-人教新目标版八年级下册《英语》Unit 5 单项选择专题训练(含答案及解析).docx

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1、Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 单项选择专题训练姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_单选题(共50题;共100分)1.My father fell down on the _ road and broke his leg. Sorry to hear that. We should be more careful in winter. A.cleanB.busyC.quietD.icy2.Your room is in a mess, David.Im sorry. Ill _ right now.A.pick upB.clean

2、 it upC.clean up itD.turn it up3.Tom didnt pass the exam. So he walked home _. A.in silenceB.in historyC.on silenceD.on history4.Why were you late for school yesterday?Because my alarm didnt _.A.go offB.go outC.singD.go over5.All the students were sweeping the floor _ they heard a man _ “help”.A.whe

3、n, shouting B.while , to shout C.when , to shout D.while , shouting6.Do you remember _ when the car accident happened?A.what you were doingB.what were you doingC.what you didD.what did you do7.I saw him in the library yesterday. He _ a book at that moment.A.readsB.is readingC.was readingD.will read8

4、.I met Li Lei_ hospital last Sunday. He was ill_ hospital then.A.in the, in theB.in, in theC.in the, inD.in, in9.Martin Luther King was killed _ April 4, 1986 _ American history.A.in; inB.on; onC.in; onD.on; in10.What were you doing at that time?I was in my room _ my homework.A.doB.to doC.didD.doing

5、11.What do you think of the film“Avatar”? Its fantastic. The only pity is that I _ the beginning of it A.missedB.was missingC.missD.will miss12.Bill,I planned to give you the card on Saturday, but I forgot A.completelyB.recentlyC.quietlyD.clearly13.Millie _ a picture when Mr. Green came in.A.drawB.w

6、ill drawC.drewD.was drawing14.When did the earthquake (地震) in Lushan happen?It happened _ 8:02 _ the morning of April 20, 2013.A.on, inB.at, inC.at, onD.on; on15.Sam came to visit me,I was cooking dinner in the kitchen A.WhileB.UntilC.AfterD.When16.My mother was cooking while I_ the radio.A.listened

7、 toB.have listened toC.was listening toD.is listening to17.After finding clostridium botulinum(肉毒杆菌), people _ that they must buy qualified milk powder(合格奶粉).A.guessedB.realizedC.imaginedD.Remembered18.Its very cold in HarbinSnowing in October is nothing there A.strangeB.usefulC.traditionalD.natural

8、19.Dale was very tired so that he lay down and quickly A.fell illB.stayed upC.got upD.fell asleep20.While my father was reading a newspaper, my mother a soap opera A.will watchB.was watchingC.watchesD.is watching21.Roberts parents were _ when they hear that Dr. King was killed. A.interestedB.boredC.

9、excitedD.shocked22.David was so excited at the good news that he could _ say a word.A.nearlyB.hardC.everD.hardly23. Tony goes to that restaurant on March 24 every year. Maybe it has meaning _ him. A.inB.fromC.toD.for24.It rains _. Im afraid I cant get to school on time. A.heavyB.heavilyC.deepD.deepl

10、y25.Mr. Green told us_ too much time_ reading novels.A.dont take; onB.not to take; inC.not to spend; onD.dont to spend; on26.Did Helen get news?Yes. I remember _ her.A.tellingB.to tellC.toldD.Tell27.Jane was not at home at that time and her parents werent A.tooB.eitherC.alsoD.neither28.What _ when t

11、he earthquake happened on May 12th.A.are you doing B.were you doing C.do you doD.did you do29.Its hot today.Thats right. It _ summer.A.looksB.sounds likeC.tastes likeD.feels like30. Were you eating dinner when the rainstorm came? _. I was reading a book about plants.A.Yes, I didB.No, I didntC.Yes, I

12、 wasD.No, I wasnt31.There is _ news about the movie star in the newspaper. Where can I get some?A.manyB.a fewC.a lotD.little32._ saying anything, she left home angrily _ some money.A.Without; withB.With; withoutC.Without; withoutD.With; with33.My sister doesnt like listening to pop music,because she

13、 has trouble .the words A.understandB.understandingC.spellD.spelling34.He likes to run before the sun _ in the morning. A.risesB.roseC.raisesD.raised35.I didnt see what was happening.I didnt, _.A.tooB.alsoC.eitherD.as well36.Did you have trouble _ the game?No. We have practiced _ it several times.A.

14、playing; doingB.to play, to doC.play, doingD.play; to doing37.When he saw a wallet on the ground, he _ at once.A.picked it upB.gave it upC.picked up itD.gave up it38. I called you yesterday. But you didnt _. Sorry. I went out with my parents.A.pick upB.cut upC.give outD.take out39.Bob arrived at the

15、 train station late he missed the early trainA.enough;toB.too;toC.such;thatD.so;that40.I remember my cup on the table,but I cant find it now A.to putB.to puttingC.puttingD.put41. Linda, I called you this morning, but nobody answered the phone.Im sorry. I _ football with my friends then.A.playB.playe

16、dC.am playingD.was playing42.When I walked past the park, I saw some old people _ tai ji chuan.A.doB.didC.doingD.are doing43.Li Na is _ famous _ all the tennis fans in China know her.A.too; toB.enough, toC.as, asD.so; that44.Stop _. She is practicing _ the piano.A.talk; playB.to talk; to playC.talki

17、ng; playingD.talked; played45.I was taking a shower _ the time of the rainstorm. A.onB.forC.atD.by46.Amy was reading a book _I came in.A.whenB.whileC.becauseD.though47. I heard the river kept _ near the town. Yes. So we had to leave.A.risingB.raisingC.roseD.raised48.Mr. Miller fell ill and went to h

18、ospitalAt that time he the importance of health A.imaginedB.wonderedC.realizedD.discussed49.Did the visitors watching the shows at the Jiuzhaigou Art & Culture Square expect an earthquake on the night of August 8, 2017? No, it all happened so _. A.suddenlyB.completelyC.clearlyD.certainly50. I didnt

19、see you at the meeting yesterday. Why? I _ for an important telephone call at that moment.A.waitB.waitedC.am waitingD.was waiting答案及解析1. D 句意:我的爸爸在滑的路上跌倒了摔断了他的腿。听到那个我很难过。我们应该在冬天更小心。A.干净的;B.忙的;C.安静的;D.滑的。根据句意可知是路滑才摔断了腿,故选D。 考查形容词辨析,注意识记其词义,理解句意。2. B 句意为很抱歉,我马上打扫。pick up 挑拣,学习;clean up 清理;turn up调大;根据

20、句意选择clean up,根据代词it可选B。3. A 句意: 汤姆没有通过考试。所以他默默地走回家。A默默地,B历史上,根据 walked home,可知是默默地回家,故选A。 考查短语辨析,注意in silence的用法。4. A A. go off 发出警报;B. go out出去;D. go over复习检查,本句句意为因为闹钟没有发出提醒,故选A。5. A 句意:当学生们听到有人在大喊救命的时候,都正在拖地板呢。第二个空个需要“hear sb.doing sth.”,意思是“听到某人正在干某事”。由此可排除B和C答案。因为shout都用了不定式形式。本题目有两个动作“拖地板”和“听见

21、有人喊救命”。第一个动作发生在第二个动作之前,根据“when从句的谓语动词可以在主句谓语动作之前、之后或同时发生;while和as从句的 谓语动作必须是和主句谓语动作同时发生。”这一规则,可以排除答案D。故正确答案为A。6. A 句意:你记得当车祸发生时,你在做什么吗?what引导的是宾语从句,其语序应该是陈述语序,故排除BD;when引导的时间状语从句用的是过去时,问的是当事故发生的时候,你在什么?当主句是一般现在时,从句的时态该用什么时态就用什么时态,不受主句的影响,故选A。7. C 根据时间状语at that moment可知本句时态为过去进行时,主语是he,故选C。8. C 句意:上周

22、日我在医院里遇见了李磊。那时候他正生病住院。不加定冠词的时候,表示在做与该名词的功能相关联的事情,那么“be in hospital”意思就是“生病住院”,与医院的功能相联系。同类的短语还有“be in bed”、“be at school”、“be at home”,意思分别是“在床上休息”、“在学校学习”、“在自己的家里”。如果在名词前面加上定冠词the,则成了“be in the be d”、“be in the hospital”、“be in the school”、“be at the home of ”。意思分别是“在医院里办其他的事情或者看望病人”、“在床上,但不是在休息”、“

23、除老师和学生之外的其他9. D 上”要与介词in搭配。故选D。10. D 根据题干问句可知本句为过去进行时态,答语应为过去进行时,故选D。11. A 句意:你觉得阿凡达这部电影怎么样?很不错的。唯一的遗憾是我错过了电影的开头。作者看这部电影的时间肯定是过去。故“错过电影的开头”这一动作必须是一般过去时态。故答案为missed。B答案是过去进行时态。C是动词原形,D答案是一般将来时态。故正确答案为A,是一般过去时态。12. A 句意:比尔,我打算星期六给你那张卡,但我完全忘了。A.完全地;B.最近地;C.安静地;D.清晰地。根据I planned to give you the card on

24、Saturday和but可知,后面他完全忘记了,没有给。故选A。考查副词辨析,注意理解副词意思,根据语境选择正确选项。13. D 本题考查句式be doing.when,根据从句可知时态为过去时,译为 Millie 正在画画时格林先生突然进来了,故选D。14. C 考查介词的用法,at+时间点;on +具体日期。故选 C。15. D 句意:当山姆来看我时,我正在厨房做晚饭。A.然而;B.直到;C.在之后;D.在时候。Sam came to visit me和I was cooking dinner in the kitchen是同时发生的事情,句子是时间状语从句,用when引导。故选D。考查连

25、词辨析,注意理解选项意思,理解句意。16. C 句意:我听收音机的时候,我妈妈正在做饭。A答案是动词的过去式,B答案是现在完成时态,D答案是现在进行时态。而本题主句和从句的动作是同时发生着的,根据“was cooking”可知本题是过去时态。从句的引导词是while,而且“listen to the radio”是延续性动作,故空格处的谓语动词应该用过去进行时态。由此可锁定正确答案为C。17. B 句意为在发现了肉毒杆菌之后,人们意识到必须购买合格的牛奶。A猜到,B意识到,C想象到,D 记得。故选B。18. A 句意:哈尔滨很冷。在那十月下雪不是奇怪的事情。A.奇怪的;B.有用的;C.传统的;

26、D.自然的。根据Its very cold in Harbin可知,哈尔滨很冷所以十月下雪并不奇怪。故选A。考查形容词辨析,注意理解选项意思和句意。19. D 句意:Dale很累了,他躺下来,很快睡着。A.生病;B.熬夜;C.起床;D.睡着。根据he lay down可知,他很快睡着了。故选D。考查短语辨析,注意理解短语意思,理解句意。20. B 句意:我父亲在看报纸时,我母亲在看肥皂剧。根据while,可知前后句的时态应该一致,用过去进行时was/were+ding sth。故选B。考查过去进行时was/were+ding sth的应用。21. D 句意: 当罗伯特的父母听说金博士被杀时,他

27、们非常震惊。A感兴趣的,B感到无聊的,C激动的,D震惊的,根据金博士被杀,可知这是令人震惊的,故选D。 考查形容词辨析,注意shocked的用法。22. D 句意为:大卫非常兴奋以至于说不出话来。本空缺少否定意义的副词。A几乎差不多,B形容词,困难的,C副词,曾经,D副词,几乎不,故选D。23. C 句意:托尼每年3月24日去那家餐馆。也许它对他有意义。have meaning to sb,固定搭配,对某人有意义,故此处是介词to , 故选C。 考查固定搭配,注意have meaning to sb的用法。24. B 句意:雨下大了。 我恐怕不能按时到学校了。 A.重的;B.严重地,大量地;C

28、.深的;D.深深地。修饰动词需要副词,形容雨下得大应该用heavily,故选B。 考查词性辨析和副词修饰动词。注意理解单词词义,理解句意。25. C 句意:格林先生告诉我们不要把太多的时间花在读小说上。本题目有两个短语动词,“tell sb. not to do sth.”和“spend time (on) doing sth.”,意思分别是“告诉某人不要去做某事”和“在(做)某事上花费时间”。据此可推断出正确答案为C。26. A remember doing something记得做过什么,remember to do something记得去做某事,本句句意为我记得告诉过他,故选A。27.

29、 B 句意:那时简不在家,她的父母也不在家。否定句的末尾,表示”也“的意思,用either。故选B。考查副词辨析,注意区分选项的意思,理解句意。28. B 句意:当5月12日地震发生时,你正在干什么?A答案是现在进行时态,C答案是一般现在时态,D答案是一般过去时态。根据题干里的“happened”可知,本题是过去时态的句子,故正确答案为B,用过去进行时态。29. D 本句句意为感觉天气像夏天,本空考查感官动词,主语为it,指天气,可选feel主动表被动,主语为第三人称,可选D。30. D 句意: 暴风雨来的时候你正在吃饭吗? 不,我不是。 我正在读一本关于植物的书。根据 I was readi

30、ng a book about plants. 可知,此处应该是否定回答,排除A和C;根据问句中含有系动词,所以回答也应该用系动词,故选D。 考查一般疑问句的回答和情景交际。注意一般疑问句的回答,注意根据语境选择正确的答案。31. D 句意为报纸中几乎没有电影明星的消息,本空修饰不可数名词news,A,B修饰可数名词,C选项错误,故选D。32. A 句意:她什么也没有说,带着一些钱就生气地离开了家。介词with(表示肯定意义)“带着”;without(表示否定意义)“没带着”,第二个空后面用some,表示肯定,用 with,根据句意故选A。33. B 句意:我妹妹不喜欢听流行音乐,因为她在理解

31、歌词上有些困难。在有困难用固定短语have trouble (in)doing。根据My sister doesnt like listening to pop music可知,是因为不理解歌词所以不喜欢听,理解用understand。故选B。考查固定搭配和动词辨析,注意理解选项意思和固定搭配have trouble (in)doing的用法。34. A 句意: 他喜欢早上在太阳升起前跑步。此处没有宾语,故应是不及物动词,rise是不及物动词,raise是及物动词,描述客观事实用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数sun,故谓语动词是单三式rises , 故选A。 考查动词辨析,一般现在时。35. C 句意是:我没有看见发生了什么。我也没有。also用在句中(一般放在be动词和助动词之后,行为动词之前)。too 多用于口语,位于句未或句中,只用于肯定句,其前常有逗号,否定句为either。as well 用于肯定句,通常位于句中或句尾。故选C。36. A have trouble (in) doing something做某事有困难,practice doing something练习做某事。根据句意你玩游戏有困难吗?没有,我们已经练习过很多次了,判断选A。37. A


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