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1、中考英语语法综合测试题(三)1Nobody told me _ , so I need your helpAhow to doBhow should I do Cwhat to doDWhat should I do2We are going to lean _ tomorrow. ALesson TenthBLesson TenCTenth LessonDThe Lesson Ten3I cant get on the bus, because there is _ on itAnot any roomsBno roomsClittle roomDfew room4The League _

2、in May, 1922. AfoundBwas foundCfoundedDwas founded5-Wheres your headmaster? -He _ Beijing. He wont be back _ next weekAwent to; afterBhas gone to; until Chas been to; untilDhas been to; after6-Do you know if he _ to play basketball with us? -He will if he _ free. Acomes; isBcomes; will beCwill come;

3、 isDwill come; will be7-I have lost my dictionary. - _. AWhat a pity!BIts nothingCIt doesnt matterDNot at all8-Would you like to play football with us? - _. Ayes, Im gladBYes, Id love toCNo, I dont likeDNo, I cant9-Hello! may I speak to Bill? - _. AWho are you?BYes, Im BillCSorry, hes outDthank you1

4、0-Dont make faces in class! - _. ASorry, I wont do it againBCertainly, I willCThats OKDExcuse me, Im wrong11-Happy New Year to you! - _. AThank youBme, tooCThe same to youDAll the same12-Hello, may I speak to Lily? - _. ANot Lily but LucyBThis is LilyCYes, speakDIm Lily13After they washed their hand

5、s, Mother gave each of her children _ apple. AtheB/ CaDan14-May I see your ticket please, madam? -Certainly _. AHere it isBHere is itCHere are youDYoure here15You can see many beautiful shop windows _ both sides of the street _ your way to school. Aat; atBfrom; fromCon; onDalong; along16_ this kind

6、of question often _ in your class, Ann? ADoes; askBIs; askedCHas; askedDWill; ask17-Your English is very good. -But my brother knows it much _ than I do. AgoodBwellCbetterDbest18-Which is the way to the No, I middle School? -Go down this street _ you reach the second traffic lights. Then turn right.

7、 AtillBbutCifDbecause19-What do you usually have for breakfast? - _ milk and _ eggs. AA little; a littleBA few; a littleCA few; a fewDA little; a few20How nice youve come! Weve waited for you for about two hours. Where _ , Jim? Aare youBhave you beenCare you fromDhave you gone21-What did your mother

8、 say, Tom? -She asked me _. Awhy my sister is cryingBwhy my sister was cryingCwhy is my sister cryingDwhy was my sister crying22The man always says his meat looks _ and sells _.Agood; goodBwell; wellCgood; wellDwell; good23-What shall we do now? -_ for a walk?AHows about to goBWhat about to goCHows

9、about goingDWhat about going24- _ have you been at the university? -More than five months. AHow manyBHow muchCHow soonDHow long25-Dont you think her radio is too loud? -Tell her to _ it _ , please. Aturn; upBturn; downCput; upDput; down26-Has Lily bought the books _ ? -No, she hasnt bought any _. Ay

10、et; yetBalready; alreadyCtoo; tooDeither; either27-Would you like _ tea?-Yes, and _ milk too, I think. Aany; anyBsome; someCsome; anyDany; many28You _ to school tomorrow if you go to look after your mother in the hospital. Adont need comeBdont comeCneednt to comeDneednt come29-Whore fishing over the

11、re? - _. ABrownsBBrownCThe BrownsDThe Brown30-Whos the best football player _ in Taishan Team? -Sorry. I dont know. Aat the momentBfor a momentCjust a momentDa moment later31-Is that a boy swimming in the lake? -I cant find out _ its a boy _ a girl. Aif; andBthat; andCwhether; orDeither; or32His fat

12、her is _ English teacher. He works in our school. AaBanCtheD/ 33I often go shopping with my mother _ Sundays. AonBinCatDto34Could you give me _ , please?Atwo piece of paperBtwo piece of papersCtwo pieces of paperDtwo pieces of papers35“Is this your shirt?”“No, its not _. ”AmeBmyCmyselfDmine36“What a

13、re you going to buy?”“Im going to buy _ bananas. ”Aa littleBa fewClittleDfew37September is _ month of the year. AnineBninethCthe ninthDthe nineth38John drives as _ at Tom. AcarefullyBgoodCniceDfine39Which is the _ city, Shanghai, Beijing or Tianjin? AlargeBlargerClargestDmore large40“May I smoke her

14、e?”“No, you _. ”AmustntBdontCmustDneednt41Mother is ill, I have to _ her at home. Alook aroundBlook forClook upDlook after42When will they _ in Fuzhou? AgetBreachCarriveDgot43“Excuse me. How long may I _ the book?”“Two weeks. ”AborrowBkeepClendDkept44The tiger made the monkey _ him something to eat.

15、AbringingBto bringingCbringsDbring45The runner fell, but he quickly got up and went on _. ArunningBrunCto runDran46I think maths _ one of the important subjects.AareBisCwereDwas47_ nice girl Kate is!. AHowBWhatCWhat anDWhat a48“Why did Li Lei use a pencil?”“ _ his pen was broken. ”ABecauseBWhenCUnti

16、lDIf49Excuse me. Could you tell me _ our tickets? Awhere do we showBwhere shall we show Cwhere did we showDwhere we shall show50“Happy birthday to you!”“ _ ”AHappy birthday to you!BThank youCThats all right. DThats OK. 51“Whats the date today?”“ _ ”AIts ThursdayBIts windyCIts June 26DIts cloudy52Mr

17、Smith has two sons. _ is a doctor, _ is a driver. AThis; otherBThis; anotherCOne; anotherDOne; the other53-What are the official(官方的) languages in Hong Kong now?-They are _ and _. AChina; EnglishBChinese; EnglishCChina; EnglandDChinese; England54Before _ breakfast, I always read for half _ hourAthe;

18、 aBa; anC/; anD/; a55His motorbike is very nice. What about _ ?AyouByourCyoursDtheir56“The year 1997”should be read“the year _ ? ”Aone thousand nine hundred and ninety-sevenBnineteen ninety-sevenCone nine nine sevenDnineteen and ninety-seven57She looks and sings _. Abeautiful, beautifullyBbeautiful,

19、 beautifulCbeautifully, beautifulDbeautifully, beautifully58_ she _ he is good at maths. ABoth, andBEither, norCNeither, orDNeither, nor59Lily worked hard _ her lessons and soon caught up _ the others. Aat, toBin, afterCat, withDwith, with60-Must I finish my lessons now? - _. AYes, you mustntBNo, yo

20、u mustntCYes, you needDNo, you neednt 61- _ will you stay in America?-About two weeks. AHow longBHow oftenCHow soonDHow62The policeman told us _ football on the street. Adont playBnot playCnot to playDto not play63The film, Kong Fansen was _ all over the country. Aput onBput downCput upDput away64Th

21、eres nothing serious , _ there? AwasntBisCisntDhasnt65Do you know _ ? Awhere was she workingBwhat time is itChow many books she hasDhow can he answer it66There is _ in the lake. Aanything strangeBstrange anythingCstrange somethingDsomething strange67Where _ your son? AamBareCis68Jane is _ girl. She

22、is English girl. Aa; theBa; anCan; the69After he heard the news, he went to the hospital _ onceAatBinCon70We walk with our _. AfootBfootsCfeet71The lake is far away. But _ people like to swim there.Aa littleBfewCa few72A quarter to six is _. A6:45B6:15C5:4573This city is _ than that one. AbeautifulB

23、more beautifulCthe most beautiful74Because it was very cold , _ he put on a coat before he went out. AsoB/ Cand75He _ a friend in the country next week. AsawBseesCis going to see76-_ I get up at six tomorrow? -No, you neednt. AMayBCanCMust77I want to know _. Awhat time does the train arrive Bwhat ti

24、me will the train arriveCwhat time the train will arrive78If I _ free tomorrow, I will go shopping with my aunt.Awill beBbeCam79Mr Smith has taught in the school _ 1990. AinBforCsince80Can you let me _ home a little earlier. AgoBgoingCto go81-Has Tom started to work in your factory? -No. He is _ in

25、school. AyetBthenCstill82“Happy New Year!”“ _. ”AYes, Im happyBYoure happy, tooCIm glad to hear thatDThe same to you83“Whats the weather like today?”“ _. ”AIts SundayBIts cloudyCIt was coldDI dont like it84“What does your father do?”“ _ ”AHe does wellBHe goes to workCHe is at workDHe is a teacher85“

26、Hi, Mary! You look very beautiful today. ”“ _. ”AThanks a lotBNo, not at allCDont say so, pleaseDI dont think so86“Would you like to go skating with me?”“ _. ”AYes, pleaseBNo, I dont CYes, Id love toDThats right87“What can I do for you?”“Id like some _. ”Abottle of orangeBbottle of orangesCbottles o

27、rangeDbottles of orange88_ school is much larger than _. ATheir; ourBTheir; oursCtheirs; oursDTheirs; our89Do you know _ at the bus stop?Awhom they are waiting forBwho they are waitingCwhom are they waiting forDwho are they waiting 90Which do you like _ , apples, oranges or pears? AgoodBwellCbetterD

28、best91That woman wanted to know _ her daughter liked the sweater. AwhetherBwhatCwhichDthat92The meeting will begin at half past two in the afternoon, _ ? Adoes isBdoesnt itCwill itDwont it93Well go for a picnic if it _ tomorrow. Aisnt going to rainBwont rainCdoesnt rainDisnt raining94A lot of tall b

29、uildings _ in our city last year. Aare builtBwas builtCwere builtDcan be built95The policeman told the boys _ in the street. Anot playBnot to playCnot playingDto not play96This is James Allom Green. We can call him _ AMr GreenBMr AllomCMr JamesDJames Green97The sound of the radio is too loud. Will y

30、ou please _ ? Aturn it downBturn it onCturn up itDturn down it 98The teacher asked all the students in the class to keep their eyes _ AcloseBto closeCclosingDclosed99Lin Tao went to work on the farm last week,and _ Ahis sister did soBso did his sisterCso his sister didDdid his sister so100_ is bad f

31、or our health. ADoing eye exercisesBGoing to bed early CEating too muchDTaking a walk after supper参考答案1C 2B 3C 4D 5B 6C7A 8B 9C 10A 11C 12B13D 14A 15C 16B 17C 18A19D 20B 21B 22C 23D 24D25B 26A 27B 28D 29C 30A31C 32B 33A 34C 35D 36B37C 38A 39C 40A 41D 42C43B 44D 45A 46B 47D 48A49D 50B 51C 52D 53B 54C55C 56B 57A 58D 59C 60D61A 62C 63A 64B 65C 66D67C 68B 69A 70C 71C 72C73B 74B 75C 76C 77C 78C79C 80A 81C 82D 83B 84D85A 86C 87D 88B 89A 90D91A 92D 93C 94C 95B 96A97A 98D 99B 100C


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