《Business letter 》课件3[1][1].1.4 Sales Promotion.ppt

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1、 3.1.4 Sales Promotion Study Guide l1.Brief introduction of sales letterlSales letter,as a particular kind of commercial letter,its purpose is to persuade your customers(namely the buyer or importer)to purchase your products or services supplied by your company or your suppliers.A good sales letter

2、will help you to make profits,expand your business scope and raise the commercial image and reputation of your company while a poor sales letter will probably make you suffer from a heavy loss of orders and opportunities.2.How to write a good sales letterlIn order to achieve your final aims,we might

3、 as well adopt the so-called“AIDA”principle,that is:l Catch the potential buyers Attention by introducing your product.l Arouse their Interest by comparing the similar products.l Stimulate their Desire by offering fashionable terms.l Induce them to take Action of purchase your product.AttentionInter

4、estDesireActionlWhen writing a sales letter,it is important to have a good attitude(“You Attitude”)in order to sell your product or service,because the reader will want to know why they should spend their valuable time reading the letter.Therefore,you need to provide clear,specific information that

5、will explain to the reader why they should be interested in buying your product or service.lA good sales letters usually have the following essential writing strategies:l Catch the readers eye:it is very crucial in a sales letter to attract the readers attention,or you will probably fail to see your

6、 product or service.l Describe the product or service you are trying to sell.l Convince your reader that your claims are accurate:support your comments with research and facts.l Give the reader opportunities to learn more about your product or service:you can provide the reader some necessary inform

7、ation,such as a phone number,a Web site address,an E-mail,or some other way for them to seek out information on their own.Sentence Structures and ExamplesStructure 1 ltake the opportunity to introduce (借此机会介绍借此机会介绍)lWe take the opportunity to introduce our company as the leading exporters dealing wi

8、th animals by-products in our area.l我们借此机会介绍我公司是当地规模最大的经营畜产品出口的公司。我们借此机会介绍我公司是当地规模最大的经营畜产品出口的公司。Structure 2 ltake the liberty of doing (冒昧做某事)(冒昧做某事)lWe have taken the liberty of sending some samples of our products to you and hope you will be interested in them.l我们冒昧地向你们寄送了一些我们公司产品的样品,希望你方能对此感兴趣。我们

9、冒昧地向你们寄送了一些我们公司产品的样品,希望你方能对此感兴趣。Structure 3 lsuperior in quality;moderate/reasonable in price;skilful/excellent in workmanship/craftsmanship;elegant in style;matching in colour;novel in design(质量上乘,价格合理,工艺精湛,样式美观,颜色匹配,设计新颖质量上乘,价格合理,工艺精湛,样式美观,颜色匹配,设计新颖)lWe assure you that our T-shirts are superior in

10、 quality,elegant in style and reasonable in price.l我们向你方保证我们公司的我们向你方保证我们公司的T恤衫质量上乘,样式美观,价格合理。恤衫质量上乘,样式美观,价格合理。Structure 4 lsell fast/well;have a good/ready market;enjoy fast sales(产品销路好产品销路好)lOur“DELL”computers sell fast in domestic market.l“戴尔”牌电脑在国内市场销路很好。lThe“VK”Brand deep-sea fish oil exported f

11、rom U.S.A.enjoys fast sales in China.l从美国进口的“维之冠”牌深海鱼油在中国销路很好。Structure 5 lmeet with warm reception(很受欢迎很受欢迎)l“Citizen”Watches meet with warm reception for its high-quality.l西铁城牌手表由于质优,因而很受欢迎。Structure 6 lentitle sb.to a discount/give(allow,offer)sb.a discount(给某人打折给某人打折)lThis coupon will entitle yo

12、u to a 20%discount on any purchase of our products.l使用此券购买任何我公司的产品,将享受八折的优惠。Structure 7 lto ones advantage to do sth.(做某事是有利的)lWe think it to you advantage to enter into long-term business relation with us.l我们认为与我公司建立长期的业务关系对你方有利。Structure 8 lrecommend/advise sb.to do(建议某人做某事)lSince you are interest

13、ed in our products,we recommend you to place an order with us without hesitation.l既然你方对我们产品感兴趣,我们建议你方马上订货。Structure 9 lwork fast(迅速做出决定)lIn view of the huge demand in“ESPON”printers,we advise you to work fast in case they are sold out.l由于爱普生牌打印机的需求量很大,我方建议你方迅速做出决定以免产品售空。Structure 10 lin stock/out of

14、 stock(有现货/缺货)lWe are sorry to inform that the articles you ordered last week are out of stock at present,therefore we recommend some similar ones for your reference.l我们非常遗憾地告知你方上周所定购的货品现在缺货,故特意向你方推荐一些其它类似的产品供你方参考。Specimen LetterslDear Sirs,lWe are specialized in bamboo products and the“Green Paradi

15、se”brand bamboo floorboard is our knock-out product.This kind of bamboo floorboard is made of high quality bamboo through a series of strict craftsmanship.Level,smooth,bristletail-resistant and distorting-resistant are the main characteristics of our products.Besides it has the elegant colour and lu

16、ster,clear veins which any other similar bamboo floorboard cant match it.This kind of product is suitable for top grade apartment,office,bedroom,hotel,sports places and outdoor recreation ground.The perfect combination of nature and modern technology will make you fell the nature in the home.lFor ab

17、ove reasons,“Green Paradise”bamboo floorboard meets with warm reception and enjoys fast sales both in domestic and overseas markets.lWe deem it to your advantage to choose our products;therefore we write this letter herewith some illustrated catalogues of the products for your reference and look for

18、ward to your early reply.l Yours faithfully l敬启者:l 我们是专营竹制产品的公司,“绿色天堂”牌竹制地板是我们公司的拳头产品。这类竹制地板采用优质毛竹,经一系列严格工艺流程加工而成,产品具有平整、光滑、防蛀及不变形等特点;除此之外,该产品色泽高雅、纹理清晰,是其他同类竹制地板所无法比拟的,适用于高档公寓、住宅、办公室、卧室、宾馆饭店、体育场所以及户外娱乐场所。自然与现代科技的完美结合,使您足不出户便能感受到大自然的气息。l 由于以上诸原因,“绿色天堂”牌竹制地板备受客户青睐,在国内外市场上十分走俏。l 我们认为你们公司选择我们的产品是相当有利的,故

19、我方特地写信并随信附寄此类产品的最新插图目录供你方参考并希望尽早收到你们的回复。nDear Sirs,nHuzhou,Zhejiang is the birthplace of writing brush.Huzhou writing brush has a long history and a strong cultural connotation.They together with Hui ink sticks,Huan paper and Duan ink slabs are called the four treasures of the study in China,which a

20、re the important symbols of Chinese long and splendid civilization.nOur Huzhou WangYiPin Writing Brush Company,which has a history of more than 260 years,is the oldest professional enterprise that produces and deals in Huzhou writing brushes.nEnjoying the reputation of“First of writing brush making

21、skill is all over the world.”we achieve the success by refining the traditional craftsmanship.n“Sharp,neat,round and strong”are the four virtues of our products.In 1995,we obtained the Best Image AAA Grade Brand and certificate of Chinese enterprises and won the Gold Medal of Asian-Pacific Internati

22、onal Trade Fair.nChinese leaders and celebrities such as Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping,Guo Moruo ever showed their calligraphy by using our writing brushes.nSince its the first time that you will place an order with us,we offer you a special as follows Items Quantities Discount YH-20 Series 50-100 5%off

23、YH-20 Series 100-200 10%off YH-20 Series above 20020%off LH-18 Series 20-50 5%off LH-18 Series 50-100 10%off LH-18 Series above 100 15%off n敬启者:n 浙江湖州是毛笔的发源地,湖笔文化源远流长,内蕴丰盈,与徽墨、宣纸、端砚并称为“中国四大文房四宝”,是中华文明悠久灿烂的重要特征。n 我们湖州王一品湖笔公司是湖州当地最老的一家生产和经营湖笔的专业毛笔企业,具有260多年的历史。公司通过对传统手工工序的精炼和改进获得成功,所生产的毛笔素有“湖颖之技甲天下”之美

24、誉;“尖、齐、圆、健”是其四大美德。我们的产品在1995年获中国企业最佳形象AAA级标牌和证书,并获“亚太国际贸易博览会金奖”。n 近现代中国家领导人和文化名人如毛泽东、邓小平、郭沫若曾使用我们生产的毛笔挥毫题字。n 考虑到你公司第一次向我们订货,我方特给予以下特别优惠考虑到你公司第一次向我们订货,我方特给予以下特别优惠 商品名称商品名称 数量(支)数量(支)折扣折扣羊毫羊毫-20系列系列 50-100 9.5折折 羊毫羊毫-20系列系列100-200 9折折 羊毫羊毫-20系列系列200以上8折折羊毫羊毫-18系列系列20-50 9.5折折羊毫羊毫-18系列系列50-100 9折折 羊毫羊毫

25、18系列系列100以上以上 8.5折折nDear Sirs,nOur company is a cosmetics enterprises specializing in the production of various middle and high-class colour cosmetics series such as make-up pencils,lipsticks,nail enamels,foundation and so on.nThrough decades of years of effort,our company has enjoyed good reputatio

26、n with“SMART”and“ELFS”world-wide famed brand.With the adherence of“Perfect Service to Customers”as production idea and“Quality First”as principle of business,we will endeavour to provide better products and after-sale services for global customers based on ISO 9001-2000.nWe enclose the coupons which

27、 entitle you to receive a free sample(while in stock)and enjoy a buy-one,get-one-free full moisture lipcolor at selected cosmetics shops.nWe hope you will be keen on our products by this way of sales promotion.Dont hesitate to place an order with us if youd like.n Yours truly,n敬启者:n 本公司是专业生产各类中高档化妆笔

28、、口红、指甲油、粉饼等彩妆系列化妆品的企业。n 经过几十年的努力,我们拥有了“SMART”、“ELFS”(“斯马特”、“艾尔芙斯”)等世界知名品牌。n 公司遵循“完美顾客服务”的生产理念,坚持质量为先的商业原则。我们将在ISO 9001:2000国际质量认证体系基础上始终如一地为全球客户提供更加优质的产品及售后服务。n 为此我公司特随信附上这些优惠券,该券将使你在我公司化妆品店里免费获赠样品试用装一件(数量有限)并享有丰盈水分唇膏“买一送一”的优惠。n 我们希望通过此促销方式你方对我公司的产品感兴趣,假如你方中意的话请尽快向我公司订货。n 谨启nA Follow-up LetternDear

29、Sirs,nWe take the liberty of sending this letter to you to acquire some new information about your interest towards our ball bearing products.nWe think you have received the sample and illustrated catalogues that we sent you tow months ago.However,to our surprise,up to now we still havent got your r

30、esponse whether you were satisfied with them or not.nHave you had an opportunity of checking the sample and relevant report?Didnt our ball bearing meet your requirements?Or you have found other better supplier?nWhatever the reason,we are keen on receiving your reply at your earliest convenience so t

31、hat we can make timely arrangement to improve the quality and related service of our products.n Yours truly,随访信n敬启者:n 我们冒昧再次写信以图获取你公司对我们生产的滚珠轴承产品的最新消息。n 两个月前寄送的样品和产品插图目录想必一定收到,但是使我们纳闷的是直至现在我们仍然没有收到你公司对我们产品是否满意的回复。n 我们不知道贵公司有没有抽空看过我方的样品及相关的产品报告?是不是我们的滚珠轴承产品尚未达到你方的要求或者你方已经找到了其他更理想的供应商?n 无论哪种原因,我们热切期望收

32、到贵公司早日的回复以便我们可以做出及时安排,改进产品的质量与相关服务。n 谨启Notesnsales promotion:促销,推销某种(产品或服务)的活动nsales letter:推销信函n“AIDA”principle:“AIDA”原则是广告促销中对顾客产生作用的四个阶段,即:n 引起顾客的注意(Attention)n 让顾客对商品产生兴趣(Interest)n 刺激其购买的欲望(Desire)n 使顾客采取实际行动(Action,满足其购物欲。n3.“You Attitude”:对方本位,即站在对方的产场上,说明能够给予对方的利益及效用。n4by-product:副产品n Silver

33、 is often obtained as a by-product during the separation of lead from rock.n 从矿石中提取铅时,往往可获得银之种副产品。n animal by-product 畜产品n agricultural product 农产品n forest product 林产品n aquatic product 渔产品n5meet with warm reception 受欢迎n meet(v.)相遇;与某人相识;满足(要,欲望或要求)n meet someones requirements 符合某人的需要(求)n We cant fin

34、d the product that meets our requirement.n 我们找不到一种能够符合我们要求的产品。n meet with sb./sth.偶然发现(人或某物)遭到n They met with an accident on their way back.n 他们在归来途中发生了车祸。n6.entitle sb.to(do)sth.授予某人获得某事物(作某事)的权利或资格 常用于被动语态n This ticket entitles you to a first class seat.n 凭此票,你可以坐头等舱。n You are not entitled to the

35、discount if you are not our VIP membership.n 假如你不是我们的贵宾会员就没有资格享受打折优惠。n7.discount(v.)/(n.)打折扣;折扣n discount 原义为“不算在内”,因此指某物减价出售时所减去的那个百分比,例如:n 他以八折的价钱买了那件衬衫。n He bought the shirt at an 80%discount.(正)n He bought the shirt at a 20%discount.(误)n 言下之意,也就是中文说打八折,英文应是20%;九折就是英文应是10%,以此类推。n8specialize in 专营

36、n9.bristletail-resistant 防蛀n Distorting-resistant 不变形n10.colour and lustre 颜色和色泽n 在外贸进出口业务中,商品的外在特性主要反映在:n modeling 样式n structure 结构n colour 颜色n lustre 色泽n taste 味觉n 而内在特性则主要反映在:n chemical composition(内在组成)n mechanical performance(机械性能)n biological features(生物特性)n11.vein(n.)(植物的)叶脉,纹理n12.herewith:随函

37、附上n I send you herewith two copies of the contract.n 我随函附寄上合同副本二份。n13.illustrated catalogues:带有插图的(产品)目录n14.the four treasures of the study 文房四宝(即:湖笔、徽墨、宣纸、端砚)n15.after-sale service:售后服务n “4S”:4S是英文单词销售(Sale)、维修(Service)、配件(Spare Parts)和信息反馈(Survey)的4的开头字母。n “4S店”是个近几年才时兴起来的名词,指的是“四位一体”的汽车销售专卖店,即集整车

38、销售、零配件供应、售后服务、信息反馈于一体的销售服务店。n16.ISO 9001:2000 质量管理体系要求 n ISO:International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织n ISO 9000:2000 基本原理和术语n ISO 9004:2000 质量管理体系业绩改进指南n17.a follow-up letter:随访信。这是在产品推售过程中经常出现的一种信函;撰写此类信函主要因为你的客户在一段比较长的时间内没有向你方下定单或给予必要的回复。在随访信中先可提及到客户过去产的询价及公司过去提出的报盘,然后对一直没有收到定单而表示惊讶或

39、遗憾,并谨慎地询问其中的原因。在信未也可提出一些对推销有利的新观点、优惠条件或改进措施。n18 bearing(n.)轴承n ball bearing 滚珠轴承n roller bearing 滚柱轴承ExercisesnI.Choose the best answer:n1.No discount will be granted_ you could place an order of more than 10000 dozens.n(A)until (B)unless (C)otherwise (D)exceptn2.If you can make us a firm offer at a

40、 _ price,we will place an order with your company.n(A)competitive(B)comparative (C)subjective(D)objectiven3.As it involves only a small _,we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.n(A)quality (B)figure (C)quantity (D)numbern4.We can _ you a special discount of 15%on orders exceeding$50,000.Th

41、e word“allow”can be replaced by the following words except_.n(A)give (B)grant (C)offer (D)permitn5.We assure you _ the goods can be supplied from stock _ you order early.n(A)thatif (B)thatwhether (C)ifnot (D)whetherifn6.We can _ mens shirts _ stock.n(A)provideif (B)supplyin (C)providewith (D)supplyw

42、ithn7.In view of the large demand of the goods,we suggest you to _ fast and place an order with us as soon as possible.n(A)decide (B)take action (C)work (D)runn8.We are sending you with pleasure_ fax the latest _ catalogue of our“Canon”printers.n(A)throughillustrated (B)through illustrating (C)by il

43、lustratedn(D)in illustratingn9.A set of _ about our new products has been sent to you _ separate cover and we think it to your advantage to purchase them.n(A)description in (B)literatureby (C)prescription withn(D)instruction forn10._ in quality,_ in price,_ in design,our portable computers sell fast

44、 all over the country.n(A)superiorcheapstable (B)excellentreasonableadvancedn(C)excellentreasonable.skilful (D)superiormoderatenovelII.Fill in the following blanks of each sentence,pay attention to first letter of each word has been given:n1.We are glad to enclose the latest catalogue of our product

45、s that are superior in q nand moderate in p and are sure to have a r market.n2.Novel d and reasonable price make our YF 5000 series vacuum cleaner meet with warm r .n3.In order to encourage to p orders with us,we would a you a 10%special d for our items.n4.Recently we have received large numbers of

46、orders,therefore we r you to w fast and place an order with us early in case the products are out of s .n5.Dont hesitate to p our“Nikon”Brand digital cameras because we have been s in this field for many years,which make us provide you the best commodities and a service.III.Translate the following s

47、entences into Chinese:n6.This coupon entitles you to enjoy a 10%discount off regular-priced items and receive a free gift with any purchase of HK$300 at Wise-Kids Toys.n7.Owing to its superior quality,skilful workmanship and moderate price,our 18K jewelry items are very popular with customers in Sou

48、theast Asia.n8.In order to enable you to have better understanding of products,we enclose the illustrated catalogues and a set of relevant literature by separate post for your reference.n9.Although the price of our MP3 is 10%higher than that similar product of Korean origin,we compare favourably in

49、quality and performance.n10.We are going to clear our stock by offering you a special discount of 30%if you purchase at least 500 sets.IV.Translate the following sentences into English:n1.我们借此机会介绍我们的体育运动器材并随信附上产品目录及价格单。n2.我们公司已有15年的出口经验,我们下属工厂月生产60万套男式衬衫,全供出口。n3.鉴于我们长期的业务关系,我们愿意给你方提供八折的优惠。n4.在过去的10年中,我们公司已经在商业和金融圈里享有诚信的名誉,产品备受用户的青睐。n5.我们公司是中国茶叶最大的供应商,可提供各类茶叶,产品在市场上非常走俏,故我们建议你方向我们订购。


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