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1、七年级英语(下)第一单元测试卷一 单项选择(共10小题,每小题分,计15分)1. My sister cant _ in a river. A. dances B. plays C. swim D. swims2. Can you play the _ well A. piano B. basketball C. chess D. football3. The girl is good at _. A. swimming B. speak English C. dancing D. draws;4. Can you play football _. Its hard. A. Yes, I ca

2、n B. No, I cant C. No, I can D. Yes, I cant5. What _ can you play I can play volleyball. A. music B. sports C. chess D. guitar6. We want two good _ our rock band. A. music for B. musicians for C. music in D. musician in:7. Lets join the chess club. _. A. Yes B. Sounds good C. Sound great D. Thanks8.

3、 What can you do, Lin Tao _. A. I like sports B. I want to join the music club C. I am well can do Chinese lung fu9. Can you play _ or play _ A. drums; chess B. the drums; chess C. drums; the chess D. drum; the chess10. We need you _help _sports! OK! A. to; / B. /; us C. to; and D. to; with二从框中选择适当的

4、单词,将对话补充完整(共10小题,每小题分,计15分)N:Hello,Bob!Nice to meet you here.B: Hi, Nancy! Nice to meet you, too.N: _1_ you swimB: Yes, I can. I _2_here. I _3_ children with swimming . Can you swimN: No, I cant. I _4_ to learn it. Can you teach meB: Sure. By the way(顺便问一下),_5_ club are you inN: Im in a _6_ club.B:

5、What can you do in the clubN: I can _7_ the violin.B: My brother sings well. Can he _8_ your clubN: Yes. _9_ me _10_ 2648838.B: OK. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _三完形填空(共10 小题,每小题2分,计20分)Maria and Jim _1_ sister and brother. They like music. Maria can play the piano. But she _2_ play the violi

6、n. Jim cant play the piano. But he _3_ play the violin. Today they _4_ to carry(搬)a piano to _5_ bedroom. _6_ piano is heavy. They cant _7_ it. _8_ parents arent at home. They cant help them to the piano. But they _9_ a cousin brother Dave. He is here today. They ask Dave to _10_ them.1. A. is B. am

7、 C. are D. be2. A. can B. cant C. doesnt D. does3. A. can B. cant C. doesnt D. does4. A. like B. want C. can D. take5. A. Maria B. she C. Marias D. hers,6. A. The B. A C. / D. An7. A. take B. carry C. help D. bring8. A. Marias and Jim B. Maria and Jims C. Marias and Jims D. They s9. A. have B. like

8、C. want D. there are10. A. come B. go C. join D. join in四阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)ASue has a cat. She likes playing with it at home. But shes seven now and she has to go to school. She has to leave it at home, so she isnt happy. She doesnt want to listen to her teacher. So she cant answer the questions

9、.Now the students are studying math. She is looking out of the window. Mr. Green asks,“ What is plus(加) two, Sue”Sue stands up and she cant answer it.“If your mother gives you two pencils,” Mr Green says,” I give you two, how many pencils do you have”“ Five, Mr. Green.”“ You are wrong,” Mr. Green sa

10、ys. “ You have four.”“ I dont think so.” The girl says. “ I already have one in my pencil box!”1. Sue wants to _.A. listen to her teacher B. answer the questions C. be at home with her cat D. take her cat to school)2. Sue isnt happy because _. A. she has to leave her cat at home B. she likes playing

11、 C. she doesnt like school D. she cant answer the questions3. Whats “math” in Chinese _.A. 自然 B. 数学 C.历史 D.地理4. Mr. Green is Sues _.A. teacher B. mother C. worker D. father5. Sues answer to the math question is _.A. good B. right C. not wrong D. wrongBDo You Want To Be A MusicianDo you want to be a

12、musician Come to our club, and you will be very happy in the club. We have lessons about the piano, the drums, the guitar and the violin for just 20 each. You can also learn to sing ,to dance 25 each .If you like art, you can be satisfied(满意的),too. Its just for 30 each!6. How many kinds of instrumen

13、ts(乐器)are there in the ad(广告)There are _.A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 47. How much is it for the piano lesson Its _.A. 25 B. 20 C.30 D. 45;8. We cant learn about the _ in the club. A. drums B. violin C. art D. chess9. If you want to learn about guitar and singing, you should pay _. A. 45 B. 20 C.30 D. 2510. Wh

14、at does “lessons” mean in the ad _ A.教师 B.课本 C.课程 D.教室五词语运用(共二题,每题10分,共20分)一)根据汉语提示完成句子!1. Do you _(说)English Sorry, I dont.2. Can she _(跳舞) Yes, she can.3. Lisa can play the _(钢琴)。4. We can help the old _ (人们)。5. Do you have time on _(周末)二)用括号里单词的适当形式填空、1. _(be) you good with old people2. He wants

15、to be a good _(misic)3. What club _(do) Lisa want to join4. She is very good at _(tell) stories.5. It is _(interest) and fun!六书面表达(计10分)假设你们学校的运动俱乐部要招收新的运动员,请你帮助俱乐部写一张海报来吸引更多的同学加入俱乐部。答案一15 C A C B B 610 B B D B D二1. Can 2. work 4. want 5. what 6. music 7. play 8. join 9. Call 三1-5 C B A B C 6-10 A B B A C 四15 C A B A D 6-10 D B D A C五一)1. speak 2. dance 3. piano 4. people 5. weekends二)1. Are 2. musician 3. does 4. telling 5. interesting六答案略


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