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1、高中英语必修一语法汇总Unit 3:附加疑问句一、附加疑问句的定义附加疑问句,又称反义疑问句,主要用于口语,其作用是说话人向对方验证自己的陈述或者判断,也可以用于祈使句表示请求或者建议。二、附加疑问句的构成附加疑问句包括陈述部分和附加疑问部分。附加疑问部分一般由助动词、be动词或情态动词和表示主语的代词构成。组成例句肯定式陈述部分否定附加疑问部分You often play badminton, dont you?Youre going to the gym with me, arent you?否定式陈述部分肯定附加疑问部分Its not a real sport, is it?They c

2、ant finish it by Friday, can they?含有否定词的陈述部分肯定附加疑问部分Nobody saw him walk into the room, did they?Youve never been to Paris, have you?祈使句附加疑问部分Come along with me, will you?/can you?/wont you?/cant you?Dont make any noise, will you?三、附加疑问句的回答附加疑问句的答语与一般疑问句类似,注意其与汉语表达习惯的差异。如:(1)A:The29th Olympic Games w

3、ere held in Beijing,werent they?B:Yes,they were.(Yes, thats right.)(2)A:MichaelJordan started to play basketball in college, didnt he?B:No,he didnt. He first played in a team in senior high school.(3)A:Davidhas been to a boxing match, hasnt he?B:No,he hasnt. He always watches boxing on TV.(4)A:Youca

4、nt cook, can you?你不会做饭,是吗?B:Yes,I can. Im good at cooking.不,我会。我做饭很好。四、变附加疑问句时应注意的问题1当陈述部分含有seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few,little, nowhere, nothing等否定词或半否定词时,简短问句应用肯定句式。Sheseldom goes to the cinema, does she?她很少去看电影,是吗?Hehas never been to London,has he?他从没去过伦敦,是吗?2当陈述部分中表示否定意义的词为含有im, in, dis, u

5、n等否定前缀或less等否定后缀的词时,应把陈述部分视为肯定句,简短问句要用否定式。Hewas unsuccessful, wasnt he?他没成功,是吗?Yourmother dislikes seeing you with me, doesnt she?你母亲不喜欢看到你和我在一起,是吗?3当陈述部分是“therebe主语其他”结构时,反意疑问部分要用“bethere”结构。Thereare some apples in the box, arentthere?盒子里有些苹果,是吗?4陈述部分为祈使句时(1)祈使句为肯定形式时,若表示“请求”,简短问句通常用willyou;若表示“邀请,

6、劝说”,简短问句用wontyou。Giveme a hand, will you?帮我一把,好吗?(表示“请求”)Cometo have supper with us this evening, wont you?今晚跟我们一起吃饭,好吗?(表示“邀请”)(2)祈使句为否定形式时,简短问句通常用will you。Dontmake so much noise, will you?别弄出这么多噪音,好吗?(3)如果祈使句以lets开头,简短问句用shallwe;如果祈使句以let us或let me开头,简短问句用will you。Letstry another way, shall we?我们试

7、试别的方法,好吗?Letus know your address, will you?请把你的地址告诉我们,好吗?5陈述部分为含有宾语从句的主从复合句时(1)一般情况:当陈述部分是含有宾语从句的主从复合句时,简短问句的谓语动词和主语通常和主句中的谓语动词和主语分别保持一致。Theyknow that he is fromEngland,dont they?他们知道他来自英国,是吗?(2)特殊情况:若陈述部分为:“I/We think/believe/suppose/consider/.宾语从句”,简短问句的谓语和主语与宾语从句的谓语和主语分别保持一致,且简短问句用否定形式。Webelieve

8、she can do it better, cant she?我们相信她能做得更好,是吗?(3)若陈述部分为“I/We dont think/believe/suppose/consider/.宾语从句”,简短问句的主语和谓语与宾语从句的主语和谓语保持一致,且简短问句用肯定形式。Idont think that you can do it, can you?我认为这件事你做不了,是吗?Wedont believe that the news is true, is it?我们认为消息不实,是吗?(4)若陈述部分为“主语(非第一人称)think/believe/suppose/consider/

9、.宾语从句”,简短问句的主语和谓语由主句决定。Theyall think that English is very useful, dont they?他们都认为英语很重要,是吗?Hedoesnt think that I can make it, does he?他认为我办不到,是吗?五、附加疑问句的读法陈述部分一般用降调,而附加疑问部分既可用升调也可用降调,但含义有所不同。通常情况下,用升调时,多表示疑问或请求;用降调时,多表示求证或希望对方同意。如:Theschool team have won the gold medal, havent they?Theschool team hav

10、e won the gold medal, havent they? Unit 4:语法知识定语从句【课本例句】诵读下列例句并感知画线部分的共性1.(教材P50)There were deep cracks that/which appeared in the well walls.2.(教材P50)Two thirds of the people who lived there were dead or injured.3.(教材P50)The number of people who were killed or badly injured in the quake was more th

11、an 400,000.4.(教材P50)Soon after the quakes, the army sent150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those whowere trapped and to bury the dead.5.(教材P50)Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.6.(教材P52)A doctor with whom James used to work died in the 2016 earthquake in Ecuado

12、r.7.Theboy whose father is a teacher is a newclassmate of mine.8.Chinais a country that/which has a long history.【发现总结】1.第2、3、4句中的定语从句使用了关系代词who,在定语从句中作主语。2.第1、8句中的定语从句使用了关系代词which/that,在定语从句中作主语。3.第6句中的定语从句使用了关系代词whom,在定语从句中作宾语。关系代词who/whom常用来指代人;关系代词that/which常用来指代物;关系代词that既可以指人也可以指物。4.第5、7句中的定语从

13、句使用了关系代词whose,在定语从句中作定语,它既可以指人也可以指物。【语法精讲】who (whom),which,that,whose引导的定语从句在复合句中,修饰某一名词、代词或整个主句的从句叫作定语从句。从句修饰的名词或代词叫作先行词,连接先行词和定语从句的词叫关系词。关系词的主要作用是连接主句和从句,同时指代先行词,并在从句中充当一定的句子成分。关系词分为关系代词和关系副词两种,关系代词有that,which,who,whom,whose等;关系副词有when,where,why。一、关系代词的基本用法1.who指人,在从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。Theman who is

14、talking with my father isa teacher.正在和我父亲说话的那个人是个教师。Thegirl (who) I met yesterday is hissister.我昨天见到的那个女孩是他的妹妹。2.whom指人,在从句中作宾语,常可省略,不能作主语。Theboy (whom) the teacher often praisesis their monitor.老师经常表扬的那个男孩是他们的班长。注意:(1)关系代词whom在口语或非正式文体中常可用who来代替。Theboy(who/whom/that) wesaw yesterday is Johns brothe

15、r.昨天我们看到的那个男孩是约翰的哥哥。(2)在从句中作介词的宾语且直接跟在介词后时,用whom,不用who。He isa man from whom we are all ready tolearn.他是我们大家都愿意向他学习的人。【即学即练1】关系代词填空(1)Doyou know the man who is talking with your mother?(2)Thosewho want to see the film set down your names, please.(3)Thisis the person who/whom you should thank for help

16、ing your son.3.which只指物,不指人,可作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。Guilin is a city which has a history of 2,000 years.桂林是一个有2 000年历史的城市。Theyoung man was very happy to get back the gold ring (which) he had lost on the train.那个年轻人找回了在火车上丢失的金戒指,非常高兴。4.whose既可指人,也可指物。其后接名词,与先行词构成从属关系,在从句中作定语。Thisis the scientist whose name i

17、s knownall over the country.这就是那位闻名全国的科学家。Nobodywants the house whose roof hasfallen in.没有人想要这个屋顶已坍塌的房子。5.that指人时,相当于who或whom;指物时,相当于which。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。Thewoman (that) I read about in the newspaper has just won a gold medal.我在报纸上读过那位妇女的相关报道,她刚刚夺得一枚金牌。Thereport (that) Mr.Turner handed inwas a

18、bout the motor race.特纳先生递交的报告是关于摩托车比赛的。【即学即练2】关系代词填空(1)Look,here are some people who/whom/thatI want you to meet.(2)Doyou still remember the chicken farm that/which we visited three monthsago?(3)Anystudent whose family is too poor to go to school can get help from thegovernment.二、用that不用which的情况。1.当

19、先行词为all,everything,nothing,anythinglittle,much等不定代词或先行词被这些词修饰时。All that can be done has been done.一切能做的都已经做了。2.当先行词是序数词、形容词最高级或先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。Thisis the most delicious food that Ihave ever had.这是我吃过的最美味的食物。3.当先行词被theonly,the very,the last修饰时。Chattingwas the only thing that interested her most.聊天是

20、她唯一感兴趣的事。4.当先行词既指人,又指物时。Shetook photographs of the things andpeople that she was interested in.她把她感兴趣的人和物都拍摄了下来。5.当主语是以who或which开头的疑问句时,为避免重复而用that。Who is the person that is standing at thegate?站在门口的那个人是谁?6.当先行词在定语从句中作表语时。Shanghai is no longer the city that it used to be.上海已不是过去那个样子了。【即学即练3】完成句子(1)这

21、是我参观过的最漂亮的公园。Thisis the most beautiful park that_I_have_visited.(2)我们常常谈起我们记得的那些人和事。Weoften talk about the persons and things that_we_remember.(3)我已找到昨天丢的钢笔。Ihave found the very pen that_I_lost_yesterday.三、用which不用that的情况1.在定语从句中作介词的宾语,且介词位于关系代词前时。Thisis the room in which he lives.这是他住的房间。2.引导非限制性定语

22、从句时。Tomcame back, which made us very happy.汤姆回来了,这使我们很高兴。3.在限制性定语从句中,如果有两个定语从句,其中前一句的关系代词是that,那么后一句的关系代词就要用which。Letme show you the novel that Iborrowed from the library which wasnewly open.我给你看这本从新开的图书馆里借来的小说。【即学即练4】用关系代词填空(1)Thehouse in which I used to live has become a shoe shop.(2)Haveyou ever

23、read the book, which was written by a young girl?四、使用定语从句的注意事项1.关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,定语从句的谓语动词要和先行词的数保持一致。“one of复数名词”作先行词,谓语动词用复数形式;“the only one of复数名词”作先行词,谓语动词用单数形式。Thisis one of the books which werewritten by Charles Dickens.这是查理斯狄更斯所写的书中的其中一本。He isthe only one of the boys in our classwho has learned

24、 French.他是我们班里唯一一个学过法语的男孩。注意:which引导非限制性定语从句时,往往代表前面所说的整个情况。这时which被看作单数,其后的谓语动词应用单数形式。Hesaid he was a Frenchman, which wasnot true.他说他是一个法国人,这不是真的。2.为避免关系词的重复,被关系代词所代替的成分不可在从句中重复出现。Thisis the factory which we visited lastSunday.(visited后不可加it)这就是我们上星期天参观过的工厂。3.关系代词的省略。(1)关系代词作主语时不能省略。(2)作动词宾语的关系代词,可以省略;作介词宾语的关系代词,如果不直接位于介词后,可省略,如果直接作介词的宾语,不能省略。(3)关系代词which在非限制性定语从句中不能省略。【即学即练5】单句语法填空(1)Allthings can be done_has (have) been done.(2)Thestudent you should learn from is the one who works hard and studieshard.(3)Heis one of the students who know Spanish.6


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