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1、湖南省株洲市二中学年2022-2023高一上学期期中线上测试英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Monthly subscription educational boxes for students can be a great way to develop an interest in a particular subject. If you want to learn something at home while having fun, you can have educational boxes delivered monthly straight to your ho

2、use.Spangler BoxesThe Spangler boxes feature a range of hands-on scientific experiments designed by Steve Spangler, who previously hosted a popular science education program on News for Kids. Projects focus on STEM-science, technology, engineering, and math. Examples of projects include exploring la

3、va (岩浆) science, the sound waves, and physical laws.Finders Seekers BoxesAfter receiving a Finders Seekers box, youll explore characters of a new city and culture every month while solving puzzles. Think of Finders Seekers as an escape room challenge that takes place in your living room. Clues and o

4、nline research tools are available to help in case you get stuck solving the mystery. Each puzzle takes approximately two to four hours to complete.Creation BoxesCreation teaches students electronics, digital tips and high-level problem- solving. Each box teaches a lesson and is progressively more c

5、hallenging. A sampling of the projects includes a mood lamp, an electronic memory game, and a distance detector using an ultrasonic sensor (超声传感器).Kiwi Doodle BoxesKiwi Doodle Boxes are among the most popular boxes on the market. They feature a variety of themes customized to students aged from 8 to

6、 18. Doodle focuses on art and design with projects such as a felt botanic garden, an artificial leather sample set, and handmade soap. Doodle projects introduce students to new crafting materials and techniques and all craft supplies are included in the box.1What did Steve Spangler use to be?AA sci

7、entist.BAn educator.CA TV host.DAn engineer.2Which of the following is included in Finders Seekers Boxes?AFeatures of cities.BOnline instructions.CHistorical mysteries.DEscape room challenges.3If you are interested in handicraft art, which box would you subscribe?ACreation Boxes.BSpangler Science Bo

8、xes.CFinders Seekers Boxes.DKiwi Doodle Boxes.Fifteen years ago, I took a summer vacation in Lecce in southern Italy. After climbing up a hill for a panoramic (全景的) view of the blue sea, white buildings and green olive trees, I paused to catch my breath and then positioned myself to take the best ph

9、oto of this panorama.Unfortunately, just as I took out my camera, a woman approached from behind, and planted herself right in front of my view. Like me, this woman was here to stop, sigh and appreciate the view.Patient as I was, after about 15 minutes, my camera scanning the sun and reviewing the s

10、hot I would eventually take, I grew frustrated. Was it too much to ask her to move so I could take just one picture of the landscape? Sure, I could have asked her, but something prevented me from doing so. She seemed so content in her observation. I didnt want to mess with that.Another 15 minutes pa

11、ssed and I grew exhausted. The woman was still there. I decided to take the photo anyway. And now when I look at it, I think her presence in the photo is what makes the image interesting. The landscape, beautiful on its own, somehow comes to life and breathes because this woman is engaging with it.T

12、his photo, with the unique beauty that unfolded before me and that woman who “ruined it, now hangs on a wall in my bedroom. What would she think if she knew that her figure is captured and frozen on some strangers bedroom wall? A bedroom, after all, is a very private space, in which some woman I don

13、t even know has been immortalized (使永存). In some ways, she lives in my house.Perhaps we all live in each others spaces. Perhaps this is what photos are for: to remind us that we all appreciate beauty, that we all share a common desire for pleasure, for connection, for something that is greater than

14、us.That photo is a reminder, a captured moment, an unspoken conversation between two women, separated only by a thin square of glass.4Why did the writer and the woman both came here?ATo have fun together.BTo enjoy the beautiful scenery.CTo take pictures of the landscape.DTo do research on the enviro

15、nment.5What made the writer feel annoyed?AThe woman was too noisy.BHer camera stopped working.CShe was forbidden to take photos there.DThe woman blocked her view.6In the authors opinion, what makes the photo so alive?AThe rich color of the landscape.BThe perfect positioning of the camera.CThe womans

16、 existence in the photo.DThe soft sunlight that summer day.7The passage can be seen as the authors reflections on_Athe art of photography.Bthe friendship between two strangers.Cthe writers attitude to the landscape.Da particular life experience of the writer.It is difficult for a teacher to decide w

17、hether to allow students to listen to music in the classroom. Every time students need to write an essay or work on a problem, they say, “Can I put my headphones on? I think better that way.” But is that really true? Does music help concentrate?Research offers little to back up the idea that listeni

18、ng to music improves concentration. In one small study, 133 students performed reading tasks while listening to either light music, hip hop, or no music at all. Students who performed the reading tasks in silence scored the highest. Music with a higher intensity (强度) like hip hop was more distractin

19、g and had a greater negative effect on task performance and concentration.Volume (音量) plays a more important role than the type of music. The study found that the louder the music, the worse the performance in concentration. The type of music didnt matter. Data from the study showed once again that

20、silence was the best environment to improve concentration.However, music has a positive effect on work performance. Studies have showed that listening to music leads to positive changes in mood, as well as creativity. In fact, in music-listening cultures, which students are certainly part of, theres

21、 actually a change in mood when the music is taken away.Its hard to convince my students that music doesnt help with their concentration. Taj, a senior told me, “I wouldnt be able to concentrate if I were listening to music and trying to read. However, when I write, I feel like music helps me concen

22、trate deeply. I dont have writers block. Its easy for me to put my words on paper.”“Maybe not with reading, but when it comes to math, listening to music certainly helps,” Danela told me. “You could actually be singing along with what youre listening to and doing well in math.”8What does the underli

23、ned word “distracting” in paragraph 2 probably mean?Aworrying.Bexciting.Cinspired.Ddramatical.9What can we learn from the small study?AStudents do well in reading tasks while listening to music.BMusic cant improve peoples mood and creativity.CDifferent types of music lead to different performances.D

24、The volume of music affects concentration.10What do Taj and Danela have in common?AThey believe music doesnt help concentrate.BThey use music to help with their paper-writing.CThey cant focus on reading while listening to music.DThey dont listen to music while doing math problems.11Which of the foll

25、owing can be the best title for the text?AShould Students Listen to Music?BDoes Music Help Concentration?CIs Music Related to Reading?DCan Music Change Mood?Artificial intelligence (AI) could help stop one of the biggest dangers to the Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁), amazingly saving huge areas of coral(珊瑚

26、) from a harmful starfish. Google has teamed with scientists from the CSIRO to create AI software(软件) that could pick out the dangerous starfish, which is one of the natural wonders three biggest killers.The new way, using footage from an underwater camera to recognize starfish outbreaks on the Quee

27、nsland reef, takes the place of an old method and early results show as well as cutting down mans work, the new software has the advantage of correctly picking out more of the dangerous life on coral, stopping damaging outbreaks before they occur.Professor Russ Babcock, an expert with CSIRO, said Go

28、ogles AI technology, developed over 18 months, could be trained to find out starfish more easily than the old method developed in the 1970s. “We used to send out divers to count the starfish one by one. Now we just look at the images collected and the program can find 20 at a time,” he said.Google C

29、EO Sundar Pichai said he was excited about the companys effort put into the reef project. “We have put a lot of effort into the engineering in Australia and we will continue to do more work around AI there,” he said. “There are other good ideas about the technology and you will see us build on it. O

30、ur goal with our AI research teams is to strike partnerships with other groups, like universities and governments, to give its full play.”Professor Babcock said the AI software, which would be put into use on other reefs worldwide, was not the only solution to the starfish affecting the Great Barrie

31、r Reef, but one that could have an wide application.12What is the function of Google developing the AI software?ATo test a new camera.BTo kill dangerous fishes.CTo protect the environment.DTo pick out a kind of starfish.13What advantage does the AI technology have over the old method?AIt is less lik

32、ely to break down.BIt can be started more quickly.CIt costs less for its development.DIt can do the work more easily.14Whats Sundar Pichais attitude towards the reef project?ADoubtful.BUncaring.CDisapproving.DSupportive.15Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AA Harmful Starfish

33、Affects CoralBA New Software Helps Save the ReefCWhat Makes AI Work Better?DWhy Is the Reef in Danger?二、七选五Flu (流感) can be very dangerous although in most people the illness may last only a week or two. Getting a flu vaccine (疫苗) every year is the best way to prevent getting the flu. _16_Recognize f

34、lu symptoms (症状). Before you can effectively treat the flu, make sure that s what you actually have. _17_ Common symptoms of flu include serious cough, sore throat, fever above 100F, headaches, weakness and so on while symptoms of the common cold usually include mild cough, low-grade or no fever as

35、well as slight aches._18_ In some extreme cases, the flu can cause symptoms severe enough to require hospitalization. You need to see a doctor immediately if you are experiencing the following symptoms: shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; chest pain or pressure; blueish skin or purplish lip

36、s; headache or neck pain.Get some rest. Sometimes its possible to keep working or going to school with a cold, but when you have the flu, its important to rest. _19_ Since the flu may spread by contact, staying home is as considerate as it is necessary for your recovery.Take vitamin CVitamin C is es

37、sential for health. Studies suggest that a proper amount of vitamin C can help remove cold and flu symptoms. Take 1000mg per hour for the first six hours as soon as symptoms appear. Then take 1000mg three times daily. _20_ Though it rarely happens, too much of it may get you poisoned.AKnow when to s

38、eek emergency medical treatment.BBut if you get the flu, it pays to learn how to treat it.CTake a few days off to give your body time to recover.DOrange juice is another good source of natural vitamin CEFlu symptoms are similar to cold symptoms, but more severe.FYou can remove the discomfort of feve

39、r by using a cool cloth.GDo not continue to take too much vitamin C after you feel better.三、完形填空A 77-year-old man who has been diagnosed with cancer is showing people that its never too late to try something new in life. In a post on Twitter, Rebekah uploaded a video of her_21_taking part in an ice

40、skating performance with his teacher.She wrote: “My father never paid any serious attention to _22_ice skating, even though he skated as a hobby on and off in his sixties. Although he liked to be_23_, he was not really an observer of_24_.” For her dad, a retired astrophysicist (天体物理学家) and applied p

41、hysicist, taking a long walk and thinking about physics was his idea of a _25_day. He decided to learn how to ice skate a few years ago, and just did this_26_with his teacher. He now_27_twice a week and is “really_28_it” with plans to keep on taking_29_ .She thinks hes a great_30_of the belief “its

42、never too late for a new_31_or to start learning something new” and he has certainly_32_her. Rebekah added: “The company that I co-founded, OwnTrail, is all about there not being one right_33_through life, and embracing (欣然接受) the different journeys of our life. My fathers_34_has definitely inspired

43、 that_35_in me.”21AfatherBemployerCcoachDdoctor22AregularBinternationalCprofessionalDoutdoor23ArespectedBactiveCcuriousDexperienced24AartsBsocietyCnatureDsports25AdifferentBbusyCperfectDdifficult26AresearchBperformanceCoperationDinterview27ApracticesBcelebratesCwalksDworks28AunderstandingBchangingCe


45、每空一词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 “I came to Xian when I was 18 years old,” said Sema, a woman from Turkey, _36_ is fluent in Chinese and she gives herself a Chinese name, Nv Zi. _37_ (live) in Xian for eight years makes her very familiar with Xi an cuisine. Her husband is from Xian, and their son is 11 months old.

46、 Nv Zi is _38_ (current) a postgraduate studying comparative education at Shanxi Normal University. In her spare time, she is interested in food and hopes to become a food blogger. Nv Zi has a food workshop at her home, _39_ all kinds of kitchen tools, as well as _40_ (equip) for shooting food video

47、s, such as special lights, cameras and tripods. Nv Zi opened a Douyin account _41_ (introduce) and recommend the cuisine of her hometown to Chinese netizens. Regularly, she_42_ (perform) Chinese food to Turks. During gatherings, she often cooks Xi an food, such as biangbiang noodles, spicy soup, and paomo. Although she _43_ (be) to many places in China and tried _44_ wide variety of food, her favorite is Xian cuisine. In her view, the food of Xian is l


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