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1、八下Unit8 知识点1. 中考之现在完成时(1)定义:过去的动作对现在的影响过去的动作或状态一直持续到现在,有可能还会持续下去 (2)结构: 肯定:have/has done否定:havent /hasnt done一般疑问:have/has+主语done-Yes,主语have/hasNo,主语 havent /hasnt(3) 常见的标志词: already(已经)、just(刚刚)、ever(曾经)、never(从不)、before(以前)、yet(仍然)、since+过去时间:(自从)、for+一段时间(:持续)so far(到目前为止)、recently(最近)in the past

2、 few years(在过去的几年里)(4)考向一:不规则动词小小纸考向二already与yet:already放在肯定句的句中 yet放在否定和疑问句的句末already与yet在同义句中转化(必考) 例1:肯定:I have already had breakfast 我已经吃过早饭了否定:I havent had breakfast yet 我还没吃早饭例 2:否定:I havent done my homework yet 我还没有做作业肯定:I have already done my homework 我已经做完作业了例3:-Has your sister finished rea

3、ding it yet?你姐读完了吗?-Yes , she has already finished it 是的,她已经读完 考向三:have/has been+介词:have/has been to 曾经去过某地(回来了)可与never 、ever 、just、 twice 等副词连用例1:He has been to Germany 3 times 他去过德国三次了have/has gone to 去了某地(没回来)例2:She is not here, she has gone to France她不在这儿,她去法国了have/has been in/at+地点for+一段时间:在某地一

4、直待了多长时间例3:He has been in Australia for half a year他在澳洲待了半年了have/has been here/there/home去过这儿/那儿/家里例4:-Have you ever been there?你去过那儿吗?-No I have never been there before不,我之前没去过have/has been in+组织:加入某组织(是某组织的成员)例5:He has been in the army for 3 years他参军三年了have/has been+形容词(或名词)呈现状态 例6:The shop has bee

5、n open for ten years这家店营业十年了例7:We have been friends since we were five我们从五岁起就一直是朋友考向四:since与forsince+过去时间点(如年、月、日、几点)since 5 oclock自从5点起 since1983自从1983年起since+一段时间+ago=for+一段时间since three months ago自从三个月前=for three months例:I havent changed since 20 years ago.=I havent changed for 20 years我已经二十年没变了s

6、ince一般过去的从句 since you left home自从你离开家后It is+一段时间+since一般过去时的从句例:It is five years since I came here我来这儿五年了for一段时间例句:-Did you see Mr.Huo yesterday? -你昨天看见霍老师了吗?-No, I havent seen him for a long time -没,我很长时间没看见他了 How long提问since+过去时间和for一段时间例:-How long have you lived in Zhangqiu?你在章丘住了多久了?- I have liv

7、ed here since I found a job -自从我找到工作就一直住在这儿考向五:现在完成时与一般过去式的转变例:I have kept the book for five days.= I borrowed the book five days ago我五天前借的这本书考向六:瞬间动词与延续性动词 buy购买-have拥有 finish结束-be over结束borrow借-keep保留 put on穿上-wear穿着come来 go去 become变成-be在、是 die死 -be dead死了的fall ill生病-be ill病了的join the Party入党-be a

8、 Party member是一个党员lose丢失-not have没有go to school去上学- be a student是一名学生(或者be in school在学校中)(11) leave离开-be away远离的)12) fall asleep睡着-be asleep睡着的(13) close关闭-be closed关闭的(14) make friends交朋友-be friends是朋友(15) get up起床- be up起来的(16) join the army参军-be a soldier是一名军人(或: be in the army在部队中服役)(17) catch a

9、 cold感冒-have a cold感冒(18) arrive/reach到达- be in/ at是在(19) begin/start开始-be on是开始的(在上映)2. 中考之询问某人的看法 Whats sb/sth like?某人某物体咋样? 同义句:How do you like sth /sb?= What do you think of sth /sb? What does/do sb look like?某人长啥模样?例1:-Whats Mr. Huo like?霍老师咋样? -Hes quiet and a little shy. 他安静且有些羞涩例2:You cant i

10、magine what the world will be like in 100 years?你无法想象100年后的世界将是什么样子的?3. 中考之full / fill full满满的(形容词) fill装满(动词)be full of装满的 fill A with B用b装满abe filled with B:用b装满了例句:Q is a classic. Its about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasure.Q是一部名著,它是关于一个男孩出海,并发现了一个满是宝藏的岛屿的故事(注:full of

11、 treasure充满宝藏的(定语后置修饰前面的island)注:a boy 是先行词,who 引起的句子做boy的后置定语)例2:The basket is full of flowers.=The basket is filled with flowers篮子里装满了花4. 中考之grow up grow-grew-grown成长 grow up长大例句:Its about 4 sisters growing up.= Its about the growing up of 4 sisters它是关于四个姐妹的成长的故事5. 中考之put down put down写下来,放下=write

12、 down= take downcant put sth down对某物爱不释手put away收好 put off推迟put on穿上 put up张贴,搭建,举起put back放回 put out熄灭 put into输入例1:We cant put off making a plan.我们不能推迟制定计划。(注:put off doing sth推迟干某事)例2:Im making some signs to put up around the school. 我正在制作一些标语来张贴在学校周围。例3:It was really good, so I couldnt put it do

13、wn 它真的很好,所以我对它爱不释手6. 中考之hurry uphurry up赶快,急忙 hurry to+地点:匆忙去某地hurry off= hurry away 匆忙离去in a hurry 匆匆忙忙hurry to do sth=go to do sth in a hurry匆忙去做某事 例1:You should hurry up. The book report is due in 2 weeks你应该快点,读书报告两周后必须交(注意: be due to do sth预定去干某事=be due for sth in two weeks 两周之后)例2:He hurried to

14、 watch the match after supper =He went to watch the match in a hurry after supper. 晚饭之后,他匆忙去看比赛 7. 中考之Learn learn to do sth 学会去做某事 learn from向学习 learn English by oneself=teach oneself English 自学英语 learn about(或of) 了解到, 获悉例句: Im even learning to grow fruit and vegetables.我甚至是在学习种植水果和蔬菜。8. 中考之mark (1)

15、 mark 记号(名词) 分数 (名词)做记号,打分数(动词) (2) sign(共场所的)标志(名词) (3) symbol象征(名词)例1:A few weeks ago,I found the marks of another mans feet on the sand. 几周前,我在沙滩上发现了另一个人的足迹 (注意: on the sand在沙滩上)例2: He marked the important sentences with a red pen , so he got full marks in English. 他用一支红笔标出了重要的句子,所以他的英语得了满分。9. 中考

16、之else else:其他另外(副词)常放在who, whose what, when where等疑问词之后who else还有谁 what else还有什么 else还可以放在不定代词之后,不定副词之后 someone else其他人 nothing else没什么东西somewhere else别处other+名词复数= others 例1:Who else is on my island? 还有谁在我的岛上?例2:Mr. Huo has nothing else to do today. 霍老师今天没有别的事情要做。例3:Im going to take you somewhere e

17、lse.我打算带你去到别处例4:What other things do you want?=What else do you want?你还想要其他什么东西?10. 中考之other onethe other :二者范围内,一者另一者复数:somethe others(或者:somethe other+复数名词)another+单数:另一,再一 any other+单数:其他的 another 2 days=2 more days=2 other days someothers= someother+复数名词:一些另一些 例句:One of them died but the other r

18、an towards my house. 其中一个人死了,但另外一个人朝我房子跑过来 (注意:towards朝,向,介词 walk towards走向)11. 中考之land land 陆地 土地(名词) by land经由陆路 着陆(动词) 反义词:take off起飞词组1:A piece of land in the middle of the sea 在海中央的一块陆地(注意:on land 在陆地上 in the water 在水中)例句:The plane landed safely飞机安全着陆了。12. 中考之cant wait to do sthcant wait to do

19、sth迫不及待地干某事 cant help doing sth情不自禁地干某事(忍不住干某事)cant stand doing sth 不能容忍干某事cant stop doing sth不能停止干某事例1:Every time she is in the library, she looks at the many books she hasnt read yet and she cant wait to read them. 每次在图书馆,他看着许多他还未读过的书,就迫不及待的想读他们 (注意:cant wait to do sth迫不及待地干某事 wait for sb等待某人)例2:H

20、e cant wait to arrived on the island.他迫不及待地登上了岛。 13. 中考之fight (1)fight: fight fought-fought打架(动词)打架(名词)(2)get into a fight with sb=have a fight with sb =fight with sb与某人打架(3) fight over=fight about为争吵例1:I got into a fight with my best friend. 我和我最好的朋友打了一架例2:When she was a teenager, she used to fight

21、 over almost everything with her family.当他年少时,他几乎每一件事情都要与她的家人争吵。14. 中考之abroad abroad在国外(副词) at home and abroad在国内外study abroad =go abroad for( to)study出国留学 例句:But 5 years ago, while she was studying abroad in England. She heard a song full of feelings about returning home on the radio. 但是5年前, 当他在英国留

22、学时,他在收音机里听到一首充满感情的有关回家的歌曲。(注意:on the radio通过收音机on TV通过电视 on the phone通过电话on the computer通过电脑on the Internet=through the Internet通过因特网) 15. 中考之make make it +形容词(for sb) to do sth 使(某人)做某事儿成为样的 make it possible (for sb) to do sth使(某人)做某事儿成为可能的 find it +形容词(for sb)to do sth发现做某事是的make a difference to对有

23、影响make no difference to对无影响make sb do sth让某人干某事 be made to do sth被让干某事 be made of由制成(能看出原材料) be made from 由制成(看不出原材料)be made in+地点:某地制造(9)make a mistake犯错 be made by sb由某人制造 (11)make money赚钱 (12)make the bed铺床 (13)make a decision 下定决心(14)make friends with sb 与某人交朋友 (15)make sure 确信 (16)make fun of取笑

24、(17)make sb do sth让某人干某事 (18)make sb/sth+形容词让某人某物处于状态例1:You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky有了你的帮助,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”例2:I find it difficult to talk to you我发现跟你说话很难例3:Lucky makes a big difference to my life“幸运儿”对我的生活产生巨大的影响例4:It made her think about her family and friends back in the US它使她想起

25、了她在美国的家人和朋友(注意:think back回想)16. 中考之come to come to do sth: 来做某事儿 (事情)逐渐(=begin to do sth= get to do sth)例句:She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them. 他逐渐意识到,事实上,她是多么想念他们所有的人(actually= in fact事实上)17. 中考之ever since ever since = since自从(现在完成时标志词,后加过去式)例1:Ever since then, she has been

26、 a fan of American country music. 自从那时起,她就是一名乡村音乐迷了。(注意:a fan offans of迷 a soccer fan=a fan of soccer一个足球迷 )例2:Mr.Huo has lived in Beijing ever since he came to China. 自从霍老师来到中国,他就住在北京 18. 中考之东西南北 east-eastern东边-东边的 west-western西边-西边的south-southern南-南边的 north-northern北边-北边的 southeast -southeastern东南

27、-东南的 southwest-southwestern西南-西南的 northeast- northeastern东北-东北的 northwest-northwestern西北-西北的 in the east of 在的东边 in the northwest of 在西北方 例句:Country music is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America.乡村音乐是来自美国南部几个州的传统类型的音乐19. 中考之such as for example: 例如(一个例子,后面有逗号)such as例如(多个例子

28、,前有逗号) 例1:Many songs these days are just about modern life in the US, such as the importance of money and success but not about belonging to a group现在,许多歌曲只是关于美国现代生活的,比如金钱和成功的重要性,而不是有关归属感的,(注意,belong to属于,没有被动语态,没有进行时态)例2:This dictionary belongs to me=This dictionary is mine这本词典是我的20. 中考之one another

29、 one another =each other互相彼此 one anothers= each others互相的,彼此的 one after another=one by one一个接一个的例句:However, country music brings us back to the good old days when people were kind to each other and trusted one another.然而,乡村音乐带我们回到过去的美好时光,那时人们互相善待,彼此信任(注意: bringback to把带回到bring it back把它带回 bring back

30、 the computer=bring the computer back把电脑带回the good old days过去的美好时光 be kind to=be friendly to =be good to对友好的)21. 中考之laughter laugh大笑(动词) laugh at sb嘲笑某人laughter笑声(名词)例句:The room is full of laughter but why are they laughing so happily?屋子里充满了笑声,但是他们为什么笑得如此开心呀!22. 中考之have/ has been to have/ has been t

31、o+地点:去过某地(现在回来了)have/ has gone to+地点:去了某地(现在没回来)例1:I have been to Beijing Zoo 我去过北京动物园例2:I have gone to Beijing Zoo 我去了北京动物园例3:He hasnt been there before 他之前没去过那里例4:He hasnt gone there 他没去那儿 例5:Mr. Huo hasnt been to Germany but it is his dream to go there one day 霍老师还没去过德国,但是, 他梦想将来有一天能去那里。23. 中考之re

32、cord record 录制(动词) 唱片(名词)例1:Hes sold more than 120 million records. = The number of records hes sold is more than 120 million他的唱片销量已经达到了1.2亿张(注意:hes=he has more than=over超过的数量the number of的数字(整体单数) a number of大量的(整体复数) )例2:When did Mr. Huo record the new song?霍老师什么时候录制的这首新歌呀?24. 中考之hope/ wish hope t

33、o do sth希望去干某事某人hope that+句子:某人希望wish (sb) to do sth希望某人去干某事某人wish that +句子:某人希望wish+名词或形容词 :希望wish you happy希望你开心wish you a pleasant journey希望你旅途愉快wish you a happy new year希望你新年快乐!例句:I hope to see him sing live one day 我希望有一天能在现场听他唱歌(注意:live现场直播的a live snake 一条活生生的蛇 live a peaceful life 过一个平和的生活)25

34、. 中考之famous famous=well-known 著名的(形容词)be famous as+身份: 作为而出名 be famous for因而出名be famous in+地点:在地方出名 be famous to+人:被所熟知例1:Mr. Huo is famous as an actor 霍老师作为一个演员很出名例2:Mr. Huo is famous for his language points. 霍老师因他的知识点而出名例3:Mr. Huo is famous in Zhangqiu.霍老师在章丘很出名例4:The programme is famous to many y

35、oung people 许多年轻人熟悉这档节目26. 中考之introduce introduce 介绍(动词) introduction 介绍(名词)introduce A to B : 把A介绍给Bintroduce oneself to sb 向某人做自我介绍introduce into引进传入a letter of introduction一封介绍信例句:Have you introduced this stranger to others?你把这个陌生人介绍给他人了吗?27. 中考之look good 某物look(s) good on 某人:某物穿在某人身上很好看某人look(s)

36、 good in 某物: 某人穿某物很好看例句:This suit looks good on Mr. Huo. 这件外套穿在霍老师身上很好看=Mr. Huo looks good in this suit28. 中考之必背词组句子 Signs left behind by someone or something某人或某物留下的记号A is one of the most successful musicians in American history. A 是美国历史上最成功的音乐人之一She is interested in science and technologyand loves

37、 to imagine what the world will be like in 50 years.她对科技感兴趣,并喜欢想象50年后世界将会是什么样子的。 the first line in the book书的第一行 the last two lines of the poem 诗歌的最后两行 on line在线的 stand/wait in line站成一行 on the island在岛屿上 I saw him trying to kill the two men from the broken ship. 我看到他正试图杀掉从破船上来的两个男人 Have you decided yet which book to write about for English class?你还没决定在英语课上写关于哪本书的读书报告吗?Although I have lost everything, I havent lost my life. 尽管我失去了一切,但我没有丧命。


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