五年级英语下册教案-Module 10 Unit 2 I'm in New York now.(2)-外研版.docx

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1、 小学英语教学教学设计New Standard English Book6Module10 Unit2 Im in New York now. 一 、教学材料授课教材:Book6 Module10 Unit2 Im in New York now.授课课时:第一课时授课年级:小学五年级授课课型:阅读课二、教材内容分析本单元是外语教学与研究出版New Standard English(三年级起)五年级下册Module 10 Unit 2。由Look,listen and say;Listen and read;Now answer the questions;Listen and say;Lis

2、ten and say.Then sing;Follow and say和Do,write and say七部分构成。本单元主要学习内容在Listen and read部分,主要谈论旅行经历,通过Daming写信告诉爸爸妈妈自己在纽约的所见所闻,以一般过去式,一般现在时和一般将来时形成对比,表达自己对纽约生活的喜爱。三、学情分析在学习本单元之前,学生在五年级上册对一般过去时已经有所接触和学习,初步掌握了一些动词的过去式,对过去式的一般疑问句及其答句也有接触,但还不能熟练运用。本册教材第六模块也已经涉及旅行经历话题,为本课做了很好的铺垫。由于年龄段的特点,学生们喜欢唱歌,游戏等形式多样的课堂活动

3、,并且勇于运用所学英语语言与他人交流,渴望获得更多的口语锻炼的机会,因此采用多种形式的活动来调动学生的积极性,让学生参与到课堂中来,是本单元的主要学习方法。四、教学目标:1.语言能力a. 学生能够熟练掌握本模块的重点词汇:building, American, find out, more;b.了解文本大意,学生能准确运用what, where, when, who, how等特殊疑问词来提问,并进行相应的回答,谈论旅行准备,并且能够根据图片内容,进行句型操练。c.能够用一般过去式简单描述过去发生的事情,并会用所学句型进行对话交流,来谈论过去、现在和将来。2. 学习能力a. 掌握基本的语篇阅读

4、策略,利用所学阅读策略获取文本信息;b. 学生能够在真实语言环境中理解并运用what, where, when, who, how等特殊疑问词来提出问题,并作出正确回答,提升语言运用能力。c. 学生能正确区分一般过去式、一般现在时和一般将来时的用法,并能运用描述自己的经历,与家人朋友分享。3. 思维品质a.通过本模块学习,学生能够运用特殊疑问词“what, where, when, who, how”提问题,并能准确而恰当地做出回答,从而培养学生的问题意识和深层思维能力。b.续编文本故事,学生能够在语用练习中培养良好的英语语感,培养学生的自主思考和发散性思维能力。4. 文化意识通过文本学习,了

5、解出行基本的交通工具,领略美国风土人情,感知中西方交通、建筑、饮食习惯等文化方面的不同。教学重点,难点五、教学重点:1.熟练掌握本单元重点词汇:pet, speak, building, American, find out, more。2.在语境中了解一般过去时,一般现在时和一般将来时的用法,并能在日常交流中运用。教学难点:1.能在情境中运用what, where, when, who, how等特殊疑问词进行提问并回答。2.能流利的谈论自己的旅行经历并写下来。六、教学资源以及教学手段教学资源:用歌曲Its a big exciting world营造英语学习氛围; 利用课件呈现图片,教授新

6、单词;用flash动画,让学生模仿语音语调;利用板书上的思维导图图片引导学生发散思维。教学手段:将情景教学法、任务型教学法、合作学习法有机的融为一体,为学生创设一种轻松、愉悦的学习氛围,让学生在轻松快乐的环境中学习,从而提高学习效率。七、教学过程Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warming up:1 .GreetingT: Good morning, everyone! Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang! T: How are you today?Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you?T:Im fine too, th

7、ank you.2. Sing a songT:Lets sing a song. Ok? Please clap your hands and sing together, understand?T: Wonderful! This summer holiday Im going to travel. I will go there by plane.Would you like to go with me? If you do a good job, you will make one step forward. At last lets see who can get the ticke

8、ts on the plane.1.教师播放本单元活动五的歌曲“Its a big exciting world”。2. 师生拍手同唱。 设计意图:教师播放本单元活动五的歌曲“Its a big exciting world”,歌曲内容与本节课话题相关,为新知学习做好了铺垫,教师带领孩子们一起演唱,以此来活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,为学生们营造轻松的英语学习环境Step2. Lead inT:I like travelling, do you like travelling? Our friend Daming likes travelling too.Guess, where is D

9、aming now?S1/S2.S3: He is in New York now.T: Yes, last class we know Daming phoned his Grandma. Daming says Hello,everyone. Im in New York now.Today we are going to learn Module 10 Unit 2 Im in New York now.设计意图:通过聊天导入文本,以图片的形式呈现信件,引出本课话题。T:Daming is very happy in New York. But he misses his parents

10、 very much, so he wrote a letter to his mum and dad. Do you want to know more about this letter?Step3. Presentation1.Pre-readingT:Do you have any questions about this letter?S1: When did Daming arrive?S2: What did Daming do there?S3: Who met Daming?S4:How did Daming go there?T: Oh, your question is

11、about “where”(依次贴when/who/what/how)S5.T:Wow, so many questions. I have the same questions with you.设计意图:通过学生对信的内容的猜测,引导学生进行发散性思维和自主思考,培养学生深层次的问题意识,并复习运用第一单元所学句型,培养学生的语言运用能力。2.While-reading Now lets watch a video and answer the questions.T: When did Daming arrive there?S1: Daming arrived there yester

12、day.T:Who met Daming at the airport?S2: Grandma and Cousin Simon met him at the airport.T: Then,how did Daming go to their home?Open your books, read and find the answer quickly.S: They took a yellow taxi to their home.设计意图:采用听读、自读的阅读策略,让学生带着问题听答案、找答案,培养学生的捕捉信息的能力,增强学生的阅读能力。T:Whats the color of the

13、taxi in New York?Ss: Its yellow.T: Whats the color of the taxi in Jiaozuo?S1:Its blue.T: If you want to travel to a beautiful place? What will you take?Ss: Ill take a car/train/plane.T: Now we are in New York now. Look, there are some beautiful places. 依次介绍:The Statue of Liberty/ Empire State Buildi

14、ng/ Central Park(新授building-buildings)T:How do you think of New York? Lets watch a video about New York. Maybe you can find the famous places.T:How do you think of New York? Ss:big/beautiful/famous/lots of people,cars,tall buildings.T:Lets read Para 2. 设计意图:通过图片和纽约视频,拓展交通方式,引导学生对纽约文化进行进一步了解,激发学生的求知欲

15、,培养学生的文化意识。T: There are lots of beautiful places, and there are lots of delicious food.What food did Grandma make for them?T:Have you finished it? Now let me check your answer.S1: Grandma made Chinese food for them.T:Does Daming want to eat Chinese food?Ss:No.T: How do you know?S: Because he wants t

16、o find more about the US.T: So great! Big hand for her.设计意图:通过发散性思维的问题,新授单词American,呈现美国食物图片,让学生进一步了解美国饮食文化。3. Post-readingT: Can you imagine? In New York , what else will Daming do?S1:Maybe Daming will visit American friends.S2:May be he will try some American food.S3: Maybe he will go to American

17、school.S4:.T:Suppose you are Daming, lets try to write a letter to Mum and Dad. Who can say something about your letter?S1/S2.设计意图:鼓励学生续编故事,对Daming在美国的生活进行想象,培养学生的语言能力,发散学生的思维能力,。4. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation.Step 4. Practice1. Read and number.T: Look the blackboard, they

18、 are in the wrong order. Who can put them in order?2.Retell the story.T:Daming shares his travel experience to us. Lets try to say something about his travel experience. Four students in one group and try to retell the letter. And you can use these phrases. Lets retell it together.Ss: (生合作复述)T:Who c

19、an try?S1: (生上台复述)T:Anyone else? S2: 上台复述设计意图:引导学生按照文本内容将黑板上的导图重新排列,培养学生理解文本梳理文本的阅读能力。思维导图给出 where /when/ who/ what并给出相关答语的短语,引导学生进行故事复述,帮助学生掌握文本脉络,进一步巩固所学。Step 5. Consolidation T: Daming wrote a letter about New York. Today Ill share you my experience. Look. S:. Now look here, who is this?S1: Its M

20、s Zhang.T: Where did I go?S2: You went to Shanghai.T: When did I go there?S3:You went there last summer holiday.T: How did I go there? Guess.S4:You went there by train.T: What did did I do?S5:You visited Disneyland.T:So great!设计意图:利用思维导图,以自己的旅行经历为例,用简单的图的形式引出who/where/when/how/what, 为下一步学生写旅行经历的信做铺垫

21、。T: Ok, boys and girls. Do you have good friends?I wrote a letter to my best friend Nancy. Lets write a letter to your best friend and share your experience with your friend, ok?Ss:( 生写信)T:Who can show your letter?S: (展示信件)设计意图:在学习前面知识的基础上,创造较为真实的情境,让学生运用所学在情境中分享自己的旅行经历,培养学生的语言运用能力和思维能力。Step 6. Home

22、workNow todays homework.1.Finish your letter after class.2.Talk about your travel experience with your friends.T: Now, boys and girls. Class is over, goodbye boys and girls.Ss: Goodbye.板书设计: Module10Unit2 Im in New York now. where when who what building in New York yesterday Grandma and Simon American food Chinese food


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