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1、山东省东营市广饶县乐安中学2021-2022学年六年级下学期期中学业水平诊断评估英语试题 一、听句子选答语1AYes, I am.BYes, I do.CYes, I can.2AOn August 4th.BIm thirteen years old.CIm fine.3AHe likes it very much.BIts science.CBecause it is interesting.4AHe is well.BHe works in a school.COn foot.5AAt 6:00 a.m.BFrom Africa.CBecause it is smart.二、听短对话选答

2、案6What can John do?APlay the piano.BPlay the violin.CPlay the guitar.7What time will Mike have breakfast today?AAt 6:30.BAt 7:00.CAt 7:30.8How does Simon usually go to school?AOn foot.BBy car.CBy bike.9What is the boys phone number?A425-7631B245-6731C245-376110What club does the boy want to join?ATh

3、e art club.BThe sports club.CThe chess club.三、听长对话选答案11How does Mary usually go to school?ABy school bus.BOn foot.CBy bike.12How far is it from Marys home to school? Its _.Atwo kilometers.Btwenty meters.Ctwenty kilometers.13What time did Mary get up today?A7:10.B7:20.C7:45.14What does Mary want to d

4、o?ADo her homework.BDo exercise.CClean the classroom.15What does Jim do first?AClean the room.BHave breakfast.CGo to Mr.Wangs office.四、语音辨识选出划线部分读音不同的选项。16AOctoberBmonthColdDNovember17AscienceBwhyCFridayDmusic18AspeakBweekendCbreadDteach19AeitherBneverCbestDdress20A cleanBcarCclubDcenter五、单项选择21 Whe

5、n is _ birthday ? _ birthday is in July.Ayour brothers; HerByour father; HisCyour fathers; HisDyour sister; Her22There are _ months in a year. _ month is December.Atwelve, TwelfthBtwelve, TwelveCtwelfth, The twelfthDtwelve, The twelfth23Mary likes playing _ violin, but she doesnt like to play _ socc

6、er.A/, theBthe, /Cthe, theDa, a24He is _ years old now. Today is his _ birthday.Aseven, seventhBseventh, sevenCseven, the seventhDseventh, seventh25I dont like history _ its boring.AbutBandCbecauseDso26Bob, whats your favorite _?Music.AcolorBsportCsubjectDvegetable27He is a _ boy.A12 years oldB12 ye

7、ars-oldC12-year-oldD12 year old28Peter can sing and he can _ play the piano.AtooBeitherCalsoDso29Are you good _ old people?AatBwithCforDin30We have P. E. _ 3:00 P. M. _ the afternoon of Friday.Aat; onBat; inCin; onDon; at31_ do you usually brush your teeth? I usually do it at about 7:00 every mornin

8、g or evening.AWhatBWhat timeCHow manyDHow32We believe(相信) your dream can _ one day.Acome inBcome outCcome trueDcome on33How do you usually go to school?By _ bike, but sometimes I take _ bus.Aa; /Ba; theC/; theDthe; a34_ does it take you to get to school? Its about ten _.AHow far; minuteBHow far; min

9、utesCHow long; minutesDHow long; minute35_ many students, it is easy _ school.AFor, to getBFor, to get toCWith, to getDWith, to get to六、阅读单选Hello, my name is Frank. I like October. Do you know why? My birthday is on the thirteenth day of this month. This week is my 14th birthday. When I have lunch,

10、my friends come with nice birthday cards for me. I am so happy to see them. They all say “Happy birthday” to me.After lunch, we go to play soccer. At about six in the afternoon I come back home. My mother buys a pair of sports shoes for me. They are blue and white. I get a blue hat from my aunt, a s

11、occer ball from my father and a model plane from my brother John. I like them.It is really an interesting birthday. Im very happy!36When is Franks birthday?AOn October 11th.BOn October 12th.COn October 13th.DOn October 14th.37How old is Frank?AEleven.BTwelve.CThirteen.DFourteen.38Who come to Franks

12、home when he has lunch?AHis aunts.BHis cousins.CHis classmates.DHis friends.39Frank gets _ on his birthday. birthday cards sports trousers a blue hat a soccer ball a model planeABCD40Whats the best title for the passage?AFranks Family.BFranks Birthday.CA Busy Day.DThe Sports Day.Hi! My name is John.

13、 Im eleven years old. Im in Grade 7. Our classes start at 8:00 in the morning and finish at 3:30 in the afternoon. My favorite subject is science, because I can learn a lot from it. I dont like geography. I think its boring. Im very busy every day. Here is my schedule(时间表). Please have a look!TimeMo

14、ndayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8:00-8:30Morning meeting (会议)8:45-9:30EnglishHistoryMathGeographyScience9:40-10:25MathGeographyScienceHistoryEnglish10:35-11:20ArtP.E.HistoryMathP.E.11:30-13:30Lunch & Rest13:50-14:35GeographyEnglishMusicEnglishMusic14:45-15:30HistoryArtGeographyScienceMath41John li

15、kes science, because he thinks its _.AeasyBinterestingCrelaxingDuseful42John has _ classes from 8:45 to 15:30 every day.AfourBfiveCsixDseven43From 9:40 to 10:25 on Wednesday, John has a _ lesson.AscienceBmathChistoryDgeography44John doesnt have math on _.AMondayBTuesdayCThursdayDFriday45Which of the

16、 following is NOT true?AJohn has music on Friday afternoon.BJohn has eight subjects at school.CJohn only has one P.E. lesson in a week.DJohn thinks geography is boring.The Sports ClubAre you good at playing soccer? Can you play basketball or ping-pong? If you can, please join Xinhua School Sports Cl

17、ub. You can call Mrs. Chen at 211-8970. Mrs.Chens e-mail address is chenli5375.The music club Can you sing well? Do you like kids? Can you help them sing on weekends? You only work two hours each day. You can get twenty yuan an hour. Come and join Happy Music Club. Please call Miss Gao at 211-3561.T

18、he Chess ClubIf you want to learn to play chess, Mr.Hu can help you. He only works in the club on Friday afternoon. His telephone number is 211-3478.The English ClubDo you want to learn English? Join Sun English Club!Time: 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. (from Monday to Thursday)8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. (from Satur

19、day to Sunday)You can call Lisa at 211-0812.46If you want to join Xinhua School Sports Club, you can call _.A211-3478B211-8970C211-3561D211-081247Li Juan sings very well, and she wants to find a job, she can call _.ALisaBMr.HuCMrs. ChenDMiss Gao48Mr.Hu is good at _.Aspeaking EnglishBplaying basketba

20、llCplaying chessDsinging49Liu Peng wants to learn English. He can go to the club _.Aevery Monday morningBevery Sunday afternoonCfrom 8:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m. on weekendsDfrom 6:00 p.m.to 8:00 p.m. on Friday50Miss Lu works at Happy Music Club, so she can get _ yuan each day.AtwentyBfortyCsixtyDeightyMr

21、. and Mrs. Smith are from England. Now they live in Beijing. The Smiths dont like to stay at home on weekends. They usually go to their friends homes and they have lots of friends in China.Mr. and Mrs. Smith have a son and a daughter. Their names are Peter and Julia. Peter is in Grade Eight and Juli

22、a is in Grade Seven. The children usually go to school in their fathers car.But today Mr. Smith needs to wash(洗) his car. So he tells his children to walk to school. Then Peter and Julia have to go to school on foot. The school is a little(一点) far from their home. It takes them 35 minutes to get the

23、re. When Peter and Julia get to school, they are very tired. But they think its good for their health to go to school on foot.51What do the Smiths usually do on weekends?AGo to the park.BGo to the zoo.CGo shopping.DGo to their friends homes.52How do Peter and Julia usually go to school?ABy car.BBy b

24、oat.CBy train.DOn foot.53Mr. Smith needs to _ today.Atake his children to school.Bwash his carCgo to his friends homesDtake some exercise54How do Peter and Julia go to school today?AThey take the bus.BThey ride their bikes.CThey walk to school.DThey take the subway.55How long does it take Peter and

25、Julia to get to school today?ATwenty minutes.BThirty minutes.CThirty-five minutes.DForty-five minutes.七、听短文填表录音中有一段短文,听录音两遍后,根据听到的短文内容完成下面的表格(每空不多于三个词)。Something about AlexExerciseFrom _56_ to 7:00.Go to schoolAt 7:30_57_ in the dining hallAt 12:30LessonsHe has _58_ lessons in a dayGo homeHe _59_ fi

26、rst.Brush teeth and _60_At 10:30.八、划线部分提问61Her birthday is on May 5th. (对划线部分提问)_ her birthday?62Bob likes history because its interesting.(对划线部分提问)_ Bob like history?九、改写句子63Mary can play ping-pong and soccer. (做否定回答)Mary _ play ping-pong _ soccer.64Alice usually does her homework at night. ( 变一般疑问

27、句)_ Alice _ her homework at night?十、划线部分提问65Its two kilometers from my home to school? (对划线部分提问)_ is it from your home to school?十一、用所给单词的正确形式填空66My sister is good at _ (play) the piano.67Can you _ (speak) English?68She is a teacher, and she _ (teach) math at school.69Come and _ (show) us!70Thank yo

28、u for _(help) me with my English.71My English class _ (finish) at 5:00 on Friday.72The ice-cream tastes _ (well).73It takes me half an hour _ (walk) to school.74Then we need you _ (help) with sports for English-speaking students.75Helen wants to join a story _ (tell) club.十二、多任务混合阅读Dear Li Ling, Tha

29、nks for your letter. Do you want to know about my school days?I study at Green School. I have some good friends in the school, Mike, Gina, Cindy and Peter. I usually get up at six. I start (开始) to run at six fifteen. I eat breakfast at seven oclock with my parents. Then I go to school at about 7:30.

30、 School starts at 8:00. I eat lunch at around twelve oclock at school. After that, I play games with my friends. We dont have any lessons in the afternoon. I often read books in the afternoon in the library. I eat dinner at seven oclock. I watch TV at eight. I take a shower at eight thirty. I go to

31、bed at a quarter past nine. This is my school days.Please write and tell me about your school days.Yours, Bill BlackA根据短文内容简要回答问题。76When does Bill Black start to run?_77What does Bill Black do in the afternoon?_B将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。78_79_C请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。80_十三、材料作文81Bob是你的好朋友,请根据汉语提示写一篇短文介绍你的好朋友。要求:1. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺。2. 词数不少于70词。内容提示:(1)Bob是你的好朋友,他12岁,他的生日是6月2日;(2)他最喜欢的科目是地理,因为地理很有用。他最喜欢的老师是王老师,因为他很有趣;(3)他会弹吉他但是不会下国际象棋;(4)他起床很早,他在晚上十点半去睡觉;(5)他乘公交车去上学,他的家离学校20千米,要花费他40分钟到达学校。_试卷第9页,共9页


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