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1Unit 2 Good habitsTeaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson,students will be able to1能听懂、会说、会读课文 Good habits2 能听懂、会说、会读常用语及句型 He/She gets up/goes to school in the morning.He/She never goes to bed late.3 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇 putin order,bad,sleepy,last night,go into,slowly,badly4.能听懂、会说、会读词汇 child,habit,never,late,finish,tidy,fast5.能听懂、会唱歌曲 This is the way 6.能听懂会说且准确发音字母 or 在单词中的读音。Teaching important points、difficult points1.能听懂、会说、会读常用语及句型 He/She gets up/goes to school in the morning.He/She never goes to bed late.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇 putin order,bad,sleepy,last night,go into,slowly,badly3.能听懂、会说、会读词汇 child,habit,never,late,finish,tidy,fastPeriods 六课时Story time 第 1 课时Grammar time and Fun time 第 2 课时Sound time and Cartoon time 第 3 课时Song time,Check time and Ticking time 第 4 课时Review and do some exercises of Unit 2 第 5 课时单元测验 第 6 课时2第一课时第一课时教学内容教学内容 story time教学目标教学目标1.能正确理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。2.能听懂、会读、会说单词:tidy,messy,habits,in order,finish always sleepy bedtime.3.能听懂、会读、会说句子:He gets up early in the morning.He never goes to bed late.He also does well at home.4.能分清好习惯与坏习惯,通过调整,让自己养成良好的学习和生活习惯。教学重点教学重点1.能正确理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。2.能听懂、会读、会说单词:tidy,messy,habits,in order,finish always sleepy bedtime.3.能听懂、会读、会说句子:He gets up early in the morning.He never goes to bed late.He also does well at home.教学难点教学难点1.能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。2.能分清好习惯与坏习惯,通过调整,让自己养成良好的学习和生活习惯。课前准备课前准备挂图,头饰,多媒体(PPT)教学过程教学过程Step1 Warm up1.Lets look what do we learn today.Show the learning aims.2.Sing the song When do you get up3.Brain storming(归类复习短语及副词)T:HappilySs:Sadly,loudly,quietly,quickly,slowly,excitedly,carefullyT:AlwaysSs:Usually,sometimes,oftenT:Get up.Ss:Go to bed,have breakfast/lunch/dinner,do ones homework,brush ones teeth,watch TV,make the bed,clean the room,sweep the floor,wash clothes.4.Mikes timetable.Mikes timetable7:00 get up7:20 have breakfast37:40 go to school 12:00 have lunch 4:40 ho home6:15 have dinner9:00 go to bedStep2 Presentation and practice1.看图说话,预测课文内容,并完成 Match and say.2.听课文大意,回答问题。Who has some bad habits?Are Wang Bing and Liu Tao friends?Whats wrong with Liu Tao?What should he do?3.阅读课文,完成表格Good habitsBad habitsWang BingGets up earlyNever goes to bed lateBrushes his teeth twice a dayPuts his things in orderFinish his homework earlyLiu TaoListens to his teachersKeeps his room clean and tidyHelps his parentsDoes his homework lateGoes to bed lateStep3 Consolidation 1.巩固复述课文 T:Time to retell the story.First,lets retell it together.T:You can choose one student to describe.Maybe you can say it one by one,or you can say it together.Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ask some groups to retell it.2.小组交流讨论自己的好、坏习惯3.完成 Think and writeStep 4 Homework:1.Read and recite the text,try to retell the story.2.Make a poster(海报)of the good habits.七、七、Blackboard design 板书设计:板书设计:4Unit 2 Good habitsGood habitsBad habitsWang BingLiu Tao1Unit2 Good habits第一课时第一课时教学内容教学内容 story time教学目标教学目标1.能正确理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。2.能听懂、会读、会说单词:tidy,messy,habits,in order,finish always sleepy bedtime.3.能听懂、会读、会说句子:He gets up early in the morning.He never goes to bed late.He also does well at home.4.能分清好习惯与坏习惯,通过调整,让自己养成良好的学习和生活习惯。教学重点教学重点1.能正确理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。2.能听懂、会读、会说单词:tidy,messy,habits,in order,finish always sleepy bedtime.3.能听懂、会读、会说句子:He gets up early in the morning.He never goes to bed late.He also does well at home.教学难点教学难点1.能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。2.能分清好习惯与坏习惯,通过调整,让自己养成良好的学习和生活习惯。课前准备课前准备挂图,头饰,多媒体(PPT)教学过程教学过程Step1 Warm up1.Lets look what do we learn today.Show the learning aims.2.Sing the song When do you get up3.Brain storming(归类复习短语及副词)T:HappilySs:Sadly,loudly,quietly,quickly,slowly,excitedly,carefullyT:AlwaysSs:Usually,sometimes,oftenT:Get up.Ss:Go to bed,have breakfast/lunch/dinner,do ones homework,brush ones teeth,watch TV,make the bed,clean the room,sweep the floor,wash clothes.4.Mikes timetable.Mikes timetable7:00 get up27:20 have breakfast7:40 go to school 12:00 have lunch 4:40 ho home6:15 have dinner9:00 go to bedStep2 Presentation and practice1.看图说话,预测课文内容,并完成 Match and say.2.听课文大意,回答问题。Who has some bad habits?Are Wang Bing and Liu Tao friends?Whats wrong with Liu Tao?What should he do?3.阅读课文,完成表格Good habitsBad habitsWang BingGets up earlyNever goes to bed lateBrushes his teeth twice a dayPuts his things in orderFinish his homework earlyLiu TaoListens to his teachersKeeps his room clean and tidyHelps his parentsDoes his homework lateGoes to bed lateStep3 Consolidation 1.巩固复述课文 T:Time to retell the story.First,lets retell it together.T:You can choose one student to describe.Maybe you can say it one by one,or you can say it together.Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ask some groups to retell it.2.小组交流讨论自己的好、坏习惯3.完成 Think and writeStep 4 Homework:1.Read and recite the text,try to retell the story.2.Make a poster(海报)of the good habits.3七、七、Blackboard design 板书设计:板书设计:Unit 2 Good habitsGood habitsBad habitsWang BingLiu Tao第二课时第二课时教学内容教学内容 Review story time&learn Fun time and Grammar time教学目标教学目标1.能够在句子中正确应用程度副词修饰动词。2.能够应用本课所学的句型“Do you.”/”Yes,I do./No,I dont.”进行问答。3.培养学生养成良好的学习习惯和生活习惯。教学重点教学重点1.能够在句子中正确应用程度副词修饰动词。2.能够应用本课所学的句型“Do you.”/”Yes,I do./No,I dont.”进行问答。教学难点教学难点1.能够在句子中正确应用程度副词修饰动词。2.能够应用本课所学的句型“Do you.”/”Yes,I do./No,I dont.”进行问答。教学过程教学过程Step 1 Free talkStep 1 Free talk Lets look what do we learn today.Show the learning aims.T:Do you get up early in the morning?T:Thats a good/bad habit!T:I have some habits too,Can you ask me?(出示动作图片)S:Do you have your meals in the morning?T:Yes,I do.I always.S:Do you read books?T:Yes,I do.I usually.S:Do you clean the room T:Yes,I do.I sometimes.T:I have some good habits but I have bad habits too.Look at my panda eyes,I always go to bed late at night,it is a bad habit,you should go to bed early.Step 2 PresentationT:As a good students,we should have good habits,lets make a good habits proposal step by step.1.Step 1 is how to ask others.You know my habits,how about you?lets play a game.Who want to be my partner?Fun time-(1)T:Pick one.(2)S:pick one.(3)pair workT:Now,its your turn,pick one picture from the envelope and practice in pairs!Magic box-T:Good job,boys and girls,you can ask other about their habits.Lets have a rest.2.Step 1 is how to make.First,Pick 4 different color papers from the box.Second,discuss in groups and make them into a sentence,then stick it to the long paper.Third,read in group and show us in your own way.评价:its interesting/funny.Here are some sentences for you,can you read them?Look,these words are subjects/adverb of frequency/verb/adverbial modifier.Do you understand?Step 3 Consolidation1.Step 3 do a survey T:Great,lets move to step 3 do a survey.First,lets make a survey form.Here is an example,fill one word into the blank and make it a good habit.S:early.T:Can you read itS:Go to bed early at night.T:here is another form,can you fill this line with your group memberLets check together.The first one is early,please read it.The first one is well,please read itThe first one is early,please read itThey are all good habits.Now,lets do a survey.Do you go to school early in the morning?(随机问一名学生)S:Yes,i do.(将该学生姓名填入表格)Do a survey in your groups with this form.提示句型:Do you.?Yes,i do./no,i dont.T:Ok,times up,i am going to be the first one.(教师示范).Its time for you,who want to tell us about your group membersStep 4 Make a good habits proposalT:Lets make a good habits proposal according to your group survey.Here is my good habit proposal.work in group to finish your good habits proposal.Here are some tips for you.评价:If everyone in your group say one sentence,you will get 3 stars.If all the members in your group say together,you will 2 get stars.If only group leader say,you will get 1 star.Step 5 Homework1.Think of some more good habits and share with your classmates.2.Put up your good habit proposal in the classroom or at home.3.Review the two parts and then copy the sentences in Grammar time.板书设计:板书设计:Unit 2 Good HabitsA:Do you.?B:Yes,I do./No,I dont.alwaysusuallyoftensometime never第三课时第三课时教学内容教学内容sound time&cartoon time教学目标教学目标1.能理解并体会字母组合 or 在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。2.能理解 Cartoon time 的内容并动手实践3.能意识到 good habits 的重要性并付诸于实际生活教学重点教学重点 1.能理解并体会字母组合 or 在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。2.能意识到 good habits 的重要性并付诸于实际生活3.能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力教学难点教学难点1.能理解并体会字母组合 or 在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。2.能意识到 good habits 的重要性并付诸于实际生活教具准备教具准备 练习纸 磁带 录音机教学过程教学过程Step 1 Preparation1Lets look what do we learn today.Show the learning aims.2 Greeting and make a self-introductionShow a picture of me and let Ss ask me questions about my English name,hobby,best friend,and favourite colour.3 Tinas e-mailMy best friend Tina invited me and other friends to her house.We should bring some presents.Encourage the Ss to get my apples and flowers for Tina.Step 2 Presentation1.Sound time Challenge1:Reading.Rule:You can get my flowers by reading the words correctly and well.Lets enjoy a rhyme about my favourite animal horses.Lets read some words in the rhyme and think the pronunciation of“or”.Make a conclusion:or /:/Lets read the rhyme and words in four.(Flowers)Challenge2:Picking apples.Rule:You can get my apples by knowing the different pronunciations of“or”.Find and discuss in 4.摘下 or 字母组合发/:/的苹果。Apples:forty,morning,or,corn,pork,north,work,world,actor,doctor.Make a conclusion:“or”can not only be pronounced/:/,it can also be pronounced/and/:/.2.Cartoon timeWe got some apples and flowers for Tina,so lets go into Tinas house.Miss Rabbit and Mr.Duck come to Tinas house,too.They are talking.Lets listen.Q:How many rooms do they talk about?What are they?S1:Three.They are a living room,Tinas bedroom and Bobbys bedroom.Lets go into Tinas house and look at the rooms.Read and underline in 2.Room How is it?A living roombig and cleanTinas bedroomsmall but niceBobbys bedroommessy and dirtyListen and repeat.Tip:Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.Lets read in 4.choice1:Read it together.choice2:Each student reads a sentence.choice3:Read in roles.自己分配角色。Step 3 Consolidation 1.Look and talkBobbys bedroom is messy and dirty.(出示图片)Lets help him and give him some suggestions.We can say:We shouldMake a conclusion:We should put our things in order and keep good habits.2.Write a diary.Tip:Write down three suggestions.Thursday,Dec.11th Today we took some _ and _to Tinas _.Firstly,we _ _ the living room.Its _and _.Then we went into_ bedroom.Its _ but _.At last we went into _ _.Its _ and _.There were a lot of _ and _ on the floor.Tina was very _ because Bobby had _ habits.She told Bobby that he should _ everything _ _.I thought he should _,_,and _.Step 4 Homework 1.Read sound time and the story three times.2.Tell the story to your parents.板书设计:板书设计:Unit 2 Good habits sport horse for short or /:/We should put our things in order.第四课时第四课时教学内容教学内容 Checkout time,ticking time and song time教学目标教学目标1.I know some good habits and bad habits.2.I can use“early”,“late”,etc.教学重点、难点教学重点、难点I can use“early”,“late”,etc.教具准备教具准备 教学过程教学过程:磁带 录音机 单词卡片Step1 Warming-up1.Greetings Lets look what do we learn today.Show the learning aims.Firstly,lets do some exercise together.Music!Lets go.Hello,boys and girls.Just now,we did some exercise.Doing exercise is a good habit.Today,well go on learning Unit 2 Good habits.Follow me,Unit 2 Good habit.2.Show the learning aimsIn todays lesson,we have two learning aims.First one,who can read it?Next one,who can have a try?Step2 Revision1.T:Firstly,we are going to talk about good habits and bad habits.Look,who is he?Ss:He is Wang Bing.T:In story time,we know he has some good habits.What are his good habits?If you dont remember,you can talk about it according to these pictures,discuss in pairs.2.T:Wang Bing has some good habits.What about Liu Tao?What are his good habits?Does he have any bad habits?If you cant remember,you can find some clues from these pictures.Now,please work in four.Step3 Presentation and practice1.We have known Liu Tao and Wang Bings good habits and bad habits very well.What about Su Hai and Su Yangs habits?Please turn to P25.Lets listen carefully and choose the right answer.Listen and choose.Have you finished?Lets check.Please read the sentence.2.T:Su Hai and Su Yang have some good habits.Do you know more good habits?a.Make an example:For example,I think running every day is a good habit.It is good for our health.b.Talk in pairs3.They have some good habits,but they have some bad habits too.Can you give some advice on these bad habits?Make an example:Look,this boy is playing too many computer games.It is a bad habit.My advice for him is to read more books.Discuss in groupsTicking time1.Lets come to Ticking time.Who can read them?T:Now please do ticking time by yourself.If you know some good habits and bad habits,you can get one stars.If you can talk about habits in English very well,you can get two stars.If you can give some advice on bad habits,you get three stars.T:How many stars can you get?Now check in groups.T:Youve done a good job.Now we can talk about good habits and bad habits.Can you use“early”,“late”,etc?Lets check.Now,please turn to p24.Look at the pictures carefully and circle the right answer.2.Now,I want to play a game with you.Please do not look at your paper.Look,here are the key words.Please use the verbs and adverbs to make a sentence.Now work in four and try to make as many sentences as possible.T:Now please do ticking time by yourself.If you cannot use“early”,“late”,etc correctly,you will get one star.If you can use“early”,“late”,etc correctly,you can get two stars.If you can use“early”,“late”,etc correctly,fluently,you can get three stars.Step4 Homework1.Give more advice on bad habits2.Write about good habits and bad habits板书设计:板书设计:Unit 2 Good habits Wang Bing(头饰)good habits bad habits Liu Tao (头饰)gets up early does his homework late Su Hai (头饰)never goes to bed late does not go to bed early Su Yang (头饰)He finishes his homework before dinner feels sleepy brushes his teeth twice watches too much TV puts his things in order listens to his teachers keeps his room clean and tidy helps his parents
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