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1、试卷第 1页,共 11页2023 年天津市市区重点中学高三毕业班联考(一)2023 年天津市市区重点中学高三毕业班联考(一)英语试题英语试题第 I 卷注意事项:1.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。2.本卷共 55 小题,共 95 分。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例:Stand over there _youll be able to see it better.A.orB.an

2、dC.butD.while答案是 B。16After experiments on COVID-19,medical experts conclude that the infected person still has the possibility ofsurvival,_he or she tests positive twice.Aas thoughBeven ifCin caseDso that17If you are _ a food or drink,you can remove it from your diet.Acautious aboutBallergic toCsati

3、sfied withDfond of18 Bob and Tom have seriously quarrelled nearly ten times,however,each time they have _ and become bestfriends again.Atold offBmade upCturned upDbrought up19Dr.James Naismith is believed _ the game of basketball,a sport loved by people all around the world.Ato inventBto have invent

4、edCinventingDhaving invented20Critical reasoning,together with problem-solving,_ teenagers to make better decisions.AprepareBpreparesCis preparingDare preparing21 So,shall we sign the contract now?_.I havent agreed to that yet.AYou betBBy all meansCGo aheadDHold your horse22No visitor would think _

5、surprising that the island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.英语试卷第 2页,共 11页AthatBitCthisDwhat23Marys score on the test is the highest in her class.Really?She _ have studied very hard.AmayBought toCmustDshould24I really dont know how to thank you enough.AThink highly of itBThink nothing of itCSpeak hig

6、hly of itDSing its praises25_is known to all,China will be an _and powerful country in 20 or 30 years or so.AThat;advancingBThis;advancedCAs;advancedDIt;advancing26Among the many unsolved mysteries about dinosaurs,_ really interests me is their disappearance.AthatBwhichCwhetherDwhat27Deserts,dry are

7、as withno vegetation,cover more than one-third of the earths landsurface.AsurprisinglyBeventuallyCvirtuallyDpermanently28She is very _ about what she wears,depending on what occasions she has to attend.AespecialBspecialCparticularDunique29Enough exercise and a balanced diet can help you develop a he

8、althy lifestyle,thus _ you to have moreenergy.AenablingBbeing enabledCenableDto enable30As he has been in a terrible state of mind these days,on no account_succeed in the coming English speechcompetition.Ahas heBdoes heCwill heDhe will第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从 1635 各题所给的 A、B

9、、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。One day,a woman named Paula was in the bathroom _31_ everything up,from the sink,to the floor,tothe shower.She wanted to keep her familys home clean and beautiful.She _32_ her ring on that her husband,Michael,had bought for their 20-year anniversary.After finishing _33_the inside o

10、f the toilet with a brush,Paula felt something was not right,but shecouldnt think what it was.试卷第 3页,共 11页Paulas heart skipped a _34_ as soon as she noticed that her left ring finger felt a bit _35_.Sheslowly _36_ at her ring finger,hoping that her anniversary _37_ was still on it.She was shocked to

11、 seethat it was _38_.Paula didnt _39_ that it was gone.She searched the_40_of the bathroom and even the house,hoping that she had just dropped it somewhere and forgotten about it.But she failed to find it.Paula had no idea how she was going to tell her husband about this.She saw him _41_ on the bed,

12、reading his favorite book.Paula said that she had some bad news to tell him.Michael was worried,but listened.Paula _42_ andtold her husband everything that had happened.After finishing her_43_,Paula dried her tears and_44_Michael to say something.She thought he was so_45_that he couldnt say anything

13、.However,his face didnt show any anger.Suddenly,he interrupted the silence by _46_ laughter.Paula was completely shocked by Michaels reaction to the _47_.After he finished laughing,Michaelmade fun of Paula for her _48_ and decided to buy her another wedding ring,exactly like the one she had_49_.As s

14、uddenly as the ring disappeared,another ring suddenly reappeared on her finger,exactly the same,as ifshe had _50_lost one in the first place.31AkeepingBturningCworkingDcleaning32AworeBhadCcarriedDtook33AfixingBpaintingCmovingDwashing34AdayBtrickCleapDbeat35AlighterBharderCcleanerDlarger36Alooked upB

15、watched overClooked downDput out37AgiftBawardCpraiseDhonor38AdamagedBstolenCtakenDmissing39AdoubtBrealizeCrememberDaccept40AdoorBrestCspotDdirection41AsleepingBhidingClyingDfalling42AshoutedBapologizedCcriedDjumped43AexcuseBexplanationCcommentDreason44Awaited forBturned toCasked forDwhispered to英语试卷

16、第 4页,共 11页45AconfusedBquietCannoyedDanxious46Abursting intoBraising upCbreaking outDblowing up47AsolutionBsituationCcoincidenceDeffect48AadventureBfailureCcarelessnessDimpression49AboughtBlostCexpectedDmade50AneverBonceCalmostDeven第二部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选

17、项。AIf youre new to a school or you are shy or tend to not get out of your comfort zone,making new friends atschool might seem like a challenge.Luckily,you can overcome that challenge by looking for people with the sameinterests as you and by being friendly when you meet new people.Also,participate i

18、n after-school clubs and eventswhenever you get the chance,since that will help you meet people outside of class!Look for people who have the same hobbies as you.Youre more likely to be friends with someone if you have something in common with them.Try to find clubsor groups based on your favorite h

19、obbies,then join them to meet like-minded people.Also,pay attention to peoplewho spend their free time doing the same things you love to do.If youre a passionate reader,join a book club,go to public readings,or start a conversation with someone whocarries novels around with their textbooks.Spend tim

20、e around people who show kindness.Finding someone who will treat you well and support you is more important than popularity.Avoid spendingtime with people who talk bad about others or put them down.Instead,look for people who invite others to sit withthem at lunch,who encourage others when they spea

21、k up in class,or who are always willing to help when someoneneeds a hand.Introduce yourself to new people whenever possible.When youre around someone you dont know,it is not unusual to just sit there quietly,especially if youre shy.However,you and the other person will both be more comfortable after

22、 a simple introduction.Make eye contactwith the person,smile,and try to seem warm and relaxed instead of nervous or anxious.Then,break the ice bytalking about whatever is going on around you.试卷第 5页,共 11页Keep the conversation going with open-ended questions.When you start talking to someone,try askin

23、g them questions about what they like to see what you have incommon with them.However,avoid simply asking yes or no questions,since one-word answers dont necessarilykeep a conversation alive.You can ask questions about whatever youre already talking about,or you can changethe subject if you feel tha

24、t ran its course.51Who is the passage intended for?ATeachers.BStudents.CParents.DAdults.52If you are fond of reading,you can _.Ajoin a club to make friendsBapproach people with lots of hobbiesCspend your free time meeting different peopleDtalk to people with the same interests53According to Paragrap

25、h 4,who is more likely to be a good friend?AOne who enjoys the popularity.BOne who talks bad about others.COne who wants to help you.DOne who always put others down.54According to Paragraph 5,what should you do first when you meet someone you dont know well?AStart with a warm handshake.BMake eye con

26、tact with the person.CStart with a brief introduction of yourself.DStart by talking about a serious topic.55You should avoid asking yes or no questions to _.Akeep the conversation goingBend the conversationCshow kindnessDrespect othersBEight months after my father died,I saw some letters on top of m

27、y mothers coffee table.They were tied witha silk ribbon and addressed to her decades ago in my fathers neat handwriting.I couldnt imagine my seriousfather ever writing anything like love letters.“Would you like me to read them to you?”Mom asked with a hint of a smile.英语试卷第 6页,共 11页The letters were w

28、ritten in 1974 over the course of a month when my father traveled to Italy to care for hisbeloved,sick mother,leaving his wife and me,their newborn daughter,behind in Toronto,the city my parentscalled home after immigrating to Canada from Italy in 1956.Growing up,my father was my hero and protector,

29、but he was also a man of few words,part of a generation ofimmigrant men who worked hard for a better life.I sat back while my mother read his letters to me,and thought,“Who is this guy?”My father used endearingterms I had never heard him say.He referred to my mother as“my dearesr”and“my companion”wh

30、o was alwaysin his thoughts.In each letter,he enclosed a Canadian one-dollar bill for me and declared,“You and your motherare my life.”As children,we assume we know everything about our parents.But,sometimes,we find out that they wereand are people with various facets.My father was proud and stubbor

31、n,and he married a woman who was his equal in that regard.During their58-year marriage,their stubbornness often led to conflict.So it was bittersweet to hear my fathers youthfulsentiments read aloud by my elderly mother with a wistful(留恋的)tone.I knew she was thinking about whatcould have been and wh

32、at had been once upon a time.After she finished reading the letters,I held them in myhands and examined them like they were fossils.Although a man I knew as economical with his thoughts,he hadfilled the front and back of several pages.These letters are only part of their correspondence.My mother wro

33、te back to my father.One day she will readthose letters to me,shes assured me.And just as with my father,they might help me discover another dimension ofa parent I never knew before.56What kind of person did the author think her father was?AOptimistic.BReserved.CSensitive.DRomantic.57What can we kno

34、w about the authors family?AHer mother was the familys provider.BShe didnt get on well with her father.CHer parents were emigrants to Italy.DHer parents shared similar personalities.58What does the underlined word“facets”in paragraph 6 most probably mean?AInterests.BIdeas.CSides.DPossibilities.59How

35、 did the author feel when she heard the words in the letters?试卷第 7页,共 11页ASurprised.BAwkward.CThrilled.DHeartbroken.60What did the author find out about her father through the letters?AHe was good at hiding his feelings.BHe regretted not being with his family.CHe was a loving husband and father.DHe

36、was stubborn from the inside out.CHearing aids usually bring to mind images of ugly,ineffective devices mainly worn by the elderly.But this illrepute is quickly changing,as theyve recently taken a turn thanks to two innovators,Dr.Marco Vietor and PaulCrusius,who now lead the fastest-growing hearing

37、aid company in the .Hs years of research led to the development of two game-changing hearing aidsthe Silk andStyletto.These impressive devices pack cutting-edge technology in designs that are practically invisible.They alsouse a unique way that has been clinically proven to deliver better-than-norma

38、l hearing so you can clearlyunderstand speech in any environment.With additional features like Bluetooth and rechargeability,todays hearingaids are attracting even younger customers skilled in tech.But knows its not just about tech and design.Theyve put an enormous effort into the entireexperience t

39、o make hearing care more accessible and more affordable.“Everyone should be able to hear well tolive well,”Crusius says.“And its very individual.Each persons hearing loss is different and requires apersonalized approach to find the best solution.”“We hear with our brains,not our ears.And it takes at

40、 least 30 days for our brain to adjust and relearn how tohear again with new hearing aids,”Dr.Vietor says.“To guarantee your best outcome with hearing aids,wedeveloped the industrys first 30-day program,Hearing Success Program,so customers have that extra level of careand knowledge to succeed.”And i

41、ts working.H has now helped more than 100,000 customers improve their hearing.TheirA+rating with the Better Business Bureau and 5-star rating on the customer review platform,Trustpilot,speaks foritself.Hs“never corporate”and“customer first”approach also helps drive the companys success,encouraging e

42、mployees to act like owners and put customers first.“Were investing heavily in shaping ourcompany culture,”Crusius says.“Individuals who work at say they are here to do more than a job.Theyre helping change lives all around the world.”英语试卷第 8页,共 11页61What does the underlined part“this ill repute”in

43、Para 1 refer to?AHearing aids being too expensive to afford.BHearing aids ignoring the needs of the elderly.CHearing aids developing at a really slow pace.DHearing aids being poor in design and function.62What does Para 2 mainly talk about?AThe popularity of s hearing aids.BThe innovations in s hear

44、ing aids.CThe benefits brought by hear.soms hearing aids.DThe effort s made to develop hearing aids.63What does the Hearing Success Program aim to do?AAdd attractive features to hearing aids.BHelp customers adjust to new hearing aids.CFind the possible causes for customershearing loss.DEducate peopl

45、e about the consequences of hearing loss.64What can we infer about s employees?AThey take pride in their work.BThey lack a sense of belonging.CThey reject the company culture.DThey cooperate well with review platforms.65What does the passage focus on?AProducts and services of a hearing aid company.B

46、Hearing problems in the elderly.CThe company culture of .DYounger customersinterest in hearing aids.DHistory is full of cases where dreams have been a pathway to creativity and discovery.Astriking example isprovided by Dr.Otto Loewi,a pharmacologist and winner of a Nobel Prize.Loewi had spent years

47、studying thechemical transmission of nerve impulses(脉搏).Agreat breakthrough in his research came when he dreamed of anexperiment three nights in a row.The first two nights he woke up and wrote down the experiment quickly and试卷第 9页,共 11页untidily on paper.But the next morning,he couldnt tell what the

48、notes meant.On the third night,he got up afterhaving the dream.This time,instead of making notes he went straight to his laboratory and performed theimportant experiment.Loewi later said that if the experiment had occurred to him while awake he would haverejected it.Loewis experiment gives some insi

49、ght into using dreams to produce creative solutions.Nervous feelings arereduced while you are dreaming,which may be especially useful in solving problems that require a fresh point ofview.Being able to take advantage of dreams for solving is improved if you“set”yourself before retiring.Beforeyou go

50、to bed,try to think intently about a problem you wish to solve.Bury yourself in the problem by stating itclearly and reviewing all relevant information.Then use the suggestions listed in the previous section to catch yourdreams.Although this method is not guaranteed to produce a novel solution or a


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