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1、江苏省苏州市昆山市葛江中学2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中阶段性练习英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1 TikTok is _ popular app among the young. Do you know the reason? People can enjoy different kinds of videos through _ app.Athe; anBa; anCa; theDan; the2_ interesting book The Old and the Sea is!AHowBHow anCWhatDWhat an3 _ do your class

2、mates do outdoor activities every day, Anna? About one hour.AHow longBHow oftenCHow muchDHow soon4My grandparents _ the house 30 years ago. It is still in use.Aput onBput upCput outDput down5There _ a parents meeting on Tuesday afternoon, isnt there? Yes. But my parents dont have time for it.Awill h

3、aveBis going to haveCwill beDis going to be6 How much did you _ the trousers? Oh, they _ much. They are nearly 400 yuan. Atake; costBspend on; spentCpay for; costDspend on; paid7There will be an art show in the city library, but _ knows the date for sure.AsomebodyBnobodyCanybodyDeverybody8Listen! Ca

4、n you hear Peter _ in the next room? Yes. Sounds really beautiful!Ato singBsingsCsangDsinging9 Red light! Stop! You cant drive _ a red light. Sorry. I was checking the map .AoverBaboveCacrossDthrough10No hurry. There will be _ two buses coming in five minutes.AanotherBotherCothersDthe other11Its so

5、cloudy. I think it _.Awill rainBrainsCrainingDis going to rain12Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bookshop? Go along this road. Its about _ ride.Afive minuteBfive minutesCfive-minutesDfive minutes13_students came to the library, but only _of them read books.AHundreds of ; two hundredBHundred o

6、f ; two hundredsCHundreds of; two hundredsDHundred of ; two hundred14You look tired. _ stop _ and have a rest?AWhy not; to workBWhy dont you; to workCWhy not; workingDWhy not you; working15Hows your English learning in middle school?_. I passed the exam easily!AJust so soBNot so goodCBelieve it or n

7、otDTerrible二、完形填空May is a beautiful month full of sunshine and flowers. It is also the _16_ when we show thanks on the second Sunday Mothers Day. In my family, every years Mothers Day celebration is different. Two years ago, I made _17_ for my mom in bed and she still remembered the dishes I cooked

8、that morning. Last year, I bought her a selfie stick (自拍杆) with the money I made by _18_ some of my old books.This May, I wanted to do something special. In late _19_, I started to search for gift ideas online. It took me about two weeks to get a final (最后的) idea. _20_ I made a box with colourful ca

9、rds by hand. Then I put a small bag of _21_ in the box. Of course I wrote some messages on the cards, and they were all _22_ jobs I could do for my mom at home, like feeding pets and cleaning the floor.On Mothers Day Eve, I went into my moms room and put the present on her bed quietly _23_ she went

10、to sleep. The next morning when she _24_, she found it. She was very excited and spent much time looking at every tiny detail (细节) of the box _25_ and tried the sweets inside.Mothers Day is a happy time for me to thank my mom and show her my love because she takes good care of me.16AdayBweekCyearDmo

11、nth17AbreakfastBteaClunchDsupper18AbuyingBgivingCsendingDselling19AMayBAprilCJuneDJuly20ANextBThenCFirstDFinally21AchipsBsweetsCpiesDcoffee22AinterestingBhardCdangerousDsmall23AbeforeBwhenCafterDuntil (直到为止)24Alooked upBwoke upCgrew upDstood up25AquicklyBluckilyCsadlyDhappily三、阅读单选Not enough rubber

12、any moreLook around you. Can you find anything made of rubber (橡胶)? Your erasers, rain shoes, car tires, doctors gloves Rubber is soft and isnt afraid of water. It is important and useful to us. But there is bad news. We might run out of natural rubber.Where does rubber come from?Most natural rubber

13、 comes from trees in warm places like India and Thailand. About 85% of the worlds rubber comes from these places.Why are we running out?Some rubber trees are sick. They can spread (传播) sickness to other trees. More trees can get sick. Rubber is very cheap. Farmers cant make enough money by selling i

14、t. They dont want to harvest and sell rubber.What can we do?We can grow more rubber trees. We can try to get rubber from other plants, such as a kind of Russian dandelion (蒲公英).26What is the meaning of the phrase “run out”?A跑出去B耗尽C增加D追逐27Why isnt there enough rubber any more?ABecause rubber is too e

15、xpensive.BBecause people in India and Thailand stop planting rubber trees.CBecause people can get rubber from other plants.DBecause some rubber trees are sick.28What can we do to get more natural rubber?ACut down more rubber trees.BMake more things made of rubber.CAsk fewer farmers to harvest rubber

16、.DTry to get rubber from other plants.All mammals (哺乳动物) sleep. Some stand up when they are sleeping and others lie down. All people need to sleep too. No one really knows why we sleep, but we know it is important for us to get enough sleep.When we sleep, our bodies and brains (大脑) are very busy. Ou

17、r bodies are busy buildingnew cells (细胞). We need them to grow. Without sleep, children do not grow and may get sick more often. During sleep, our brains are busy putting our ideas in order (顺序) and then storing them in our memories (记忆). Without sleep, it is hard to remember things.Sleep is importa

18、nt. When people do not get enough sleep, they do things more slowly, get sad easily and make mistakes.We all need sleep, but how much sleep we need changes as we grow up. A newborn baby sleeps from sixteen to twenty hours a day, but as people get older, they need less sleep. The ten-year-old childre

19、n sleep ten hours a day. Most adults (成人) spend about eight hours a day sleeping. Some older people only spend about six hours a day sleeping.We may not know why we sleep, but we know we look better and feel better after a good nights sleep because our bodies and our brains are ready for a new day.2

20、9When we sleep, _.Anothing happensBwe get sad easilyCwe feel tiredDour bodies build new cells30The word “storing” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”.AchangingBturningCkeepingDsharing31Paragraph 4 mainly tells us _.Ahow much sleep people needBwhy people all need sleepCwhy sleep time changes with ageDh

21、ow people can get enough sleepI am Alice. My sister and I spent our last summer holiday with our uncle who is a geologist (地质学家) and loves to collect stones.One day, he bought us two backpacks (背包) and asked us to go to the mountain with him. We walked the whole day. Every now and then, he put stone

22、s in our backpacks. To our surprise, he also took some stones out from them. But we thought he had just found better stones.When we returned to the house, we were very tired. The backpacks were so heavy that we felt relaxed when we took them off. Yet, our uncles backpack was half empty.“Why did you

23、give us so many stones?” we asked.“I didnt. You did,” he said. “You didnt know it, but I gave you a little attitude (态度) test today. I listened to every word you said. Whenever you were complaining, I added (增加) a stone to your backpacks. Every time you talked about something with positive (积极的) tho

24、ughts (想法), I took out a stone. And now look at your backpacks.”Our backpacks were full of stones.“Your negative (消极的) thoughts are just like stones. You carry them in your mind (头脑) just like those stones in your backpacks. The more negative thoughts you have, the heavier your mind will be,” said o

25、ur uncle.With great love, our uncle taught us one of the most important lessons in life the power (力量) of the attitude.32Alices uncle likes to collect _.AcoinsBstampsCbooksDstones33Alices and her sisters backpacks were full of stones because they _.Aenjoyed collecting stones very muchBcomplained too

26、 much on the wayCwere hard-workingDchose wrong backpacks to carry the stones34The underlined word “them” refers to “_” in the passage.Athe positive thoughtsBthe negative thoughtsCthe stonesDthe backpacks35The writer wrote this passage to tell us to _ .Ahelp people in troubleBmake a plan before doing

27、 somethingChave a positive attitude towards lifeDbe pleased to take others advice四、补全对话7选5Waiter: Can I help you?Clark: _36_Waiter: Would you like some salad? _37_Clark: OK. A vegetable salad, too.Waiter: What fruit do you want, oranges or bananas?Clark: _38_ I like strawberries.Waiter: Let me see.

28、_39_Clark: And Id like some chocolate ice cream as my dessert.Waiter: Anything else?Clark: No. Thats all.Waiter: OK. _40_AIll bring them soon.BI dont like bananas or oranges.CSorry, we dont.DWe have strawberries.EOur vegetable salad is very good.FWelcome to our shop.GYes. Id like some chicken.五、同义句转

29、化41To get to the museum, you should turn left at the second turning. (改为同义句)_ the _ _ _ the left and you will arrive at the museum.六、改写句子42Tommy gave something to eat to his pet dog. (改为否定句)Tommy _ _ _ to eat to his pet dog.七、同义句转化43Your apple is as big as my apple. (改为同义句)Your apple is_as _ .44The

30、little girl is not strong enough to carry the box. (同义句转换)The little girl is _ _ _ carry the box.45When I passed the old mans house, I saw that he was knocking something. (改为同义句) When I passed the old mans house, I saw _ something.八、改写句子46He went to school on his bike. He didnt have breakfast.(两句并一句

31、)He _ _ school _ _ breakfast.九、用所给单词的正确形式填空47Daniel is always the first one _ (get) to school every day.48_ (fix) the washing machine before work is important.49Where is your father?He _(repair) my watch in the room.50He _ (plan) a trip to the Fun World Museum with his family last weekend.51Never _

32、(cross) the road when the light is red.52He often _ (lie) on the sofa when he was young.53I told the children _ (not go) out and stay at home.54The twins will visit the Great Wall if they _(be) free next Sunday.55Look! The children are making cards _ (show) love to their mothers.56His cousin is look

33、ing forward to _ (collect) more stamps.十、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填上适当单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空,使短文完整通顺,每格限填一词。An old man, from a non-English-speaking country, took his wife _57_ Miami, a seashore city of the USAThey wanted to take a visit around the city, but they were afraid of _58_ (get) lost because they couldnt s

34、peak _59_ (some) English.Before _60_ (leave), they wrote down the words on the gate of the hotel. They walked around _61_ city and bought something they liked. After two hours, they _62_ (begin) to go back. Of course, they couldnt remember the route, _63_ they went to a policeman and asked for help.

35、 The policeman asked, “_64_ do you live?” The couple took out the paper with the words on. The policeman was _65_ (surprise). He read the words on the paper, “Welcome to _66_ (we) hotel!”十一、根据汉语提示填空67Remember to take a map with you or youll get lost in a _(陌生的)place.68Neil was sitting _(独自)in the co

36、rner of the room with a book in his hands.69I heard a shout from the room _(下面).70_ (千) of mice ran out of the building before the rain.71The clothes on the chair are the _ (参观者). Please give them to him.72You will have to drive slowly because there is always lots of _ (来往车辆)on this road.73I live on

37、 the _(十二) floor. What about you?74About ten million people _ (回答) to this question on the Internet last week.75Do you have any new _ (信息) about the final exams?十二、根据句意及音标填空76I have two _ /vdz/ of my school. I will show them to you next time.77When anything happens, _ /bliv/ in yourself.78We cant go

38、 into the room because the doors are all _ /lkt/.十三、根据首字母填空79The police are s_ the building for the missing (失踪的) boy.80Children went to the museum to learn more about a_ things.81The little girl f_ to climb up to the hill because she was too tired.十四、完成句子82一直向前走,你将会找到那片森林。Go _ _, and youll find the _ .83鲁班以能用竹子制作东西而闻名中国。Lu Ban was famous _ _ things _ of bamboo in China.84前几天他不在上海。He _ in Shanghai the _ _.85我奶奶总喜欢自言自语。My grandma always likes _.86你们在回家的路上还看到了其他什么?What _ did you see _ your _ home?试卷第9页,共9页


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