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1、五年级英语期中测试卷一、 判断下列划线字母中发音不同的一个,并将序号写在括号里。(6分) ( )1. A、 cat B、bag C、read ( )2. A、 flag B、may C、map( )3. A、 bad B、hat C、make( )4. A、 dog B、good C、hot( )5. A、 bee B、get C、red( )6. A、 bed B、eat C、leg二、 英汉互译。(20分)( )1. rubber boots A、雨衣 B、雨靴( )2. wind A、风 B、刮风的( )3.summer A、夏天 B、秋天( )4. make a snowman A、打

2、雪仗 B、堆雪人( )5. August A、八月 B、十月( )6. 寒冷的 A、cool B、cold( )7.十一月 A、October B、November( )8. 春天 A、spring B、summer( )9. 去划船 A、go boating B、go climbing( )10.刮风 A、blow B. skate三、 根据汉语提示,在横线上填上单词所缺字母。( 8分)1. _anuary ( 一月 ) 2. rain_( 下雨的 ) 3._inter ( 冬天 )4. _uly (七月 ) 5.s_ate ( 滑冰 ) 6. s_im ( 游泳 )7. coo_ ( 凉爽

3、的 ) 8._hinese _nots (中国结 )四、 选词填空。( 12分 )1. _ up!A. Get B. get C. look2. Look out _ the window!A. of B. at C. /3. Lets _ snowballls. A. make B. throw C. play4. November is in _.A. spring B. summer C.winter5. She often _ swimming in summer .A. go B. goes C.6. Good _!A. / B. idea C.look五、 连词成句。 (10分)1

4、. home / go / Lets ( . ) 2. birthday / is / your /when (? ) 3. weather / hows / the / ( ? ) 4. often / he / goes / in / spring / boating ( . ) 5. season / do / like / you / which / best ( ? ) 六、 连线题。( 10分)A B1. Is October in winter? a. Dont worry.2. Its rainy. b. I havent got an umbrella.3. Oh, too

5、bad! c. Lets go home.4. School is over. d. Its rainy.5. Look out of the window! e. No, its in autumn.七、 情景选择。( 24分)1.放学了,该回家了,你会对你的同学说: ( ) ASchool is over. B.Lets go home. CLook out of the window!2. 当你需要某件东西,却发现自己没带,你如何说: ( ) ADont worry. B.Im sorry.COh, too bad! I havent got 3.别人给你提供帮助后,你会如何说: ( )

6、AThanks a lot. B.Dont worry.CYoure welcome. 4. 当你看到下雨而没带雨具时,你会说: ( )A.Im sorry. B.Wonderful!C.Oh, too bad! 5. 当别人给你一个很好的建议时,你会说: ( )AThank you. BGood idea!C. How are you? 6. 当你想知道好朋友的生日时,你该如何说: ( )AWhat your name? B When is your birthday?C. Happy birthday! 7. 当你想给别人一个好的建议时,你该说: ( )AMay I help you? B. You should C What are you doing? 8. 当你想约好朋友一起出去玩时,你该说: ( )AI want to go out to play.BShall we go out to play?C. Thanks a lot.


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