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1、长时间坐在拥挤的驾驶仓,扭曲脖子去观察后方。毫无疑问这就是必须经历的职业病。作为叉车司机没有人会认为这个工作是轻松的,因为你在处于一个明确的健康风险之中。Long shifts. Sitting for hours at a time in a cramped cab. Twisting and craning your neck to see behind you. No doubt youve experienced some side effects from driving a forklift. As a forklift operator, no one said your job

2、 would be easy and the realities of your work mean youre at risk for certain health issues.请清楚关注这些由于长时间操作叉车的健康风险,请看一下DR. CHAD HOFFAN的专业意见。Keep an eye on these health risks that are associated with frequently driving a forklift and take a look at the expertise provided by Dr. Chad Hoffman fromLifesty

3、le Chiropractic, in Green Bay, Wisconsin.1. 脖子和背部疼痛NECK AND BACK PAIN脖子和背部疼痛直接与工作环境和不良作业习惯有关。有一些因素可能会导致疼痛:Neck and back pain is often directly related to your work environment as well as poor habits you may have picked up along the way. A few causes of your pain could be:整个身体的震动WHOLE BODY VIBRATION身

4、体震动来自于叉车接触面,比如叉车座椅、叉车踏板或靠背等,这可能造成背痛或其他疾病。Whole Body Vibration is the vibration, shaking or jolting of the body transmitted through a supporting surface in this case your forklift seat, floor or back rest. It can make you predisposed to back pain or aggravate existing back problems.避免震动的方法To avoid Wh

5、ole Body Vibration: 降低行驶速度Lower your speed 采用悬浮座椅Use an air suspension seat - they decrease the vibration transferred to your body. 减少在不平地面的驾驶时间Minimize your travel over uneven surfaces长时间的坐姿SITTING FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME久坐是难以避免的现象,同时还由于要扭曲坐姿,这些就可能会伤及肌肉Sitting for long periods of time may be unavo

6、idable in your line of work and you probably have to twist in your seat fairly often which causes strain to your muscles.Dr. Hoffmans Advice专家建议即使在狭窄空间里,必须保持一个姿势,你也必须经常伸缩脖子,活动周边的肌肉。轻微地抬头,同时做深呼吸,但是不要憋气,慢慢地抬头和低头,去放松肌肉。Even in cramped quarters where you have to maintain generally the same position for

7、extended periods of time, do your best to regularly stretch your neck and surrounding muscles” says Dr. Hoffman. “Begin by gently tilting your head to one side and then the other, breathing deeply (dont hold your breath!). Next, tilt your head forward and back very slowly to relieve any muscular dis

8、comfort.” 如果可能多一些中间的休息When possible, take breaks to stretch.Simple stretchesthat can be done on the job will do. 调整座椅可以轻松接触到方向盘、踏板和液压控制杆。Take time to readjust your seat when you return to your forklift. Your feet should rest comfortably and you should be able to easily reach the steering wheel, peda

9、ls and hydraulic controls. Use the backrest its there for a reason!更多的专家建议More from Dr. Hoffman当久坐是不可避免的情形下,尽量多地利用空隙时间休息或锻炼,比如蹲下起来,散步或上引身体等,这可以有效地放松身体,改进筋肉的力量。“While sitting for extended periods may be unavoidable at work, do your best to break that pattern outside of work. Do simple body weight exe

10、rcises such as squats, push-ups, sit-ups and walking/running to enliven your muscles and release any tension. Its crucial to move your body when you can - it not only helps you feel better (not as stiff), but will help boost circulation, lower blood pressure and improve your muscle strength, allowin

11、g your body to better adjust to any neck, back or joint pain you are experiencing.”不良的姿势POOR POSTURE当你久坐数小时,不良的姿势会悄悄地伤害身体。要一定比卖你突然接触操作杆。别忘拿掉你的钱包,你的背部钱包会导致座椅不平整。Poor posture can sneak up on you when youve been sitting in the same position for hours. Make sure you avoid slumping forward to reach the c

12、ontrols. Dont forget to remove your wallet from your back pocket. Your back will adjust for the uneven seating surface which causes strain.Dr. Hoffmans AdviceAccording to Dr. Hoffman, “studies show that posture also affects mindset. If you have poor posture regularly, chances are you arent in the gr

13、eatest of moods. Sure, work sometimes might get difficult, but do your best to sit up straight and your mind, not to mention your body, will thank you.”2. 肩痛SHOULDER PAIN因为长时间操作叉车,肩部的肌肉会变硬和僵化。反复使用方向盘,操作压力杆会压抑肩部。Your muscles can get stiff and sore thanks to the amount of time you spend on a forklift.

14、 Steering, operating the hydraulic controls, and repetitive motion can cause strain in your shoulders.请记住以下的提示,从而避免肌肉疲劳和肩痛Keep these tips in mind to avoid muscle fatigue and shoulder pain: 当操作叉车时,保持臂部靠垫上Keep your elbows in while driving 操作液压杆时,保持在大于正常握手的距离When operating your controls try to keep you

15、r hand out in a handshake position rather than palm down. 经常伸展Stretch regularly 要求一个座椅扶手Ask about getting a seat with an armrest it can help protect your shoulders3. 膝盖痛KNEE PAIN站立驾驶的叉车经常会感觉到膝盖疼痛。长时间的站立会导致压力在身体的下半部。当斜靠在叉车上时,压力也会随之增加。Forklift operators that drive stand-up forklifts can often experien

16、ce knee pain. Simply standing a long period of time puts pressure on your lower body. When youre also bracing yourself against the movement of the forklift, the pressure and strain increases.当座位式叉车操作时,不时的扭曲身体,也会造成膝盖的压力。For operators of sit-down forklifts anytime you twist around, youre can also be s

17、tressing your knees.Take care of your knees and avoid pain by: 使用膝盖护垫Using a knee brace 改变姿势,或散步一会Sit down (if youve been standing) or walk for a few minutes every hour 确保不要跳离叉车的方式Make sure you dont jump down off the forklift. Use three points of contact whenever you enter or exit the lift.4. 冲击伤WHI

18、PLASH INJURIES野蛮地加速或停车会导致冲击伤害/Aggressive acceleration and stopping can cause whiplash injuries. Some symptoms that you may experience include: 脖子痛Neck pain 硬化肌肉Stiffness 头痛Headaches 眩晕Dizziness 注意力难以集中Difficulty concentrating避免伤害的办法时平缓操作叉车,主要不要超速。To avoid whiplash injuries take care to start and sto

19、p smoothly and pay attention to the forklift speed limits in your work environment.5. 肌骨受伤MUSCULOSKELETAL INJURYInjury to your musculoskeletal system includes injury to muscles, tendons, nerves, discs, blood vessels and more. Early signs of musculoskeletal injury appear in the upper body including t

20、he neck, upper back, shoulders and forearms. Symptoms like severe pain and reduced movement can lead to the eventual inability to work.Musculoskeletal injuries can be caused by jerking or repetitive movements that damage the muscle tissue.To avoid musculoskeletal injuries: Stretch regularly Stretchi

21、ng before and after your shift can reduce strain on your muscles caused by repetitive movements. Take breaks to stretch during your shift to minimize your risk. Use ergonomic seating if possible Some features include swiveling bases, arm rests and weighted suspension which can make your shift more c

22、omfortable by protecting your neck, head, shoulders, back and legs. Pay attention to the early signs. In addition to the signs listed above, fatigue is commonly associated with musculoskeletal injury.Dr. Hoffmans AdviceIf you are experiencing severe pain, or if the severity of a particular source of

23、 discomfort increases over time, its in your best interest to see a health professional. Musculoskeletal injuries will likely not heal nor necessarily decrease in severity on their own.”6. 疲劳FATIGUEFatigue is a serious hazard for forklift operators. Some of the signs of fatigue include: 缺乏体力Lack of

24、energy 肌肉虚弱Muscle weakness 呼吸短促Shortness of breath 注意力不集中Difficulty concentrating 决策力失调Impaired decision making 警觉力变差Reduce alertness避免疲劳To avoid fatigue: 每天8小时睡眠Get a full seven to eight hours of sleep each night 力量而行Know your limit dont overwork yourself 保持活力Stay active physical activity is known to boost energy levels 多喝水Drink plenty of waterBy taking care of your body, you can reduce your risk for these health issues and many more.


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