Unit 1 Reading 2 (ppt课件)-2023新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、Nature in the balanceB3U11.harm n.&.vt.伤害,损害 adj.有害的 adj.无害的2.length n.长,长度;adj.长的 v.加长3.variety n.不同种类;多样性;变体 v.不同_ adj.各种各样的4.living adj.活着的n.生计,谋生;生活方式 v.生活5.extinction n.灭绝,绝种 adj.绝种的;绝迹的6.survive vi.生存,存活vt.幸存_n.幸存者harmfulharmlesslengthenlongvaryvariousliveextinctsurvivorsurvival n.幸存的7.nutrien

2、t n.营养素,营养物 adj.有营养的 n.营养8.disappear vi.消失 n.消失;失踪 .v出现9.agriculture n.农业,农学 adj.农业的10.region n.地区,区域;行政区 adj.区域的nutrition nutritiousdisappearanceappearagricultural regional 11.application n.vt.n.12.organization n.vt.adj.n.13.resident n.n.14.entirely adv.adj.15.defence n.v.adj.16.economic adj.n.adj.

3、17.former adj.adj.18.poverty n.adj.19.poison n.adj.applyapplicantorganizeorganizedorganizerresidenceentiredefenddefensiveeconomyeconomicallatterpoorpoisonous poisoned1.be home to.(Title)2.a wide range of(Title)3.judge from(Title)4.a huge sea of(L1)5.(be)alive with(L1)6.play a significant role in(L2)

4、7.in length(L8)8.be made up of(L17)9.living things(L20)10.a.number of(L23)11.feed on(L24)12.in turn(L26)13.an army of(L27)14.break down(L28)15.breathe life into(L30)16.be used for(L33)17.due to(L35)18.in danger of(L36)19.be left with(L37)20.afford to do(L37)Language pointsThe world we live in is ful

5、l of natural wonders.The documentary script below describes the Amazon rainforest,which is home to a wide range of wildlife.be home to.是是.的家园的家园a wide range of.广泛的广泛的定语从句野生动物纪录片脚本雨林 Welcome to the jungle,a huge sea of green alive with the sounds of animals.(page 2,line 1)欢迎来到丛林,这是一片绿色的海洋,处处可闻各种动欢迎来到

6、丛林,这是一片绿色的海洋,处处可闻各种动物的声音。物的声音。a huge sea of:a lot of,plenty of be alive with:be full of 充满,到处都是(活的或动的东充满,到处都是(活的或动的东西)西)单词辨析lalive:活着的。一般作表语,或作前置定语修饰名词,也用作主语补足语或宾语补足语;lliving:活着的。一般作前置定语,也可置于名词后或作表语;the living表“活着的人”;llive:活着的,现场直播的。表“活着的”时,一般作前置定语,且一般用于动物;llively:活泼的,生动的。1.The enemy officer was cau

7、ght _.2.The _ are more important to us than the dead.3.Last night there were millions of people watching the opening ceremony_ on TV.4.Young children are usually _.5.商店里到处都是五彩缤纷的装饰,我们都不知道先往哪里看。译:The store _ _ _ colorful decorations and we didnt know where to look first.u 请用 alivelivelivelylivingbe a

8、live with填空alivelivinglivelivelywas alive with 2.As the largest rainforest in the world,it plays a significant role in maintaining the fine balance of the Earths ecosystem.(lines 23)作为世界上最大的雨林,它在维系地球生态系作为世界上最大的雨林,它在维系地球生态系统的微妙平衡上扮演着举足轻重的角色。统的微妙平衡上扮演着举足轻重的角色。play a significant role in在在(方面方面)发挥重发挥重要的

9、作用要的作用animportantroleinavitalroleinplay acriticalroleinacrucialrolein同义词短语链接写作翻译:中国的传统节日在中国文化上扮演着重要的角色。Chinese traditional festivals play a significant/an important/a crucial/a critical role in China s culture.The Amazon rainforest crosses into eight countries,including Brazil and Peru,and one overs

10、eas region of France,all on the South American continent.(page 2,lines 45)亚马孙雨林穿过包括巴西、秘鲁在内的八个国家,以及一块法国亚马孙雨林穿过包括巴西、秘鲁在内的八个国家,以及一块法国的海外领地,都位于南美洲的海外领地,都位于南美洲大陆大陆。cross into 穿过,横穿穿过,横穿 3.With an area of around 6 million square kilometers,the Amazon rainforest is more than half the size of China.(page 2,

11、lines 57)亚马亚马逊逊雨林的面积约为雨林的面积约为600600万平方千米,比中国国土面积的一半万平方千米,比中国国土面积的一半还要大。还要大。倍数的常用表达方式地球是月球的地球是月球的4949倍。倍。The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.The earth is 49 times as large as the moon.The earth is 48 times larger than the moon.The size of the newly broadened library is three times what the pre

12、vious one was.1.The newly broadened library is _ the previous one.2.The newly broadened library is _ the previous one.3.The newly broadened library is _ the previous one.u 请改写所给的句子。4.The Amazon River,from which the rainforest gets its name,is close to 6,400 kilometres in length roughly 100 kilometre

13、s longer than the Yangtze River.非限制性定语从句亚马逊雨林得名于亚马孙河,亚马逊河长接近6400千米,比长江还长约100千米。受短语get its name from的影响,需用介词from;此处构成介词+关系代词的结构,先行词为 ,故用from which。l be close to l in length The Amazon River(时间(时间/空间空间)接近接近,几乎几乎在长度上在长度上介词+关系代词The woman to whom you spoke is a teacher.The city in which he lives is far a

14、way.与某人交谈 住在某地be speak to sblive in sp On its journey from the mountains to the ocean,the river supports many different ecosystems.They give this area the richest biodiversity on the Earth:one in ten known species in the world can be found here.这条河从高山到海洋的沿途中,它维系着多种不同的这条河从高山到海洋的沿途中,它维系着多种不同的生态系统生态系统。

15、它赋予这片区域地球上最丰富的的它赋予这片区域地球上最丰富的的生物多生物多样性样性:全世界全世界十分之一十分之一的已知物种,都可以在这里找的已知物种,都可以在这里找到。到。one in ten/one out of ten十分之一十分之一 Of the 390,000 plant species known to us,more than 40,000 can be found in the Amazon.This tall and ancient Brazil nut tree produces nuts that we can eat;these water lilies are big e

16、nough to lie down on.(page 3,lines 1314)在我们已知的在我们已知的3939万植物种类中,万植物种类中,4 4万多种可以在亚马孙找到。万多种可以在亚马孙找到。这棵高大、古老的巴西坚果树结出我们可以食用的坚果;这些这棵高大、古老的巴西坚果树结出我们可以食用的坚果;这些睡莲(叶片)大到可以躺在上面。睡莲(叶片)大到可以躺在上面。1.be adj./adv.enough to do He is old enough to go to school.他足够大去上学了。他足够大去上学了。足够足够.去做去做.The forests different levels su

17、pport an unbelievable variety of wildlife.(page 3,lines 1415)雨林的不同层次养活的野生动物种类多到难以置信。There are various ways of solving the problem.various adj.各种各样的The school provides students with a variety of facilities.a variety of 多种多样的Tastes and preferences vary greatly from individual to individual.vary vi.变化,

18、变更,改变variety -各种各样的各种各样的 -变化变化adj.variousv.varyuadj.impressive,incredible uadv.unbelievablyIt is unbelievable thatunbelievableu难以置信的令人震惊的是(2)At the bottom,there is a system of roots beneath the ground.Above that is the mass of leaf litter on the dark forest floor.The next level is made up of shorter

19、 plants with large leaves.Then there are the towering ancient hardwoods,and finally the tops of the tallest trees many meters above the ground.Each level of the forest forms its own little world,home to different kinds of living things.在底层是地下根系,往上是阴暗森林地表厚实的落叶层。再往在底层是地下根系,往上是阴暗森林地表厚实的落叶层。再往上一层由较矮的阔叶植

20、物组成。然后是高耸、古老的阔叶树,上一层由较矮的阔叶植物组成。然后是高耸、古老的阔叶树,最后是那些离地数米之高的大树的树冠。雨林的每一层都形成最后是那些离地数米之高的大树的树冠。雨林的每一层都形成自己的小世界,成为各种生物的家。自己的小世界,成为各种生物的家。3.which is home to different kinds of living things.2.be made up of 由由.组成组成 1.More than 1,300 speices of birds and over 400 species of mammals hide among the jungles plan

21、t life.This jaguar is one example.It has a yellowish-brown coat with black spots.While a significant number of jaguars survive here,there are only one element of this forests food chain.1,3001,300多种鸟和多种鸟和400400多种多种哺乳动物哺乳动物藏藏身于这片丛林的植被中。身于这片丛林的植被中。美美洲豹就是个例子。它黄棕色的皮毛上遍布着黑点。洲豹就是个例子。它黄棕色的皮毛上遍布着黑点。尽管尽管相当多相

22、当多的美洲豹生存在这里,但它们仅仅是雨林的美洲豹生存在这里,但它们仅仅是雨林食物链食物链上的一环。上的一环。2.a significant number of.the number of.1.while 引导引导 ,“尽管尽管.”让步状语从句大量的大量的.的数量的数量They feed on at least 87 species,including frogs.These frogs,in turn,feed on insects which eat leaves and fruit.When a jaguar dies,a tiny army of microorganisms helps

23、 break down its body and return the nutrients to the earth.它们捕食的物种至少有它们捕食的物种至少有8787种,其中包括青蛙。种,其中包括青蛙。相应地相应地,这些青蛙,这些青蛙以以昆虫昆虫为食为食,这些昆虫吃树叶和水果。当一只美洲豹死后,这些昆虫吃树叶和水果。当一只美洲豹死后,一小一小群群微生物微生物会帮助会帮助分解分解尸体,让营养素重回土壤中。尸体,让营养素重回土壤中。3.a tiny army of An army of ants matched across the path.一大群蚂蚁浩浩荡荡地穿过小路。一大群蚂蚁浩浩荡荡地穿过

24、小路。1.feed on.2.in turn 4.break down 以以.为食为食相应地相应地一小群一小群分解分解The Amazon rainforest breathes life into the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 percent of all the Earths oxygen.Thus,it is often known as the“lung of the planet”.Moreover,the Amazon rainforest is a treasure house of species that

25、can be used for food or medicine.Yet there is one major danger to these irreplaceable plants and animals:us.亚马孙雨林通过固定碳,以及生成占全球总量亚马孙雨林通过固定碳,以及生成占全球总量20%20%以上的氧气来为地球注入活以上的氧气来为地球注入活力。因此,它也常常被称作为力。因此,它也常常被称作为“地球之肺地球之肺”。此外,亚马孙雨林还是可以用作此外,亚马孙雨林还是可以用作食物和药物材料的物种食物和药物材料的物种宝库宝库。然而,这些无可取代的动植物面临的一个主要威。然而,这些无可取代的

26、动植物面临的一个主要威胁就是:我们。胁就是:我们。1.breathe life into 给给.带来起色,注入活力带来起色,注入活力2.be known/famous as.被称为被称为.,被认为是,被认为是.be known/famous for.因因.而闻名而闻名3.be used for 被用来做某事被用来做某事 be used as 被用作被用作.Over the past 50 years,about 17%of the rainforest has disappeared due to human activities such as agriculture and cattle

27、farming.As the impact of human activities continues to grow and the list of species in danger of extinction becomes longer,we are left with a question:can we afford to damage the“lungs of the planet”?在过去的在过去的5050年里,由于农耕和养牛等人类活动,年里,由于农耕和养牛等人类活动,17%17%的雨林已经消的雨林已经消失。失。随着人类活动影响的不断增加,濒危物种的名单越来越长,随着人类活动影响

28、的不断增加,濒危物种的名单越来越长,这留给我们一个问题:我们能承担得起损害这留给我们一个问题:我们能承担得起损害“地球之肺地球之肺”的后果的后果吗?吗?1.due to 由于,因为由于,因为2.in danger of extinction 处在灭绝的危险中处在灭绝的危险中3.afford to do sth 负担得起做某事负担得起做某事1._ the largest rainforest in the world,it plays _ significant role in maintaining the fine balance of the _(Earth)ecosystem.2.The

29、 Amazon River,from _ the rainforest gets its name,is close to 6400 kilometres _ length.3.One in ten _(know)species in the world can be found here.4.These water lilies are big enough _(lie)down on.5.The forests different levels support an _(believe)variety of wildlife.AsEarthswhichknownText Reviewunb

30、elievableto lieain6.Then there are the _(tower)ancient hardwoods.7.Each level of the forest forms its own little world,home _ different kinds of living things.8.They feed _ at least 87 species,_(include)frogs.9.Yet there is one major danger to these _(replace)plants and animals:us.10.Over the past 5

31、0 years,about 17 percent of the rainforest _(disappear)due to human activities.toweringontoincludingirreplaceablehas disappearedvarietyagriculturesurviveimpactdue toare broken downbeneaththusThe documentary script uses some words with negative prefixes.Note the following prefixes and think of more w

32、ords formed with them.Then fill in the table below with as many words as you can.PrefixesWordsun-unbelievabledis-disappearin-/im-/il-/ir-irreplaceablenon-non-smoking unlimited,unhappy,unknown,unusual,unreal,unfortunate,unlucky,unkind disagree,disadvantage,dissatisfied,dishonest,disabled invisible,in

33、correct,inactive,independent,impolite,imbalance,illegal,irregular,irresponsible non-stop,non-existent,non-profit,non-fictionP5 B21.You will be _(able)to pass the exam if you dont study hard.2.If someone doesnt show good manners to others,he is _(polite).3.Simon is such a(n)_(honest)person that no on

34、e believes him.4.It is so _(fair).Mary gets more money for less work.5.They looked poor and _(healthy).6.Would you let other peoples _(sense)change your mood?7.Most of that money goes to _(profit)organizations that run programmes for the poor.8.It is _(friendly)of him to say such bad words to his cl

35、assmates.unfriendlyimpolitedishonestunfairunhealthynonsensenon-profitunableFill in the blanks with words with negative prefixes.Sentence TranslationFurther Consolidation on the text.11.As a result,most of the forests nutrients are locked up in the plants themselves,thus _(allow)them to grow _an unbelievable speed.allowingat


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