Unit 3 War and Peace Developing Ideas 语言点(ppt课件) (2)-2023新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、SB3U3 Lianda:A Place of Passion,Belief and Commitment(Language points)1.Throughout history,the great thinkers of the world have often rather romantically referred to their academic struggles as being like war”.refer to 把把.称作称作 academic struggle 学术之争学术之争Translation纵观历史纵观历史,世界上伟大的思想家们常常以一种浪漫的说世界上伟大的思想

2、家们常常以一种浪漫的说法把他们的学术之争比喻为法把他们的学术之争比喻为“战争战争”。2.However,for most of them,the“war”has been purely symbolic.Real war is never romantic as it brings suffering and immense challenges.Translation然而然而,对他们中的大多数人来说对他们中的大多数人来说,“战争战争”一词纯粹是一词纯粹是象征性的。真正的战争从来不是浪漫的象征性的。真正的战争从来不是浪漫的,因为它会带来因为它会带来痛苦和巨大的挑战。痛苦和巨大的挑战。3.In

3、1937,the aggression of the Japanese army brought disaster to Chinas three great universities Peking University and Tsinghua University were occupied by Japanese troops,while Nan kai University was completely destroyed by bombing.Translation19371937年年,日军的侵略给中国三所著名大学带来了灾难日军的侵略给中国三所著名大学带来了灾难:北京大学和清华大学被

4、日本军队占领北京大学和清华大学被日本军队占领,南开大学被彻底南开大学被彻底炸毁。炸毁。occupy v.忙着忙着(做某事做某事);使忙于;使忙于(做某事做某事);占用占用(时间时间/空间等空间等);占领;占据;占领;占据 occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth.从事于从事于/忙于忙于 be occupied with sth./in doing sth.从事于从事于/忙于忙于occupation n.职业;占有职业;占有“忙于忙于(做做)某事某事”其他短语其他短语?be with sth.be(in)doing sth.be in sth.Practice

5、_(occupy)in making preparations for the coming exam,she couldnt afford any more time for the party.The boy,_(occupy)himself with his schoolwork every day,felt rather tired but full.He _(occupy)in motivating the teenagers to understand their parents.She is occupied _ daily routine every day.I have be

6、en wondering why you are interested in this _(occupy)Occupiedoccupingis occupiedwithoccupation4.To save educational and intellectual heritage.the three universities joined together in Kunming as National Southwest Associated University,otherwise known as Lianda.otherwise known as 又称,也叫又称,也叫Translati

7、on为了保护教育和知识遗产这三所大学在昆明联合成立了为了保护教育和知识遗产这三所大学在昆明联合成立了国立西南联合大学国立西南联合大学,简称联大。简称联大。5.Professors and students alike in the three universities made an epic journey over a distance of more than 2,000 kilometres,most of them on foot.make an epic journey 进行一次漫长而艰难的旅程进行一次漫长而艰难的旅程Translation这一所大学的教授和学生们完成了一场这一所大

8、学的教授和学生们完成了一场2.0002.000多千米的漫多千米的漫长而艰辛的行程,他们中的大部分人都是徒步完成的。长而艰辛的行程,他们中的大部分人都是徒步完成的。6.Their bed was the dusty road and their roof was the open sky,often lit up by exploding Japanese bombs.u light up 照亮,点亮照亮,点亮;(使使)流露出喜悦;开始抽烟流露出喜悦;开始抽烟 The fountain is lit up at night.夜里喷泉夜里喷泉打上了灯光打上了灯光。There was an expl

9、osion and the whole sky lit up.一声爆炸一声爆炸照亮照亮了整个天空。了整个天空。Her face lit up with pleasure.她高兴得她高兴得满面春风满面春风。His eyes lit up with laughter.他笑得他笑得两眼放光两眼放光。7.They had to live in rough buildings,packed 40 to a room,like sardines.u rough adj.简单的;粗糙的;粗略的;猛烈的;简单的;粗糙的;粗略的;猛烈的;崎岖的;崎岖的;高低不平的;艰难的高低不平的;艰难的 I can only

10、 give you a rough number of how many guests will attend the party.It was a rough time for me because I had just lost my job and had no money with me.The driver had to drive very slowly and carefully because the road was very rough and narrow.粗略的,大致的粗略的,大致的艰难的艰难的崎岖的,高低不平的崎岖的,高低不平的8.Furthermore,classe

11、s were frequently disrupted due to fierce air attacks and often had to be held before10 am and after 4 pm.furthermore=moreover=besides=additionally=whats more=in addition to 此外,而且此外,而且Translation此外,由于猛烈的空袭,课堂经常中断,因此上课时间此外,由于猛烈的空袭,课堂经常中断,因此上课时间往往在一午往往在一午1010点前和下午点前和下午4 4点后。点后。9.However,despite the im

12、mense hardships and the daunting challenges,it was right in this place,over a period of eight long years,that the nations intellectual heritage was not only guarded but fortified by the passion and belief of the worthy academics of Lianda.Translation然而然而,尽管面临着巨大的困难和艰巨的挑战尽管面临着巨大的困难和艰巨的挑战,在这个地在这个地方经过八

13、年漫长的岁月方经过八年漫长的岁月,国家的知识遗产不仅得到了保国家的知识遗产不仅得到了保护护,还得到了强化还得到了强化,这些都归功于联大杰出学者们的热这些都归功于联大杰出学者们的热情和信念。情和信念。10.It is no wonder that many,if not most,of Chinas leading scholars and scientists emerged at Lianda including the two Nobel Prize-winning physicists,Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao.u emerge v.出现出现,兴起兴起;

14、摆脱摆脱;暴露暴露;露头露头 emerge from(从水中等从水中等)出来,现出,露出出来,现出,露出 u emerging adj.新兴的新兴的 emerging market 新兴市场新兴市场 难怪即使不是大多数难怪即使不是大多数,但也有许多中国领先的学者和科但也有许多中国领先的学者和科学家都是联大出身学家都是联大出身,包括两位诺贝尔奖得主包括两位诺贝尔奖得主,物理学家物理学家杨振宁和李政道。杨振宁和李政道。11.Lianda laid the foundation for every achievement I have made,Yang recalled.lay the found

15、ation 为为.奠定基础奠定基础 make an achievemet 取得成就取得成就 12.On windy days,we had to hold down the paper on the desk,which would otherwise be blown away,he said.hold down 控制,固定(以防某物移走或某人逃脱)控制,固定(以防某物移走或某人逃脱)blow away 吹走吹走13.With the country at war,students at Lianda were not going to shirk their duty.Driven by

16、a sense of commitment,a great many joined the army to resist the Japanese invaders and defend the honour of the nation.at war 处于交战状态处于交战状态 shirk ones duty 逃避某人的责任逃避某人的责任 a sense of commitment 使命感使命感 a great many 许多人许多人国家正处于战争状态国家正处于战争状态,联大的学生们不会逃避他们的责任。在献联大的学生们不会逃避他们的责任。在献身精神的驱使下身精神的驱使下,许多人参军抵抗日本侵略者

17、许多人参军抵抗日本侵略者,保卫国家的荣誉。保卫国家的荣誉。14.Of the thousands of college students from all over China who served as interpreters,one tenth were from Lianda,including the well-known translators Zha Liangzheng and Xu Yuanchong.serve as 充当充当Translation在来自全国各地担任翻译的数千名大学生中在来自全国各地担任翻译的数千名大学生中,有十分之一有十分之一的人来自联大的人来自联大,其中

18、包括著名的翻译家査良铮和许渊冲。其中包括著名的翻译家査良铮和许渊冲。15.But it has become the crowning glory of Chinas modern universities,not only because of its prominent professors and talented students,but also because of the schools strong spirit of perseverance and dedication.the crowning glory 至高无上的荣誉至高无上的荣誉 dedicated adj.有奉献精

19、神的 dedicate ones time/life/oneself to(doing)sth.把把奉献给奉献给但它已经成为了中国现代大学的最高荣耀但它已经成为了中国现代大学的最高荣耀,这不仅仅是因为那些杰出这不仅仅是因为那些杰出的教授和才华横溢的学生的教授和才华横溢的学生,也因为联大坚韧不拔和勇于奉献的精神。也因为联大坚韧不拔和勇于奉献的精神。16.In 2017,representatives from Peking University Tsinghua University,Nankai University and Yunnan Normal University gathered

20、to commemorate the 80th anniversary of its founding.represent v.代表代表,表示;表现;描绘;象征表示;表现;描绘;象征 They represent the earth coming back to life and best wishes for new beginnings.它们代表代表着地球的复苏和对新开端的美好祝愿。The carvings represent a hunting scene.这些雕刻作品描绘描绘了一幅狩猎的场面。The dove represents peace.鸽子象征象征和平。Usagesrepres

21、ent v.represent.as/to be.宣称.为.,把.描绘成.represent oneself/sb.as/to be 自称是.representative n.代表代表 adj.典型的典型的 be representative of 代表.的 Shes our representative in France.她是我们公司驻法国的销售代表。她是我们公司驻法国的销售代表。The painting is not representative of his work of the period.这幅画不是他在那个时期的代表作。这幅画不是他在那个时期的代表作。16.In 2017,re

22、presentatives from Peking University Tsinghua University,Nankai University and Yunnan Normal University gathered to commemorate the 80th anniversary of its founding.Translation20172017年年,北京大学、清华大学、南开大学和云南师范大学北京大学、清华大学、南开大学和云南师范大学的代表们齐聚一堂的代表们齐聚一堂,共同纪念联大建校共同纪念联大建校8080周年。周年。17.More than eighty years on

23、,the priceless contribution of Lianda still needs to be reaffirmed.It has become part of the collective memory of the Chinese nation,with its spirit as the blueprint for all universities in China in the modern era.collective memory 共同的回忆共同的回忆Translation尽管已经历经尽管已经历经8080多年多年,联大做出的无价贡献仍值得重申。联大做出的无价贡献仍值得重申。它已成为中华民族集体记忆的一部分它已成为中华民族集体记忆的一部分,联大精神更是描绘联大精神更是描绘了现代中国所有大学的蓝图。了现代中国所有大学的蓝图。Thank you


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