Unit 4 Stage and screen单词(ppt课件)-2023新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、B2 Unit 4 Stage and Screen1.opera/p()r/n.歌剧Beijing Opera 京剧2.movement/muvmnt/n.运动,动作 performers movements 演员动作move v.移动 eg:Dancing is an art of movement.3.aspect/spekt/n.方面in this/that aspect 在这/那方面 in every aspect of sth.在(.的)各个方面eg:技术变革无处不在,影响着生活的方方面面。Technological change is everywhere and affects

2、 _ _ _ _.4.revenge/rvend/n./v.报复,报仇 5.prince/prns/n.王子 princess n.公主every aspect of life6.version/v()n/n.版本the Peking Opera version of Hamlet 京剧版的哈姆雷特7.string/str/n.(乐器的)弦an instrument with two strings 8.exaggerated/zdretd/adj.(声音或动作)夸张的exaggerate v.夸张,夸大 exaggeratedly adv.夸张地9.mime/mam/n.(演戏等时的)做手势

3、(或其他示意动作)10.get across 解释清楚,传达get sth.across to sb.使某人明白某事 11.female/fimel/adj.女(性)的 male adj.男性的12.whip/wp/n.鞭子 a decorated whip represented a horse 13.technique/teknik/n.技巧,手法technical/teknk()l/adj.工艺的,科技的technically/teknkli/adv.技术上14.transform/trnsfm/v.使改观,使变形;使转化 transform.into.把.变为.transformati

4、on n.转变,变化 eg:transform a small stage into the whole universe 15.universe/junvs/n.宇宙,天地,万物 eg:the universe 宇宙universal/junvsl/adj.宇宙的,全世界的;普遍的,通用的16.backflip/bkflp/n.直体后空翻17.incredible/nkredb()l/adj.难以置信的incredibly adv.难以置信地;非常地 an incredible story 18.dazzling/dz()l/adj.令人印象深刻的,特别吸引人的;耀眼的,眩目的 dazzli

5、ngly adv.耀眼地;灿烂地19.energetic/endetk/adj.精力充沛的,充满活力的 energy n.精力 energetically/endetkli/adv.精力充沛地be full of energy 充满 精力eg:She always feel _ every day.energetic20.clap/klp/v.拍手,鼓掌 n.拍手声 过去式 clapped 过去分词 clapped 现在分词 clappingeg:Lets give her a big clap.eg:All students _ when the teacher announced ther

6、e was no homework today.clapped21.edge/ed/n.边缘22.on the edge of ones seat 极为激动23.emotion/m()n/n.强烈的情感emotional/mnl/adj.情感的,情绪的 emotionally adv.感情上;情绪上 eg:她在看这部电视剧时表达了不同的情绪。She _ _ _ when watching this TV series.expressed different emotions24.anger/n.愤怒,怒火angry adj.愤怒的,生气的 angrily adv.愤怒地eg:He looked

7、 at the computer in anger.25.grief/rif/n.悲痛 grieve v.悲痛,哀悼 to ones grief 令某人悲痛的是bine/kmban/v.(使)结合,(使)组合combine.with/and.将.和.组合在一起combination/kmbnen/n.结合27.poetry/ptri/n.诗,诗歌(不可数)poet n.诗人 poem n.诗歌(可数)28.explosive/ksplsv/adj.爆炸(式)的,爆发的eg:The scientist was hurt by explosive liquid.explode/kspld/v.爆炸

8、explosion/kspln/n.爆炸声 29.tick all the right boxes 事情发展如人所愿,一切顺利30.applaud/pld/v.(为.)鼓掌 applause/plz/n.鼓掌;喝彩;赞许 eg:所有的人都起立为演讲者鼓掌。All the people _ _ _ the speaker.31.grateful/retf()l/adj.感谢的,感激的 gratefully adv.感激地;感谢地be grateful to sb for.因而感谢某人eg:Im really grateful to you for your help.rose to applau

9、d32.extremely/kstrimli/adv.极度,极其 extremely difficult extreme adj.极度的 extreme weathereg:他们此刻正承受着极大的压力。They are working under _ _ at the moment.33.overcome/vkm/v.控制(感情),克服(困难)overcome the difficulties34.ballet/ble/n.芭蕾舞剧,芭蕾舞表演extreme pressure35.absorbed/bsbd/adj.专心致志的absorb v.吸收;吸引.的注意be absorbed in.全

10、神贯注于 eg:The little boy is absorbed in his story book.36.romantic/rmntk/adj.浪漫的;不切实际的romantically adv.浪漫地;不切实际地edy/kmdi/n.喜剧 comidian/kmidin/n.喜剧演员38.documentary/dkjument()ri/n.纪录片 document v.记录 n.文件,文献39.absolutely/bslutli/adv.完全地,绝对地 absolute adj.绝对的40.episode/epsd/n.(电视连续剧或广播连载节目中的)一集 41.put on 表演

11、(节目)(put put)Put on your coat!I put on all lights in the room and it became as bright as during the day.He looks like hes put on weight.We once put on a performance of Hamlet.开动 穿上 增重 上演42.appealing/pil/adj.有吸引力的,有趣的;恳求的appeal v.有吸引力;呼吁;上诉;恳求appeal to sb to do sth.呼吁某人做某事 be appealing to sb.对某人有吸引力e

12、g:Zootopia is appealing to kids.43.definitely/defntli/adv.确切地,肯定地definite adj.一定的;确切的44.plot /plt/n.(书,电影,戏剧的)情节eg:I also enjoy the creative plot and settings.45.rude/rud/adj.粗鲁的,无礼的 rudeness/rudns/n.粗鲁 rudely adv.无礼地;粗暴地 be rude to.对.粗鲁 It is rude of sb.to do sth.某人做某事是粗鲁的。46.transport/trnspt/n.交通运

13、输系统,运输方式 v.运输;运送 transportation n.运输;运输工具;运输系统47.arrangement/rendmnt/n.安排,筹划;整理 make arrangements for.为.做安排 arrange v.安排;计划;整理 eg:The staff is working on final arrangements for the coming meeting in an orderly way.48.brief/brif/adj.短暂的 n.摘要 briefly adv.简短地 in brief 简言之eg:In brief he doesnt agree to

14、the plan.49.cinematic/snmtk/adj.电影的50.turkey/tki/n.(电影或戏剧的)失败之作 51.storytelling/stritel/n.讲故事,说书52.wonderland/wndlnd/n.(故事中的)仙境,奇境53.escape/skep/v.(从危险或糟糕的处境中)逃离,逃避,摆脱 n.逃避 escape from 从.逃离 have a narrow escape 死里逃生 eg:To my surprise,he could escape from that big fire.54.disappointed/dspntd/adj.失望的,

15、沮丧的disappoint v.使失望 disappointing adj.令人失望的 disappointment /dspntmnt/n.失望 be disappointed at sth.对某事感到失望be disappointed with/in sb.对某人感到失望eg:He felt quite disappointed at his test score.eg:He was _ at the _ news.(disappoint)55.epic/epk/adj.史诗般的;壮丽的,宏大的 n.史诗 比较级 more epic 最高级 most epic epic poetry 史诗

16、disappointeddisappointing56.live up to 符合(标准),不负(盛名)live up to ones promise 履行诺言57.extent/kstent/n.程度58.to some extent 在某种程度上60.in ones own right 凭借自身,靠自己eg:I got the chance in my own right,withoutmy fathers help.61.original/rdn()l/adj.原先的,最初的;独创的originally/rdnli/adv.起初;独创地 origin/rdn/n.起源eg:COVID-1

17、9 makes it hard for him to go back to original life._(origin),we had planned to go to Italy,but then we won the trip to Australia.Originally62.fictional/fknl/adj.虚构的,编造的,小说(中)的 fiction n.小说;虚构 63.awkward/kwd/adj.紧张的,不舒适的 awkwardly adv.笨拙地 awkwardness n.尴尬;笨拙64.behave/bhev/v.表现 behavior/behaviour n.行

18、为,举止,态度behave oneself 举止规矩 behave well 表现好;举止得体well-behaved adj.举止良好的eg:The boys mother asked him to behave himself and not be rude.65.normal/nm()l/adj.正常的,平常的 abnormal adj.反常的 normally adv.正常地;通常地Its normal(for sb.)to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事是正常的 eg:Dont worry.Your temperature is normal.66.responsibility/

19、rspnsblti/n.责任responsible adj.有责任心的 responsibly adv.认真负责地 eg:We have(a)responsibility to take care of our parents.be responsible for.对负有责任67.absence/bs()ns/n.缺乏,没有;缺席 absent adj.心不在焉的;缺席的;缺乏的 in ones absence 在某人不在时 in the absence of.在.不在时;由于缺乏.absent-minded 心不在焉的 eg:My boss noticed my co-wokers abse

20、nce in the meeting.Practice单句语法填空单句语法填空1.In terms of ability and experience,you are _(absolute)fit for the position we have in mind.2.The new product is a _(combine)of modern technology and AI.3.Would you please give us some suggestions on the _(arrange)for it?4.It was an _(extreme)difficult and dan

21、gerous task.5.She observed the gentle _(move)of his chest as he breathed.6.Just like most _(romance)stories,it had a happy ending.absolutelymovementarrangementextremelycombinationromanticPractice单句语法填空单句语法填空7.Do you wake up every morning feeling_(energy)and ready to start a new day?8.Its better to g

22、ive expression to your _(angry),rather than hiding it.9.Let me tell you _(brief)what happened.10.The company should reflect its _(origin)marketing methods.11.They were bitterly _(disappoint)at the result of the game.12.It was his _(absent)of mind during driving that resulted in a terrible accident.energeticangerbrieflyoriginaldisappointedabsence


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