先生在那里?He has gone to Anqing.他去了安庆。他去了安庆。根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1我曾经参观过的最有趣的博物馆是美国计算机博物馆。我曾经参观过的最有趣的博物馆是美国计算机博物馆。_ _ interesting museum _ _ _ _ is the American Computer

9、Museum.2技术以如此迅速的方式进步,真是令人难以置信!技术以如此迅速的方式进步,真是令人难以置信!Its _ that technology has _ _ _ a rapid way!3我想知道,未来计算机还能多做多少事情。我想知道,未来计算机还能多做多少事情。I _ how much more computers will _ _ _ do in the future.The mostIve everbeen tounbelievable重点句型progressedin suchwonderbeable to4当我在那儿看到如此多不同种类的马桶时,我简直不能相信当我在那儿看到如此多不

10、同种类的马桶时,我简直不能相信自己的眼睛。自己的眼睛。I just _ _ my eyes when I saw _ _ different kinds of toilets there.5我终于意识到了为什么我的爷爷喜爱喝茶和收藏茶具了。我终于意识到了为什么我的爷爷喜爱喝茶和收藏茶具了。Ive _ _ why my grandpa loves _ tea and _ tea sets.6无论你喜欢印度食品、西方食品还是日本食品,你都会在新无论你喜欢印度食品、西方食品还是日本食品,你都会在新加坡找到!加坡找到!_ _ _ Indian food,Western food or Japanese

11、 food,youll find it _ in Singapore!couldnt believeso manyfinally realizeddrinkingcollecting Whether you likeall7许多动物只在晚上醒来,所以这是观看它们的最好时机。许多动物只在晚上醒来,所以这是观看它们的最好时机。A lot of animals only _ _ at night,so this is the _ _ to watch them.8另一方面,新加坡是一个讲英语的国家,所以这也是你练习另一方面,新加坡是一个讲英语的国家,所以这也是你练习英语的好地方!英语的好地方!On

12、the other hand,Singapore is _ _ country,so its also a good place _ _ your English!wake up best timean English-speakingto practice.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1Gina often takes photos of her pet dog with her c_.2His mother is very happy because of his great p_ in his study.3My teacher always e_ me to

13、 talk loudly when I answer the questions.amerarogressExercise ncourages4Many people think s_ is the best season in a year because many flowers come out.But I like autumn best.5You can choose to come to my home w_ you likeon Monday,Tuesday or Wednesday.pringhenever.根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词1I

14、live in a _(宁静的宁静的)neighborhood.2Mr.Green has lived in Germany for 2 years.He can speak a little _(德语德语)3Becky is very lazy.But she passed the exam.I think its _(不寻常的不寻常的)4Practice makes _(完美的完美的)5The dog has learned how to protect _(它自它自己己)peacefulGermanunusualperfectitself从方框中选出合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空从方框中

15、选出合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空go skating,a couple of,different kinds of,far from,all year round,make progress,learn about,put up,on the one hand,wake up 1Lets _.That sounds boring.I cant skate.2We can buy _ snacks and drinks in the supermarket.3She has gone to New York on business.She will be back in _ days.go s

16、katingdifferent kinds ofa couple of4On Hainan Island,it is hot _.5I live _ the school.So I have to take the subway to get to school.6As soon as we _ a tent,we began to cook meals.7I enjoy visiting the museums because I can _ some knowledge such as history and geography.all year round far from put up

17、 learn about 8Please be quiet,or you may _ the sleeping baby.9He studied very hard,so he _ in English and math.10_,I dont have free time.On the other hand,I cant afford it.wake up made progress On the one hand 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1你曾经去过历史博物馆吗?你曾经去过历史博物馆吗?_ _ _ _ _ the history museum?2我从来没有去过纽约。我从来没有

18、去过纽约。I _ _ _ to New York.3我们打算搬到某个安静的地方。我们打算搬到某个安静的地方。We are going to move _ _.Haveyoueverbeentohave never beensomewherequiet4这部电影真的很有趣,是吗?这部电影真的很有趣,是吗?The movie is very funny,_ _?5他不喜欢乡村音乐,是吗?他不喜欢乡村音乐,是吗?He doesnt like country music,_ _?6我曾经去过的最美丽的地方是颐和园。我曾经去过的最美丽的地方是颐和园。_ _ _ place _ _ _ to is the

19、 Summer Palace.7他竟然爬上了山顶,真是令人难以置信。他竟然爬上了山顶,真是令人难以置信。_ _ _ _ he climbed up to the top of the mountain.isntitdoes he Themostbeautiful IveeverbeenItwasunbelievablethat 8.不管你喜欢摇滚乐还是流行乐,你都能在演唱会上欣赏到。不管你喜欢摇滚乐还是流行乐,你都能在演唱会上欣赏到。_ you like rock music _ pop music,you can enjoy it at the concert.9无论你什么时候需要帮助,都可

20、以给我打电话。无论你什么时候需要帮助,都可以给我打电话。You can give me a call _ _ _ _.10这种动物白天睡觉,晚上醒来。这种动物白天睡觉,晚上醒来。The animal sleeps _ _ _ and wakes up at night.11三分之一的人居住在那个村子里。三分之一的人居住在那个村子里。_ _ of people live in that village.Whether or wheneveryouneedhelp duringthedaytimeOnethird12一方面,我们需要帮助。另一方面,我们也想帮助别人。一方面,我们需要帮助。另一方面,

21、我们也想帮助别人。_ _ _ _,we need help._ _ _ _,we also want to help others.13我妈妈经常鼓励我要努力学习。我妈妈经常鼓励我要努力学习。My mother often _ _ _ _ hard.14广场上有数以千计的人。广场上有数以千计的人。There are _ _ people at the square.15他住得离市中心远。他住得离市中心远。He lives _ _ the center of the city.On the onehand Onthe otherhand encouragesmetostudy/work thou

22、sandsoffarfrom (一一)假如你是吉姆,去年暑假你和父母乘飞机去海南度假了。请根据下表以“A Wonderful Trip to Hainan”为题,写一篇80 词左右的短文。LocationSoutheast ChinaWayby planeWeatherwarmWonderful placesTianya Haijiao,Wanquan RiverActivitiesswimming,fishing,diving,lying on the beachFoodseafood书面表达书面表达 A Wonderful Trip to Hainan Have you ever been

23、 to Hainan?For thousands of tourists from China,this island in Southeast China is a wonderful place to take a holiday.Last summer I had a wonderful trip to Hainan with my parents.We went there by plane.The weather was warm.We visited many interesting places,such as Tianya Haijiao,which means“the edg

24、e of the sky and the rim of the sea”,and Wanquan River.We went swimming,fishing and diving there.We also enjoyed the delicious seafood there.The long white beaches were very beautiful.I lay on the beach to relax myself quietly.We had a great time.Though we were tired,we all felt very happy.(二)你在中学有两

25、年了,你对自己的表现一定有满意的方面和不满你在中学有两年了,你对自己的表现一定有满意的方面和不满意的方面。假如你是林华,请参照以下提示,写一篇意的方面。假如你是林华,请参照以下提示,写一篇80100词的演讲稿,谈论自己的优点和不足,同时对自己提出一些更词的演讲稿,谈论自己的优点和不足,同时对自己提出一些更高要求。高要求。提示内容提示词对自己满意的方面勤学好问,取得进步;养成了良好的学习习惯对自己不满意的方面上网较多,眼睛近视;忙于学习,很少锻炼eyesight视力对自己提出更高要求乐于助人,参加志愿者活动Dear boys and girls,Im Lin Hua.Im glad to sha

26、re what I have got and lost in the past two years.I am hardworking and have made great progress.I have developed many good habits of learning.I did well in the exams.However,I have problems,too.I spent more time online and I have become quite weak in my eyesight.Whats more,its also a pity that I did less sports because of hard work.In the future I should be glad to help others in trouble.I also hope I can take an active part in some volunteer activities,such as being a volunteer in protecting the environment,in helping disabled children and so on.Thank_you_for_listening!Thanks!


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