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1、2022年上海崇明线下二模英语卷(满分140分,完卷时间90分钟)注意:本卷有VII大题,共84小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解)(共25分)A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(共5分) A B C D E F1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer to each

2、 question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(共5分)6.A) Steven.B) Maggie.C) Ann. D) John.7.A) Spring Festival.B) Dragon Boat Festival.C) Mid-autumn Festival.D) Double Ninth Festival.8.A) In a shop.B) In a restaurant.C) In a sports center.D) In a post office.9.A) Teacher and parents.B) Mother and son.C) Bo

3、ss and secretary.D) Husband and wife.10.A) She doesnt like the exam. B) Her physics teacher is ill. C) The next exam will be more difficult. D) She wont forget the exam easily. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表

4、示)(共5分)11. Students will have the final exam next Monday, the first day of the exam week. 12. The teacher will put up the classroom information on the noticeboard.13. The final exam doesnt have the same questions as the other exams of this term.14. The exam grade will consist of three parts: grade i

5、n the course, research project and rest work. 15. The teacher will teach the students the last lesson on Tuesday next week.D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(听对话,用听到的单词完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共10分)16. Lily gets a week from her mother as her pocket money.17. Lily thinks she wont g

6、o to a if she hasnt enough money.18. Lily has little money to spend because she has to buy the music things.19. David suggests Lily should do some housework to earn pocket money in her .20. Lily decides to have with her mother again.Part 2 Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分 语法和词汇)II. Choose the best answer

7、(选择最恰当的答案)(共15分)21. The 24th Winter Olympic Games were held Beijing. A) onB) fromC) inD) during22. The little boy hid himself behind the door. No wonder nobody could find .A) heB) himC) hisD) himself23. I have two uncles. of them are university professors. A) BothB) EitherC) NeitherD) None 24. Scien

8、tists have found a finger snap (响指) is 20 times than a blink (眨) of an eye. A) fastB) fasterC) fastestD) the fastest25. During the one-hour lesson, Lin used some ways to teach us how to play the guitar.A) interestB) interestsC) interestedD) interesting26. differences can you find between the two pic

9、tures, Kevin? Five.A) How manyB) How muchC) WhenD) Which27. In 20 years time, there be a new place the moon for you to take your vacation. A) mayB) needC) shouldD) dare28. Shenzhou XIII three Chinese astronauts into space in October, 2021.A) carriesB) carriedC) has carriedD) had carried29. Online st

10、udying rapidly since the COVID-19 pandemic (大流行) began.A) developsB) developedC) has developedD) will develop 30. Katie Peterson, a 16-year-old girl enjoys her own short videos on TikTok.A) makeB) to makeC) makingD) made31. She would rather more time with her family than make more money. A) spendB)

11、spentC) spendingD) to spend32. Skiing is easier to learn than snowboarding, it still requires you to practise more. A) andB) orC) but D) so33. we walked into the museum, we saw thousands of beautiful butterflies.A) Now thatB) As soon asC) AlthoughD) So that34. amazing trip it was! I even swam with d

12、olphins last summer. A) HowB) WhatC) What aD) What an35. Mrs. Green found her husbands voice sounded strange on the phone, ?A) doesnt sheB) didnt sheC) hasnt sheD) isnt sheIII. Choose the proper words in the box to complete the following passage. Each can be used only once(选择最恰当的选项填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填

13、一次)(共8分)A) courses B) appeared C) records D) caused E) widelyWang Yue, a seventh-grader from Jiangsu, opened a study app (应用软件) which can help students work out math problems. However, a series of game advertisements 36 suddenly which made her feel bad.In fact, that is just one of several disappoint

14、ing things about study apps that are 37 used by students. Study apps aim to help students learn. For example, students can check answers for problems and take online 38 . However, with more study apps coming into the market, serious competition has 39 some apps to change. How to make good use of the

15、m has become an issue.A) copy B) polite C) solve D) once E) better Some study apps have social media features that can disturb students. Li Xieyichang, 14, from Sichuan, has noticed this. “I 40 joined a chat group to learn from others. However, hundreds of gossipy messages bombarded (轰炸) my phone,”

16、she said. So, she quit (退出) the group chat. In addition, some students simply 41 answers from study apps. Zhang Shiyuan, 14, from Shanghai, often sees her classmates do so. But she has a 42 way to use study apps. “They show many ways to 43 one problem. I try them one by one and see how they work. Th

17、en I use the things Ive learned to work out the problem again,” she said.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共8分)44. On the far side of the street, two were playing games happily. (boy)45. Finland has been named the happiest country in t

18、he world for the time. (four)46. I showed my stamp collection to a friend of and told him which was my favourite. (me) 47. The terrible storm made the small fishing boats in the big waves. (appear)48. Chinas COVID-19 vaccines (疫苗) can offer protection for at least six months. (effect)49. There were

19、also several accidents which were caused by engine failures. (main)50. Our class had a about whether we should help strangers last week. (discuss)51. The businessman was sad. He knew the future didnt seem very . (hope)V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。52-57小题每空格限填一词)(共14分)52

20、. Paul lost an arm after a traffic accident five years ago.(改为一般疑问句) Paul an arm after a traffic accident five years ago?53. Professor Wilson will speak about the results of his research for us.(对划线部分提问) professor Wilson speak about for us?54. NASA sent James Webb Space Telescope (望远镜) into space in

21、 December 2021.(改为被动语态)James Webb Space Telescope into space in December 2021.55. Jane wonders how she can buy some vegetables online during the special days.(改为简单句) Jane wonders buy some vegetables online during the special days.56. We are always pleased to receive letters from our customers.(保持句意基

22、本不变)We are always pleased to our customers. 57. “Can you live for a year without spending any money?” a journalist asked me.(改为间接引语) A journalist asked me I live for a year without spending any money.58. them, the unusual stone, took, a lot of time, it, to research(连词成句) .Part 3 Reading and Writing

23、(第三部分 读写)VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共50分)A. Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)Welcome to the Universities Summer School!Since 1920, Eton College (伊顿公学) has run a summer school for students with ambitions to apply to top universities around the world. The summer school is not about imp

24、roving grade. It is designed to offer ten days of study. You choose one subject in which you are interested. We offer creative teaching and, more importantly, the company (陪伴) of students from all over the country. It is a great chance to study and work with like-minded people. We are sure you will

25、have more topics to talk each other during the days of study. Numbers: 130 studentsHousing: Single rooms in Eton boarding housesTeaching: By Eton staff and university lecturersFee (学费): The college subsidizes (给予补贴) the cost of the lessons. The fee is 450. It can be reduced or in some cases cancelle

26、d.Time table: A day at the Summer School starts with breakfast at 8:30 a.m. Lessons begin at 9:30 a.m. with two 1.5-hour sessions (节) running until lunch at 1 p.m. In the afternoon, a further hour of teaching begins at 2 p.m. It is followed by a programme of sports and activities, including swimming

27、, dance, football and Eton Fives (our own game). Supper is at 7 p.m. Then students go back to their study bedrooms for personal study. The house staff and undergraduate (本科生) assistants are ready to support and advise at that time. If you are bright and ambitious and want to join the course, please

28、download an application form (申请表格) and send it to us by March 1 of the year. We look forward to receiving letters from you!For further details, please send us an email: ecussetoncollege.org.ukETONCOLLEGE 64 Quick LinksEton College School NewsWindsor, Berkshire, SL4 6DW Term Dates(+44) 01753 370 100

29、 Policies and Reports Privacy Policy59. The study in the summer school will help students .A) get better grades in examsB) apply to top universities around the world C) make more friends over the countryD) enter Eton College60. The underlined expression “like-minded people” in Paragraph 2 refers to

30、people who .A) like teaching themselvesB) always think about others C) are good at solving problemsD) have the same interests 61. The students have to finish the followings EXCEPT during day time. A) personal studyB) one-hour lesson in the afternoon C) a programme of sports and activitiesD) two less

31、ons in the morning62. If the students have difficulties in study at night, they may get some advice from . A) Eton staffB) the house staff C) undergraduate assistantsD) university lecturers63. If you want to take part in the ten-day study, you should first. A) visit the schoolB) download an applicat

32、ion formC) send an email to usD) pay off the fee of 45064. Which of the following is the best to be filled in the blank?A) Email UsB) Useful Advice C) Contact Us D) Interesting LessonsB. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12分)Julie Joins Facebook Julie was sitting in bed l

33、ate at night playing with her brand-new smartphone. Earlier that week, she had been visited by her children and grandchildren to celebrate her 70th birthday, and had received the phone as a 65 from her granddaughter Mary. Julie had been widowed (守寡) for five years now. Since she lived hours away fro

34、m the rest of the family, Mary thought the phone would be a good way for them to 66 and take up some of her time. Up until then, Julie had never really been interested in catching up with modern technology, but finally owning her own smartphone made her feel youthful, and she decided to join Faceboo

35、k since that was what she had noticed all the younger people were doing. However, when making her profile (简介) page, she was 67 to put up a picture of herself since she thought she looked too wrinkly (有皱纹的) and nobody would want to talk to her. To change this, she downloaded a picture of a 20-year-o

36、ld beautiful girl from Google, posted it under her 68 , and went to sleep. The next morning, Julie woke up and enthusiastically logged into Facebook in hopes that she would have one or two new friends. She could not believe her eyes. Her inbox was full of friend requests from dozens and dozens of yo

37、ung handsome men who 69 her beauty and wanted to know all about her. Julie decided to accept only the best-looking ones and began chatting with them day and night, 70 letting them know that they were actually talking to a grandma. The next time Julie met up with Mary, she thanked her so much for the

38、 phone and remarked, “I havent felt so young and pretty in years!” Mary was confused and asked, “Why?” Julie just gave a mischievous smile and changed the topic.65. A) toolB) giftC) customD) duty66. A) keep in touchB) have sportsC) make a decisionD) stay up67. A) proudB) forgetfulC) satisfiedD) emba

39、rrassed68. A) nameB) directionC) addressD) diary69. A) showed B) ownedC) praisedD) ignored70. A) everB) almostC) laterD) neverC. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)The 27-year-old Wu Xiuying is a member of the “Snow Dream” team. During the Winter Olympics, t

40、hese crew members will p 71 services to passengers traveling between Beijing, Yanqing and Chongli. They have been preparing two years for this big event. “We have been taking all kinds of classes, including customer service, foreign languages, sign language, winter sports knowledge, etiquette (礼仪) a

41、nd makeup skills,” said Wu. “The classes ran from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. S 72 there were even night classes. We were busy like students.” Besides that, they also improved themselves through training. For example, they held a chopstick in their mouths to practise their warmest smiles. They put a piece of pa

42、per between their l 73 to practise standing posture. When passengers ask questions about the Olympics, they need to give accurate information. All the e 74 are made to offer the best service.They also designed and decorated the carriages with snowflakes, Olympics logos, and pictures of winter sports

43、 athletes. “Our purpose is to c 75 an atmosphere (氛围) of the Winter Olympics. We did all these by ourselves, and the train is like a home we have built together,” said Wu. Along the Beijing-Zhangjiakou railway, there are many tunnels through the mountains. Some passengers may feel “ear popping” (耳鸣)

44、 when the train runs at high speed. They wonder how to deal with it. To meet peoples n 76 , the “Snow Dream” team made a six-step exercise. Passengers can learn it from the screens on board.“These days, more and more winter sports lovers take this train to ski in Yanqing and Chongli,” said Wu. “We h

45、ope our good service can make their trips h 77 and warm. And of course, well welcome the Winter Olympics with our greatest enthusiasm!”D Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答问题)(12分)“Im Captain Carter Harrison. Im here to visit Mrs. Melissa Harrison,”said Mr. Harrison to the front desk. “Oh, Melissa has been asking about you all week. She is lo


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