-外研版七年级下册《英语》Module 12 Western music 名校培优拔高 检测题(含听力音频+听力材料+师生版).rar

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外研版七年级英语下册外研版七年级英语下册 Module 12 名校培优拔高名校培优拔高 检测题检测题时间:120 分钟满分:120 分班级:_姓名:_听力部分听力部分(共共 30 分分)一、听句子,选画面。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)1_ _2._ _3._ _4._ _5._ _二、听句子,选答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)()6.AYes,we do.BYes,we can.CYes,we like.()7.A.Im a doctor.BIm from China.CI have a new car.()8.A.By shaking hands.BBy looking at the others eyes.CWave our hands.()9.A.I wont.BYes,we do.CThats boring.()10.A.In Britain.BIn Australia.CIn Beijing.三、对话理解。每段对话读两遍。(10 分)听五段短对话,选择最佳答案。()11.When will the orchestra start to play?AAt 7:30.BAt 8:00.CAt 8:30.()12.What is the boy good at?APlaying the guitar.BPlaying the piano.CPlaying the drum.()13.What are they talking about?AMusic.BA city.CA composer.()14.What kind of music does the man like?ARock music.BClassical music.CPop music.()15.How many fans of pop music are there in the mans class?AThirteen.BTwenty.CThirtyfive.听第一段长对话,回答第 1617 小题。()16.What kind of music does Jack like best?AJazz.BPop music.CRock music.()17.What kind of musical instrument is Jack good at playing?AThe guitar.BThe drum.CThe trumpet.听第二段长对话,回答第 1820 小题。()18.Who went to the concert last night?AThe woman and the man.BThe man and his family.CThe woman and her family.()19.What did the woman think of the concert?ASoso.BWonderful.CBoring.()20.What was the concert held for?AFor the children who lost their parents.BFor people who lost their eyesight.CFor the poor people who lost their houses.四、短文理解。短文读两遍。(5 分)()21.What does Lang Lang do?AA singer.BA pianist.CA violinist.()22.When was Lang Lang born?AIn 1982.BIn 1987.CIn 1995.()23.When did Lang Lang take part in a lot of piano competitions?ABetween 1987 and 1995.BIn 1987.CIn 1995.()24.Why did Lang Lang go to America?ATo make money.BTo travel.CTo continue his study.()25.Why did Lang Lang go to the White House in 2005?ABecause he would go to take part in the piano competition.BBecause he had to go there to continue his study.CBecause he was invited to give a concert there.五、听短文,填信息。短文读两遍。(5 分)When we talk about body 26._ _,we always discuss the basic head movements,for example,head nod and head 27._ _.In most countries,head nod means“yes”and head shake means“no”In 28._ _,we did so,too.But when you go to Albania,you will make mistakes.The people in Albania use head nod to express“yes”and use head shake to express“no”Besides Albania,29._ often shake their heads to show“yes”,too.Can you believe it?So 30._ _,when you are in Rome,do as the Romans do.笔试部分笔试部分(90 分分)六、单项选择。(共 10 分)()31.Madrid is _ capital of Spain,and its in _ centre of the country.Aa;a Bthe;/Cthe;the D/;the()32.Lily has a sweet _Listen!She is singing in the next room.Asound Bnoise Cvoice Dlook()33.We went _ a stone door into the courtyard(院子).Across Bacross Cup Dthrough()34.I decide _ a house _ a beautiful garden.Abuy;for Bto buy;with Cbuying;for Dbought;with()35.Would you like _ drink?No,thank you.Im enough.Anext Banother Celse Dother()36.What do you think of the two backpacks?_ of them are very nice.AEither BBoth CNone DAll()37._ find day it is!Lets go and fly a kite.AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a()38.The box is _ heavy.The little boy cant move it at all.Atoo much Btoo many Cmuch too Dvery much()39.Mr Wang knows Canada very well,doesnt he?_He often goes there.ANo,he doesnt BYes,he isCNo,he isnt DYes,he does()40.Jay Chou is going to give a concert in our city._!ABest wishes to you BYoure welcomeCI cant believe it DExcuse me七、完形填空。(共 10 分)Do you like playing the piano?Now there is a _41_ in Sydney called Play Me,Im Yours.People can _42_the piano in many places for free(免费).In addition to(除之外)letting people enjoy beautiful music,the programme _43_ helps them communicate(交流)with each other better.People have placed thirty pianos in _44_ parts of the city.People can _45_ the words“Play Me,Im Yours”on each piano.People can play music _46_ sing songs to the pianos.Many people stop to _47_ or play happily.Now lots of people are _48_ in front of computers and busy with their work all day and they have no time to enjoy _49_ So the programme is to help them relax and make _50_friends.()41.A.talk Bsubject Cfilm Dprogramme()42.A.make Bbuy Csee Dplay()43.A.too Balso Cnever Donly()44.A.different Bdifficult Ceasy Dnear()45.A.wash Bdraw Csee Dclean()46.A.so Bbut Cor Djust()47.A.watch Bcook Cwrite Dsweep()48.A.playing Bwaiting Csleeping Dsitting()49.A.games Bmeals Cmusic Dfilms()50.A.old Bnew Cstrong Dyoung八、阅读理解。(5155 每题 1 分;5670 每题 2 分;共 35 分)A Helen Keller was a bright and beautiful girl.At the age of six months she could already say a few words.But before she was two years old,she was badly ill.She could not see or hear,and soon she could not even talk.When she was six,her parents invited a teacher for her.With the help of the teacher,she began to see and hear the world around her through her hands.She learned to read the books for the blind(盲人).The teacher took Helen for long walks,and told about all the beautiful things.Helen tried to learn.She also learned how to swim and ride a horse.After she grew up,she became a famous writer in America.Her first and famous book is The Story of My Life.Her story encouraged(鼓励)many blind and deaf people.判断正误,正确填 T,错误填 F。()51.Helen Keller could already say a few words at the age of six years old.()52.Helen couldnt see or hear later because she was badly ill.()53.Helen could begin to see and hear around her with the help of parents.()54.After she grew up,Helen became a famous writer.()55.Helens story encouraged those people in darkness.B Mozart was born on January 27,1756 and died on December 5,1791.When he was three,he often had music lessons with his elder sister.His father took him around many different countries,where he played music for lots of people.But some people didnt believe that a little boy could write such beautiful music.They asked him to stay in a room all by himself for a week and somebody watched the room all the time.In a week,he finished a new piece of music.After that,people believed that he could write beautiful music.Mozart died when he was still a young man.During his short life he studied music,taught music,played music and wrote music.Even by working so hard,he couldnt make much money.Often he had to borrow money from his friends.But his music made him happy and for more than two hundred years his music has made other people happy,too.()56.When he was _,Mozart took music lessons with his elder sister.Athree Bfive Cyoung Dborn()57.Some people _ that the little boy could write music until he finished a new piece a week later.Abelieved Bdidnt believeCknew Dgot to know()58.Mozart lived _Along time Ba long lifeCa short life Da long time()59.Mozart was famous,but he was _Arich Bpoor Chappy Dhard()60.His music made _ happy.Anobody Bonly himCother people Dboth him and other peopleC Every country has its favourite food.Italians like to eat pizza.Indians like to eat hot food.Japanese like to eat fish.In England,one of the most popular kinds of foods is fish and chips.People usually buy it in a fish and chips shop.They put it in paper bags,and take it home or to their work places.Sometimes they eat it in the park or on the road.The worlds favourite food is American fast food.If you go to some big cities in the world,you can find people eating hamburgers and chips.Fish and chips is very popular in England.But it is less popular in the USA.Americans eat takeaway food,too,like chicken.But the most popular kind of takeaway food is the hamburger.The hamburger is two pieces of bread with meat in it.Hamburgers are delicious.Theyre also popular in England and Australia.()61.Italians like to eat _Adumplings Bpizza Chot food Dfish()62.Fish and chips are very popular in _AEngland BAustralia Cthe USA DCanada()63.The _ is the most popular kind of takeaway food in the USA.Apizza BhamburgerCfish and chips Dchicken()64.Which of the following is NOT true?AAmerican fast food is popular in the world.BHamburger is a kind of food.CBoth Italians and Indians like eating hot food.DJapanese like eating fish.()65.You can most probably find this passage in a _Astory Bdictionary Cnewspaper DletterD Two years ago,Janna lost her father.She was very sad.In her blog,she wrote about how her father gave up everything for his family.“Hes 52.He never went to Europe,Africa or California.He always wanted to make his dream of touring the world come_true”Janna said she almost lost the hope to live.“I seemed to have alla great job,a comfortable apartment,a kind boyfriend,and so on,”she wrote.However,she was deeply down all the time.But one day,she decided to come back to her common life.In order to finish her fathers travel dream to Europe(欧洲),she made a cardboard cutout of her father(纸板爸爸).Then she bought a oneway ticket to Iceland,sold most of her clothes and left her job.“I left everything in New York City to travel the world for the first time with the cardboard cutout of my dad,”she said.“To share his story,and to help bring peace to my mother,my 22yearold brother,my 9yearold sister,and myself,I took him with me all over Europe.”She said she hoped her travel would encourage(鼓励)others to follow their dreams and enjoy the time with their family.()66.What did Janna travel to Europe for?AIn order to finish her fathers dream.BIn order to finish her own dream.CIn order to visit her boyfriend.DIn order to live with her mother.()67.Whats the meaning of“come true”in the passage?A成长 B放弃 C破灭 D实现()68.Why did the girl lose the hope to live?ABecause she couldnt have a great job.BBecause her father couldnt come back to life.CBecause her father traveled to Europe.DBecause she couldnt travel to Europe.()69.How old was Jannas sister when their father died?A7.B8.C9.D10.()70.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AJanna traveled around the world with her father.BJannas father ever went to Africa,but not Europe.CJanna loved her father and her family.DJanna thought people should travel with their fathers.九、补全对话。(共 5 分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有一项多余。A:Hi,Tony!What are you doing here?B:Hi Judy!71._ _A:Travelling?72._ _B:Yes.Summer is the best time for travel and Id like to stay in a cool place.A:Thatll be great!Have you decided where to go?B:Not yet.Any suggestions?A:73._ _Its quite cool and the food there is also special.B:74._ _ Thank you.Whats your plan for the vacation?A:75._ _Ill help my father with his business.AI will stay at home.BHow about Dalian?CAre you planning for your summer vacation?DIm making a travelling plan.EThats a great idea.十、综合填空。(共 15 分)(一)选词填空。enjoy,include,music,watch,takeEvery year,the Vienna New Years Concert 76._ _place on 1st January.It is a classical 77._ _ concert and it always 78._ _pieces of music by the Strauss family.People all over the world 79._ _it on TV and 80._ _the music.(二)单词拼写,每空一词。81Hes one of the famous _ _ (音乐家).82She is my _ _(成长的)sister,and she often looks after me.83Hes a _ _(作曲家)of pop music.I like his music a lot.84I _ _(相信)that you can do it very well.85I want to know more about _ _(现代的)history.86He told a very l _ _story about his life in Africa.87Its too n_ _ here.Lets go somewhere quiet.88He knows a lot about W_ _ culture.89Can you play the v_ _?90They want to watch the Beijing O_ _十一、书面表达。(共 15 分)91假如你是李明,你的三位朋友分别喜欢不同的音乐,请根据下面表格中的内容写一篇 60 词左右的英语短文。NameFavourite musicFavourite musicianReasonPeterPop musicLeehom Wangmake people relaxedLindaChinese classicalmusicLang Langplay the piano bestTimRock musicCui Jianmake people excited_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _外研版七年级英语下册外研版七年级英语下册 Module 12 名校培优拔高名校培优拔高 检测题检测题时间:120 分钟满分:120 分班级:_姓名:_听力部分听力部分(共共 30 分分)一、听句子,选画面。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)1_D_2._E_3._A_4._B_5._C_二、听句子,选答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)(A)6.AYes,we do.BYes,we can.CYes,we like.(B)7.A.Im a doctor.BIm from China.CI have a new car.(C)8.A.By shaking hands.BBy looking at the others eyes.CWave our hands.(A)9.A.I wont.BYes,we do.CThats boring.(B)10.A.In Britain.BIn Australia.CIn Beijing.三、对话理解。每段对话读两遍。(10 分)听五段短对话,选择最佳答案。(B)11.When will the orchestra start to play?AAt 7:30.BAt 8:00.CAt 8:30.(C)12.What is the boy good at?APlaying the guitar.BPlaying the piano.CPlaying the drum.(C)13.What are they talking about?AMusic.BA city.CA composer.(C)14.What kind of music does the man like?ARock music.BClassical music.CPop music.(B)15.How many fans of pop music are there in the mans class?AThirteen.BTwenty.CThirtyfive.听第一段长对话,回答第 1617 小题。(A)16.What kind of music does Jack like best?AJazz.BPop music.CRock music.(C)17.What kind of musical instrument is Jack good at playing?AThe guitar.BThe drum.CThe trumpet.听第二段长对话,回答第 1820 小题。(C)18.Who went to the concert last night?AThe woman and the man.BThe man and his family.CThe woman and her family.(B)19.What did the woman think of the concert?ASoso.BWonderful.CBoring.(C)20.What was the concert held for?AFor the children who lost their parents.BFor people who lost their eyesight.CFor the poor people who lost their houses.四、短文理解。短文读两遍。(5 分)(B)21.What does Lang Lang do?AA singer.BA pianist.CA violinist.(A)22.When was Lang Lang born?AIn 1982.BIn 1987.CIn 1995.(A)23.When did Lang Lang take part in a lot of piano competitions?ABetween 1987 and 1995.BIn 1987.CIn 1995.(C)24.Why did Lang Lang go to America?ATo make money.BTo travel.CTo continue his study.(C)25.Why did Lang Lang go to the White House in 2005?ABecause he would go to take part in the piano competition.BBecause he had to go there to continue his study.CBecause he was invited to give a concert there.五、听短文,填信息。短文读两遍。(5 分)When we talk about body 26._language_,we always discuss the basic head movements,for example,head nod and head 27._shake_.In most countries,head nod means“yes”and head shake means“no”In 28._China_,we did so,too.But when you go to Albania,you will make mistakes.The people in Albania use head nod to express“yes”and use head shake to express“no”Besides Albania,29._Indians_ often shake their heads to show“yes”,too.Can you believe it?So 30._remember_,when you are in Rome,do as the Romans do.笔试部分(90 分)六、单项选择。(共 10 分)(C)31.Madrid is _ capital of Spain,and its in _ centre of the country.Aa;a Bthe;/Cthe;the D/;the(C)32.Lily has a sweet _Listen!She is singing in the next room.Asound Bnoise Cvoice Dlook(D)33.We went _ a stone door into the courtyard(院子).Across Bacross Cup Dthrough(B)34.I decide _ a house _ a beautiful garden.Abuy;for Bto buy;with Cbuying;for Dbought;with(B)35.Would you like _ drink?No,thank you.Im enough.Anext Banother Celse Dother(B)36.What do you think of the two backpacks?_ of them are very nice.AEither BBoth CNone DAll(B)37._ find day it is!Lets go and fly a kite.AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a(C)38.The box is _ heavy.The little boy cant move it at all.Atoo much Btoo many Cmuch too Dvery much(D)39.Mr Wang knows Canada very well,doesnt he?_He often goes there.ANo,he doesnt BYes,he isCNo,he isnt DYes,he does(C)40.Jay Chou is going to give a concert in our city._!ABest wishes to you BYoure welcomeCI cant believe it DExcuse me七、完形填空。(共 10 分)Do you like playing the piano?Now there is a _41_ in Sydney called Play Me,Im Yours.People can _42_the piano in many places for free(免费).In addition to(除之外)letting people enjoy beautiful music,the programme
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