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1、人教版英语八年级上册第八单元测试卷八年级上考试范围:U8;考试时间:100分钟第I卷(选择题)一、单选题1Did Judy invite you _ dinner with her?Yes,but I refused.Ato haveBhaveChavingDhad2When did you go to bed last night?I didnt go to bed _ I finished reading the novel.AifBuntilCthoughDbecause3Can you finish the work on time?I think I need _ ten minut

2、es.AmoreBotherCanotherDnext4When will your father come back?_ a week.AOnBForCAtDIn5Its 7:00 am.The air is fresh.Its a good time _.AexerciseBto exerciseCexercisingDto exercising6_?I want to make apple milk shake.AWhat is your favorite foodBHow do you make apple milk shakeCHow many apples do you needD

3、What do you want to make for them7Three pieces of bread _ for his little son.AisBareCwereDwas8My parents and I had dinner in the new restaurant and the waiter _ our meals quickly.AservesBis servingCservedDis going to serve9Im busy now.Susan,please help me add _ to the vegetable soup.Athree spoon of

4、saltBthree spoons of saltCthree spoons of saltsDthree spoon of salts10Why not _ some sugar _ the coffee?- That sounds great.Aput, atBadd, toCadd, withDadd, /11I heard that you got a great job.How are you going to _ it?How about eating out?AcelebrateBdiscussCshakeDcover12 Do you know if it tomorrow?

5、I am not sure. It may snow if the temperaturebelow zero.Asnows; will dropBwill snow; will dropCwill snow; dropsDsnows; drops13 Were you when you were playing in the final? Not at all. I was quite sure that our team would win.AexcitedBinterestedCcalmDnervous14 Which of the following words is NOT a co

6、mpound word? is.AToothacheBCarelessCRailwayDRainstorm15I was working hard on the problem when a wonderful idea suddenly went_ my mind.AinBoverCacrossDthrough二、 完型填空I like eating chicken hamburgers.Theyre my favorite._you like them,let me tell you how to make a_hamburger.First,check you have all the

7、ingredients(原料)You need two _ of bread,some chicken and lettuce.You_need one spoon of cream and some relish.Next,put the chicken_one piece of bread.Put the lettuce on the chicken._some relish and the cream to the lettuce.Put_piece of bread on the top.Now the great chicken hamburger is_.But you cant

8、eat it.Put it into a paper bag.Then put the bag in the oven and turn on the oven.After about twenty seconds,_the oven and take out your chicken hamburger.You can enjoy it now.But you shouldnt eat hamburgers_,because theyre not good for health.16AAndBIfCSoDBut17AturkeyBduckCchickenDbeef18AspoonsBcupC

9、PieceDpieces19AalsoBtooCcantDdont20AinBonCIntoDto21APutBPourCAddDMix22AotherBthe othersCothersDthe other23AdeliciousBOKCgoodDsuper24Aturn offBturn onCcut upDturn up25AeverBhardlyCneverDoften三、阅读单选When I was a boy,I had a big appetite(胃口)I was lucky enough to have my grandma,because she always cooked

10、 delicious food for me.At that time,I lived at school.I could only go back home on vacation.But whenever I got the chance to go back home,I would like to stay in my grandmas home.When my grandma cooked in the kitchen,I would like to help her.I helped her wash vegetables,clean dishes and so on.Then I

11、 set the table and waited for her to eat together.It was really a warm memory(回忆) for me.My grandma always tried to create new dishes.Every time after she cooked a new dish,she would let me try first.Then she would wait for my comments for the dish.After I told her how I liked the dish,she would wri

12、te down some notes on a small notebook.When I grew up,I went to another city to work.Although I tried a lot of food in many expensive restaurants,in my eyes,my grandma was the best cook in the world.26Why did the writer say he was lucky enough?ABecause he had a big appetite.BBecause he worked in ano

13、ther city when he grew up.CBecause his grandma always cooked delicious food for him.DBecause his grandma helped him with his studies.27What is the second paragraph mainly about?AHow the writer helped his grandma cook.BWhy the writer always ate with his grandma.CWhy the writer liked to set the table.

14、DWhy the writer liked to clean dishes.28The underlined word “comments” in the passage means “_” in Chinese.A协助B品尝C赞赏D评论29What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?AThe writer always liked to try new dishes.BThe writers grandma liked to create new dishes.CThe writer often made some comments on foo

15、d.DThe writers grandma wrote comments about food on a notebook.30Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe writer lived at school when he was a boy.BThe writer still liked his grandmas dishes very much when he grew up.CThe writer never went to the expensive restaurants to try

16、food.DThe writer liked to stay with his grandma when he went back home from school.The most famous food in Korca is kimchi(泡菜). It is the food they eat every day. Also, there are about 190 kinds of kimchi. There are different kinds is of kimchi for different seasons of the year. For example, in spri

17、ng, watery kimchi, which is called mool kimchi, and Chinese cabbage are popular. In summer, young radish(萝卜) kimchi which is called chong kaik kimchi and cucumber(黄瓜) kimchi are common.Korea is a small country. There are not enough fields to grow vegetables. In winter, it often snows and it is very

18、cold. In the old days, people there found pepper was very good for them. They also found salty water could help them keep cabbage longer, so they mixed pepper, salt and cabbage together. They named it kimchi.Today, lots of things are added to kimchi, such as fish, letuce, pears, apples and other ing

19、redients. Some scientists say kimchi is very good for health, but others dont agree. What do you think of it?31What do Korean people make in spring?AMool kimchi.BChong kak kimchi.CCucumber kimchiDFruit kimchi.32Why did people inKorea make kimchi in the old days?ABecause people there didn t grow vege

20、tabls.BBecause there was too much pepperCBecause there were not enough vegetablesDBecause eating kimchi made them warm.33What s the second paragraph(段)mainly about?AKimchis ingredients.BDifferent kinds of kimchi.CKorean people and kimchi.DThe history of kimchi.34_ is not mentioned (被提到)about the ing

21、redients of making kimchi.ACabbageBYogurtCFishDLettuce35Which of the following is NOT true?APeople in Korea eat kimchi every dayBChong kak kimchi is made of radishes.CScientists have the same ideas about kimchiDThere are different kinds of kimchi in different seasons of the year.Instructions Take a

22、small cup of soybeans and wash them clean. Dip the soybeans into water for 4 -6 hours Put the dipped soybeans into the blender Pour water into the blender until the water level is near the water line Turn on the blender (About 20 minutes later) The blender beeps (发出哗哗声) to tell soybean milk is ready

23、 Turn off the blender. 8Pour out soybean milk from the blender.36After reading the passage, you can makeAa milk shakeBmilk teaCsoybean milkDorange juice37What do you need for soybean milk?ASoybeans.BWaterCA blender.DAll of the above38How long do you have to dip soybeans into water?ALess than four ho

24、urs.BMore than six hours,CAround five hours.DAll day39How much water do you need for soybean milk once?AA cup of water.BSome waterCNot much, not little.DWater level is near the water line40How long does the blender work to make soybean milk?ATen minutes.BAround twenty minutesCAbout thirty minutes.DH

25、alf an hour.第2卷(主观题)四、单词填空根据汉语提示在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限一词。Some people like shopping online.They 41 (买) clothes,books or computers on it.Like many other 42(聪明的) Chinese,Wu Songzhi is shopping online,too.“My family and I43 (喜欢) to eat tomatoes,broccoli,44 (生菜) and potatoes,so I want to buy organic (有机的) one

26、s,” said Wu.“They are 45(干净的) and I dont have to wash them so many 46(次)”Every month,Wu 47(花费) about 600 yuan on organic 48 (蔬菜) and meat on online organic shops.There are many people in Beijing shopping 49(像) Wu.They are eating and buying organic food.People buy organic food because they want to be

27、 more50 (健康的)They also want to know more about their food.五阅读判断It was late in the evening. I heard someone knocking at the door. I opened it and saw a young man with glasses. He said he was a friend of my fathers and he had an appointment with him. I didnt remember my father had such a friend but I

28、had to let him in. As he talked, I found that he didnt know anything about my father. Just then my father came in and the young man was surprised. I took hold of the man while my father called the policemen.根据短文,判断对错. 对的写T,错的写F.51One day a young man knocked at the door at midnight.52He was one of my

29、 fathers friends.53He knew nothing about my father.54My father and I caught the young man and took him to the police station.55The young man was a policeman.六材料作文56西红柿炒鸡蛋(scrambled eggs with tomatoes)是一道家常菜,它既美味可口又简单易做。根据所给提示,以How to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes为题写一篇80词左右的短文。原料:一个西红柿、3个鸡蛋,一个青椒(green pepper)、盐、油(oil)步骤:1将西红神和青椒切碎;2把鸡蛋打破(break )放入碗里并搅拌;3往鸡蛋里放些盐并搅拌;4将平底锅(pan)加热。锅里放些油,然后放入鸡蛋、西红柿和青椒;5翻炒两分钟即可。How to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes


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