新视野大学英语课件第二册课件B2U10Reports on Britain Under the Bombs.pptx

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1、 Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Reports on Britain Under the Bombs Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishI.Background information II.Watch and Discuss III.Compound Dictation IV.Fun Time V.TextVI.Reproduction Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Background information World War

2、II,also called the Second World War,was a conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939 to 1945.The principal parties were the Axis powersGermany,Italy,and Japan,and the AlliesFrance,Great Britain,the United States,the Soviet Union,and China.The war ended with the vi

3、ctory being won by the allied nations in 1945.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English The Allied Nations The main countries involved in World War II were the Axis powers Germany,Italy,and Japan,and the Allies(the Allied Nations)France,Great Britain,the United States,the Soviet Union and China.The

4、 war ended with the victory being won by the allied nations in 1945.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishAdolf Hitler:before World War II,Hitler was born on April 20,1889,at Braunau,Austria.Young Hitler received poor grades in school and left at 16 without graduating.During World War I he serve

5、d four years in the German Army as a dispatch runner.He was twice wounded and twice decorated for bravery with the Iron cross.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English L i k e m a n y o t h e r Germans,Hitler could not accept Germanys military defeat in 1918.He decided to go into politics.In 1919,h

6、e joined a small political group,the German Workers Party,and soon became the Partys president.He changed the name Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English of the party to the“National Socialist German Workers Party”.(The term Nazi is an abbreviation of the first part of the German name for the pa

7、rty Nationalsozialistische).In 1923 Hitler organized a putsch,or revolt,against the German government.The putsch failed.Hitler was captured and found guilty of treason.The sympathetic court gave him the minimum sentence of five years,and he was released before serving a year.While in prison,Hitler b

8、egan Mein Kampf(My Struggle),an autobiography in which he expressed his hatred for the Jews,his worship of power and his plans Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English to conquer the world.He proclaimed the Germans the“master race”and said that they would create an empire in eastern Europe,ruling

9、over the“inferior”Slavs.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English The Nazis remained a small party until 1930,when the world depression struck Germany.In the 1930 elections Nazi representation the Reichstag(the lower house of parliament)soared from 12 to 107.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College Engli

10、sh With the support of military officers and industrialists,the Nazis became Germanys largest party in 1932 and on January 30,1933,Hitler became Chancellor(Prime Minister)of a coalition government.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English When the Reichstag building was burned down on the night of

11、February 27,1933,the Nazis blamed the fire on the communists,and had them expelled from the Reichstag.The Reichstag then passed a law giving Hitler virtually absolute emergency powers.With these powers Hitler forced the non-Nazi members of the coalition out of the government,banned all political par

12、ties,suppressed the trade unions,and Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English abolished freedom of speech and freedom of the press.He also launched a violent and brutal crusade against the Jews.On the death of President Hindenburg in 1934,Hitler combined the offices of Chancellor and President and

13、 took the title of Fuhrer(leader).As successor to Hindenburg,he also became Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.He proclaimed his regime as the“New Order”and German state as the“Third Reich”(empire).Between 1933 and 1935,Hitler began secretly to rearm Germany in violation of the Versailles Book 2

14、 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Treaty.In 1936,German troops reoccupied the demilitarized Rhineland zone,and in 1938,Hitler annexed Austria to Germany.In the same year,representatives of other European nations yielded to Hitlers threats at Munich,enabling Hitler to take over much of Czechoslova

15、kia.On August 24,1939,the German-Soviet Pact was signed,enabling Hitler to invade Poland without opposition from the Soviet Union.The invasion took place on September 1,1939 and the Second World War in Europe started.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Marshal Goering Marshal Goering was born

16、 in Bavaria.Trained for an army career,Goering received his assignment in 1912 and served with distinction during World War I.Later,Goering met Adolf Hitler and joined the small National Socialist German Worker Party (Nazi)in 1922.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Since then,Goering worked

17、tirelessly as Hitlers most loyal supporter.He was Reich official for air fighters and head of the newly developed Luftwaffe(German air force).He had,at one time,been responsible for the Gestapo and the concentration camps.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Goering was the most popular the Na

18、zi leaders not only with the German people but also with the representatives and agents of foreign powers.But he was shamed when the Luftwaffe failed to win the battle of Britain or prevent the Allied bombing of Germany.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English After Hitlers suicide,he surrendered

19、himself the Americans.He was sentenced the hanged,but instead he drank some poison and died in his prison room at Nurnberg the night he was given his death sentence.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English5.Royal Air Force RAF is the youngest of the three British armed services,charged with the ai

20、r defense of the United Kingdom and f u l f i l l m e n t o f i n t e r n a t i o n a ldefense commitments.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishAt the beginning of world war II in September 1939,the first-line strength of the RAF in the United Kingdom was about 2,000 airplanes.The RAF fighter p

21、ilots,however,distinguished themselves during the Battle of Britain in the early stages of the war against the manymore German Luftwaffe.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Home Guard A military organization of citizens with limited military training for emergency service,usually for local de

22、fense.During world war II the Home Guard was established in the U.K.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishWatching and DiscussingDirections:Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows:How did the British people fight against Hitlers air strikes?Why did British people refuse to give in

23、 from your angle of view?keykey Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishDuring the WWII,Britain was one of the biggest obstacles to Hitlers ambition for dominance of Europe,while London was the heart of the country.By Hitlers logic,he could force the British people to give in by hammering London w

24、ith bombs and turning it into a sea of fire,just as he had done with Warsaw and Rotterdam.After repeated delivery of his bombs right into the countrys heart,however,How did the British people fight against Hitlers air strikes?Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College Englishhe found London was still there

25、and its people stood firm,ready at any time to fight bravely against his air raids.As revealed in the reports,under the waves of the Nazi bombers,houses fell,fires burned,gas pipes burst,and moans with pain were heard here and there,the whole city of London thrown into fire and agony.Faced with all

26、of these,the people of England didnt shrink.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Instead,fire fighters got the fires under control in time,medical personnel rushed from place to place to save the wounded,those in charge of the city transport kept trains and buses available,newspaper and milk d

27、eliverers followed the daily routine of their work,and workers went to work as usual,reading the reports about the battle raging over London.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishWhy did British people refuse to give in?Under the waves of Nazi bombers,it seemed impossible for any city to continu

28、e to endure.Warsaw,for example,chose to surrender as Nazi bombs turned it into a burned city.In contrast,the English people,though in the face of the same waves of Nazi bombers,never considered giving in.Their resolution was attributed to the factors as follows:Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College Eng

29、lish1.They had the English Channel as a good natural barrier against the Nazi ground forces,thus giving them an edge in national defense.2.They had the Royal Air Force(RAF)whose pilots,though possessed of 2000 planes and beyond the limits of exhaustion,resolved to rise day after day and night after

30、night to meet the waves of Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishNazi bombers until the last pilot died or the invaders were driven off.3.They had their political system that could best provide for the defense and decency of her people.4.They were a nation whose people could unite into one under

31、 the threat of war.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Compound Dictation Directions:You will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered S9 t

32、o S11 you are required to fill in missing information.For these blanks,you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Now listen to the passage.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Compound Dictation Americans are marking the 225th annive

33、rsary of their independence with celebrations ranging from small backyard barbecues(吃烤烧肉的野餐吃烤烧肉的野餐)to parades and S01 _ displays of fireworks.The U.S.Armys famous Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps S02 _ in front of the National Archives(档案档案)Building as hundreds of tourists from around the country S03 _

34、 to hear a reading of the Declaration of Independence:massive marched gathered Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Compound Dictation We hold these truths to be S04_:that all men are created equal;that they are S05 _ by their creator with certain unalienable(不能剥夺的不能剥夺的)rights;that among these

35、 are life,liberty and the S06 _ of happiness.The Continental Congress S07 _ the Declaration of Independence on July 4,1776.To mark the 225th anniversary of US independence,actors portraying(扮演扮演)historical figures mingled(混合混合)with the crowd in front of the Archives.self-evidentendowed pursuit appro

36、ved Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Compound Dictation Tourists waited for hours to get a S08 _ of the original Declaration of Independence on display inside the Archives.The Declaration of Independence as well as the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights are being removed from public vi

37、ew for two years S09_.This is US Archives John Carlin.In order to make sure they are preserved for generations to come,glimpse because the glass surrounding the precious documents is beginning to deteriorate Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English Compound Dictation we must take them out of their

38、 current encasements.S10_ before we put them back in new state of the art encasements.”In addition to parades and fireworks displays on the Independence Day,S11 _.This will allow conservators to take any necessary steps to ensure the continued preservation of these priceless documents more than 10,0

39、00 people are becoming US citizens in July 4 ceremonies across the country Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishListen to the song and Listen to the song and fill in the blanks.Then sing alongfill in the blanks.Then sing along.Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishListen to the song and Lis

40、ten to the song and fill in the blanks.Then sing alongfill in the blanks.Then sing along.IMAGINEIMAGINEImagine theres no heaven.Its easy if you try.No hell below us,_.Imagine all the people living for today ahImagine theres no country.It isnt hard to do._,and no religion too.Imagine all the people l

41、iving life in peace.above us only skyNothing to kill or die for Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishYou may say Im a dreamer,but Im not the only one._,and the world will be as one.Imagine no possessions.I wonder if you can._.A brotherhood of man.Imagine all the people sharing all the world I h

42、ope some day youll join usNo need for greed or hunger(John Lennon)Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishYou may say Im a dreamer,but Im not the only one.I hope someday youll join us,_.and the world will live as one Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishNew WordsText LearningParagraph Writing

43、English Equivalents of ChineseText Understanding Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English1.survival n.U 生存;幸存生存;幸存 2.bomber n.C 轰炸机轰炸机 3.accent n.C 口音;腔调口音;腔调 4.sorrow n.U 悲伤,悲痛悲伤,悲痛 5.sufferingn./a.C/U遭难;苦难受难的遭难;苦难受难的6 ancient a.古老的古老的 7.endure vi./vt.忍受,忍耐忍受,忍耐/持续;持久持续;持久 8.raid n./vt.C突袭;袭击突袭;袭

44、击/突袭;袭击突袭;袭击 9.channeln.C 海峡;航道;频道;途径海峡;航道;频道;途径10.cast vt.将将(光线,影子光线,影子)投射到;投抛投射到;投抛 Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English11.cliff n.C 悬崖;峭壁悬崖;峭壁 12.invade vt.侵略;侵犯侵略;侵犯/干扰;侵犯干扰;侵犯 invader n.C 侵略者;入侵者侵略者;入侵者 13.marshal n.C 元帅元帅 14.surrender vi./vt.投降投降/(被迫)交出;放弃(被迫)交出;放弃 15.royal a.王室的;皇家的王室的;

45、皇家的 16.hammer vt./n.敲打敲打/C 锤子;榔头锤子;榔头 17.daylight n.U 白天,白昼白天,白昼 18.historic a.历史性的历史性的 Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English19.radar n.C,U 雷达雷达 20.siren n.C 汽笛;警报器汽笛;警报器 21.wail vi.发出尖叫声发出尖叫声 22.agony n.C,U 极大的痛苦极大的痛苦 23.punishment n.C,U 惩罚,处罚惩罚,处罚 24.crash n./vi.C 破裂声破裂声/发出巨响;撞毁发出巨响;撞毁 25.spi

46、t v./vi.喷出;喷射喷出;喷射/吐痰吐痰 mute vi.上下班往返上下班往返 commutern.C每天经远路上下班的人每天经远路上下班的人 Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English27.suburb n.C 郊区郊区 28.dairy n.C 牛奶场;乳品店牛奶场;乳品店 29.heroic a.英雄的;英勇的英雄的;英勇的 30.resolution n.U 坚决;决心坚决;决心/U 解决解决 31.handful n.sing.少数,少量少数,少量/C 一把一把 32.flock n./vi.C 一群一群/群集群集 33.exhaust

47、ionn.U 筋疲力尽;疲惫筋疲力尽;疲惫 34.smash v.打碎;破碎打碎;破碎 Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College English35.cellar n.C 地下室地下室 36.rescue vt./n.救援;营救救援;营救/C,U 救援救援37.underneath prep.在在下面,在下面,在底下底下 38.wreckage n.U 残骸残骸 39.whichever a./pron.无论哪个;无论哪些无论哪个;无论哪些 40.decent a.得体的;正派的得体的;正派的 decency n.U 体面;得体体面;得体 41.ally vt./n

48、.使结盟使结盟/C 盟国盟国 allied a.同盟国的同盟国的 Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College Englishdrive off 击退;赶走击退;赶走 be sure of 一定会;肯定会一定会;肯定会 in broad daylight 光天化日之下光天化日之下carry on 继续做继续做 under control 受到控制;在控制之下受到控制;在控制之下 on the air(广播或电视)播出(广播或电视)播出 keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事 watch for 留意;密切注意留意;密切注意 Book

49、2 Unit 10 New Horizon College Englishput out 扑灭,熄灭扑灭,熄灭 mark down 记下来,写下来记下来,写下来 provide for 为为做准备做准备 Atlantic Ocean 大西洋大西洋 North Carolina 北卡罗来纳州北卡罗来纳州 (美国州名美国州名)Edward R.Murrow 爱德华爱德华R.默罗默罗 Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishColumbia 哥伦比亚哥伦比亚(广播系统广播系统)Dover(英法之间英法之间)多佛尔多佛尔(海峡海峡)Goering 戈林戈林(

50、1893-1946,纳粹德国元帅,纳粹德国元帅)Hitler 希特勒希特勒(1889-1945,纳粹元首,纳粹元首)Warsaw 华沙华沙(波兰首都波兰首都)Rotterdam 鹿特丹鹿特丹(荷兰西南部港市荷兰西南部港市)RAF(Royal Air Force)(英国英国)皇家空军皇家空军 Book 2 Unit 10 New Horizon College EnglishPara.1 Night after night,in the hot summer and early fall of 1940,a deep,steady voice came over the Atlantic Oce


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