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    • 2023新人教版八年级下册《英语》Unit4词汇专练(有答案).doc--点击预览
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2020-2021 人教新目标八年级英语下册人教新目标八年级英语下册 unit6 词汇专练(有答案)词汇专练(有答案)一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词1.Dont _(射击)the animals!They are our friends.2.She has a cold and feels _(虚弱的)now.3.Finally,two _(神)helped Yu Gong to move the Mountains away.4.The old man told me it was a _(有魔力的)ball but I didnt believe it.5.The old _(夫妻)live in an old house.6.The _(金色的)watch looks beautiful,but it is too expensive for me.7.Mrs.Blacks _(丈夫)is an English teacher who teaches in a middle school.8.In ancient times,there was a _(丝绸)Road between the East and the West.9.Lin Tao was _(勇敢的)enough to save his neighbor from a fire.10.The _(全部的)class were talking about the coming winter camp.二、根据字母提示填空1.The police had the orders(命令)to s_ anyone who attacked(袭击)them.2.The old man is so w_ that he cant look after himself.3.My mom always r_ me to have breakfast after I left home for further education.4.Its s_ of you to make such a big mistake.5.What could he do i_ of staying at home after losing his job?6.He tried his best to t_ failure to success.7.Sun Wukong cannot turn himself into a person unless he can h_ his tail.8.The magicians performance e_ all the audience.(观众)9.They f_ in love with each other at the first sight.10.I dont think this dress f_ you well,and change another one.11.There are only a c_ of days before the final exam.12.Sun Yang won his first g_ medal in 2012 Olympic Games.13.Hangzhou is famous for its s_ and Longjing tea.14.He often tells lies and c_ others,15.In ancient China,the emperor can have many w_.16.He is quite busy,and he is working for almost the w_ week.17.The moon is shining b_,so we are able to see these houses.18.The waitress l_ us to the table that we booked.19.Hua Shao is the host of V_ of China.20.One should be b_ enough to face all kinds of problems in work and life.三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.I will finish _(read)the novel tomorrow.2.You should keep _(try).I believe that you will do it well.3.Its _(possible)for me to finish the work in two days.I will try to finish it in five days.4.She can speak English _(well)than me.Can you tell me how to practice my spoken English?5.The god was _(move)by what the old man did and decided to help him.6.If you keep _(write),you will be able to become a writer one day.7.He _(shoot)a big bird and went home happily with it.8.Neither of them _(think)that the film is interesting.9.Reading more is a good way to _(learn)English well.10.As soon as my father finished having dinner,he continued to _(watch)TV.11.The children enjoyed _(them)playing in the water.12.A strange man _(sudden)stopped my car and asked me to get out of it.13.Mr.Green ran to the bus station quickly _(catch)the early bus.14.Have you ever read the novel _(call)The Little Women?15.The joke was so _(fun)that we all laughed as soon as we heard it.16.Would you please make a plan _(travel)abroad with me?17.When I was walking in the park yesterday,I heard someone _(sing)loudly.18.The advertisement leads me _(buy)the things.19.He will call you as soon as he _(get)back home.20.Keep _(read)English every day,and you will improve your English.21I need _(silent)when I am studying.22I havent seen them _(recent)23My brother made a _(wood)house model by himself.24When we are kids,our parents always tell us not to talk with _(strange)25Dont always believe advertisement because they may hide some _(true)四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子1.很久以前,有一块神奇的石头。_ _ _ _,there was a _ stone.2.全世界的孩子都喜欢米老鼠。Children _ _ _ _ love the Mickey Mouse.3.魔术师把他的帽子变成了一只鸟。The magician _ his hat _ a bird.4.我一看到这座城市就爱上了它。I _ _ _ _ the city as soon as I saw it.5.你第一次见到他是什么时候?When did you see him _ _ _ _?6.努力工作使我们通向成功。Hard work _ us _ _ 7.这座山真高啊!_ _ _ mountain it is!8.那部电影是如此感人以至于很多人哭了。The movie was _ _ _ many people cried.9.孩子们了解到有些不好的事情会发生。The children _ that _ _ will happen.10.他一得到消息就会告诉我。_ _ _ he gets the news,he _ tell me.参考答案:一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词shoot 2.weak 3.gods 4.magic 5.couple 6gold/golden 7.husband 8.Silk 9.brave 10.whole/entire二、根据字母提示填空1-5 shoot,weak,reminds,silly,instead,6-10 turn,hide,excites,fell,fits11-15 couple,gold,silk,cheats,wives 16-20 whole,bright,led,voice,brave 三、用所给词的适当形式填空1reading 2trying3impossible4better5moved6writing7shot 8thinks9learn10watch11themselves 12suddenly13to catch14called15funny16to travel17singing 18to buy 19gets20Reading21、silence22.recently23.wooden24.strangers 25Truth四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子1Once upon a time;magic 2all over the world3turns/turned;into4fell in love with5for the first time 6leads;to success7What a high 8so moving that9learn;something bad10As soon as;will2020-2021 人教新目标八年级英语下册人教新目标八年级英语下册 unit2 词汇专练(有答案)词汇专练(有答案)一、一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词1.In America,many students must work as _(志愿者)in order to graduate.2 He has a _(强烈的)sense of responsibility to protect his country.3.I enjoyed my _(旅行)to China last year.4.When I passed the music classroom,I _(注意到)someone dancing in it.5.He got great _(满足)from helping others.6.Tom,here is a _(信)for you.7.Om the street,the special pavement is designed for the _(失明的).8.1can _(想象)how surprised she will be when hearing this piece of news.9 To win the gold medal,the players are having hard _(训练).10.The boss turned a _(聋的)ear to the needs of the workers.11.The _(护士)is very patient with her patients.12.At last,I was able to _(击)the ball in.13.Parents should keep kids away from dangerous things like _(刀)and forks at home.14.Youll be _(患病的)if you eat too much junk food.15.The students _(募集)quite a lot of money for poor children yesterday.二、用所给动词的适当形式填空二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Would you like _(clean)up the city parks?2.Could you please_(give)out food at the food bank?3.We cant put off _(make)a plan.4.Two weeks _(be)enough for us.5.They _(set)up a food bank next year.27.Mary started to feel _(excite)about her coming back.29.Nearly all the houses had _(break)windows.30.After three months of _(train),his young sister could swim.31.He is a _(disable)man.Lets do something for him.32.Whenever we met _(difficult),they came to help us.三、根据字母提示填空1.Cant you see the“No smoking”s_?2.Working with you gave me a lot of p_.I really enjoy it.3.I think I can f_ up the clock.4.Something is wrong with the TV.It needs r_.5.There is no chalk in the classroom.Could you please go to my office and g_ some for me?6.I cut myself on a piece of b glass.7.I wrote her several l ,but she didnt reply.8.Helen became d .She couldnt hear.9.He o the door and walked into the room.10.Please give your seat to the old or the d if they need it.四、完成句子四、完成句子1.她将自愿帮助我们举办一次图书特卖活动。She will_ _ _ us have a book sale.2.我的观点和你的相似。My opinions are_ _yours.3.这些队要参加奥林匹克运动会的选拔赛。These teams are going to _ _ for the Olympic Games.4.他们决定推迟会议。They decided to _ _ the meeting.5.她正在医院里照顾她生病的妈妈。She is_for her_mother in the hospital.6.凯特一点儿也不像她妈妈。Kate doesnt _ _ her mother at all.7.那个女士的钱包丢了,她马上报了警。The lady lost her wallet and called the police_ _.8.我想要学习更多关于怎样照顾动物的事情。I want _ _ more about how _ _ _ animals.9.如果这台机器用光了它的能量,它就不工作了。If the machine _ _ _ its energy,it wont work.10.我希望你的梦想会实现。I hope your dream will _ _.36.建立自贸区为福州带来新的机遇。_ up the free trade zone_ new possibilities to Fuzhou.37.从儿子身上我得到一种强烈的满足感。Ive got a strong_ of_ from my son.38.看,志愿者正在散发广告。Look,the_ are_ _ advertisements.39.我注意到他们正在做一些公告牌。I_ them_ some_.40.我的新鞋子与你的很像。My new shoes_ _ _ yours.参考答案:参考答案:一、一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词1.volunteers 2.strong 3.journey/trip/travel 4.noticed 5.satisfaction6.litter 7.blind 8.imagine 9.training 10.deaf11.nurse12.hit13.knives14.sick15.raised二、用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空1to clean,2 give,3making,4is,5are going to set,6Excited 7broken 8training 9disabled 10difficulty,/difficulties三、根据字母提示填空1sign,2pleasure,3 fix,4repairing,5get,6.broken 7.letters 8.deaf 9.opened10.disabled 四、完成句子1.volunteer to help 2.similar to 3.try out 4.put off 5.caring sick 6.take after 7.at once 8.to learn to care about 9.runs out of e true11.Setting;brings 12.feeling;satisfaction13.volunteers;giving out14.notice;making;signs15.are similar to2020-2021 人教新目标八年级英语下册人教新目标八年级英语下册 unit1 词汇专练(有答案)词汇专练(有答案)一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词1.When people skate,they usually wear something to protect their _(膝盖).2.Do you know who is the first _(登山者)to reach the top of Qomolangma?3 When you make a _(决定),you must think about its result.4 Westerners use _(刀)and forks to cat.5 Every morning,when you get up,youd better open the window to_(呼吸)the fresh air.6.If you eat too much ice-cream,you may have a _(胃痛).7.I had a _(发烧)last night,and my mother took care of me all night.8.When you study or play the computer,you must have a _(休息)every half an hour.9._(乘客)mustnt smoke on the high-speed train.10.Because he _(咳嗽)a lot,he didnt have a good sleep last night.11.There is something wrong with both my _(脚).12.My right leg still _(疼痛)quite badly.What should I do?You should go to see the doctor.13.Lets think about it before we have to make a_(决定)that could mean life or death.14.It was a hard_(决定)but I felt I made the fight one15.The doctor asked me to drink hot water with_(蜂蜜)because I had a sore throat.16.We were worried about those two_(登山者)They lost their way.17.How many_(乘客)are there on the bus?18.He likes ball games very much,_ (尤其)football.17.The experience is _(设计)to test the new medicine.20.We can learn a lot of _ (知识)from the books.二、根据字母提示填空1.Whats the m_ with you?2.We hear with our e_ and see with our e_.3.I have a t_,so I want to see a dentist.4.She is tired,and she s_ go to bed early.5.When you have a headache,please l_ down and rest.6.There are many p_ on the bus.7.He has a fever.Please take his t_.8.Jim hurt h_ in P.E.class.9.They made a d_ to go to the mountains.10.We must know the i_ of English and studying harder.11.The sign m_“No parking”.12.His parents are u_ to getting up early every morning.13.To my s_,I passed the exam.14.Be careful,there are a lot of k_ on the shelf.They may cut your fingers.15.The girl is too young,to look after h_.16.Her temperature is 39.5,so she has a f .17.I have a t and I need to see a dentist.18.I felt something h me on the head.19.The little boy had lots of cold drinks and started to c .20.There are many p on the bus today.Its very crowded.三、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Mary _(hit)him on the head with a stick(木棍)this morning.2.We enjoyed _(we)at the Johns birthday party last night.3.Dont play with _(knife).They may cut your fingers easily.4.He never _(mean)anything of the sort.5.We took the difficult _(decide)to leave.6.The 5-year-old girl is learning how to get _(her)dressed.She doesnt want to trouble her mom.7.Whats wrong with you?I have a _(tooth).Maybe I ate too much candy yesterday.8.When I got home,I found my mother _(lie)on her bed,feeling much pain in her head.9.Tom has _(trouble)understanding the math.Its just not for him.10.My sister had a cold.She _(cough)all night and couldnt fall asleep.四、根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)1.为了让树更好地生长,他切掉了树的顶部。He_ _ the top of the tree to make it grow better.2.他对于理解它没有困难。He had no _ _ it.3.成功的人是能坚持做一件事情的人。Successful people are those who can _ _ doing the same thing.4.我们必须要控制生活,而不是让生活控制我们。We need to be _ _ _ life instead of being controlled by it.5.我把这些单词写下来以便于我能够记住它们。I wrote down these words _ _ I could remember them.6.桑迪这周工作很多,所以她不得不推迟旅行的计划。Sandy had much work this week so she had to _ _ the travel plan.7.爱丽丝过去常在周末去看望她的奶奶。Alice _ _ visit her grandma on weekends.8.房间太旧了,我想装饰一下。The room is too old.I want to _ _ _.9.在七岁的时候,这个男孩经常想出一些有创意的想法。At the age of 7,the boy often _ _ _ some creative ideas.10.手机起来越普遍,并影响着人们的生活和工作。Mobile phones are more and more popular,and they _ _ _ to peoples life and work.答案;一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词knees 2.climber 3.decision 4.knives 5.breathe6stomachache 7.fever 8.rest/break 9.Passengers 10.coughed11.feet 12.hurts 13.decision 14.decision 15.honey 16.climbers 17.passengers 18.especially 19.designed 20.knowledge 二、根据字母提示填空1-20matter,ears;eyes,toothache,should,lie,passengers,temperature,himself,decision,importance,means,used,surprise,knives,herself.fever toothache hit cough passengers三、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.hit 2.ourselves 3.knives 4.meant 5.decision 6.herself 7.toothache 8.lying 9.troubles 10.coughed四、根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)1.cut off 2.problem/difficulty/understanding 3.keep on 4.in control of 5so that6.put off7.used to8.fix it up9.came up with 10 make a difference2020-2021 人教新目标八年级英语下册人教新目标八年级英语下册 unit3 词汇专练(有答案)词汇专练(有答案)一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词1.When you see_(垃圾)on the road,you should pick it up.2.Tom,today its your turn to mop(拖)the _(地板).3.You should _(折叠)the clothes in half like this.4.Babies like eating _(手指)food.5.Unluckily,I didnt _(通过)the exam.1.A close _(邻居)means more than a distant relative.2.I is _(不公正的)for him to do all the work.3 The number of deaths on the mads _(掉下)greatly last year.4 The United States got its _(独立)in 1783.5 Drinks and _(小吃)are served in the bar.二、用所给词的适当形式填空二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.My father often does the _(dish)at home after dinner.2.Tom _(throw)down his bag and went to his room.3.Its a waste of time _(talk)to much with him.4.He finished _(watch)TV when his father came.5.China and India are _(develop)countries.6.He is very _(surprise)that his answer is right.7.Can you help me _(fold)te clothes.8.Would you mind my _(close)the windows?9.Could you _(lend)me some books?10.Doing chores helps to develop childrens _(independ)11Mr.Li is _(explain)to us how to organize our ideas according to the type of writing.12.With the _(develop)of the science and technology,more and more people can pay the money by mobile phone.13.Children should have an _(depend)life,and they shouldnt depend on their parents too much.14Its too hard for me to learn it.Can you show me how _(throw)the ball?15 In order to win the first prize in the sports meeting,you should run as _(quick)as you can.三、根据字母提示填空1.Now lots of children dont understand the idea of f_(公正性).2.Please p_ some salt to me.3.Please help me take good care of my cat w_ Im on vacation.4.We are here to o_a service for the public.5.Mary lives on the 10th f_ in the apartment.6.Many people dont like to depend on their parents.They hope to be i_.7.The room is in such a m_,Youd better tidy it.8.Dont put your clothes on the chair.F_ it and put it on the bed.9.My mother was badly i_ and we took her to the hospital.10.Could I i_my friends to a party?11.S_ you are available now,I need your help to finish making this card.12.Its important for us to d_ good learning habits.13.I t_ the ball to Linda,but she didnt catch it.14.Could you please p_ me the knife on the table?-OK.Here you are.15.Helen and I are next-door n_.We always go to school together.16.She feels upset because her i_ keeps her from doing any outdoor activities.17.It is not e_ to just learn from textbooks.You should learn more from your life.18.Now students are under a lot of s_ from both their studies and parents.19.That restaurant often p_ us with different kinds of delicious food so we always go there for dinner.20.Mary is very i_,because she began to do many things by herself when she was a little girl.四、根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)四、根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)1.对我们来说没有必要再买衣服了。There is no _ for us _ _ clothes any more.2.学生的工作是好好学习。Its students job _ _hard.3.获得我们班里的第一名还不够。Its not enough _ _ first place in our class.4.每个人都应该为保护地球贡献一份力量。Everyone should do t
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