新牛津(绿色上教版)一年级下册《英语》音标教学ppt件 3.ppt

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1、中元音 :n口形自然张开。在美国英语中,此音后面经常会加r音,因此听起来很像儿化音,需要有个卷舌的动作。发音代言人nbird常见发音字母组合nor world,wormnir bird,thirdner -serve,hernur hurt,furnear -learn,earlynour -journal,courteous单词发音练习nwordnworsenworknsirnshirtnfirstnpersonncertainnherbncurvenburglarnhambrugernearnestnearnnearthnmurdernmercyngirlncurlnburn短语速读练习n

2、work in a churchna nervous nursenher universitynthe worst journalistnhappy birthdaynthirty personsnsearch the murderernlearn new wordsnperfect furnthirteen worms句子快读练习nShe wears a dirty skirt.nThey returned to the church.nThis German is thirsty.nSir,what would you like to drink first?nThese workers

3、are earnestly served.句子快读练习nA bird in hand is worth two in the bush.nWhat on earth do you want for your thirtieth birthday?nIts a perfect world.nHe does research work in a firm.nHe cursed his girlfriend just now,which hurt her deeply.绕口令练习nWhen the murmur and chirp of the early bird is first heard b

4、y the earthworm,it squirms in the earth nervously.n当蚯蚓最初听到早起的鸟儿声音或低或高的鸣叫时,它在土里面不安地蠕动。音乐欣赏nThe Beatles 无疑是上世纪最有影响的乐队。在8年的时间中,他们不但改变了摇滚乐和流行乐,而且,永远的改变了所有音乐的面貌。1956年,罗尼多内甘(Lonnie Donegan)和克理斯巴博爵士乐队(the Chris Barber Jazz Band)以一首胡迪莱德巴特的Rock Island Line打入了排行榜的前十名。音乐欣赏The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有

5、虫吃。中元音 n在口腔的中间位置完成。发此音时,舌身平放,舍中部略微起,双唇扁平。发音代言人npanda常见发音字母组合na about,machinene seven,happenno -occasion,collectner -govern,sisternor -forget,doctor单词发音练习nagonaroundnarrivenactorndrivernlaternaccidentndistancencommonncanoenformalnmembernsofanformernworkerneagernmotherndederalnconsiderablencompany短语速读

6、练习naround severn oclocknmanager of the companyna committee membernthe federal governmentnhappen to meet an accidentna Canandian womannforget to see the doctorna considerable distancenon another occasionneager to learn句子快读练习nThe picture of the painter was a failure.nMy younger sister is a doctor.nHel

7、en will arrive here at seven a.m.tomorrow.nThey wont forget their former manager.nThe average height of women is shorter than that of men.句子快读练习nThe drivers younger brother is going to Cananda next Saturday.nEva went to the shop to buy some butter and sugar.nThe pop singer used to be a teacher.nHe u

8、sed his money to grease the federal government members.nMy father and mother love each other very much.绕口令练习nThe bottom of the butter bucket is the buttered bucket bottom.”The bun is better buttered,”Buffy muttered.n黄油桶底是抹上了黄油的桶底。“小面包上涂了黄油就更好了”巴佛嘟囔着。音乐欣赏n丹佛格伯1979 年以一首 Longer 而引起全球歌迷注目的作曲家、吉他手兼歌手 Dan

9、 Fogelberg,1951 年 8 月 13 日生于伊利诺州(Illinois)的 Peoria。十四岁开始学习钢琴,后来又进一步学习吉他和作曲,为以后往歌坛发展做准备。为了往歌唱圈发展,Fogelberg 于 1971 年毅然放弃即将到手的伊利诺大学艺术系学士学位,开始他的歌唱事业,在民谣界闯出自己的一片天空 音乐欣赏Baggars cant be choosers.既有求于人,哪能挑三拣四。辅音(摩擦音)f vn上齿轻轻咬住下唇内侧。将气流从唇齿的缝隙间轻轻吹出来,不震动声带。n与f大致相同。上齿轻轻咬住下唇内侧,再用力将气从唇齿的缝隙中吹出来,但需振动声带。发音代言人nfoxnvul

10、ture常见发音字母组合nf fire,halfnff cliff,sniffnph photo,phrasengh -enough,roughnv -vase,verynve -five,move单词发音练习nfixnfingernfinishnbriefncarefulnstiffnfriendnoffernfleetnflynvictornvoicenfivenactivenveilngravencavenbravenvillagenview短语速读练习nmy fathers friendnfive fingersnface to facena famous film starna br

11、ief framenvarious viewsnover and over againnvisit the villagenan invaild visana very hot oven句子快读练习nFortunately,Franks father fixed the photoes.nWhen its fall,there is a fine field of wheat.nThis fisher is selling fresh fish.nMy French friends flew here from France last Friday.nThe butterfly flitted

12、 from flower to flower.句子快读练习nHe has a valuable valley villa.nVan is a kind of vehicle.nVictor only eats vegetables.nThese visitors lived in a small village.nHis voice varies with the tune of the violin.绕口令练习nFifty-five firefighters fried fifty-five French fries.nVarious visitors visited the village

13、.n五十五名消防人员炸出五十五根法国炸薯条。n各种各样的访问者访问了这座村庄。辅音(摩擦音)n双唇微开,舌头伸出来,上下齿轻咬住舌尖,将气流从牙齿的缝隙中吹出来,声带不振动。“3333”n双唇微开,上下齿轻咬住舌尖,让气流尽量被上下齿堵住,只允许少量气体从牙齿缝隙中吹出来,同时振动声带发出声音。发音代言人nmothnmother常见发音字母组合nth thank,mathnth this,there单词发音练习nbathnhealthnbreathntoothnthrownthanknclothnthiefnthinknmonthntherenthannthosenleathernweathe

14、rnbrothernthusnthatnthisnthey短语速读练习nthe third toothnnorth and southnfrom mouth to mouthna thin thiefnhealthy thoughtn their leathernmothers clothesnfathers brothersnwithout themnbathe with him句子快读练习nI think you should thank her.nThere are thirty-three thrushes in the trees.nCathy went through the ex

15、am.nThirteen drummers are thumping drums.nWhat do you think about this thing?句子快读练习nThis is better than that.nHe is bathing in the hotel.nThis one is better than that.nThose clothes are bought buy my mother.nHis farther and mother will come this weekend.绕口令练习nI thought a thought but the thought I th

16、ought I thought was not the thought I thought.If the thought I thought has been the thought I thought I thought,I would not have thought so much.n我有一种想法,但是我的这种想法是我曾想到的那种想法。如果这种想法是我曾想到的想法,我就不会想那么多了。绕口令练习nId rather bathe in a southern sea than wear thick clothes as northerners do.n我宁愿整日泡在南方的海水里,也不愿意像北方人一样,穿着厚厚的衣服。发音小窍门n重音变轻音nunMary looks so different now.luk-snaurnThats our car.-tska:rnnI heard that you just quit.aih:dt发音小窍门n:nCash or charge?k-ta:rdnu:nWhat do you want me to do?dj tduna:rnYou are great!jugreit


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