Unit 3 Our animal friends-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:d0876).zip

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Unit 3 Our animal friends Name Think and write (选词填空) 1. Nancys fish have big , and . 2. Mikes dog has big and a short . 3. Liu Taos rabbit has long and a short . 4. Su Hais parrot has a big , a long , two legs and two . bodies ears tail wings tail eyes tails tail ears mouth story time Do you know? Enjoy pictures Enjoy pictures Enjoy pictures Enjoy pictures Enjoy pictures Help! Help! Enjoy pictures Youre so big! Enjoy pictures Im thirsty, thank you! Enjoy pictures How cool! Enjoy pictures Animals are our good friends. Watch and match World Animal Day is coming soon. 世界动物日快到了。世界动物日快到了。 The students are planning for it. 学生们正在做活动准备。学生们正在做活动准备。 They are making some riddles about their animal friends. 他们正在制作一些关于他们动物朋友的谜语。他们正在制作一些关于他们动物朋友的谜语。 Look and say otherm Reading tips: 在朗读以在朗读以and相连相连的英语长句时,我的英语长句时,我 们可以在们可以在and之前读升调。之前读升调。 Nancy has two cute animal friends. One is long and the other is . One is big . One is red and the other is black. short and the other is small Say a chant Nancy has two cute animal friends. One is red and the other is black. One is long and the other is . One is big . short and the other is small Read and say no armf手臂手臂an or leg 腿腿let a body 身体身体 bodies ( (复数复数) ) Read and say It has no arms. It has no legs. It has no legs or arms. Read and circle 仔细读图仔细读图2和图和图3的文字,的文字, 圈出描述相同外貌特征的句子圈出描述相同外貌特征的句子 Read and fill 相相 同同 点点 Colour 颜色颜色 Appe- arance 外貌外貌 white four legs a short tail Read and underline 仔细再读图仔细再读图2和图和图3的文字,的文字, 划出描述不同外貌特征的句子划出描述不同外貌特征的句子 Read and fill white four legs a short tail 相相 同同 点点 Colour 颜色颜色 不不 同同 点点 Appe- arance 外貌外貌 can big ears long ears red eyes run and jumprun Summary How can we describe our animal friends? 我们怎么描述我们的动物朋友呢?我们怎么描述我们的动物朋友呢? What colour is it? What does it have?It has What can it do? Look and say Look and say It can wing 翅膀翅膀s do maths Look and say 和同桌讨论,怎么描述鹦鹉呢?和同桌讨论,怎么描述鹦鹉呢? Look, Su Hai has a parrot. It is It has It can Enjoy reading 同学们,让我们一起来跟录音读吧!同学们,让我们一起来跟录音读吧! 跟读的时候要注意你的语音和语调哦!跟读的时候要注意你的语音和语调哦! Enjoy reading 自己一个人读。自己一个人读。 同桌两人一起读。同桌两人一起读。 四人小组一起读。四人小组一起读。 选择课文中一个你喜欢的动物朋友,选择课文中一个你喜欢的动物朋友, 用一种你喜欢的方式,来读一读吧。用一种你喜欢的方式,来读一读吧。 Lets say C olour A ppe- a rance 外外 貌貌 c an white four legs a short tail big earslong ears red eyes run and jumprun red and black yellow and green big eyes big bodies big tails two legs a long tail a big mouth two wings swimtalk and fly 选择其中一个动物朋友说一说吧!选择其中一个动物朋友说一说吧! white four legs a short tail Think and write eyes bodies tailstail ears ears tailtail mouth wings Make a riddle We have an animal friend. It is It has It has no It can What animal is it? Nancy, Mike, Liu Tao, Su Hai 和和Miss Miao制作了许多谜语。制作了许多谜语。 请同学们一起加入吧!请同学们一起加入吧! Rules: 从信封中抽出动物图片,以四人为小组从信封中抽出动物图片,以四人为小组 一起合作,利用今天所学到的知识描述一起合作,利用今天所学到的知识描述 一下它吧!一下它吧! PS. . 别让其他小组看到你手中的图片哦!别让其他小组看到你手中的图片哦! Make a riddle We have an animal friend. It is It has It has no It can What animal is it? Think and do 我们还能为世界动物日做些什么呢?我们还能为世界动物日做些什么呢? 1 1、听课文并跟读三遍,完成、听课文并跟读三遍,完成P28的的Think and write 。 2 2、把、把Nancy, Mike, Liu Tao, Su Hai和和Miss Miao 的动物朋友介绍给你的父母。的动物朋友介绍给你的父母。 3 3、制作一张保护我们的动物朋友的手抄报。、制作一张保护我们的动物朋友的手抄报。 课题 5A Unit3 Our animal friends (1) 主备人复备人 教学 目标 知识目标:1.会用 have 和 has. 2.会用 One isthe other is 3.能熟练掌握课文。 能力目标:会用所学单词和句式介绍动物。 情感目标:懂得爱护动物,和动物做朋友。 教学 准备 课件,图片 教学 重难点 教学重点:熟练掌握 have 和 has, 并且运用于 日常交际用语中。 教学难点:能准确的在不同的人称区分运用 have 和 has。 课时第一课时 教学过程个人复备 Step1. Preparation 1. Greeting 2. Free-talk Do you like swimming/singing/running? Can you guess,what do I like doing? I like reading books, and I like to watch TV programs about animals, do you want to have a look? Step2. Presentation 1. T: Watch the short video, and then please tell me, what animals in it? (课件展示动物视频), look, what animal is it? Ss: T: Look ,it has (引导学生学习单词:arm, leg, tail) Read these words in many ways. (看动画视频) T: And do you know what animals are they? Ss: T: And they have (引导学生学习单词:bodybodies, foot-feet) Read these words in many ways. Step3. Production. 1. T: And there are some animals live with us, now please watch the cartoon and guess: what animals are they? Ss:(watch the cartoon, and then answer) T: Yes, and do you know, whose these animals are they? Please read the book and find the answers quickly. Ss:. (借助于课本 28 页, Match and say 部分完成.) 2. Lets have a look one by one, about YangLing. how many animals does she have? What colour are they ? Look at these two fish, one is, the other is Do they have arms? Do they have legs? What do they have? What can they do? (边问,学生回答边板书) 3. Read the text silently(part2 and part3),and complete this. 4. Read the text silently(part4),and judge (回答中,完成板书) 5. Read the text. 6. Retell the story. 7. Fill in the blanks. Step 4. Progress T: In the world, there are many kinds of animals, some you know, but the other students dont know, now, can you introduce one for us? Step5. 情感教育 Step6. Homework 1. Use the sentences we learned, introduce a kind of rare animal in China. You can find information on the internet. 2.Read more English articles about animals. animalcolourbodylegseyesearstailmouthcan Nancy 教后记:教后记:
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